“But Jesus said, if you are even angry with someone, you are subject to judgment! If you call someone an idiot, you are in danger of being brought before the court. And if you curse someone, you are in danger of the fires of hell.” Matthew 5:22 NLT
Sitting on a soft chair in my living room, I received a distressing call from a crazy man! It was a seasonal, infraction report… and apparently a number of people were involved. My friend filled me in on the details as foreigners had made their way here and were committing BLATANT crimes. They were easy to pick out of the crowd because they drove slow in the left lane and had tags on their cars labeling them… ‘New York,’ ‘Rhode Island’ and the dreaded ONTARIO!!!! I felt his pain!
It is Florida and it is tourist season. When the cold weather ‘blows in’ up north a lot of people ‘blow out’… and land HERE! Crowded roads become even MORE crowded as both NATIVE and SNOWBIRD tempers become explosive! Which, according to Jesus, makes murderers of us ALL!
Years ago there were bumper stickers that tried to nudge snowbirds toward more considerate driving. “Not all of us are here on vacation,” and “If it’s tourist season, why can’t we shoot em?” were funny attempts to get the point across. But NOTHING.. and I mean NOTHING seems to stop ‘Snowbirds’ from pulling out in front of natives, then driving S L O W in the passing lane! And NOTHING causes of more murders in the state of Florida!
NONE of us are perfect! ALL of us have lost our temper and called people bad names! God calls that MURDER! Looking long and hard at that 84 year old driving the red Corvette or sporting a big honking diamond doesn’t help! Wanting our own way… even at the expense of the OTHER PERSON… is sinfully human. Which is a terminal illness NONE of us can cure on our own.
Let’s face it. I need a Savior! So do YOU! THANKFULLY, God loves us SO much He provided one.. His own Son, Who came here and drove REAL slow in the left lane, to take the heat and wrath for MY stubborn and deliberate failures. And THEN… He produced a REALLY COOL ‘Travel Brochure’ about a place we can go where NO one drives slow in the fast lane!
Now please don’t get me wrong. Floridians LOVE Snowbirds! It is because of them we have a good economy and don’t have to pay State Income Tax! It’s just that crowded roads, stores and restaurants tend to bring out the worst in all of us. I thank God that a murderer like my friend… (o.k. and like me too) CAN be free from such a devastating crash when we ‘Let the Son-shine in!!’
I need a new license plate for the state of my vehicle… “HEAVEN!”