“Remember the nation you purchased long ago, the people of your inheritance, whom you redeemed– Mount Zion, where you dwelt.” Psalm 74:2
A while back Katie and I were in Walmart heading toward the check out when our eyes met the eyes of some folks we hadn’t seen in YEARS! It didn’t take long to realize that we needed to move off to the side, as we were blocking people from the self scanning ‘check out’ lines. After talking for about 10 minutes, I gave one of them a card with my cell number and asked if they would be in touch.
You know how things go these days. You’re never really SURE if they will call… or email.. or text… or Facebook, Instagram or Tweet! In 2020 we have more ways to get in touch with people than ever before. But opportunity does NOT guarantee a touch. I am happy to say that yesterday I was blessed in the present, with another connection from the past, of a promise for tomorrow!
It was crowded when I was running around the church yesterday. I only got to say hello to a few folks when I looked out the window saw them coming up the sidewalk. I was INSTANTLY elated! Only 1 other person in the place shared the joy of the reunion because, our relationship is unique and goes back over 44 years! We were ALL smiling!
I was driving the other day when suddenly… I remembered my grandfather! His face is still vividly etched into my brain. No one in my whole town would know him if he were to cross their path. But “I” would! And I think this Bible verse today is just right for what, I think, God is trying to tell me.
There is mystery surrounding “Mt. Zion” in the Bible. A dispute as to where is it, was, or its history. But not to me. Years ago my dad told me that, while Mt. Zion is a real place in Jerusalem, it isn’t really REAL… YET! It is the name given to the City of God where Christ returns and when His Saints gather together. A place were we (God’s People) will congregate and be together… FOREVER! I can hardly wait!
It really isn’t silly for this Psalm to ask God to ‘remember’ His people. After all, it is impossible for God to forget! But the word really means to “bring to the front of the mind.” “To put up in front and first.” I know EXACTLY how that word feels… and so do you! I was reminded again yesterday… of our mutual tomorrow… when all the people I have known and loved because of Jesus Christ are united in 1 single place. Because of yesterday, my heart cannot help but YEARN for that Day… and for HIM! And I don’t mind saying as I am getting older, hopefully sooner than later! What about you?