“For this is what the high and exalted One says— He who lives forever, Whose name is Holy: ‘I live in a high and holy place, but also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.'” Isaiah 57:15
I lost my religion again this weekend. NOT my Christianity… but my religion. You know the difference, right? Religion is a set of rules. Christ)ianity is a relationship. And the funny thing is, He was right there with me when I did… and even watched me do it! He ALWAYS is! Here’s the story.
I write about stuff I do on a day-to-day basis. Some days are better than others. I have been cutting back the hedges on the side of my yard and it is taking DAYS to do the job. YEARS ago, my wife picked these things because they provide a natural fence from the neighbor. Little did I know that they can grow to 25’ tall! Now that they are 12’ tall, I GOTTA cut ‘em back! Being no spring chicken, I find I am upset with the process… AND my wife!
Yesterday I found myself covered in sweat, yet again, as the temperature of my soul reached the temperature of my body. When that happens, old Pittsburgh words erupt out of me like lava from a volcano! I was frustrated, tired, sore and discouraged. Jesus just watched with NO judgment, correction or advice! He didn’t HELP me EITHER! That is until this morning!
As I sat trying to reach Him in the quiet of the morning, I was a little restless. My normal routine was disrupted by my wandering mind. Rather than force my usual way of reading, I let go and picked something else up to read. That led me to something else, which led me to this verse. And then… “OOOOOO THERE you are!”
I plant ‘Steeler-like’ hedges, then complain and cuss when I have to cut them back! I buy stuff, then complain about the cost! I put my glasses, wallet and keys down, then LOSE it when I can’t FIND them! I drive down the road upset that everybody else is there too! I ASKED her to marry me, yet get upset that she wanted these &%#@ hedges! If you look back at that whole paragraph… you see the problem with ME is ‘I’.
Isaiah is a book about the people of Israel. Interestingly, when I looked at this chapter, I saw that God wasn’t talking to the GROUP! He was talking to INDIVIDUALS. YOU and ME included! His message is clear. When I am down, broken and contrite, ‘The Master of the Universe’ comes to live WITH ME… to REVIVE me!
Did you buy stuff you can’t afford? Did you decide to have kids and find yourself frustrated at what they now cost in time and $? Did you skip education and settle for working labor? Did you buy a house that is eating you alive? Did you choose the relationship that is now killing you? Are YOU coming unglued because of your own choices? GOOD! Welcome to contrite! Now please turn around and bow…God has been watching and waiting for this very moment!