“My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you.” Job 42:5
There comes a time and place where what has been planned, comes together in reality. This past weekend was one of those rare times that old pictures are made of. Since it was my wife’s dad’s 90 birthday, a family reunion was planned. Katie’s sister and husband planned the surprise event, all WE had to do was get 17 family members (grandkids, spouses and great-grandkids) the almost 700 miles to BE there!
It’ been a long time since we have seen the old goat! I tease him that way because 43 years ago when he met ME for the first time, he wasn’t much impressed that I’d be around this long! Decades, and many kids later, I still like to tease him about that. Some of his great grandkids have NEVER seen him, or can remember when they did. So this special reunion came with lots of anticipation.
Some folks wondered if the surprise might be to much for him! remembering his constitution I said, “Nah.. he’ll be fine!” Preparations were made as we all started talking about it among ourselves. The great-grandkids were pumped up and primed for the main event. As he walked through the door and saw his legacy in kid form, I was surprised that it WAS almost too much for him! Darn if those kids didn’t find a soft spot in the ol goat! As tears ran down his cheeks, little children laid theirs on the one they had heard about… for the first time.
It has been said that the day we are born we begin to die. Now I know that sounds morbid. But at the party, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for people who have decided to deny God. The feeling and joy of family was something that no money on earth could buy. And it helped me, once again, to look at the reason I am alive.
If you love Jesus as I do, I can’t think of ANYTHING this side of heaven that is more wonderful than the anticipation of GOING there and SEEING HIM… face to face! Those loved ones who passed on before you…the ones you have heard about for so long, will BE THERE… alive. And do I have to mention the excitement of meeting Peter, Paul and Mary…and the REST of the ancient gang!
700 miles, 17 people and 3 days is a lot of time and distance to move to be at one in 1 place. But it was worth EVERY effort. As I sit here remembering, and smiling, I can’t help but look forward to a time and place where we will ALL be together with the one we have loved and heard about from afar. And where ‘goodbye’ will be a thing of the past! Are YOU looking forward?