“Then Jesus told him, ‘Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.'” John 20:29
During the so called pandemic, I headed to Walmart. Which is an oxymoron all on its own. I headed to the south door, but it was closed off ‘for my safety!’ having to walk the length of a football field to enter the north door, I didn’t FEEL any safer. In the store, up and down the aisle, single file, forced to follow an older lady with walker…I searched for the items on my list.
Katie wanted a can of ‘Ro-tel Diced tomatoes & peppers’ I saw the ‘Canned Vegetables’ sign and headed down that aisle. Then up.. then down. 4 times! Frustrated, I found a worker and asked directions. As it turns out, Rotel is found in the ‘Ethnic Food’ aisle. My search for honey proved the same. Honey is NOT found near the sugar, neither is it in the ‘Baking Needs’ aisle! Honey is next to the peanut butter! Staring at the honey, I fell into a dark hole of thought seeking product placement logic because, seeing was NOT believing.
Life produces various and significant events that SHOULD point us to logical questions like ”What is the point?” Why are we here?” “Is that all there is?” and “Where is God in all this?” To me, a so called ‘Pandemic’ SHOULD be that kind of event. But I fear it is not the case.
Most churches have closed but stores are open. I’d have thought when faced with the possibility of viral death that people would be more interested in Spiritual matters. But one of the biggest complaints I have heard is “my gym is closed!” People walk and run (NOT at the beach) to exercise their bodies. But show little concern for their Spiritual and eternal life. I see it! But I can’t believe it!
I stand on the fact that Jesus Christ is the Creator and Lord of the Universe. NOT because I see Him. But because I KNOW Him. Questions came to me that forced an answer, and asking and seeking led me to meet Him…personally. KNOWING Him.. I BELIEVE Him. And the more I learn OF and ABOUT Him, the more I BELIEVE HIM.
PEOPLE are in mortal danger. NOT because of a virus, but because of sin and separation from the one who created us. And while some people look in fear in all the wrong places, God is STILL calling to each of us to come and get to know HIM. If you know Him, you are like an expert ‘stock boy’ and can TELL those who WANT to know what YOU know. They may be surprised to hear that “God isn’t down that aisle!”