“Do not quench the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil.” 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22
Standing at the edge of the swimming pool, I saw the milky evidence that spring had passed into summer, here in sunny Florida. And once again…it had blown passed me without any warning. Having owned this same pool for over 30 years, I have NEVER been successful at the transition when it comes to chemical and temperature balance.
Four kids mutated into 10 grand-kids, and they ALL have the same love for the swimming pool. Winter time proves too chilly for them to swim, but as spring arrives their ‘wanna’ and ‘gonna’ finally meet. Over the years I have come up with ideas to warm the water sooner without spending $$$ on a pool heater! This year, black garbage bags over floating hula-hoops really seemed to work! Now…I had another problem!
To me, algae is kind of like a grand-kid, since it doesn’t like cold water either. So while I was warming the pool for my offspring, pool algae took notice as well. After all my grandchildren had been in the pool several times, I surveyed the milky water and realized it was time to forget temperature and get to work on chemical balance. So out came the floating hoops and in went the Chlorine…LOTS OF IT!
The days in which we live are more complicated than I can remember. Social problems come storming at us every day. Are they real or simply imagined? Do we act or wait? The letters to the Thessalonians mention these times and give clear and specific instructions to God’s kids. We are called to follow the Spirit and to test (judge) and act accordingly.
God’s game plan for crazy times may be likened to swimming pool balance. When judgments get cloudy and the heat starts to rise, we are called to to keep calm and stick together, balancing the good against the bad. Because God’s plan is for us to transition properly in the times we live!
I admit to going a little overboard sometimes. I took all the chlorine, acid and tablets I had, and threw it in the pool. Then went and bought more. A day later it was clear as it can be. Although the next time you see me I my be lighter in hair color and smell like a pool store! But the grandkids aren’t coming over for a while…. I think!