“…my spirit grows faint within me; my heart within me is dismayed. I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done.” Psalm 143: 4-5
Yesterday was not ‘memorable.’ Since I fell and hit my head, NO days have been! I spend much of them in kind of a fog… which is actually the prescription for a brain injury! Light activity and REST. I SHOULD have been ecstatic because, isn’t that the perfect description for a 65 year old man? But ‘ecstatic’ was NOT on the daily menu! And I wasn’t alone in the fog!
Lee wound up in the hospital with a blood clot, Galen with an infection and Donna from surgery on her broken arm. Clint awoke to NO news about his future position and WITH an appointment for surgery on his youngest son’s ear! Then I remembered that GOD didn’t awake at ALL because ‘The Shepherd’ NEVER sleeps! I am SO glad I’m not Him!
The one encouraging thing about a flock of wondering, wandering sheep is…at least we’re not alone! I mean think about it! I had 6 inquires from family members as to how I was feeling yesterday alone? That they had taken the time to inquire means that they really do care. Looking at it THAT way, I feel blessed and a whole lot better.
One thing that plagues ALL of us sheep at one time or another, is that nagging sense of a dead end! Loss of ANY kind is sorrowful enough. But feeling no hope or direction only adds to the desperation. Which is MEANT to be A SIGN! I was SO glad I read this Psalm today. David wrote it out of desperation and HE was one of God’s FAVORITES! David’s own experience helps US to see a sign that can ONLY come from God. “When down – LOOK UP!”
You will NEVER see a “NO TURN AROUND” sign on God’s road. EVER! In fact, the complete opposite is true. Sadness, fainting and dismay ARE God’s ‘TURN AROUND’ signs! And HIS prescription is ALWAYS the same. “Remember, Meditate and Consider!” Which I began to apply to MY own situation.
God is NEVER surprised! He knows EXACTLY where I am and where I am headed. He is ALWAYS looking out for me and His coded signs ALWAYS point in a direction the world could NEVER understand. And the BEST part is.. He is ALWAYS right there with me. Which is actually the best reward of all!
When next I see despair’s ‘No Turn’ sign, I’ll have to remind myself that it is actually God’s directive to… do just that!