“For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope…” Romans 8:20
It’s been going on now for the entire week! As I write the “God Morning Words of the Day,” my computer seemingly decides it doesn’t want to cooperate. I type, computer goes into thinking mode. When I open a window, it searches. This morning, in the middle of typing, the file I was working on disappeared before my very eyes!! Did you know that frustration and anger are sister emotions?
Back in the early 1980’s when computers first came out, I got a job selling them. I’ll never forget the newest computer the company brought in that supposedly ran 2 operating systems (Bill Gates had not been crowned king yet!). It SOUNDED like a good idea, until typing on the keyboard revealed a 2 second delay on the screen! Talk about FRUSTRATING! My CURRENT computer experience has only verified that, 40 years later, computers can STILL frustrate me!
Being a goal oriented person, I don’t have patience with things that interfere with what I am doing. Which, come to think about it, might not really be a BAD thing! After all, according to today’s Bible verse, God SUBJECTED CREATION (and therefore ME) to frustration. “Now DOG GONE IT GOD!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING INTERFERING IN MY…“ And I think He just got my attention!
God likes to use opposites for teaching purposes. For example, to get you gotta give. To live you gotta die. To lead you gotta follow, etc! It is clear here that frustration is MEANT to have it’s own goal of ‘HOPE!’ And God’s goal is clearly stated. He wants me LIBERATED!
I have blamed Bill Gates, the computer techies and software writers for controlling my computer for their own purposes. And that is true! They ARE watching! But then…so is GOD! And while THEY want to track my web surfing to design ways to market to me, GOD wants me LIBERATED from this whole world system of futility! Because as I have just experienced… MAN wasn’t created to live by 2 operating systems either!