“But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed.” Romans 2:5
I currently have a like/dislike for my Doctor right now. Because I have an appreciation for reality, I cannot label it a love/hate relationship. That would be FAR too extreme! Lately I have had to make several trips to his office because of the results of my annual physical. Because he is a GOOD Doctor, he has requested other tests and even called me in for a consult! I can’t call HIM harsh…because reality is harsh enough! Here’s what I mean.
Last week my doctor, who is also my friend, had the nerve to tell me that there are some things I have been doing that I can no longer do! After I stammered, hummed and hawed a few times, I could see he wasn’t kidding. I could FEEL the resentment kind of building up inside, but quickly diverted it from him… to myself. After all, he is only looking out for my best good.
I remember years ago I went to him and he told me something I didn’t want to hear. When I balked then, he simply said, “Hey listen, I don’t care WHAT you do! Your actions won’t affect me either way! In fact, if you DON’T listen to me, I’ll actually make MORE money off of you when you get sicker!” WHAT A GUY!!! I like his boldness. And that is why he is also my friend!
It is no secret that families, society AND the Church are in crisis mode. Romans 1-3 clearly tells us why. It’s a heart problem called rebellion! We humans just don’t LIKE to be told we need to do things (or NOT do things) that we are prone to doing. And this verse today tells us that our pending death and judgment are NOT God’s Fault. It is our own doing!
As a pastor I watch as families, marriages and society crumbles. Like my Doctor, I get calls seeking advice from God’s Word as to what to do. Having paid a LOT in blood, sweat trials and tears to be in this ‘called’ position, it amazes me at how ‘few’ people are willing to heed the advice and make the changes! Usually, people slip out to seek ’better’ advice from someone else. Or none at all!
The penalty for sin and rebellion is death. It’s NOT something God simply decided to lay on people who don’t like Him. Like a shock from a broken wire, it isn’t the wire’s fault. But out of His LOVE for me, Super God set out to supply the prescription for healing when He sent His own Son to actually PAY for MY failure! He didn’t have to do that. Whether I obey Him or not won’t change HIM. But it has, can and DOES…change me!
So… How stubborn are YOU?