‘Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”’ Luke 9:62
Yesterday was a work day. I had grass that needed to be cut and overgrown trees that needed trimmed back. To do both required thinking through the work, then planning for the ‘how to’ by gathering ‘tools’ needed to get the jobs done. Having done the best I could at both, I executed the plan. It all went well too…right up to the point of starting!
As soon as I grabbed the mower, the sky clouded up and it started to rain! While not prone to melting when I get wet, the lawnmower tends to clog up with clumps of wet grass. Stuck between plan A and B, brain came up with a plan C…clean up the Garage! It’s not that Plan C wasn’t thought of before. It had lay there as an unexciting project, left undone, from the past.
An hour the garage was done…and so was the rain. Brain then goal shifted to trimming the trees…my LEAST favorite of the jobs. With trash cans, loppers and grit I dove into the job. After a couple hours I noticed that grit was getting grumpy and needed a little something to keep going. Then this verse popped into mind.
I learned a long time ago that I am both my best and worst enemy! Being determined AND lazy are 2 sides of the same coin in my life. When they fight, it is up to another me to make a decision as to who wins. So I have learned to play games of trickery with myself in order to get where I need to go.
There were 5 trash cans and 4 were ALMOST full. With trimmings to pick up, I tricked my lazy self. “just finish filling the cans.” So I did! Then, seeing that the trees looked choppy, I suggested to my lazy self, “just clean those up and be done.” So I did! Noticing some out of place stragglers, I ended up getting some rope and piled those on top of the cans. Then time ran out!
I’d like to say that pushing myself is natural. But must admit that “lazy K.C.” wins far too often. The deciding factor, I think, is how loud or authoritative the voice is I WANT to heat. But that’s tricky because He can be a hard taskmaster! WHERE and to WHOM I look and listen makes all the difference as to what label I become. I’m pushing for ‘servant of Jesus Christ!’
SOW…. how’s your hoed row looking and…how spiritually fit are YOU?