“Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.” 1 Corinthians 12:12
Julie’s trailer (mobile home) was a goner. Taken out by Hurricane Milton, all that was left was the job to go through and sort out items she could salvage. The rest… right into the dumpster! I could not even imagine being in her position. The chairs, clothes, knickknacks… EVERYTHING had the “Decide” question over it.
I’d put out the word to the Church for help with the task of picking up items and throwing them into the dumpster. We made a ‘bidding pile’ of things folks might want to take, since everything Julie wanted had already been sorted. One by one they came. In all, I counted 15 people who showed up to help. 2 were neighbors.
‘The Church’ may be just a name of an organization to the government, but it is far greater than even WE can imagine. Jesus gives ‘The Church’ the intimate title of ‘Bride!’ We are NOT just some gang of folks clustering around a food table. We are ALL TOGETHER… 1 body. That body stepped up in a BIG way this last week.
There’s and old saying I like that says, “No one of us has it all together. But all of us together, have it all!” There are NUMEROUS verses in the Bible that not only SAY that, but insist that those IN the Church… LIVE accordingly. I get called cranky for pressing people to come and be faithful to Christ’s Bride. Tho I didn’t invent it.
I love being Christ’s Bride, sharing times with others who are part of it as well, AND working to ADD members to her. One day SOON… Jesus is coming back to GET His Bride to take us to the Wedding ceremony. If I don’t like spending time with her now, I’m gonna HATE Heaven. How about YOU? Are YOU in?