“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Mathew 28:19-20
I must have missed the knock yesterday! But the evidence was plainly there on the doorknob. We had had a visitor. It was a salesman to be sure, based upon the flier hanging there, with an opportunity presenting itself. But would I take it? This got me thinking…”What if it had been Jesus?”
So I imagined I moved across the country. The big city is new to me. Having small town roots I’m excited to give one of the nation’s largest metropolises a try. I’m looking forward to the excitement and settling in. With boxes still unpacked, I decide to sleep in and rest before tackling another day. But at 6 am, I hear the doorbell ringing…and it won’t stop. I put on some old clothes, hoping that I look O.K., then answer the door in mid ring. Standing before me is a man holding a briefcase, along with about 14 other people I DON’T know, right behind him. He glances at his watch. “GOOD MORNING” he booms, then says.. “I am SO delighted to catch you at home! May we come in?”
Before I can answer he pushes his way in and the others follow. Before I know it I’m holding fresh coffee in carry out cup. And it’s JUST the way I like it! Then I see on the table, not 1, but 2 of my favorite doughnuts. I quickly notice that every eye is upon me. The man is bubbly, jovial and genuinely excited to be at my house. He then begins his pitch! Since I‘m now eating his doughnut I feel like I’ve got to at least hear him out.
“I am the mayor and I actually heard you were coming into town. Don’t ask, I know all sorts of things. But I was MOST excited upon YOUR arrival because, well, our town, though big and of large reputation, suffers from a decline in … well GOODness! “ I have decided that I want to make YOU the vice mayor and place YOU in charge of helping to rebuild this town into one with an image that will make people WANT to come and live here! The salary is 2 Million dollars a year and I need you to start… right now!” Then I woke up!
Does that sound strange? Unbelievable? Well not according to today’s Bible verse! Being His, I recognize that story and understand what He is trying to say to me. And not JUST me! Because the story is quite true!! YOU and I have been hand-picked PERSONALLY…By Jesus Christ Himself….to join His welcome wagon team. 2021 is right behind Him. And He’s waiting for an answer.
Oh…I think I just heard YOUR doorbell!