
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

As I write this, my Grandson ‘Sloan’ is going into surgery for his ear. And Team McCay is getting text message updates and pictures of every step along the way! Ain’t technology amazing? His surgery is in Tampa, but we are ALL there in spirit. And we are all doing our jobs. Even him!

This isn’t the first rodeo for Sloan. He has had a problem hearing and has had doctors visits and surgery before. The end of the matter will be when he can hear out of that ear, which has been a problem all along! But not so much that just anyone would notice! Because Sloan has learned to adapt well, he rises to every occasion. He’s a tough little guy in a tough Jesus Family!

As I hear another ‘ding’ of a text coming through, I note that there are 9 of us in the thread of the texts. Comments and encouragement are constant. It’s what we do because it’s what Jesus does…AND what He expects from us. Families, both physical and Church, stick together. Even when we are not physically close. Last week we dealt with the birth of our Granddaughter AND the passing away of Katie’s father. In EVERY case, Jesus Christ was the focal point of our attention and the source of our strength.

The Bible verse of today is not just a verse just to remember and quote in tough times. It is a chosen lifestyle that has been honed, with practice, over decades! I started on the trusting Jesus lifestyle when I was a boy. MY father led me, and after many tough journeys, I learned that God’s promise is ALWAYS true and that Jesus NEVER fails to provide. I taught it to my kids and they are passing it on to THEIR growing brood of Jesus kids. And we just keep getting tougher.

At my age, it is a joyful experience to KNOW that God is able! And that my kids know it too! He is ALWAYS faithful in His promise. Whether He is passing on His courage, patience and Hope through difficult circumstances. Or comfort, strength and peace in times of sorrow or loss. Listen folks, Hear our testimony…”Jesus has NEVER failed us.” Setting closer to the top of the mountain and looking all around at my kids, I see Him working still…just like He promised. And I couldn’t’ be more proud!

So thank you for joining our family in praying for Sloan. AND for signing up to apply this verse to YOUR life, if you haven’t already. Because living this way is the ONLY way to do it with Joy. If you don’t believe it…just ask “SLOAN WOLF!”


Katie forwarded this to ME.. and I am doing the same for you. There is a debate among Believers as to whether God causes all things.. or if He uses all things.  Romans 8:28 states. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”  I see God as The Master Artist as WE (and even Satan) hand, drop or even throw Him the tools and materials to work with.  The Beauty that He weaves of our lives will never be fully seen or appreciated until the completed work is revealed in Heaven.  What say YOU?  

What Was Meant for Evil, God Uses for Good by Max Lucado ~ Devotionals Daily

JosephSon of Jacob

How? How did he flourish in the midst of tragedy? We don’t have to speculate. Some twenty years later the roles were reversed, Joseph as the strong one and his brothers the weak ones. They came to him in dread. They feared he would settle the score and throw them into a pit of his own making. But Joseph didn’t. And in his explanation we find his inspiration.

As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive. — Genesis 50:20 NASB

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. — Genesis 50:20 NIV

But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive. — Genesis 50:20 NKJV

In God’s hands intended evil becomes eventual good.

Joseph tied himself to the pillar of this promise and held on for dear life. Nothing in his story glosses over the presence of evil. Quite the contrary. Bloodstains, tearstains are everywhere. Joseph’s heart was rubbed raw against the rocks of disloyalty and miscarried justice. Yet time and time again God redeemed the pain. The torn robe became a royal one. The pit became a palace. The broken family grew old together. The very acts intended to destroy God’s servant turned out to strengthen him.

“You meant evil against me,”

Joseph told his brothers, using a Hebrew verb that traces its meaning to “weave” or “plait.”

“You wove evil,” he was saying, “but God rewove it together for good.”

God, the Master Weaver. He stretches the yarn and intertwines the colors, the ragged twine with the velvet strings, the pains with the pleasures. Nothing escapes His reach. Every king, despot, weather pattern, and molecule are at His command. He passes the shuttle back and forth across the generations, and as He does, a design emerges. Satan weaves; God reweaves.

One of the most potentially frightening aspects of being a Christian is knowing that when you put your trust in Jesus, all of Hell takes arms against you intending evil upon your life. And, yet what trumps that fear and evil is knowing that, no matter what comes, God is the Master Weaver. He takes was was intended for evil and reweaves it for good. How have you seen that in your own life?


Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, ‘The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is in your midst.’” Luke 17:20-21

It was a celebratory day. Coming off a week consisting of our Anniversary, Father’s Day and the birth of my granddaughter Cypress, it was now my birthday! As usual, the basic questions that came from most people were, “what are you going to DO,” and “what do you WANT FOR your birthday?” After the week I had, they became questions I simply could not answer!

Later in the evening we were invited to visit and meet our newest granddaughter. I had built up this great big idea in my head and was anticipating the moment. When we walked into the house… there she was… all bundled up in her bed and sound asleep! She was contented as she could possibly be! Not knowing what to DO or even what I WANTED, I simply sat down in front of her and stared in awe!

It’s moments like these that cause a HUGE question to burp up in my brain…”WHAT is WRONG with me?” I really didn’t know what to expect. But I DID expect SOMETHING! Likewise, I felt like I wanted, or needed to DO something with her, but I didn’t really know what or why! I started getting a clue when they pulled out 3 different cakes and started singing Happy Birthday to me AND Cypress!

The 3 cakes had been made over 3 days. With knife in hand, I started asking the parents, 2 sets of grandparents and 2 brothers, “what kind of cake do YOU want?” In almost every instance, the answer from each individual started with the word…”Uhhhhhhh!” Symbolical of a truth we all know, I realize that we ALL are generally EASY to please…but HARD to satisfy!

The Pharisees were basically non believers of their day. They were expected to know the answers to God questions. But they usually got caught… NOT! In this case, the Kingdom of God was THEIR business to know. When they asked Jesus if HE knew when the Kingdom of God would come, He gave them 1 firm statement that was guaranteed to show that there was NO WAY they could be satisfied. Because as it turned out, ‘The Kingdom’ was right in front of their noses… and inside their hearts…and they MISSED IT!

I must confess that I get caught up in the wanting and DOING of things to try to please God and myself. As if , when I hit the right combination, joy and fulfillment will arrive. While it may sound ridiculously simple, it isn’t. The Peace and Joy of God come to me when I REST in the fact of WHO and WHOSE I am…and NOT what I WANT or DO! It isn’t hard for me to slip off that boulder of truth.

I AM the grandfather of a little baby they call Cypress. I don’t have to DO or WANT ANYTHING to BE that! Sitting there looking at the evidence was PLENTY enough to please me! Likewise, I AM a child of Most High God! REALIZING THAT is really ALL I need to know to be COMPLETELY SATISFIED! It’s NOT a performance!



He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.'” Mark 6:15

Today is KC’s birthday so I (Katie) asked if I could hijack the Words of the Day. Happy Birthday KC

We leave behind traces of ourselves everywhere we go, dropping DNA, which tells our story like a puzzle of microscopic pieces.  In the process of living and shedding do we leave a real image of our true person. No. Yes. Maybe?  It depends on the person, doesn’t it?  As a Christian we know we are much more than the bodies we inhabit, and we also know we should be leaving behind much more than strands of hair and flakes of skin. 

Let’s just say I know a guy that literally litters Jesus everywhere he goes.  No one is safe from his inquiries “Are you a Jesus guy?”  No place is off limits, from the gym to the airport – restaurants are his jam.  He even claimed a busy intersection to proclaim Jesus as Lord twice a week! Proclaiming the name of Jesus is like breathing to him – that’s how much he loves Him.  While others may see him as annoying and bothersome, he’s often been known to go ‘a meddlin’.  I will admit there have been times I wanted to be selfish and not share my dinner while sharing the Gospel – shame on me!  Some may see this as pushy and even over the top.  But I will say this in my best ‘wanna be’ Southern voice, “Y’all… this guy loves them more than we do.”  He sees them as lost- we look the other way.  He listens and eagerly waits for an opportunity to pounce with the Good News to perishing people – one ‘special’ waitress at a time.  While we are more interested in the menu and the ‘special’ of the day.  

We have all been given The Great Commission – but usually we selfishly strap on blinders to the lost people we bump into every day.  It is most often easier to ignore than engage.  Not this man, he is busy doing the bumping, because the responsibility weighs heavily on him.  That guy is my husband KC McCay and I have had an incredible view of God at work. 

Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” Mark 16:15    

Are you doing that?  Are you more or less?  Do you feel any responsibility?  I challenge you to be more than a collection of tissue and sinew. Don’t just leave a trail of DNA.


As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.” Psalm 127:4-5

Last night was a night! For 9 months my daughter Calah has been carrying an arrow! Yesterday she was to go into the hospital to deliver that arrow into the world. Through a series of miscues and events, she was sent home…only to be called back. Last night at 7:26pm, I was able to add 1 more arrow to my quiver!

Cypress Brielle Parker didn’t come into this world easy. In fact, had conditions been slightly different, she may not have made it at all! But it is not my place to place the periods OR question marks in the story. Baby and parents are doing well and the weight and might of my quiver just increased! Which means more work, but also more power!

Life is a war. And it isn’t MY fight… though I DO have a major role to play in it. I am called to choose a side, and will reap the consequences of the choice and my role in the fight. Each and every parent in my family has chosen the side of Jesus. And it is a joy to watch as God blesses and grows us stronger together. And He doesn’t always screen out the bad stuff either. The enemy STILL lurks at the gate.

It is a fact that we don’t raise babies. We raise men and women! THAT starts right at birth. To raise up Godly people is a job that is ALL consuming and the highest order of God’s Business. With the joy comes responsibility, courage and dedication. And while I COULD pontificate on facts, details and events, it is not my place right here or right now. I have things I have to DO right now! And I’m going to go do them. Because that’s what God expects of me.

Are YOU an Arrow for Him?


Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?” Job 38:2

A while back I went to visit my kids and grandkids. Walking into the house, something ZOOMED passed me! Something I did not recognize! The way it moved just seemed strange, and I couldn’t tell how it was powered. All I could ask my Grandson was, “WHAT the heck is THAT!???” Trying to explain it to me wasn’t going well so he got off and said, “try it, Papa!” I did, as a smile IMMEDIATELY spread across my face!

The thing is called a Lil Wiggle and it is a BLAST! This thing seemed to defy everything I understood about movement and motion. By simply turning the steering wheel right and left, the Wiggle moves along on it’s own, taking advantage of SOME kind of physics I don’t really understand. But through gigglin’ and wigglin’ the wheel, I didn’t HAVE to understand! It just WORKED! I was having WAY too much fun!

This Father’s day they brought me a strange shaped box and presented it to me. And you guessed it! I now own my VERY OWN LIL WIGGLE! I’ve moved the carpet out of the way and driven it around and honed my skills around tight turns and corners. I can even do a pretty decent 360! When my neighbor stopped over I showed him. He’s a year older than me so I wasn’t sure how his maturity might hinder any zeal. But after a couple, ‘Nah…that’s ok” I convinced him to give it a try. His smile was ALSO IMMEDIATE!

Another strange thing about this toy is that it says the maximum weight is 50 pounds! My neighbor and I almost weigh 4 times that amount! But it worked just fine for us! When I asked him if HE understood how it worked, he looked and said something that SOUNDED smart. I knew he didn’t know either! But I DID get his PICTURE on it!

OK…this is a stretch! But Is it possible Grace is kind of like a Lil Wiggle? It’s tough enough to handle my guilty weight, capable of making the hard twists and turns I give it, and it is an INCREDIBLY JOYFUL EXPERIENCE every time I use it! And the best part is, I don’t have to understand it to enjoy it!

I have heard FAR too many people complain, saying that God is a meany! That if He WAS loving, good and Almighty, like His book claims, then He wouldn’t, or shouldn’t, allow sorrow, sickness, poverty or death into ANYONE’S life! They fail to see that WE were the ones that messed up the perfect life God gave us… BY CHOICE! We aren’t entitled, nor do we deserve, ANYTHING from God, except death! Then God wiggled!

By HIS choice He supplied me with Grace that I can NEVER explain or understand. But I don’t have to. His love and Grace are meant to be TRIED APPLIED by FAITH. Trying to argue or advise God on a better plan simply takes one out of the strange plan that God has already devised. I’ve tried it and just can’t keep it to myself!!! There’s just too much JOY that comes with simply hopping on and giving it a wiggle.

Are YOU having fun riding God’s Grace?   


May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth.” Proverbs 5:18

On Wednesday, Katie and I were standing on the corner of US 41 and Laurel Rd. She walked up to me and said, “look around…could you even imagine?” After thinking a little while, I had to ask, “what do you mean?” It hadn’t even entered my head that that precise location would impact my life as greatly as it did…DECADES ago!

Yesterday was Thursday. But it was also June 17, 2021. Which means it was our 44th wedding anniversary! On Wednesday, we had stood in front of a Verizon cell phone store which USED to be a 7-11. The same 7-11 where we bought gas and got a tank of water…44 years ago! Across the street is the Publix shopping center…which 44 years ago USED to be a Drive-in movie theater. The SAME Drive-in movie theater where I had proposed to Katie 44 years ago…after knowing her for only 2.5 days!

44 years is a long time AND a rather strange number! It certainly would not be a highlighted anniversary number for much of anything…like 10, 25, 50 or 100! But it is what it is. Due to several factors in our lives, one being that we are awaiting our 11th grandchild any day now, we couldn’t really be as instantaneous and carefree as with our wedding proposal, and go out of town on a trip. So we stayed home and cleaned the garage!

Our 44th year was not really outstanding weather wise either. It was dark, gloomy and spit rain, on and off, all day long. Days like that just kind of put one in a funk, as we lay around and TRIED to come up with spectacular plans to ice the cake of anniversary bliss. Every suggestion met with…’Eh!’ Nothing seemed to jump out with excitement. Until I brought up the REASON I hadn’t purchased her ANYTHING!

If you look up wedding anniversary gifts according to year, which I had done, the FIRST thing I noticed would be that MOST lists are generated by JEWELRY companies. Katie has so much jewelry it takes 2+ full sized floor cases for the stuff! LITTLE of it is valuable since, THAT stuff she wears! So buying her another piece just didn’t excite me. When I looked at a list to find the ‘gift for this year,’ All I could do was laugh! It said ‘GROCERIES!’

I shared that bit of info with my bride as we drove to a restaurant to eat. Something fancy just didn’t FEEL exciting. When we were done, we stopped in a craft shop (her request) and I couldn’t believe my eyes! When I pointed it out, she grabbed it and said the SAME thing she said after seeing ME sitting behind a drum set 44 years ago! “I want it!”

Now granted…this MAY not seem like a great Biblically based devotion to others. But to me, it fits PERFECTLY with the number 44! Nothing fancy. Nothing really memorable. No gifts, cards or destinations. Just 44 years of spending a WHOLE day, and lifetime, together. Living, loving, working and sharing the sunshine and the rain and the labors of life. So to my wife, thank you for making it possible to actually LIVE this Bible Verse. NEXT year is SAPPHIRE!


I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14

Everybody in our Church knows, and LOVES, Carol! Carol and her husband John were part of our church for over 35 years! Both ended up in an assisted living facility, where John passed away, during the covid period, from Alzheimers. I went to visit Carol yesterday for several reasons.

Carol is moving away to be with her family and live in a great big farm house. When I walked in, several of her family members were helping to pack up her ‘stuff.’ I use the word ‘stuff’ loosely because it seemed to be EVERYWHERE! Knowing that a final move might give a person REASON to cut back and get rid of a lot of things, I could tell by the look on Carol’s face that she hadn’t even given it a thought! She ‘wanted it all!’

Carol is the sweetest person I know. And she has a sense of humor that never stops! With only 1 leg, and being confined to a wheelchair, I couldn’t resist teasing her about her shoe box. She had a LOT of them! I asked if she bought them in pairs or if she had a left legged friend she swapped with. She laughed and continued to fill the box.

When the subject of her hats came up, Her daughters rolled their eyes. Erupting out of a HUGE box were DOZENS of old lady hats. And she wanted them ALL! We talked, teased, laughed and remembered. I did a lot of it because, well, I have this habit of injecting humor where hurt and pain exist. And Carol’s leaving was already starting a thump in my heart. After this weekend, with family flying in for the memorial service of John, I probably would never see Carol again…this side of Heaven.

In a world gone crazy, Carol is just my kind. She takes serious hits, but not too seriously, and continues on with joy in her Savior. And with her fancy dresses and hats, she does it with a STYLE I could never attain. Her life reminds me of the verse today because she is ALWAYS pressing, and looking forward to what’s forward!! Even with a twinkle in her eye!

As I was leaving she hollered out, “HEY…Don’t forget John!” I had come to get John’s cremains for Sunday’s Memorial Service. After fetching ‘him’ from the sunny windowsill, I tucked the box under my arm… remembering exactly how I felt when I carried the same kind of box that held my Dad’s stuff. In the elevator down, I talked with John as if I was seeing him again, for the very first time…in Glory! He remained quiet!

A person can learn a LOT from watching other people living life.. like Jesus meant it to be! With STYLE!


And you will again see the distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not.” Malachi 3:18

All I could think about was…’Whew!!!! It sure is HOT out here!’ Mid June in South Florida tends to remind me of blessings I had just experienced. Like with SO many examples in life, I reap the benefit AFTER the benefit has passed. Which proves the saying true! “You don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone!” Sweating faster than my clothes could absorb, I welcomed summer!

Now I’m not complaining! Just stating facts. When mid June hits, the sun comes out with all of its power, humidity rises, the rains fall and the grass grows! It is the season of life in the heat! And SOMEONE needs to get out there and gut the grass down to size. That someone is me. I’m the grass cuttin’ guy. So donning proper attire to protect from the rays of the sun, sweat and dirt…I sallied forth with the mission in mind!

Katie tells me I look OK no matter what I wear. That is until I put on my grass cutting attire. I think she describes it as “ICK!” But I’m not trying to win a fashion award. I just want to get through the process without getting a nasty sunburn or faint from heatstroke! Besides, I am told, at my age, that exercise is GOOD for me! Though I think my Doctor may be a sadist!

In the heat of the sun I personally have several distinct advantages. I have a swimming pool and air conditioning in my house and truck. So while the heat may rise to uncomfortable levels, it won’t take long for ME to get some relief. As long as I remember to prepare appropriately for the coming elements.

The Book of Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament. Interestingly enough, it is a book that ends with a curse! For centuries God had given His chosen people warnings about the do’s and don’t of what it would take to REMAIN His special people. Unfortunately, Israel’s claim in Malachi 3:14 sums up their attitude with, “It is futile to serve God.” Which pretty much guarantees, in Chapter 4, that there is a MAJOR HEAT WAVE a comin’!

These days, It IS getting hot out there! And in more ways than one. It seems that each day brings more creative approaches by individuals to demand their own selfish ways…as if they are entitled or deserve better than what they have. This leads to an ultimate end that, God says, WILL sort out the special from the common.

When God has had enough He will turn on the heat by sending His Son. In other words, if I think it’s hot NOW…I need to remember that it is only going to get hotter. And the way I need to prepare for THAT day is to ‘Serve Him’ well HERE…today! I’m putting on my hat as I write! What are YOU serving?