“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV
As I write this, my Grandson ‘Sloan’ is going into surgery for his ear. And Team McCay is getting text message updates and pictures of every step along the way! Ain’t technology amazing? His surgery is in Tampa, but we are ALL there in spirit. And we are all doing our jobs. Even him!
This isn’t the first rodeo for Sloan. He has had a problem hearing and has had doctors visits and surgery before. The end of the matter will be when he can hear out of that ear, which has been a problem all along! But not so much that just anyone would notice! Because Sloan has learned to adapt well, he rises to every occasion. He’s a tough little guy in a tough Jesus Family!
As I hear another ‘ding’ of a text coming through, I note that there are 9 of us in the thread of the texts. Comments and encouragement are constant. It’s what we do because it’s what Jesus does…AND what He expects from us. Families, both physical and Church, stick together. Even when we are not physically close. Last week we dealt with the birth of our Granddaughter AND the passing away of Katie’s father. In EVERY case, Jesus Christ was the focal point of our attention and the source of our strength.
The Bible verse of today is not just a verse just to remember and quote in tough times. It is a chosen lifestyle that has been honed, with practice, over decades! I started on the trusting Jesus lifestyle when I was a boy. MY father led me, and after many tough journeys, I learned that God’s promise is ALWAYS true and that Jesus NEVER fails to provide. I taught it to my kids and they are passing it on to THEIR growing brood of Jesus kids. And we just keep getting tougher.
At my age, it is a joyful experience to KNOW that God is able! And that my kids know it too! He is ALWAYS faithful in His promise. Whether He is passing on His courage, patience and Hope through difficult circumstances. Or comfort, strength and peace in times of sorrow or loss. Listen folks, Hear our testimony…”Jesus has NEVER failed us.” Setting closer to the top of the mountain and looking all around at my kids, I see Him working still…just like He promised. And I couldn’t’ be more proud!
So thank you for joining our family in praying for Sloan. AND for signing up to apply this verse to YOUR life, if you haven’t already. Because living this way is the ONLY way to do it with Joy. If you don’t believe it…just ask “SLOAN WOLF!”