“For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world.” 1 John 2:16
I couldn’t believe he said it!! So asking for clarification – he REPEATED it! In my thinking his statement ridiculous, he expanded, with a twinkle in his eye and a smile on his lips…just for clarification! But it was now out there on the table, in the restaurant where we were eating. “The REASON,” he said, “that you keep losing your wallet, keys and phone is because you are too prideful!” “RIDICULOUS!” I thought! Until I gave it some thought!
The scene HAD to be either comical or serious to the folks in the restaurant. How were THEY to know that I was a pastor too? The frocked-up Orthodox Priest with the big gold cross looked like GOD. Which left ME looking like some kind of sinner! The occasion was his invitation to spend time and chat. Since we are friends and cohorts, we did. And I was getting schooled.
I don’t like getting older in many respects. Since he is older than me, I asked his advice on how to stop losing my stuff after I lay it down. Looking for sage advice, I DIDN’T expect ‘THE TRUTH!’ But he’s a hard head too, and wasn’t going to feed me pap! That’s why we like each other! But his diagnosis kinda hurt a little. So it took some processing.
“You think you are SO important and necessary that you rush around frantically trying to do all YOUR important stuff, instead of slowing down and thinking about what you are doing and just BEING WITH GOD!!” COME ON MAN!!!! HOW does one make THAT kind of connection from that evidence. Except that his explanation came from experience. He had discovered it in himself and was passing it along to me!
In the end, HE was right and I was appreciative! I DO have a tendency to take myself too seriously, far too often. But I am grateful that family, church and friends are loving enough to put up with my prideful selfishness. Even if I’m too ignorant or stupid to see it in myself. So THANK YOU GOD for telling me the truth. AND for a friend that is willing to put himself out there to boldly share it as he did!
In the end… I WAS a sinner in need of some advice!!! Leaving, I did the next natural thing and paid the bill! I mean hey…it always costs something to get repairs done!