“Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them.” John 3:36
“Let me know what you decide,” said the doctor. Which irritated me beyond words. I’ve had a medical issue for over 45 years. Medical knowledge and technology may have increased… but not far enough! Having seen many doctors for this inherited ‘condition,’ the next step is only a GUESS. “Maybe it’ll work!” Doc said.
Like my dad, I live with acid reflux… producing too much of the stuff. Antacids, and PPI’s to reduce acid production, work for a while. But then stop. While at least 3 Doctors cannot guarantee a cure, they agree that having my gallbladder removed MAY stop this condition. A guess. I must decide on having surgery… or not.
Telling this is uncomfortable because I know I’ll get a ton of well intentioned advice wrapped in love. But I tell it because this question, and MY decision, are not like, “do you want fries with that?” It’s a serious question with potentially serious results. Like my decision to believe or reject Jesus as Savior and Lord.
One would think that choosing Jesus SHOULD be EASY. Hearing His promise of Eternal Life and choosing to ‘believe in Him’ is like popping an antacid… easy and smart. Until the answering process hits a wall in the definition of ‘Believe.’ Belief that a plank can support me changes… when it is moved 100 feet into thin air!
I can believe the Bucs will win the playoffs. But I am not on the team. Jesus is asking me to join ‘His Team!’ He doesn’t want guesses, wishes and hopes. He wants a lifetime commitment. The longer I’m on the team, the harder it seems to get! But He keeps asking me to step up and out in Faith… proving He is my LORD!
He asks EVERYONE to make a commitment to Him. The results of the answer are VERY serious. Heaven or hell? Abundant, yet persecuted and tested, Jesus filled life or… eh? It’s my call. He isn’t looking for a 1 times decision. He wants every minute of every day to be HIS. Which, looking at it now, like surgery, is serious!
So what-cha-gonna-do?