
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them.” John 3:36

“Let me know what you decide,” said the doctor. Which irritated me beyond words. I’ve had a medical issue for over 45 years. Medical knowledge and technology may have increased… but not far enough! Having seen many doctors for this inherited ‘condition,’ the next step is only a GUESS. “Maybe it’ll work!” Doc said.

Like my dad, I live with acid reflux… producing too much of the stuff. Antacids, and PPI’s to reduce acid production, work for a while. But then stop. While at least 3 Doctors cannot guarantee a cure, they agree that having my gallbladder removed MAY stop this condition. A guess. I must decide on having surgery… or not.

Telling this is uncomfortable because I know I’ll get a ton of well intentioned advice wrapped in love. But I tell it because this question, and MY decision, are not like, “do you want fries with that?” It’s a serious question with potentially serious results. Like my decision to believe or reject Jesus as Savior and Lord.

One would think that choosing Jesus SHOULD be EASY. Hearing His promise of Eternal Life and choosing to ‘believe in Him’ is like popping an antacid… easy and smart. Until the answering process hits a wall in the definition of ‘Believe.’ Belief that a plank can support me changes… when it is moved 100 feet into thin air!

I can believe the Bucs will win the playoffs. But I am not on the team. Jesus is asking me to join ‘His Team!’ He doesn’t want guesses, wishes and hopes. He wants a lifetime commitment. The longer I’m on the team, the harder it seems to get! But He keeps asking me to step up and out in Faith… proving He is my LORD!

He asks EVERYONE to make a commitment to Him. The results of the answer are VERY serious. Heaven or hell? Abundant, yet persecuted and tested, Jesus filled life or… eh? It’s my call. He isn’t looking for a 1 times decision. He wants every minute of every day to be HIS. Which, looking at it now, like surgery, is serious!

So what-cha-gonna-do?


For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! Romans 5:10

It was 1984. Daily, I was gleefully trapped in my Pinto Pony Station wagon for the 25 minute drive to my job selling computers. We were raising 2 sons and Katie was a stay-at-home mom. I hadn’t realized ‘I’ was being raised myself. Having just discovered a radio Broadcast teaching God’s Grace, I was being schooled everyday.

Having been raised by a Pastor father who loved the Bible, I knew a lot. But I really didn’t know a lot about WHY I believed certain things… other than ‘my dad said so.’ Bob George’s broadcast was teaching me about Eternal Security, Death and Life in Christ and the big differences between ‘Law’ and ‘Grace.’

Being a big man, his radio style was just as large. He didn’t cower to tough questions and when folks tried to bully him, his voice became ‘matter-of-fact’ and stern. He often quoted Romans 5:10 to set the record straight. Because Christ died… “I” died! And that I, now, live FREE because Christ lives inside of me.

The Christian 1 liners were slain regularly on his program… “Ask for forgiveness,” “Follow Jesus,” “Obey the Law” and others were constantly ground down to their root meanings. I learned that through Christ, I was forgiven ALL my sin, even the ones I hadn’t yet committed, 2000 years ago when He died on the cross! I’m FREE!

A couple I talked to last week had been feeling guilty and let down about their own failures. Questioning them I was able to determine that they didn’t really understand the concept of God’s Forgiveness. They kept feeling guilty and sorrowful. I dug up a Bob George’s recorded show and shared. They now smile.

I am adding the link to this devotional in hopes that you click on it and listen. He has LOTS of shows. Jesus’ death is OVER! And so is YOURS… if you have received Him as Savior. Now, it’s time to make Him Lord and LIVE with Him daily. Remember… “Born once, Die twice. Born twice, Die once!” Enjoy!


But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” James 1:22

“James 1:2,” he said. But it didn’t help. I had been frustrated, complaining about how badly things were going on a project. ‘The guy’ was TRYING to help. But his words only proved him to be a smart-ass. He’d memorized a Bible verse once, and hurled it at me. Since I don’t memorize chapters and verses, I replied “Huh?” He smirked!

Being a preacher, one of my pet-peeves is when someone wants to try to impress me with their Bible knowledge by throwing out a Bible verse. It’s easy. When I say “Huh?” I immediately see a gleam in their eye… even if it was unintentional. That gleam says, “see how smart I am?” It really says, ‘I’m a smart-ass!’

James 1:2 tells ALL of us to “Consider it all joy when you face various trials.” I know the verse. I also knew I wasn’t DOING the verse when ‘I’ was talking to ‘the guy.’ He had pointed out that I hadn’t been DOING it when I was doing my project. Which proved BOTH of us were being nothing more than dumb ‘smart-asses!’

A little further down the chapter is another ‘Good Verse’ to memorize. It’s James 1:22 (gotcha)! It says to “Be doers of the Word and not hearers only.” If I had been in a competition, I would have been able to finish that verse after hearing only “Be doers!” Cuz I’m a smart-ass! But then The Holy Spirit hits me, and I know I’m just being a dumb one!

I am a walking, talking oxymoronic saint! I KNOW what the Word says! I have DECADES of study and knowledge that COMPLETELY fails to impress Jesus. He doesn’t CARE what I KNOW. He only cares about what I DO! That He loves, cares for and wants ME to be HIS is the motivation to stop being a smart-ass and DO.

So…. what about YOU? Do you prove your love and appreciation of Jesus by reading His word daily? Are you DOING what He says? Are you working on dropping the ‘ass’ from the title and becoming smarter in your willingness to be His disciple? Don’t be a dumb-ass or a smart-ass… just be His ass! After all, He’s known for Joy riding them!


So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7

Hurricane Milton was a DOOZIE! Driving around town I still see the devastation, and clean up efforts that have been going on for over a month. Trees and 100+ MPH winds do not go well together. Sitting at a stop light, I studied the position of a HUGE Florida Oak tree as it lay on its side with roots exposed. It told a story.

The tree had been MASSIVE. Katie and I have a little thing between us when we see an Oak tree like the one I was considering. “What do you think about THAT one,” she’ll say. To which I’ll give a number from 1 to 10. If our numbers vary, we’ll explain and defend why we each chose that number. This tree LOOKED like a ‘10.’

I had been focusing on the huge limbs of the tree, my eyes searching from top to bottom. When I focused on the roots, the story became clear. The roots were only about a third of the size of the tree itself. Normally, a tree’s root’s underground will be as large or larger, as the tree’s branches above! It was no wonder it fell.

Today’s Bible verse isn’t rocket science. My Christian walk, though seen from the outside, is formed by the size and depth of my roots. As the windy trials of life blow, I will stand or fall based upon how well my roots have grown and adjusted from past storms. It is a never ending process. Growth is supposed to equal trial.

The goal of my life is to grow and bear fruit for Jesus Christ. That only happens as I read and obey His Word daily… digging in and growing up and outward. Jesus is not interested in a flowery, showy life that has no fruit. It is up to ME to make sure I give Him my attention and focus BEFORE the storms of life arrive.

So… what # are YOU? Are YOU an overflowing, thankful, fruit bearing tree for Jesus? Dig into His Word daily and grow up!


A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.” Proverbs 22:1

Last night, the words, “Oh, I LOVE working with your son” were said to me many, many times. They weren’t words for just 1 of my sons, but BOTH! Clint and Colt are in the Maritime business in Tampa Bay. Last night, being at a Festival among over 1500 people who have associations with them, I heard MANY comments praising BOTH my sons.

Am I bragging? Not at all! If you were to take all the knowledge I have about the Maritime and Shipping business and pile it all together, it wouldn’t fit inside a thimble. So they OBVIOUSLY weren’t impacting the maritime industry with ANY knowledge from ME. Being their earthly father, I did what dads do. I beamed!

A week ago we learned the reputation of a loud mouthed, bold and obnoxious man who absolutely loved Jesus Christ. Since his passing, I have been hearing stories, every day, about how he was a ‘great man!’ I knew James well. And I KNOW HE didn’t get HIS reputation from his earthly Father either. It was Heavenly.

The roll God plays in my life is absolutely essential to how people perceive me… AND the reputation I leave behind me. Even though it is not always shiny and good to some. How people view God often reflects how I am perceived. Often, having a reputation of telling Truth as it IS, can get me frowns… even from fellow believers.

The Truth is ‘The Truth’… And HE has both a name AND a Father! His Father is my Spiritual Dad, and HE INSISTS that I ‘tell it like it IS’ when it comes to His Son. Jesus Christ is the person I work hard to represent, and know, more than anything or anyone else. After all, I want MY Heavenly Father to Beam when He hears about my reputation too!

Are YOU working hard to please Jesus? How is YOUR reputation? Is God BEAMING at you because your words and footsteps have a heavenly Jesus glow about them?


Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.” 2 Peter 3:3

There’s a LOT of ‘em! Entertainers who supported Kamala Harris and the Democratic WOKE agenda. And they won’t shut up! This was brought to my attention by Katie, who became livid at the gym yesterday when the story broke on the news. Entertainers, news people and politicians are going crazy!

Their problem? They can’t figure out WHY they and their agenda lost the 2024 election! I read yesterday that Truth loves questions, but liars hate Truth! The Bible makes that clear. Now that the license to sin appears to be in danger, especially in the sex and gender category, those ‘Actors’ are again using their craft!

Katie wrote in her Journal, “Hey Hollywood! We don’t want your advice! You are ACTORS! We pay you to ENTERTAIN us – not enlighten. You became famous because you are good at your craft, be it movies, singing or sports. The King and his court never asked the jesters for advice. They only expected to be entertained by them. The same goes for celebrity sports. We have rejected your un-American attitudes, even in regards to our National Anthem. Now to play ball, sing or act!”

The Latin word ‘entertain’ means to ‘amuse’ or ‘hold someone’s attention for fun.’ Entertainment has no real value other than to take our minds off of the really serious stu,ff for a while. Today, sports players, actors and singers get paid a FORTUNE and are looked upon as idols and role models. Jesus say’s ‘NOT SO!’

The agenda of satan is to turn our attention from the Godly… to anything but. ‘Actors’ are upset that they may be labeled what they are… dark, empty, lust-filled slaves of depravity (2 Peter 2). Are YOU upset that your source of ‘entertainment’ is in question? Jesus holds the ultimate stage. Do you listen and focus on HIM?


His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness. Through these He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.” 2 Peter 1:3-4

Today is Veteran’s Day. A day in the year where Americans honor the military veterans of the United States Armed Forces. I know many Veterans. Not being a Veteran myself, I respect people who are. Having heard stories from my sons, and church members who are, Veterans paid a high cost from their personal freedoms.

It is fun, intriguing and safe to listen to the stories of Veteran’s experiences. From our Army Ranger, Church folks in all 5 branches of services, including my son’s experiences at a Federal Academy, I learned that being part of an Armed Forces Team is not something they forget or dismiss. It makes them who they are.

While I never served in the military, I HAVE been enlisted, and currently still serve in the Army of the Lord. The word Veteran ALSO means ‘a person who is long experienced or practiced in an activity or capacity.’ Having been a part of the Body of Christ since I was saved at 12 years old, I can tell you I am experienced!

I too can tell stories proving my service to Christ, and His Church.  Service CONTINUES to come at a high cost to the corrupted ‘flesh’ that still ‘veteranizes’ me on a daily basis! Yes I have stories, but will not bother to share. Today’s verses provide both the GIFT of God’s Grace, AND His call to continue to SERVE Him daily.

So fellow warriors of Christ… today is another “no ordinary” day where we are called to take up our cross and follow HIM… right into the devil’s territory… to be victorious in snatching others from the fire, and disciplining others in His Corp.

Are YOU an active Veteran for Christ? Happy Veteran’s Day!   OOORAAA!


But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men.” Luke 6:3

I love my neighbor! Rick and I have done a lot of things together. Trimming trees and bushes between our houses is the usual thing we do. Both of our wives like that… so we trim and clean them regularly. Rick has many skills. When I asked if he’d like to go to Barnes (the Church’s house) to work. He gladly said “YES!”

We had just been over there on Monday and spent about 5 hours. He knows drywall… and knows I HATE drywall. I changed out electrical fixtures. Yesterday Rick called to say he was going over there… alone! I had other things to do, he was looking for something TO do. Later, going out to FLAP… I saw Rick.

Rick’s shirt was completely soaked with sweat and his head was reddish… like he’d just taken a hot shower. “Boy it’s hot over there he said!” I suggested he could have turned on the air conditioner… but it never occurred to him. AC costs money… and it sounded like he didn’t want Jesus paying for his efforts.

FLAP (our Churches Bible Study) was a full house. The subject of ‘loving one’s neighbor’ came up. “How do we really do that?” someone asked. ESPECIALLY if someone is evil. AHHHHH… therein lies the rub! Julie, a church member, is going through a lawsuit with a very evil neighbor who is trying to take her property!

With the election pretty much over, we can see that God has intervened. But it’s like summer is over, but the heat remains! The people we consider our enemies, according to the Word of God, are really God’s challenge FOR us. And the heat is NOT going to go away. Neither is the sweaty, tough work that comes along with it.

Jesus calls those who love Him ‘His disciples.’ He has LOTS to say about what, and how, we do things. One of them is this pesky little verse that is repeated about a hundred times throughout His Word. It’s a command… NOT a request! ‘HOW’ we LOVE will take prayerful consideration, and ultimately… ACTION. So… DO YOU?

Have you asked God for the best possible way for you to show love toward another person? Even if that person proves to be your worst, pesky enemy? The heat is on! Jesus expects I take advantage of His resources, go to Him and ask Him HOW to be a cool disciple! Why not ask God, then go be a Rick and… just DO IT!?


Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.” James 1:12

“I gotta go vote!” That was the final action of James Carpenter before he came home, laid down on the floor under a fan.. and passed away. His ‘I voted’ sticker was still on his shirt when, because of his service as a U.S. Marine, they wrapped him in a U.S. Flag, and took him home to be with Jesus.

James was a one-of-a-kind kind of guy. If you knew him, you could only laugh as you tried to describe him. Swapping stories, Gwen, Josh, Stacey, Katie and I did just that. Remembering him and his stories brought a bit of humor into the sadness of the moment. We talked about what he must be saying to Jesus NOW!

James Dean Carpenter was a lot of things. But what was truly clear was that He loved Jesus. He was not afraid to say so either. When he was off work, he’d come by and stand on the corner with us and hold a sign saying so. You couldn’t miss him… ever… anywhere. For now, we weep and mourn his passing. But soon!

James was a GREAT ambassador for Jesus for our church. James actually, in his own way, brought more people to our church than anyone. Funny how that sounds. But it is true. So who is going to step up, and out, to fill his shoes? They are BIG shoes to fill! The job still needs done… and James would encourage it.

The Election of Trump is a mirror of the Book of Judges. We will gather together tonight at FLAP and talk about what it takes to save a Nation. But the example of James, in HIS country, home and church, would be to GET INVOLVED AND DO IT! “Don’t be a slacker!” He’d say. We will see him again. But now WE are his legacy.

Will YOU stand up and out for Jesus… and America? Because Jesus is taking ALL kinds of characters to do His work.  James Dean Carpenter… is proof!  Now it’s YOUR turn.