“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.” Isaiah 49:15-16
Since Katie’s car was broken down, we took it, the night before, to the shop. We had to get up early so I could drop her off work at work and get to some appointments. It was a busy day, but nothing difficult. I mean, it wasn’t like I COULDN’T get around.
I started out at the church and did some work there and changed the LED sign. I dropped off a dozen doughnuts to the road crew for Jesus, and even got that extra cup of coffee I hadn’t had time for earlier! Creativity was flowing and I had fun developing the new signs. Then it was off to a couple stores, then to see a friend for some lessons.
I got home about 1:30 and changed into something comfy and did some studying for the upcoming Bible Study. I made some phone calls and, because I had time, even dozed off for a few moments. All in all it was a good day! Katie usually gets off work about 4pm and I felt like surprising her, so I made some coffee, lit about 5 smelly candles that she likes, then looked forward to her getting home. At 4:10 my phone rang. It was her. “Helloooo baby,” I said. “Did you forget about me?” she responded! I HAD! I was SUPPOSED to have PICKED HER UP!
It was a simple mistake that was remedied in about 10 minutes. But as I sat at the red light, embarrassed in my comfortable pajamas, I couldn’t figure how I could have forgotten about the object of my affection! Then I remembered this verse.
Isaiah was written about 700 years before Jesus came to earth. This particular chapter has His name written all over it. In fact, it perfectly prophecies that Jesus Christ will be the coming deliverer of Israel, and that the people He loves (this includes you and me) CANNOT be forgotten because WE are like a tattoo on His hand!
It doesn’t take a brainiac to see that the scar on His hand comes from Calvary. In fact, Jesus will be the ONLY person in eternity to even carry ANY scars. The cost of our sin left a mark that He PROUDLY wears as completed payment for our salvation. He wasn’t ashamed to pay it, either! I’m glad that Katie is a forgiving spouse, just like my Savior!
What is the object of YOUR affection?