“And Mary said: ‘My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for He has been mindful of the humble state of his servant.‘” Nehemiah 9:5-6
Yesterday was Christmas Sunday. For those labeled ‘C & E Christians,’ it was 1 of 2 days out of the 365 day year to go to Church. Those 2 days being Christmas and Easter. I know that bothers some folks, but I happen to LOVE the opportunity to speak to ANYONE who is willing to listen about Jesus. Even if the terms may not be ideal.
As the service was starting, a couple came in and sat in a middle row. I didn’t immediately recognize them, but Katie did. As the service continued, I could see there was something going on deep inside them. Their countenance and actions spoke volumes about the state of their souls. Unfortunately, I was not in a position to speak to them privately. But!!!
It was later in the afternoon when I saw a missed message from Theresa and Steven. Returning their call, and halfway through the conversation, I put the call on ‘speaker’ and asked them to ‘repeat what they just said so that Katie could hear.’ Shock and joy lit up both our faces. After church, Theresa and Steven acted on a Spiritual nudge and invited the new couple out for lunch. They called to tell me that the couple had just received Jesus Christ as their Savior! A MERRY CHRISTMAS present for all!
I couldn’t have been more joyful because this event had Jesus’ Hands ALL OVER IT! Hearing the story, they hadn’t come particularly because it was Christmas. They came because they needed something. The need had led them to search for whatever that something was. And God had rewarded them.
The body language they exhibited displayed everything I just said. They weren’t arrogant, bold, outlandish or ostentatious, but humble, subdued and seeking. It reminded me of Mary’s speech, directly from her heart, when she stated, “He has been mindful of the humble state of his servant.” ‘Mind-Full,’ is proof that God hasn’t changed in 2000 years!
I’m told that if you want to catch a rat, use peanut butter or Slim-Jims!” Diamonds are said to be a girl’s best friend! But if you want to attract the God of the universe, the Bible tells us that humility is the key ingredient! God is attracted to broken hearts, lives and people who have no place else to turn for REAL answers when their hearts are not sound.
C.S. Lewis said, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thing of yourself, less.” It is wise, when one is broken, lost or in need of real meaning and answers, to take a humble approach in approaching God. He has the answers…we don’t! Jesus clothed Himself in humility and became flesh on my behalf. God expects the same attitude from me in return.
The Word tells us that God’s mind has been FULL of thoughts about you and me! This Christmas I am reminded, like Mary, to reflect and think about the love, joy and peace that God has voluntarily decided to share with those with a right attitude. Only humble and seeking children receive His greatest gift to men. He comes in the form of a humble baby at Christmas!
Have YOU received God’s greatest gift?