
And Mary said: ‘My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for He has been mindful of the humble state of his servant.‘” Nehemiah 9:5-6 

Yesterday was Christmas Sunday. For those labeled ‘C & E Christians,’ it was 1 of 2 days out of the 365 day year to go to Church. Those 2 days being Christmas and Easter. I know that bothers some folks, but I happen to LOVE the opportunity to speak to ANYONE who is willing to listen about Jesus. Even if the terms may not be ideal.

As the service was starting, a couple came in and sat in a middle row. I didn’t immediately recognize them, but Katie did. As the service continued, I could see there was something going on deep inside them. Their countenance and actions spoke volumes about the state of their souls. Unfortunately, I was not in a position to speak to them privately. But!!!

It was later in the afternoon when I saw a missed message from Theresa and Steven. Returning their call, and halfway through the conversation, I put the call on ‘speaker’ and asked them to ‘repeat what they just said so that Katie could hear.’ Shock and joy lit up both our faces. After church, Theresa and Steven acted on a Spiritual nudge and invited the new couple out for lunch. They called to tell me that the couple had just received Jesus Christ as their Savior! A MERRY CHRISTMAS present for all!

I couldn’t have been more joyful because this event had Jesus’ Hands ALL OVER IT! Hearing the story, they hadn’t come particularly because it was Christmas. They came because they needed something. The need had led them to search for whatever that something was. And God had rewarded them.

The body language they exhibited displayed everything I just said. They weren’t arrogant, bold, outlandish or ostentatious, but humble, subdued and seeking. It reminded me of Mary’s speech, directly from her heart, when she stated, “He has been mindful of the humble state of his servant.” ‘Mind-Full,’ is proof that God hasn’t changed in 2000 years!

I’m told that if you want to catch a rat, use peanut butter or Slim-Jims!” Diamonds are said to be a girl’s best friend! But if you want to attract the God of the universe, the Bible tells us that humility is the key ingredient! God is attracted to broken hearts, lives and people who have no place else to turn for REAL answers when their hearts are not sound.

C.S. Lewis said, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thing of yourself, less.” It is wise, when one is broken, lost or in need of real meaning and answers, to take a humble approach in approaching God. He has the answers…we don’t! Jesus clothed Himself in humility and became flesh on my behalf. God expects the same attitude from me in return.

The Word tells us that God’s mind has been FULL of thoughts about you and me! This Christmas I am reminded, like Mary, to reflect and think about the love, joy and peace that God has voluntarily decided to share with those with a right attitude. Only humble and seeking children receive His greatest gift to men. He comes in the form of a humble baby at Christmas!

Have YOU received God’s greatest gift?   


For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life . . . whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed . . .” John 3:16, 18 (NIV)

We own LOTS of blankets and ‘throws’ in our house. There is a closet in our room that is stuffed full…and the bottom of our hall closet contains even more. Thankfully, living in Florida, we don’t have much need for them. But when we do, we have plenty to choose from. Which is why I thought the gift Katie showed me, just received from one of her students, wasn’t all that exciting!

As far as blankets go, it is very pretty. It has a Scottish pattern to it…and being Scottish, the appeal is apparent. But it’s a BLANKET! And, as I’ve said, we have LOTS of blankets! Last night, as Katie was carefully folding it, she said, “this is the most comfortable blanket I have EVER owned! I LOVE it!” Naturally, my immediate reaction was to reach for it!

The texture of the comforter has a smooth and silky feel to it. Touching it immediately drew me in, creating the desire to wrap myself in its AHHHHHHHsomeness! I guess my face registered that desire far too well, because Katie immediately pulled it back and said, “this is mine, you can’t have it! It is the most comfortable blanket I have EVER owned!” Then I understood.

The story of Christmas is a story of a search for the ONE thing for which nothing else can satisfy or fulfill. Every year I want to discover and find a special gift that will show my love and gratefulness to the one who loves me. And NO one loves me like Jesus Christ!

The Christmas Search was started, not by Wise men, but by God Himself! He KNEW what He wanted, but ‘IT’ being out of His grasp, was completely unacceptable. So He sought a solution! Then, when confronted with the cost, He didn’t hesitate to pay the price. But surprisingly, what He sought and paid for by choice, could not be forced upon the object of His love.

When the Wise men came to Bethlehem, They were alone! They shouldn’t have been! The promise of The Savior and Messiah King had been boldly proclaimed for centuries. While THEY sought, the rest of the world slept! Apparently the world was satisfied with what they already had. At least enough to not search for anything better.

It is my hope that the world will see how much I love and appreciate the love and comfort of ‘The Savior’ of MY life. And that seeing it, THEY will want to search and discover the one who is also searching for THEM! This gift is FAR TOO BIG to keep to oneself… it has GOT to be shared!

Are YOU COMFORTABLE with Jesus?       


“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.” Galatians 4:4-6 ESV

Like you, life has been BUSY! Christmas is coming fast… and like most everything else in life, Christmas preparation has proven to follow commandments 11 and 12. The 11th declares “It always takes longer” and the 12th, “It always costs more.” But like it or not, ‘Christ’s-Mass’ is on the way. The clock on the wall WILL signal Christmas Day, and no amount of time or money can change that.

Yesterday I received news from my lovely wife that she has no presents for me. Since we are doing something special together over Christmas vacation, ‘that’ is going to be her gift to me. I wasn’t alarmed or upset at all, since I don’t really NEED anything. You see… I am a wealthy man in that respect. But the HARDER part FOR HER is… I don’t really WANT anything either. It is a wonderful pinnacle of life now shared by my son.

Colt told me last week that he asked his wife for a special kind of gift this year. He said, “if you can think of something you want to give me, take a picture of it and put it in a card. NOT SPENDING MONEY will be your gift to me!” My son has arrived at this stage of life earlier than I had!

The magic of Christmas is different for children. You don’t have to experiment to prove it either. Think about handing out gifts to your children that contain only PICTURES of what they wanted! Yea… you get it! But how would they feel about not getting what they NEED? As a parent… THAT, my friends, would be horrific.

The Bible tells us that when the clock ticked off the perfect time, God sent HIS Son to purchase ‘The Thing’ man really NEEDED… Eternal Life! But the CHARACTER of God went FAR beyond just my need, and even FARTHER than my greatest want. God’s ‘Will’ made me His legal heir! This Christmas Eve and Christmas day, I invite you to think about THAT! What could anyone give a Child of God? I can give you some hints!!!  Because pictures of admiration and care, for now, MUST suffice!  We send them ahead when we show our love and respect by showing our Lord our commitment to Him through our time, giving, service and sacrifice toward one another.  THAT shows Jesus what you think of HIM!

 Are YOU part of the Family?  How are you showing it?

Thought for today…. if you don’t like spending and sharing life with Jesus and His people HERE… you will absolutely HATE Heaven!


And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14

I have a Son-in-Law named Charles. Today is Charles’ birthday. I helped celebrate Charles’ Birthday YESTERDAY. Charles is VERY happy!

If you know Charles, you know he’s a smart, tough, manly man who loves Jesus and his family. When my daughter, Calah told me she needed help in getting a gift from her, I was all in. I won’t go into the details about the gift because THAT is another story. But OTHER parts of the story that deserve to be told… like the REASON I helped them celebrate YESTERDAY!

Because of calendar issues and plans with his mom and dad, there was really only time to get this gift to him YESTERDAY. Knowing Charles, we already KNEW he would LOVE the gift! It takes a LOT to get Charles excited and my daughter Calah KNEW THIS would do it! I did too. So the presentation happened YESTERDAY… NOT ON his Birthday! And he didn’t mind a bit!

Over the centuries, the Christmas story has been told, tweaked and retold over and over. Therefore, it is not uncommon at Christmas time to hear opposing views as to the legitimacy of Christians celebrating Christmas on December 25th, with adverse instructions as to HOW. It gets even WORSE at Easter! I’d like an attempt to De-Manify both!

The gift Charles got had NOTHING to do with time! But BECAUSE of the timing, Charles was able to enjoy it YESTERDAY… AND will enjoy it TODAY when he actually USES it! The day had NOTHING to do with his enjoyment of ‘The Gift.’ But rather enhanced it. Just like our celebration of Jesus Christ as ‘The Son of Man’ AND ‘GOD in the Flesh!’

Having been chided, and forced to listen to ridiculous reasons why we SHOULD NOT celebrate Christmas or Easter (and even the Sabbath) on the days we do, along with excuses as to WHY and HOW, I have become far too nauseated to hear anymore! Knowing Jesus personally as I do, I absolutely know for CERTAIN that HE, like Charles, could care less WHEN or HOW we celebrate His Birthday. Being humble, I know He just LOVES it when WE DO!

Is there any WRONG WAY to show love and appreciation for someone? If you LOVE them you won’t shoot or spit at your loved one. Careful planning and consideration go into honoring and celebrating that special person in your life. Wrong intent with bitterness and harm NEVER enter the equation for celebration. Exclusivity and judgment only take away!

So MERRY CHRISTMAS friends. God the Father invites YOU to MAGNIFY His son…not MANIFY Him. That means the whole celebration of Christ’s Birth is both personal AND corporate…AND GODLY! You SHOULD honor Jesus Christ as God YOUR way… AND join in WITH a Church Family to do it ALONG WITH His Bride! All the time leaving the criticism at home! With Jesus, you either join ‘The Family’, or you don’t!

Are YOU celebrating the Birth of the Savior with friends and relatives AND His Church?


Much of writing the Words of the Day is talking about MY experience… What ‘I’ learned, or should have, as I go through life day by day. It is not to highlight how smart I am, and usually reveals quite the opposite of how ridiculous I can be! THIS Christmas, in year 66 of our lives, Katie and I have had TREMENDOUS JOY in gaining even MORE insight into the story of the Birth of Messiah!

When we learn or hear something that is new, or a new and deeper thought about this old old story, it ignites our hearts and spirits. The result is inevitable! Running to the other we start off with a voice pitch that is generally higher and more enthusiastic! “Did you ever hear THIS ONE?” It is a SIGN of a dedicated learner.

Yesterday I received a call from Jason… then a text this morning from John. BOTH of them had discovered something they hadn’t known before. And it WASN’T on level with a new way of sharpening a saw blade! Rather…this information opened their spirit eyes with the SAME result that Katie and I experience when God shows us more of Himself. Like a cold, God information is infectious and CANNOT be contained. Thus shared, it infectiously moves onward.

Today I am not writing anything new but rather sharing what we have just discovered! It is an article centered around a question. “How was it that just a few ‘Wise Guys’ were able to show up in Jerusalem and DISTURB a whole town…INCLUDING the KING?” Because, in a nutshell, the Birth of Messiah was a BIG DEAL! God had INTENDED it to be so!

This message may take a little more time to read and digest, because it is a message that is not so simple after all. My hope is that this excites YOU as well, and sends you running to SOMEBODY with a higher pitch in your voice and enthusiasm in your spirit. After all…The Savior has been BORN! And only Wise Guys are even going to know about it! Are YOU one?

Please click on the link below. If you can’t open it, copy and paste it into your browser. If you don’t know what that means…well…yer a little behind on the technology curve. Contact me and I’ll walk you though!

In His Service, therefore at yours



Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.” Revelation 19:7-9

It all started off yesterday morning at Church when I heard that Paula and Galen were going to be having their Annual Christmas Party. Not wanting to overstep or cause any problems, I asked Paula if she wanted EVERYONE to know about it! She did! I made the announcement… and plans and preparations were made! It was just a matter of time.

As the clock rolled on we established what time we would need to leave to get there on time. Every glance at the clock was to establish how much or how little time we had before leaving for the event. Suddenly… it was time to get ready, then get in the car, and then GO! I knew WE weren’t going to be the only ones following that same routine.

Paula and Galen’s Christmas Party is not something that is new. In fact, it isn’t even the ONLY one they throw! They had just had a party for their neighbors and close friends! Last night was for Church people. When we pulled up, people were already there and had started in on the food and conversation.

The house was decorated and every conceivable space held some kind of food dish. People were talking, laughing, eating and enjoying. Conversation went from Jesus, Family, Christmas plans, Church, people, kids and even goats! You had to be there! It was fun moving from person to person, talking and eating. On the way home, I began to think about a Party to which I have been invited that hasn’t even happened yet!

I’m talking ‘The Big One’ here! The time in Heaven when Jesus Christ will be celebrating with His Bride…The Church! Having been to MANY wedding celebrations and parties, I cannot even imagine what lavish affair will be had when ‘God’ is the host. But I had a little taste last night!

Decorations and food do not make a party. What makes the party enjoyable is the PEOPLE. I have found that the more people have in common, the more fun the party can be. Having Jesus as the center of your life just makes for GREAT conversation starters. I am looking forward to THAT party with HIS people more than anything here on this planet!

Will YOU be there?


It is a fact that not everybody HAS a Merry Christmas. The Holidays can be a source of sorrow with remembrance of a lost loved one. It is also a fact that if you live long enough, you WILL experience this particular emotion during this festive time of the year. After reading this article yesterday, I took considerable time to contemplate the message.

Two Kinds of Opposition to Jesus by John Piper

When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. (Matthew 2:3)

Jesus is troubling to people who do not want to worship him, and he arouses opposition against those who do. This is probably not a main point in the mind of Matthew, but it is an inescapable implication as the story goes on.

In this story, there are two kinds of people who do not want to worship Jesus.

The first kind is the people who simply do nothing about Jesus. He is a nonentity in their lives. This group is represented at the beginning of Jesus’s life by the chief priests and scribes. Matthew 2:4 says, “Assembling all the chief priests and scribes of the people, [Herod] inquired of them where the Christ was to be born.” So they told him, and that was that: back to business as usual. The sheer silence and inactivity of the leaders is overwhelming in view of the magnitude of what was happening.

And notice, Matthew 2:3 says, “When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.” In other words, the rumor was going around that someone thought the Messiah was born. The inactivity on the part of the chief priests is staggering: why not go with the magi? They are not interested. They are not passionate about finding the Son of God and worshiping him.

The second kind of people who do not want to worship Jesus is the kind who are deeply threatened by him. That’s Herod in this story. He is really afraid. So much so that he schemes and lies and then commits mass murder just to get rid of Jesus.

So today, these two kinds of opposition will come against Christ and his worshipers: indifference and hostility. I surely hope that you are not in one of those groups.  (I, K.C., Hope that you ARE!)

And if you are a Christian, let this Christmas be the time when you ponder what it means — what it costs — to worship and follow this Messiah.

End of Message from John Piper

In reading the line, “two kinds of opposition will come against Christ and his worshipers: indifference and hostility. “ followed by “I surely hope that you are not in one of those groups.” The thought made me pause!

If you are Believer in Jesus Christ, you WILL SUFFER for that belief! Jesus said so Himself. You WILL experience the knowledge that life is tragic…AND understand that YOU need a Savior. When making the decision to follow Jesus Christ, you WILL experience indifference and hostility from those who have not! It is simply a given.

So for the first time in my life, I’d like to take a VERY brief moment to wish YOU, in some small way, a ‘kind of’ SUFFERING CHRISTMAS!

You’re welcome! 


God helps those who help themselves

Standing at the busy intersection, holding ‘Jesus Signs’ as cars fly past is a ministry of our church. As four of us stood proclaiming the message and reason for Christmas, a piece of paper, carried by the wind, came drifting up the road. It got past 3 of us, but Vic was determined to catch and eliminate that litter from the street! Then it got interesting!

The paper appeared to pull a ‘football move,’ avoiding Vic’s foot…twice! The third attempt ALMOST sent Vic rolling into the street! But heroically, he was finally able to subdue the paper perpetrator. Not bad for a lawyer, eh? As he examined the document, it appeared to be some sort of official paper. Reading it out loud brought shock and excitement to our little group!

Vic stated that the finder of this particular document was entitled to receive $1 Million Dollars! Apparently the ‘reward’ was to any ‘do-gooder’ who would take time to pick up trash, thus cleansing the world of its debris! We were all ecstatic! I began to wonder if ‘I’ might have a legal right to some of that reward as well. After all, I DID TRY to get it FIRST!

Vic let out a little laugh as he confessed that the paper ‘DIDN’T ACTUALLY SAY THAT!’ He was just messing with us! But for a moment…no let’s just call it a nanosecond! Because that’s about as long as I was fooled. I began to think about things people actually believe are true…but aren’t! Take today’s Bible verse.

LOTS of people quote it AND give the Bible as the source. But the slogan, “God helps those who help themselves,” is found NOWHERE in God’s Word. In fact, I’m glad that it ISN’T! Because if there were a hint of truth to it, there would be NO hope for me. The Christmas Season and Story make that point clear! When it comes to men, and me especially, we are ALL in desperate need of a Savior. There is NO WAY I can Save or Help myself!

Sin is the offender to God. It makes us all filthy pigs in His eyes. There is NO place for a filthy pig in God’s perfect presence! That thought makes me sweat like a pig, because with no hope, I am destined for the ultimate barbecue…and DESERVE IT! But 2000+ years ago, God sent His son, born of woman, to pay for MY offenses. Sadly, very few people actually get excited about that thought!

The Bible has a LOT to say about God, man, sin and righteousness. The more I read God’s Word, the more I appreciate what He did for ME. I believe it and receive it, and no longer need to sweat like a pig over my destination. Especially since I discovered…pigs don’t sweat!

Are YOU trusting in Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Savior of the World? Then join me this season in NOT sweating. Because God doesn’t need my help. Just my trust!


“‘How can I be sure of this?’ ‘How will this be?’” Luke 1:18 and 34

It was a question I had been asking myself for a few days. Trying to finish up a project, I had run into a legal issue. Before I could do 1 thing, I HAD to do something else. The question before me was, “HOW?” I couldn’t do the project myself, so I HAD to depend on someone else to do the job. After making several calls, “HOW” was proving to be quite a problem!

Things are tough these days and every company in the building trade is slammed. When talking to potential contractors, I received lots of responses…and many non’s. Some told me they’d call back, meet,  or get me a quote. Out of 10 companies, I received 4 responses. And NO one who said they’d get back to me…did! It is clear that what people SAY and DO are often 2 different things. Angels aren’t used to that!

These 2 quotes from Scripture sound very much the same. They were spoken by 2 different people. The first was Zechariah at Gabriel’s announcement that HE was going to be a father. The second was from Mary when Gabriel told her SHE was going to be a mom! Though the words SOUNDED similar, they elicited different responses from Gabe!

Gabriel didn’t like doubt. Having just come from Heaven, He saw things ‘God said’ as DONE.  Zechariah…not so much! He questioned. A little too much! Gabe couldn’t take a joke and cursed Zach with a couple malady’s! Mary’s question got a dignified response AND a full explanation from Gabriel. Could it be that Angels respect women more than men? Or is something else going on here?

The Bible says, several times, that ‘out of the heart, the mouth speaks.’ Humans have a habit of saying things to try to cover all the bases so they don’t get caught, burned or misunderstood. The center of most conversation is ‘The Self!’ Which apparently, Zach was full of. Mary was not. She was honored to be chosen and didn’t need a lot of details.

I have to confess that I often read Scripture with a Zach attitude instead of a Mary one. When God says “DO THIS” or “DON’T DO THAT” I have a tendency to look at how His will is going to impact my life and choices. I subconsciously look for angles, not angels, to help decide to do what God says. If there’s a loophole…I’ll usually  find it! Today’s story is telling me to stop looking for one!

HOW do YOU respond to God’s Words?