“‘Come now, let us reason together,’ says the LORD. ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword.’ For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.” Isaiah 1:18-20
It’s been going on now for a couple months…this insomnia thing. This new thing, along with my old chronic back pain, has added a whole new dimension to my life. The last few days have been especially rough as events and duty overlap to make me feel like I am running a marathon for my life… on 1 leg. Then there is Jesus!!!
Oh no! Don’t you think for a moment that I am whining! While it is true that I didn’t expect THIS at my age. Truth be told, I didn’t really EXPECT ANYTHING. Now, stepping back and plopping down into ‘The Reasoning Chair,’ I feel like I’m 19 again! And boy…I HATED 19!
I’m a WHOLE lot smarter now, and have a LOT of experience with hills and valleys of life. God and I have fought and argued and reasoned together so many times, you’d think I’d have learned to see what He is doing more quickly. And foolish me, when asked by folks, “So how are you doing?” I’ve actually TOLD them! Which is not always smart.
EVERYONE has an opinion about what to do in ANY given situation. And like me, people are NOT afraid to tell me what I should do in every area of conflict ‘I’ bring up. Which isn’t a bad thing in itself, since it shows that they care! I listen and often try out suggestions to see if their wisdom can help since… what are friends for?? Then there’s Jesus!
When the Shepherd and Master of my life wants to make me an offer I can’t refuse, He tries to get my attention with a wink, a finger crook or a low whistle. If I am paying attention, which I should be, coming together is quick and profitable. If I have wandered further away from where He wants me to be, I don’t always see the signs. Then…more dramatic things follow!
To REASON together means a couple things. First, in my opinion, there HAS to be absolute truth to rally around. Living on candy is NEITHER acceptable nor tolerated. Fighting to get candy as my main diet will prove painful to me. The NEXT truth is a lesson that I KNOW, but often need to be reminded. HE is God…I am NOT! I am His servant!
Yesterday I told someone, when they asked how I was, that I am right where God wants me…’up against the ropes!’ Having been there many times, I can see a breakthrough coming through any time now. He’s been trying to get my attention for SOME reason…and as I slip to the mat, He’s got it! After all, He is The Champion of Love! Listen for yourself.
What is God trying to show or tell YOU?