
Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.” 2 Corinthians 9:10

It’s CRAZY and settling to be part of a Church Family. After recent world events, a group of our tough guys got together and decided that there needed to be a little more ACTA added to our VERBA JIC… Just In Case! Last night their influence had me laughing and redefining CRAZY!

I don’t pay much attention to the news. The world is reaping what it has sowed and we are seeing the results. Far too often, conversations with friends and strangers begin with, “have you heard?” Prices are going up, stocks of stuff are going down, all while the clambering of war can be heard in the background. Sadly… it really isn’t news at all!

We were at the grocery store last night, picking up some items for dinners this coming week. I realized I wasn’t the ONLY crazy person on aisle 10 when Katie called out, “HEY… LOOK AT THIS!” I didn’t know whether to laugh, cry or call for the boys with the white straight jackets! Holding up a can of ‘Chicken a La King meat,’ she said, “wouldn’t THIS be good to have in storage?” And she was SERIOUS!

I’ve never purchased or EATEN canned ‘Chicken a la King meat.’ As I read the label, the ‘serving suggestions’ called out to me. I hadn’t known how much could be done with this ‘never before eaten’ stuff! With over 1300mg of sodium included, I saw myself sweating in the blazing Florida sun with no AC or power. The salt became a plus! SO we bought some!

Fear of the unknown is a strange and powerful weapon of the enemy. The devil doesn’t even have to create all the ways of destruction. He can simply suggest the ‘idea’ of destruction into the minds of sinners… and they’ll do the rest! Often with even more creativity! Enter the Crazy People!

I am a part of ‘The People of The Book!’ What becomes a nightmare for the lost world, can actually prove free entertainment to me! Walking through stores seeing folks wearing masks makes me shake my head in wonder. They created their own world of fear, and continue to take it seriously. But me and my Crazy People have “The Book!”

Today’s Bible verse goes beyond simple information, transforming into a PROMISE for those who KNOW ‘The King!’ He REPEATEDLY said there were TIMES like this COMING! AND to PREPARE, BE READY and WATCH! So Crazy People will! All the while munching on the meat of The King!

Are YOU Ready?


Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.” James 5:20

I had him! And BOY… he was a big one! The funny thing was, I wasn’t even looking for him when he just came along, right to where I was sitting! As with all things fishing, the give and take, presenting the bait, letting him have it and the final set of the hook… failure to LAND the fish is ALWAYS a possibility. By the time it was over, I had lost him… forever!

He had come to my house with a crew of guys to do some work. He was to be here for a little over a week, everyday, right under my nose. With THAT much time I thought It’d be fairly easy to catch him. So I started slowly, asking questions about his life and gently talking about my Master… Jesus. He listened because, well… where else could he go?

He told me of his life, his story, his issues. And I hurt for him. Though seeming to listen, I never sensed him committing to the bait. He’d take it in, but spit it back out. Eventually he trusted me enough to give me his phone number, where I’d occasionally send stories, devotionals or Christian Songs. The job was done and he was gone, but I kept fishing… via text message.

A couple months of long distance fishing produced not even a nibble, so I moved on to other streams, occasionally thinking about ‘the ONE that got away.’ That is until yesterday. Yesterday I got a call from a fish that Jesus HAD caught who told me that ‘big fish’ … had just died from a drug overdose!

I’ve told that story to a few folks, and each one said, “well, you did what you could.” But that line hasn’t produced any sense of peace… only sorrow. Years ago I would use that pain as an excuse to simply hang up the pole for a while and take a break from loss and seeming failure. That is until ‘The Great Fisherman,’ would rouse me to get back in there and cast a line!

From the bank where I fish, I don’t see many fishermen. Waters that used to be calm, are now becoming a tumult. Fishing is becoming less productive and even more dangerous. When I look to my Master for an O.K. sign to stop, He quickly gives me a look that says, “don’t even THINK about it,” as He rows the boat out to even deeper, darker waters!

Taking this kind of fishing seriously has serious consequences. A fish may be just a fish, but the kind of fish Jesus wants are heavenly precious. Today’s Bible verse tells me that I am called to be a ‘Whoever’ who fishes to draw men OUT from death to LIFE! And though MOST will get away, I’m still called to be a fisher of men! So I fish!

What are YOU called to do for the Master?


We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.” 1 John 5:19

Having trimmed some trees around the pool cage, they lay on the ground for a few days until I could cut them up and put them in trash cans for disposal. It’s a yearly event that isn’t much fun. Which is why I had put it off. But trash day was coming… so it was time. Then the wind started to blow!

Cutting up gnarly oak and pepper tree limbs is one thing. Forcing them into a can is another. Limbs sticking out from their sides caught on others and made the job even harder. Then, a stiff wind caught 2 of the cans and blew them into me, almost knocking me over! All I could do was laugh, thinking God must be playing with me! Then a thought hit, “which god?”

I have found that there comes a “EUREKA” point when God wants to teach me something. A Serendipitous ‘AH-HA’ moment when, if I stop and pay attention, He speaks as loud as a howling wind. Remembering that sound well, my laughing stopped and I tried to focus.

There is an ill wind a blowin’ in our world(s)! A wind, NOT from ‘THE God,’ but from A god nonetheless! And EVERYONE sees it! 2 Cor 4:4 says, “In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” Here… Paul is talking about SATAN! Little g!

I HATE the slogan “God is in Control’ because these 2 verses clearly tell me… He ISN’T. He SHARES control with Little g… and ME! When I see folks freaking out and blaming a President, neighbor, family member or friend for the state of their upside-down lives, I am reminded that it is MY duty to remind them to look closely in the direction of the wind! A BEAST lies there!

As the days seem to grow darker, it helps me to remember that I am in the midst of a war between two Gods. And while MY GOD WILL win over the Little g, He hasn’t yet fought the final round and established His sovereignty… YET! THINKING like a Jesus warrior is FAR more beneficial than thinking like a leaf! And His message is clear! God wants me and mine ALIVE. Satan wants us DESTROYED!

The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit. The wind blows wherever it wants.” John 3:8

So which god is blowing YOU around? GOD, god or just little ol YOU!   It is up to YOU… to choose!


“…do you think Scripture says without reason that He jealously longs for the spirit He has caused to dwell in us?” James 4:5

Lemmie tell you about Sloanie! That’s kind of a pet name for one of my grandsons. Sloan has a problem… but you’d not really know exactly what it is unless you asked mom or dad. Because of an ear drum issue, he cannot hear out of one ear. This causes problems with speech and pain. But you wouldn’t notice the later! Sloan… is a TOUGH guy!

He’s only 5. But he’s a MIGHTY 5! His heart is sweet and his outside is concrete! He can roll with the bigger kids, get hurt, and just keep going. He’s been through several surgeries to replace the dead eardrum with a new one, but infection has always halted that final step. A surgery was scheduled to clean it up and reschedule the implant. When done… He was done!

No one saw it coming! The surgery seemed to take longer than expected, as family members texted “WHAT’S GOING ON?” When the doctor came out, he said that the infection was isolated and not that bad so… they decided to go ahead and implant the new ear drum!!! And just like that, YEARS of prayer, concern, wondering if and when, simply came to a halt! For now!

Waiting without results is HARD! Because his parents are Jesus folks, they place trust in God and wait to see what comes by that faith. Knowing God is GOOD and LOVING gives hope. Sometimes… unexpectedly! And we rejoice!

I think about God and today’s verse. God is operating, in much the same way, as we do when facing the results of a decision. He created us and implanted a spirit in us that is HIS. And He wants it back! Only HEALED and right with Him! But He waits and waits, hoping and expecting that everything He has done will lead each of us to His door to call Him Father!

God is both tough and tender. I don’t believe He can influence enough to CAUSE or MAKE us His. That decision is OURS. But He often sends us things that help to clarify His goodness and love toward us. When I get those things ‘I didn’t see coming,’ there are no words. Just a deep sense of awe and wonder.

I’m sure Sloan hasn’t seen the last of difficulties that can come with life. But I know that the faith and trust the family places in our marvelous, surprising God will keep us looking up and moving forward toward the hope that is within us. But until we all get home, it’s kinda cool to have a grandson who is part Cyborg!

Who owns YOUR spirit?


To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne.” Revelation 3:21

Last night, the ladies of our church got together for their bi-monthly Bible Study. For several months now, I’ve taken that opportunity to get with guitar playing Steven to jam a little. For the first time, we found ourselves in the NEW Church Building to do just that! Unlocking the door and walking in, I was hit with the sense of “OHHHHHH!” Which happens every time I go in there!

A few years ago, due to Opportunity brought on by growth and the desire to Outreach, we kicked off a new building program. As with all things “Church” related, money and people issues got us a very nice and very large shell! And while we can SEE the new building from our existing one, it doesn’t really hit me as an Obstacle to Overcome until I walk into it!

I set my original drum set up in there and Steven connected his electric guitar by way of a VERY LONG extension cord, to the church. The spacious building allows for the volume of sound we were producing. I use an electric drum set in the current sanctuary because ‘volume control’ in a little space is a prerequisite! Clearly, the building size changed the way we jammed!

Currently we are on a fund drive to raise money to move to the next phase of our new building’s completion. Due to what is going on in the world around us, the timing couldn’t be more perfect! As I was encouraged to read ‘Revelation’ by a fellow Jesus Guy, it hit me again that, while we won’t know exactly the day or the hour Christ will return, we CAN know the climate and season for His appearance! It’s getting hot around here!

It’s easy to dismiss things when they are not ‘in your face.’ It takes something bigger than normal to open eyes to Opportunity. As times heat up, there is more need to Outreach to those around us. But to get there, the Obstacles in front of me must be seen as Opportunities to Overcome. Walking in that big building, my immediate reaction of “OHHHHHH” now seems prophetic! Today’s verse tells me, Jesus EXPECTS me to OVERCOME!

What Outreach Opportunities does Jesus call you to. And are you ready to Overcome the Obstacles to get there? Because I see Jesus calling us to ‘Jam?’


Then God said, ‘Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.’ And it was so.” Genesis 1:11

“LOOK!!!” she said! Though we live in Florida, the ‘land of flowers,’ we haven’t seen much of them lately. Winter had taken its toll on the pretty posies Katie likes to look at outside her glass door, so that all that remained were leaves. But Then!

A climbing, flowering, viney plant I gave her last summer had lost all it’s flowers. Last week was ‘spring break,’ and we were busy cutting away dead vegetation when I heard her cry out. There, at the end of a stem, hung the start of a flowering bud! And with that little bud came a sign of hope… then a vision!

It didn’t take long for her to get excited to catch the vision. Soon we were at the store buying potting soil, seeds and fertilizer because, with that springing bud came a vision and desire to GROW SOMETHING. The problem is, we’re not even farmers! But something was springing up! Which got me to thinking…

Back “In The Beginning,” God simply said “LET the land produce vegetation.” Which is easy for HIM! Being God, the vegetation business took no work at all. After the fall, a whole new way of farming had to be learned and implemented. Labor and sweat became main ingredients for any backyard garden, and soon, Katie and I were sweating!

The symbolism of garden planting was often used by Jesus for things other than farming. The ability to produce ‘anything’ comes with a cost. To coax an ear of corn out of the ground takes more than just words and ground. Seed, effort, time, feeding and pest control all must be combined before any fruit can come. And it is that way for ANYTHING of value.

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows,” points to a universal principle that too often gets forgotten. In order to have a fruitful life, I must plant the seeds and do the work required to REAP that life. Cooperation WITH God is what He expects before a good crop can be harvested.

I can see that this Spring and with the Lenten Season, God is calling and sowing seed in me to produce a crop of SOMETHING He wants the world to see. As the world seems to get more dark and dreary, I think He’s looking for a good example and reason to say… “LOOK!”

What is God growing in YOU?


Live Closer to Home

How Proximity Shapes Responsibility

Article by Scott Hubbard Editor, desiringGod.org

For most of human history, deciding where to devote your day’s attention was relatively simple.

Imagine that you are Adam, waking up in Eden. You rise to the sights and sounds of the garden: a leaning cypress here, a trilling robin there. You turn to Eve, your wife and helper and fellow image-bearer. You think ahead to the day’s work of tending the garden, with more regions to discover and subdue. You breathe gratitude to the God in whom you live and move and have your being. No phone to check, no news to read, no status to update, no email to answer.

Now imagine that you are a typically modern, technological man, waking up in our world of mass communication. Like Adam, you find yourself tied to a particular time and place, with your own near relations and your own patch of ground to cultivate. Unlike Adam, however, your world is exponentially more crowded, with a hundred concerns competing for your attention.

Our anthropology has not changed since Eden — but oh how our technology has. Of all the options available, then, what will get our attention?

Proximity and Responsibility

The question of where to devote your attention is not a totally new one, of course. Even before we could talk across continents and watch 24-hour TV, humans have wrestled with how best to distribute our limited focus. And repeatedly, Christians have articulated a simple principle, drawn from Scripture: proximity heightens responsibility.

In his book Reading the Times, Jeffrey Bilbro quotes Augustine: “All people should be loved equally. But you cannot do good to all people equally, so you should take particular thought for those who, as if by lot, happen to be particularly close to you in terms of place, time, or any other circumstances” (31). Similarly, John Calvin notes that since human ambition “longs to embrace various things at once,” every person has objective callings “assigned to him by the Lord as a sort of sentry post so that he may not heedlessly wander about throughout life” (Institutes 3.10.6).

Before Augustine or Calvin, however, the apostles distinguished degrees of responsibility in our varying relationships. Like a pebble dropped into a pond, we are each surrounded by concentric circles. In the nearest circles live our natural household and spiritual household (1 Timothy 5:8Acts 2:45), followed by our neighbors and more remote Christian family (Galatians 6:10; 2 Corinthians 8–9). Further still dwell our distant non-Christian neighbors.

The principle admits exceptions, and we should beware of becoming like the lawyer who sought to redefine neighbor within bounds suitable to the flesh (Luke 10:29). “Proximity heightens responsibility” does not justify callousness to distant miseries, for example. But it does warn us against fixing our gaze on faraway vineyards while foxes devour our own (Proverbs 17:24Song of Solomon 2:15).

Among the world’s billions, a few people are “particularly close to you.” And more than those farther off, they deserve your “particular thought.”

Who Needs Your Attention?

One question may help us apply the principle with greater clarity: Who needs your attention?

Many of the people and concerns to which we give our attention do not, in fact, need it — as evidenced by the fact that they will never know they had it. Celebrities and sports stars do not need our attention. Foreign dictators do not need our attention. Most high-school friends on social media do not need our attention. We may still decide sometimes to give them our attention, but whether we do or not, they likely will neither know nor care.

“Withdrawing our attention from Twitter will go unnoticed; withdrawing our attention from our kids will not.”

Meanwhile, we can easily pass by those who do need our attention — those people who would genuinely be worse off without our focused, warmhearted care: our spouses and children, church members and neighbors, friends and coworkers. Withdrawing our attention from Twitter will go unnoticed; withdrawing our attention from our kids will not. Far more than the far-off, those near us need our attention.

And for the typical busy person, chances are high that our nearest relationships need not just some of our attention (the day’s leftover minutes), but all that we can reasonably give. Few wives flourish under a half-attentive husband. Few children feel cherished by a distracted dad. Few small groups thrive with kind-of-committed members. And few jobs succeed under a slack hand. Whatever the relationship, caring well for those closest to us calls for our concerted focus — and our concerted refusal to give that focus elsewhere.

Three Practices for Proximity

If we live within our limits, prioritizing the near over the far, we may need to die some small deaths. But if we prioritize the far over the near, the people around us will need to. How, then, might we devote our far-flung focus closer to home? Consider three areas of life where we might practice the principle of proximity.

Prayer: From Near to Far

If we want to remember our main responsibilities each day, we may do no better than to remember them before God each morning. Before you turn on your phone, and fly to circles far away, take hold of your nearest, dearest concerns, and place them before your Father.

In his book Dynamics of Spiritual Life, Richard Lovelace writes,

If all regenerate church members in Western Christendom were to intercede daily simply for the most obvious spiritual concerns visible in their homes, their workplaces, their local churches and denominations, their nations, and the world and the total mission of the body of Christ within it, the transformation which would result would be incalculable. (160)

“Where your prayers are, there your attention and affection will be also.”

Note that praying in concentric circles doesn’t keep us from interceding for national or global issues. The practice just ensures that we begin where we are, that we spend time at home before traveling abroad.

The transformation from such a practice may indeed be incalculable — not only in the answers that would follow, but in the posture of heart and mind that would be formed. For where your prayers are, there your attention and affection will be also.

Time: Budgeting Our Days

Many budget beginners are astonished to discover where their money actually goes every month. How did they spend $50 on coffee or $150 on clothes? As they begin reallocating their dollars, they may realize they were less cash-strapped than they thought: they were just spending their money in the wrong places.

No doubt, many of us would discover something similar if we paid more attention to where our time goes. Who or what deserves little of our time but gets a lot? Who or what deserves a lot of our time but gets a little? As we begin reallocating our hours, we might also realize that we weren’t as time-strapped as we thought: we were just spending our moments in the wrong places.

What if we took some of our time reading the news and used it to pray for our small group? What if, when we felt an urge to check email, we texted an accountability partner instead? What if we turned a desire to post something online into an opportunity to pen a note to a neighbor?

Either way, consider giving your time the same way God calls you to give your money (Proverbs 3:9): the first and best goes to your nearest circles; anything remaining becomes discretionary time.

News: History Without Headlines

If he wanted, the apostle Paul surely could have filled his letters with news from the empire. He could have offered hot takes on current events or mentioned the latest controversy in Ephesus. Instead, he spends most of his time speaking into local needs and local relationships: he wants the church at Colossae to really be the church at Colossae (Colossians 1:2). And when he does mention news, he focuses on events rarely mentioned in high places: the gospel’s advance through his missionary labors. As he tells the Colossians, “Tychicus will tell you all about my activities” (4:7).

History’s greatest events rarely make the headlines. For the main thing happening in the world is not the rise and fall of nations, or the election of presidents, or the changing of the climate, or man’s exploits into space. The main story in the world is how Jesus is building his church, and how the gates of hell are falling before it (Matthew 16:18).

We enter this story in our nearby circles, as we bring the grace and good news of Jesus to our families, friends, neighbors, and workplaces. And we enter this story in the more distant circles of frontier churches, bound to us by the same blood. So why not curate our daily news accordingly?

Circles of Life

We no longer live in a world as simple as Eden. Adam had no choice but to devote himself to his surroundings; we can surround ourselves (at least digitally) with almost anything we want.

But we still walk through the world as Adam’s children, finite as our first father. We are limited creatures, bound to a place and time, with less attention, energy, and emotion than we sometimes want to admit. We cannot be everywhere always; we can’t even be two places at once. And those who try often end up being nowhere at all.

The distant life can feel desirable, an escape from the monotony of the present moment. But in the beginning, God spoke a benediction over these limited bodies (Genesis 1:2831), and in the incarnation he crowned finiteness with his eternal approval (Colossians 2:9). And so we may also find that the circles God gives are gateways to life: the happy and human life for which he made us.

Scott Hubbard is an editor for Desiring God, a pastor at All Peoples Church, and a graduate of Bethlehem College & Seminary. He and his wife, Bethany, live with their two sons in Minneapolis.


Reading John 3:21 this morning, I felt pulled into it more deeply to figure out what God was trying to tell me.  Take a look:

‘But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.”

THEN I found THIS devotional!’  Ya think He’s trying to tell us something? After all, I sensed He wanted me to share it with YOU. So… what is it?

And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain.” Phil 2:16b

Paul is looking forward to the great day when time will be rolled up as the dawn and cast aside, and all the fruit of Christian labor will be made visible-when all the gold, silver and precious stones that result from Christ at work in us will be gathered up and displayed. All of the wood, hay and stubble that results from our self-effort for him will be burned. Christ’s steadfast continuing work in you is your holding fast to the word of life, and this is what will result in praise and rejoicing in that day. Regardless of the circumstances or the praise of men or whether there are immediate results, continue, hold fast-don’t give up! Then Paul says when I see the results of your faith my heart will swell with pride because I’ll know I’ve not helped you in vain.

Looking on to his impending death Paul says, even if I am being poured like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith. Even if that should occur, if I should know that you are holding fast to the indwelling Christ, I will die with gladness and joy in my heart. If you hear I have died that way, you too can rejoice and be glad. This is the ground of Christian rejoicing — a refreshing, fruitful life, pouring out rivers of living water to others, conditioned upon unrelenting reliance upon the indwelling Lord Jesus.

We read in Hebrews 12:2 of our Lord, who For the joy set before him … endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. What was the joy that was set before him? It was his glorious expectation that into the lives of men and women who were being blasted and ruined, torn apart and disintegrated by sin, and rebellion, his healing life would enter. He would integrate all of life and bring focus and perspective, and call men back to all the expected fruitfulness of the Christian life. Anticipating what his life would accomplish, and knowing he would be reunited with his father, he endured the cross. He poured out his blood as a drink offering upon our faith, and is now seated victorious on the throne on high.

When we come to the Lord’s table, we celebrate this drink offering poured out for us. He emptied himself that we might have him in us, the source of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control-the fruit of his Spirit. This is the underlying principle of Christian living, the self-giving love poured out on behalf of another. How beautifully it is exemplified in the life of Paul. It is only possible as we reckon on Christ’s life within both to will and to do of his good purpose.

Lord Jesus, you have poured out your life for me. Help me to endure whatever you have in store for me, knowing that your purpose is to display your very life to me, and thereby to those around me.

Daily Devotion © 2014, 2022 by Ray Stedman Ministries. For permission to use this content, please review RayStedman.org/permissions. Subject to permission policy, all rights reserved.


I wanted to give you a little snippet to keep your faith growing up.  Some folks have wondered and asked, “What will it be like when Jesus comes back?”  Well… How about THIS?  Even good meat and wine!  May you have a blessed day… Whose banner is flying above YOUR life?

The Triumph Is Sure by John Piper

Therefore strong peoples will glorify you; cities of ruthless nations will fear you. (Isaiah 25:3)

Isaiah sees the day coming when all the nations — representatives from all the people groups — will no longer be at odds with Yahweh, the God of Israel and his Messiah, whom we know to be Jesus.

They will no longer worship Bel or Nebo or Molech or Allah or Buddha or utopian social programs or capitalistic growth possibilities or ancestors or animistic spirits. Instead they will come in faith to the banquet on God’s mountain.

And they will have the veil of sorrow removed and death shall be swallowed up and the reproach of God’s people will be removed and tears shall be gone forever.

That’s the setting for understanding the vision of Isaiah 25:3: “Therefore strong peoples will glorify you; cities of ruthless nations will fear you.” In other words, God is stronger than the “strong peoples” and he is so powerful and so gracious that in the end he will turn ruthless nations to revere him.

So the picture Isaiah gives us is one of all nations turned to God in worship, a great banquet for all the peoples, the removal of all suffering and grief and reproach from the nations, who have become his people, and the final putting away of death forever.

This triumph is sure because God is doing it. Therefore we can be certain of it.

Not one life spent in the cause of world evangelization is spent in vain. Not one prayer or one dollar or one sermon or one letter of encouragement or one little light shining in some dark place — nothing in the cause of this advancing kingdom is in vain.

The triumph is sure!