
His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to His eternal purpose that He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Ephesians 3:10-11

My least favorite day of the week is Gym Day. Unfortunately, we have 3 of those every week. Showing up at the gym is rather daunting for many reasons. Michael, the owner of the Gym, is my friend. He’s my friend because he loves Jesus. But Michael can be intimidating because he is built like… well… a Gymian!

Wearing a Batman shirt as I pretended to ‘work out,’ Michael came out of the office wearing a Superman hat! I thought, “it figures!” After seeing each other’s garb, we discussed the reasons for each of our choices for favorite superhero. I had to admit that HIS made MUCH more sense. Super-Man looks and does just like his name sounds. Bat-Man??? Eh…not so much!! This got me thinking about God’s names.

Knowing how my brain does or doesn’t work, I KNEW it HAD to be the Holy Spirit dropping the word into that muddy quagmire under my hair because, “Superintendent” is not a Bible word. I had read the word in a story, which had nothing to do WITH the story. But it caught my eye, swam around a while, then connected to a question that needed an answer. “What is the ‘intent’ of Almighty God?’ So I went fishing!

The original Greek word for Christian is “Christianos” which comes from the two Greek words “Christ and “tian.” The word Christ means “anointed” and “tian” means “little.” So the word “Christian” literally means “little anointed ones.” Which is what God expects me to be and look like. Today, the word ‘superintendent’ is the title of someone in charge. But I suspected there was more to be considered.

God has purpose, intention and an overall objective for mankind. As a created being, it seems logical to me that if I find out what that is, and conform to it, my life will find meaning and fulfillment. I had to wrestle among SEVERAL verses to pick out an ultimate one to define what God’s purpose is… And I like this one.

God’s intent and purpose is that His Church should make known ALL the wisdom of God to everything… everywhere! Especially the satanic and evil human world. Which means I SHOULD be focusing LESS on the tough MAN side of my favorite superhero, and focus more on FLITTING and SQUEAKING for Jesus wherever I go in this dark world!

How do YOU picture YOURSELF for Christ?   


Can you make a pet of it like a bird or put it on a leash for the young women in your house?” Job 41:5

“It” was estimated to be around 9’ long! And while I’m NOT an expert on all things alligator, I’ve seen enough to make as good an estimate as anyone. But seeing and sizing the gator by the pond was NOT what shocked me. My eye was caught by the 2 ladies inching closer to it… cameras in hand! Even though I was about 3 football fields away and moving 45 mph…the image was fused into my head!

Alligators are fascinating creatures, and living in Florida guarantees you will see one from time to time. But like bears in wooded country, there is little to worry about. They stay in their habitat and I stay in mine. If we happen to cross, I know the basic rules to avoid engagement! Those ladies were obviously tourists and either didn’t KNOW the rules… or didn’t care. Cuz they were breakin’ ‘em!

Alligators can grow to 13 feet, weigh up to 800 pounds, and have about 80 teeth zippered in their head. They can easily kill any blood carrying object… and DO! They are carnivores! Alligators can leap up to 5 feet, run up to 35 miles per hour AND climb fences, or trees with low branches. As I saw it, if that gator decided he was annoyed or hungry, those ladies didn’t have a PRAYER. And they were pushing their luck! But yesterday, I did the same thing myself… at LEAST a dozen times!

I used to tell my girls growing up to “beware of men, because men are pigs!” They had a hard time believing it because they’d reply, “well you’re a man daddy!” At the time they really didn’t quite understand when I huffed back, “EXACTLY!” I don’t ENJOY being like a pig… but I don’t use the simile as an excuse either. Popeye, the cartoon character, may be allowed to say, “I Yam what I YAM!” But being on Jesus’ team, that excuse can’t even be used as BAIT for an escape route!

I have to keep reminding myself that sin is like a very large, hungry alligator. Just lying there in the open doing nothing may make it SEEM friendly. But getting closer to see if I can play without getting bitten is REALLY stupid! Having been bitten SO many times, I’m embarrassed to say that I can STILL fall for it… because I am pig-flesh by nature! Pig-flesh is EXACTLY what sin feeds on!

Job 41 talks about the Leviathan. I’ve heard arguments from people who like to define what that creature REALLY is. But like an alligator, I prefer to leave it alone and see it as the perfect analogy for sin. Sin is mean, nasty, unforgiving and always a murderer. Sin is so deceptive that it ALWAYS comes to me pretty, elegant, inviting and sweet. Why just this morning, I had to do what I did yesterday when I saw those ladies by the pond! I pressed on the gas and just kept fleeing!

How do YOU handle sin!     


We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves.” Romans 15:1

AMPUTATION! How is THAT for a word that alone demands attention? I don’t LIKE bad words like that one. So I am forced to admit that as long as that word visits somebody else’s door, brief attention is all it really gets from me. And right here and now… I want to make a public apology for that.

Galen has wheeled his fat, old, 1 legged, Ranger self into our church for a long time now! Paula is always at his side. Having trained and served as an Army Ranger, Galen is a tough turkey. The quality has rubbed off on his wife Paula and her Christian faith. They both drive further to our church than anyone, which takes almost a half an hour. They never miss a Sunday or Wednesday night service without a legitimate reason! Yet the bad news about Galen’s leg never stops coming!

If I don’t like something, I avoid it. It’s just that simple. For me to deal with unpleasantness I must force myself to die to my stupid, selfish, idiosyncrasies and ask Christ to fill me with HIS love and priorities. It takes EFFORT! Sometimes I get tired and lazy and just don’t want to even THINK about negative things. That happened Wednesday!

I got a text from Galen telling me that, after visiting his Doctor, he and Paula must make the decision to amputate his remaining leg! They’ve done all they can do and the decision now is… “you wanna amputate now or just wait a little while longer?” I was immediately sickened by the news and called Paula, promising that THAT NIGHT we would pray a special prayer for Galen at Prayer Meeting! Then I forgot!

Reading the Word, I discovered verse 30, written BY Paul ABOUT Paul. I urge you, brothers and sisters, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me. He sounds desperate! Having served Christ and His church, Paul’s future is NOT looking very good. So he uses ALL the resources at his disposal in private prayer and faith. When that didn’t work, he URGES other believers to JOIN HIM IN HIS STRUGGLE. Spoiler alert! He didn’t get what he asked for!

We have prayed and prayed for Galen SO many times, yet have seen NO physical change whatsoever! This area of requesting miracles from God is a personal ‘rotten lemon’ for me. NOT because I don’t believe God can DO them. But because I honestly haven’t seen Him do that many! Asking again makes me feel like I’m jumping into a vat of depression and failure, expecting a different result. And since I don’t like it, I avoid it!

But God NEVER fails. And Galen and Paula aren’t done getting VERY special attention from the Master of the Universe. Like with Paul, their pain will bring Glory for God, just like mine and yours. And even though I don’t LIKE dealing with the subject of weakness and failure, God expects me to do just that. Because ‘I’ have LOTS of bad attitudes and actions that I carry around, I’m hearing God say, “ya want to cut them out now or later?”

Galen and Paula, I’m sorry for forgetting about praying for you Wednesday night. Will you, dear reader, please join me in doubling down for our friends.

What does God want to remove from YOU and how can we help?


May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 15:5-6

I do not like stale pretzels! At the moment though, that was all we had because my wife had just eaten all the FRESH ones! But my taste buds had colluded with my stomach and sent a signal to my brain that PRETZELS were all I wanted. So the question… do I eat the stale pretzels to satisfy my desire? Or do I stifle Mr. Desire and forgo the pretzels? Decisions decisions!

It’s not like we didn’t have anything else in the house. I had just had 1 tiny little chocolate cookie an hour before, satisfying a desire for something sweet. But shortly after Mr. Sweet left the room, Mr. Salty entered! We also had a few pieces of Pizza we had brought home from dinner. But Mr. Pizza was resting quietly in the box and never made a sound. At least to ME anyway. Mr. Salty Pretzel was SCREAMING!

I like cheddar cheese with pretzels. Don’t ask me how I learned that. But I opened the Fridge, got out the shredded cheese and took a pinch, reached into the bag of pretzels and found it EMPTY! Swallowing my cheese I jokingly cried out to Katie…”YOU AT ALL THE PRETZELS?” She sheepishly grinned and confessed! But I knew there hadn’t been that many left over in the bag anyway. I found a stale bag in the cupboard.

O.K., this story seems kind of ridiculous. But it is common, because little battles like this happen within me ALL DAY LONG! I LONG ago gave up the fight to ONLY eat healthy stuff, figuring that since I KNOW Jesus and KNOW where I am going when I die, I may as well ENJOY my time here while I can. So I can and choose to eat some junk! But I realize that is a DEATH decision for SOME people out there!

NowI am not alone in this house. My bride has full access to any and everything in it. We share, sometimes unequally, because we have learned that in a good marriage, it is beneficial to give up a silly desire that can only satisfy for a short time, in order to benefit ‘The One’ we have chosen to love above all things earthly. Each other! This is a universal, God given trait among His Family.

I am not a baby. I have been a believer in Christ for well over 50 years. I KNOW babies though. New-borns in Christ who are learning to walk, talk and chew. I am acquainted with teenagers in Christ as well. Folks who have been ACTIVELY following Jesus for some years, but NOT necessarily ‘acting their age!’ We are all different and at different levels, with the SAME GOAL! To glorify God.

I DID eat a few stale pretzels, then Katie confessed that she had REALLY wanted the pizza, but chose the pretzels to save the pizza for ME. My taste-buds had been satisfied, so I left the pizza for her to take to lunch today.  It was a Win-Win, because, as the saying goes, no one of us… have it all together. But all of us together… have it all!

How is YOUR relationship with Christ and what do YOU desire? Stale or Fresh? And are you sharing?


Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.” 1 Corinthians 12:7

“Hey.. how about Calico Chicken for dinner tonight?” While the sentence came from Katie’s mouth to my ear, that one sentence conjured within me desire and memories, then ultimately started a chain reaction of very positive actions and events. And we didn’t even have any chicken in the house!

It’s a joke at our house. Years ago, walking in from my job, the aroma hit me! “What’s THAT smell?” I asked. She told me it was an old family recipe from the Civil war era called ‘Calico Chicken.’ The smell was so divine I couldn’t wait for dinner. I wasn’t disappointed! That night, Calico Chicken became a regular favorite in our house. But when I’d press her on the history of the dish, she simply smiled.

The other night Katie came home from the store and started mixing ingredients for that ol’ civil war recipe. Soon the house was filled with good things. With chicken bones and broth left in the pot, I asked if I might use it to make soup. The next day I went to the refrigerator and pulled out anything left over and started putting it in the pot on the stove. Now, a different aroma filled the air.

When I was done mixing random ingredients, I had a whole pot FULL of soup! It was then I remembered my neighbors were both sick, so I texted to see if they wanted any of the concoction. There went half of it! The other half we have worked on for the last few days, and each time it tastes even better than before.

While cooking, I began thinking that a Church is kind of like a pot of soup! Every church and every member is different, as every flavor adds something to the mix without becoming overbearing. As I cooked, I tasted… and each sip of the spoon, along with the discovery of something else in the fridge or cupboard, blended with the other ingredients to make a wonderful aroma and satisfying meal.

The Holy Spirit is in the Soup business. 1 Corinthians 12 tells us that He takes people, then adds to their natural personality and gives them gifts from Him. But the gifts are never given to the getter to keep for themselves. They are meant to merge, blend and satisfy the hunger of the entire body.

I didn’t write the recipe down! It was a 1 pot soup that will never be duplicated, but always appreciated. I may try to re-match the exact flavor, but it will never equaled. After years of pestering Katie about her ‘Old Family Civil Recipe’ she finally admitted she got it out of a cookbook! But it IS a part of OUR family. And like our Church, there is no taste like it.

What do YOU positively add to God’s Soup?


Then Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.'” Matthew 16:24-25

THEY’RE BACK IN THE BOX! Yep… all the Christmas decorations have finally been removed, packed up and placed into storage. Even the Valentine’s Day tree has been taken down! But whether late or early, our Living Room is ‘back to normal!’ And to be honest, I have NO idea what that really means!

Katie is an artist at heart. I often feel sorry for her because her eye is NOT easily satisfied. Where someone might place a vase, she will move that thing to different locations, then after placing it, turn it over and over again to get JUST THE RIGHT ANGLE to satisfy her own subjective image of what looks good. I can NEVER figure out what that image is.

When Christmas comes around, it takes over a month to put all 28 boxes in place (yes, we added a few). My hands are the only thing needed to transfer the decorations from one place to another. I LOVE what she does and how she does it. It makes our house pretty and homey, but that’s pretty much it!

I looked up the definition of ‘Decorate’ and found this.. “to enhance the appearance of something by adding something unessential!” A FRIGHTENING definition for me when Katie reads this! But EYE opening when the concept hits home! If decorations are used to make something look more attractive by putting things on or around it, I naturally have to wonder, “What does JESUS think about that?”

Jesus is a spectacular artist! I look at nature, a sunset or a mountain vista and “WOW” is too small of a word. Then I read God’s spectacular Word and see that there are SOME things that God expects us to keep as they are intended to be. The Bible is clear… my life in Jesus Christ is NOT UP for decoration!

To become a Christian I had to be stripped bare of myself. To acknowledge that “I” am the problem and that ‘HE’ is the solution. Walking with Christ means that I must keep HIM as essential by putting all my false decorations away. Humility, self righteousness, pride and direction of movement are ALL fake coverings intended, deep down, to make myself look good. And Jesus hates every bit of it!

The instructions of this verse may not be pretty, but they are pretty clear! Give up your life, your ideas, your likes, wants and desires and… “FOLLOW ME”…WHEREVER!  While I was debating that sentence in my mind, I lost track of Him! Please excuse me while I go catch up!

What essentially guides YOU?


Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’” Isaiah 30:21

Having just heard the song, ”Count Your many Blessings,” I was doing just that when I received a ding from my phone. The ‘ding’ was a notification that I had just received an email… so I opened it. The effect it had upon me made me wish I had just left it alone. Someone had just ‘opinionated’ me!

Counting blessings is generally done through a rear-view mirror. In looking back over my life I have multitudinous reasons for being blessed beyond my wildest, old dreams for myself. I have a wife that there are not enough adjectives to describe, a family of 4 AMAZING adult children and 11 grandchildren that are beyond ‘WOW’ according to today’s standards. Then there’s the STUFF!

Having been blessed with 2 houses, one is used as a seasonal rental listed on a national rental site. The descriptions, amenities, features, benefits and even pictures are out there for anyone to see so they can make an educated choice to stay there. The descriptions are exhaustive and clear. After getting the ‘ding,’ I guess they are up for ‘opinionated judgment’ as well!

TV service there is limited for a number of reasons. But THAT is no secret because I state it clearly on the listing. “Premium TV is NOT available. Please use your own accounts and passwords or go for a kayak ride!” Pretty simple, right? Or so I thought. Yet the number 1 complaint I get is, “location does not have premium TV service!” But the latest comment REALLY blew me away. One renter stated the house was “Dated!” AFTER he had seen pictures of the place and booked it ANYWAY! It shouldn’t bother me… but it does!

“The difficulty in life… is the choice,” is one of my favorite sayings because it is true! In the information age, I am OVERLOADED with facts, figures, suggestions and OPINIONS! It’s to the point now that if I don’t like even my OWN opinion, I can surf the web to find OODLES of data supporting even my most errant of choices! All, naturally, to make me feel good about myself! BUT GOD!

I don’t believe God has opinions! Being the ultimate authority on every EVERY subject means He has FACTS! Oftentimes, my opinions crash unrepentant upon the solid rock of His facts! When that happens, HE is not to blame for ANY carnage. Today’s verse is CLEAR! Whether the opinion comes from others or is my own, I am NOT excused from KNOWING what GOD has to say about ANY area of my life. He even makes the effort to whisper it in my ear!

What’s YOUR opinion?


The LORD saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.” Genesis 6:5

The Jigsaw Puzzle was out on the coffee table where Katie and I could ‘puzzle’ at our leisure. Last night we were anticipating a WONDERFUL evening with our daughter Calah and her family of 5. Spaghetti was on the menu and all was right with the world. We even figured that Calah and Charles would probably like to tinker with the puzzle as well, since that is also one of THEIR hobbies. Little did we know!

My 3 grandchildren through Charles and Calah are SUCH a joy and a blessing. From ages ‘almost 5’ down to 6+ months old, their laughter filled the house. Toys were pulled from the closet and noises that accompany each item… from Race Car driver to Cowboy Gunslinger… filled the house! Just LISTENING to them play brought smiles to my heart.

They’d been here for over an hour and dinner was over. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw him. And what he was doing was so shocking, it didn’t even register at first. Case, my 3 year old protege, was pretending to be a front-end loader as he shoveled all the puzzle pieces together into 1 pile! When I realized what he was doing, I hollered out his name! The look on his face was priceless.

I had written before that a puzzle is only enjoyable WHILE it is being put together. Except for a few sections that remained intact, Katie and I were going to have to start our ‘fun’ all over again… from the beginning. The whole thing was so shocking as to be hilarious. Correcting him, while we were all snickering, Calah tried to convince him that what he had done was wrong.

About 20 minutes later, as Charles and I sat 4 feet from him, Case reached over to UN-puzzle one of the only remaining sections. I called his name…’Case!’ He never looked and kept pushing. I called a little louder…’CASE’ as his dad started the countdown…’ONE’! His face reflected his actions, and when he didn’t stop… I whistled LOUDLY to shock him into reality! His dad grabbed him! He was a portrait of rebellion!

Where does evil come from and at what point in life does it show? I believe that what we believe about the answer to that question, actually matters! I KNOW what God says about it, as it is written in the Bible. Man’s heart is evil from birth. And being evil, man DOES evil. Even from a tender age of 3 (or 6+months). If we know that, we can start the process of redemption with our children EARLY.

Now before you cry foul, understand that Case KNEW what he was doing. But he CHOSE to keep DOING IT! And here is the thing that convicted me… I do the VERY same thing! EVERY TIME I SIN!

Do you?

Thank God we have a HEAVENLY Father!


The following is actually a sermon preached by John Piper over 30 years ago.  It sounds like it is from this week!  It is about political correctness and HOW the world is working our minds to either believe a lie, or to scare us into shutting up! Don’t do EITHER!  We ARE the light of the world… and the world, the flesh and the devil are working OVERTIME to put our light out!  Pastor John gives examples of slogans in his day — Orwellian slogans used to bias interpretation and you can see just how successful they became.  They are STILL used TODAY!   

Let me read you a text from the teachings of Jesus that is a clarion call to you this morning to be courageous in speaking unpopular things. 

A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. It is enough for the disciple to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they malign those of his household.”  Matthew 10:24–25:

In other words, expect to be maligned in the world. Don’t assume, when you are called a name, that you’ve suddenly made a big mistake and have said something inappropriate. “Oh, I must go back and find another way to say it so they won’t malign me.” It says you’re going to be maligned. They spit on him. They crowned him with thorns. They called him names. They laughed at him… to scorn. Shall we be above our teacher? That’s the point here.

Expect Hostility

So have no fear of them, for nothing is covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. What I tell you in the dark, say in the light, and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops. And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.” (Matthew 10:26–31)

Now, the point of that text is unmistakably clear because of the threefold repetition of the command. Verse 26: “Have no fear of them.” Verse 28: “Do not fear those who kill the body.” Verse 31: “Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.”

Jesus does not want any of you to be afraid. And the issue about fear here is what comes out of your mouth. He is asking His disciples (AND YOU) to speak clearly — that is, in the light, and forthrightly, and publicly (“on the housetops”) — things that will get you killed! Before your life is over, it is in all likelihood that you will be in jail for saying some of the things that I’ve said in this room in these past two days, or if not in jail, you will be the victim of random violence from certain communities in society. One of our pastors was shot at on the way home from church last Sunday night, just randomly, out of the towers across the street from the church. He heard the bullet go zing! as it hit the ground beside him.

“I want you to be unafraid, in spite of what it’s going to cost you, to say things that are unpopular or dangerous.”

Now we have no idea. What was this? Why is this person doing this? Was it intentional? Police don’t have anything to say about it, but that doesn’t surprise me at all. Our church is known for a few controversial things. There are people who live in those towers who don’t like what we say. Guns are easily available. Some of them are not mentally stable. Now, if you decide, “Oh, I’m not going to live in a place like that — no way,” what are you? Who’s your master? What is this? Are you American, or are you Christian? Do you choose your house for safety, or do you choose your house for ministry? Jesus is real clear here: Be courageous. Be fearless. So, I want you to be unafraid this morning, in spite of what it’s going to cost you, to say things that are unpopular or dangerous.

Mature in Thinking

Now, in order to do that, you need to really exploit your time here at Church (and in your study time) to become strong in the truth and strong in the word. “Brothers, do not be children in your thinking. Be infants in evil, but in your thinking be mature,” Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14:20. He wants you to use your time grow more and more mature in your thinking, to send your roots deeper and deeper into the objective evidences of God’s truth, so that when you walk out of this place and scatter all over the nation and around the world, you go with a profound conviction about a few things in the world. You will always see through a glass darkly. You will never be totally comprehensive and have all the knowledge that God has. But there are a few things that you will know.

Let me give you some examples, now, of the kind of thing I think you need to be really shrewd about. I called this talk “Lovers of Truth in a Politically Correct and Gender-Leveling World,” because I’ve lived now in Minneapolis in these past couple of years, watching the way language is so manipulated by politically correct people to get their ideas into students’ minds by circumventing reasoned argument and using clever language.

Just a few examples. My son goes to high school in Minneapolis, and I go down there sometimes to see him or to do whatever. I went down a year ago and saw two posters. They were over every doorway leading to the stairwells, so every student had to pass under these posters. They were school-sanctioned posters — and they were politically correct, and they were gender-leveling and homosexuality-endorsing. But the way they did it was oblique, and remarkably shrewd, and clever, the kind of thing that students by and large in the ninth through the twelfth grades have not been trained to discern, and spot, and unpack, and make distinctions. That’s why you are here, to learn to do that.

‘One in Ten Gay’

Here was one of them — a big, beautiful poster with color, a rainbow kind of decoration: “One in ten people are gay, lesbian, or bisexual. They could be your brother, sister, parent, or friend.” That’s all the poster said. What’s that? What’s that message? It’s crafted in such a way so that if a parent went into a principal and said, “I don’t like that,” they’d say, “Well, what don’t you like about it? It doesn’t teach anything.”

Well, there are several problems with that simple little quote. Number one, the statistic is inflated — 10 percent. What’s the point of that? The point is to create a feeling in these students, “My goodness, every tenth person in the hall is gay!” And that is the feeling they want to create, because once you feel that, you have to say, “It just can’t be as bad as I feel it is. Something must be wrong with me.” That’s the thought.

Now, it’s inflated; the numbers aren’t 10 percent. No, the National Center for Health Statistics says 3, William Simon and the Kinsey Institute say 2 to 3, the Chicago study recently says 1 percent, maybe. Nobody knows for sure. But 10 percent was one of those inflated figures.

Then here’s the second thing wrong with it. There was no moral assessment of the behavior. It’s an emotional appeal. Your parent might be gay or bisexual. Now, when that thought enters a ninth grader’s mind — “My daddy might be a bisexual” — what’s he supposed to do with that? No teaching. No standards. Just the thought sown in the kid’s brain. I’ll tell you, what happens is that he might say, “It just can’t be,” but if it keeps coming back, he’ll say, “Well, if it were, he’s okay, and it must be okay.” And so you reduce the whole moral dimension of something being right or wrong. This is politically correct manipulation of language, to put ideas into minds by short-circuiting clear, critical thinking. And it happens in every newspaper almost every day, and on almost every television advertisement, and virtually all kinds of media efforts.

‘Respect Sees No . . .’

Here was the other poster. It was even more tricky, shorter. The poster said, “Respect sees no color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability.” That’s all it said. How could you complain about that? What do you have against respect? What are you, homophobic? What are you, against disabled people?

All on the Same Level

There are several problems with it. One is that it puts homosexuality in the same category with sexuality. Gender and sexual orientation are side-by-side. Respect sees no sexual orientation, and respect sees no gender, and no color. So, once you’ve got sexual orientation listed beside whether you’re male or female, and whether you’re black or white, then you can’t feel any more strongly about this distinction than you can about these distinctions.

Nobody feels that it’s right or wrong to act black or act white. Nobody feels that it’s right or wrong for a woman to act like a woman and a man to act like a man. And therefore, obviously, nobody should feel that it’s right or wrong for a person who has a homosexual orientation to act that way — and one who has a heterosexual orientation to act that way.

That’s the message of the poster. As soon as you line up those things without any distinction — gender, color, religion, sexual orientation — you’ve told the students, “Treat them on the same level.” They’re not on the same level. To be a male or a female is a holy and good thing created by God, and endorsed by God, and in God’s image. To act out a homosexual orientation and to act out a heterosexual orientation are profoundly different than that category. That’s the first problem.

No Positive Foundation

The second problem is the statement, “Respect sees no . . .” All that the public schools can do, since they have forsaken virtually all truth and all normative reality, behavior, and God-talk. So, they don’t have any positive foundations for respect. They can’t say to a student, “Respect somebody because you see in them this . . .” They say, “Respect sees no . . .” and then list off things that respect doesn’t see. So it leaves a big void underneath. Well, why should we respect anybody? Which is one of the reasons why there is so little respect among students for anything. The schools can’t provide them with a positive foundation.

“There’s a way to respect somebody no matter what they’ve done, because they’re created in God’s image.”

The foundation for respecting black and white, and male and female, and people of other religions, is that God has created all human beings in his image. There is a way to respect a murderer. There’s a way to respect a rapist. There’s a way to respect somebody no matter what they’ve done, because they’re created in God’s image. They are not snakes. They’re not frogs or horses. They are human beings. No matter what they’ve done — no matter their sexual orientation, no matter their sex, no matter their religion — there is a respect that one can accord them even if it might mean putting them in jail. You don’t put snakes in jail.

But you can’t say anything like that. You can’t provide a foundation for respect in the image of God. And so students are left with a groundless call to respect, and they say, “What’s the deal? Why shouldn’t I shoot him? He mouthed off to me.”

Respect Does See

And the third problem is that, in fact, respect does see gender and religion. And it makes a difference. There are courtesies and forms of respect that men owe to women that they don’t owe to men. The one I could get most agreement on is that you don’t go in her locker room; you go in his locker room. To tell these students that respect sees no gender is terribly destructive. It sees she’s a woman, and I will treat her differently than I treat these guys that I’m always treating in certain ways. I will offer certain courtesies. I will offer certain respect. I will acknowledge sexual differences that will mean I don’t take liberties with her that I might take with him. To tell them, “You don’t see it,” is wrong.

Same thing with religion. Respect looks at a Satanist who’s involved in ritual satanic abuse, and he looks at a Jewish person who’s trying to keep the Ten Commandments. Neither of them knows Jesus Christ. And he will respect this Jewish person more than this Satanic person. I’d stand up in any group and say that. Respect does have eyes for gender. It does have eyes for religion. They make a difference in the kind and form of respect that you give to a person.

Learn to Discern

Well, I just plead with you, take advantage of your years on Earth to become discerning men and women, so that when you read in the paper, or when you see a poster, or when you look at a billboard or you hear an advertisement, you are not blown about — they don’t insinuate ideas in your mind that don’t come through the critical filter of biblical thinking.

Be the kind of Christian who can go to a principal and explain to a PTA group or a principal just what I’ve explained to you — why those posters or thoughts are destructive — even if they don’t agree with you. The world is dying for want of people to stand up and speak that kind of truth.  But realize… you WILL be judged for speaking! Do it anyway!

John Piper (@JohnPiper) is founder and teacher of desiringGod.org and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. For 33 years, he served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is author of more than 50 books, including Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist and most recently Providence.