
We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.” 1 John 5:19

I’d been had! I didn’t think I had been… until I was. But by then, it was too late. And life was going SO well! Or so I thought. That is until I started my Annual Physical questionnaire!

Being 67 has its perks. Last year I signed up to receive what I had been paying into all of my working life… Medicare! Now, instead of an insurance company paying my medical bills, the Government of the U.S.A. receives, and pays them. Reminded of my upcoming appointment, the cell phone prompted me to a very questionable questionnaire!

It started off ok… name, address, birth date etc. But soon, it took a LONG and invasive turn. How many stories is my house? Do I use a cane? What is my financial status? When questioned about my sex and toilet habits, I had enough and tried to skip ahead. When it wouldn’t let me, I questioned my Doctor!

My Doctor, also my friend, agreed with me that these questions were none of anyone’s business. I felt bad for him when I realized he must get this protest often. He told me my beef wasn’t with him or his medical group, but with Congress! In order to get what I paid for, I now need to comply and answer the obligatory questions. Or NOT receive treatment!

It was LIKE a ‘Come to Jesus Meeting,’ but NOT in a good way. Instead of confessing my sins and failures to God to receive forgiveness, I was providing information that ultimately could, and probably WILL, be used against me! Questioning the source of the questions, I remembered today’s verse.

When well meaning Christians say ‘God is in control’ I cringe, because the Bible says otherwise! In an attempt to win converts, both God and satan provide intel and suggestions to win us to their side. Satan, having man’s evil heart as an advantage, can be FAR more convincing. Still, it is up to each individual to CHOOSE their side while BOTH sides collect information!

Being a man born in America and acquainted with Freedom, I tend to think I have the right to BE free! Which is a PERILOUS thought, since there are ONLY 2 sides are ‘God’s’ or ‘NOT God’s!’ Thinking myself a legitimate ‘third’ choice automatically places me on the ‘Not-God’s’ list! Answers to HIS questions about my heart and intentions will either SAVE or JUDGE me. I THANK GOD He is in the SAVING business!

SO what info has God collected on YOU? 


“…keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.” Matthew 24:42

My son and his family were coming for a visit yesterday. So after Church, I redd up the house real quick and looked forward to their arrival. After a couple hours of not hearing from him, I texted, questioning a time frame. He replied that a ship he was to bring in got delayed and that they couldn’t come after all. I thought of this verse.

Holy Week always leads me to read about Christ’s arrest and crucifixion. Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 record Jesus’ account of what will happen, along with what to expect at “The End” before His final return.   Jesus’ own focus and commands to his disciples, and therefore ME, are NOT on the details of specific events, but on MY attitude as they approach. His command as THE coming Lord and King is simple. “KEEP WATCH!”

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what that 2 word command to “KEEP WATCH” really means. I watch a clock at times, watch TV, and a host of other things that occasionally catch my eye. Somehow I just instinctively KNOW that Jesus is NOT talking about just looking around! His Word is RARELY that simple!

I ‘redd up’ the house in preparation for my son. Being from Pittsburgh AND of Scottish heritage, the term means to tidy up and prepare. Though not an overall cleaning, it means to make my house presentable to guests. Like putting dirty dishes into the dishwasher and removing my dirty socks from the living room floor! I think ‘redd up’ is a good Jesus word too!

Being READY for the arrival of ‘The King’ implies ME being ‘REDD UP’ as well! Jesus says so, MANY times, in the Gospels. The WORDS I speak are important. But if ACTION does not accompany those words, The King will judge me accordingly. He’s more interested in SEEING, it seems, than HEARING! To me, looking in, down and around must be considered preconditions to looking up! And as the clock ticks in a world that grows darker by the day, I must remind myself of HIS daily expectations.

Are YOU redd up and ready? The King is coming!


Create in me a pure heart, God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10

It’s clear I have a dirt problem… and in more ways than one. Sometimes I see it. Other times I don’t. Sometimes it matters. Sometimes… not so much. But it’s dirt! And the only place I see dirt as good is when used for growing things. But neither my pool, nor my truck, are farms.

As the weather warms and I begin to look at my swimming pool with a desire to jump in, I notice the dirty bottom. I notice it because the water is crystal clear, allowing for a clear view of the sand and leaves lying on the bottom. It is a daily reminder that ‘I’ have some cleaning to do, since it is MY pool and ‘I’ am the only one who can do it.

I took my truck to my favorite mechanic yesterday. It has a leak in the heater core that needs to be addressed. I’ve asked my friend to check all the fluids as well, since I can’t readily SEE if they are dirty or not. Dirt inside an engine has MUCH more potential for damage than when it lies under clear water at the bottom of my pool. I guess damage control is more the point when dealing with engines.

I’ve always been bothered by today’s verse today. David has just been convicted in his heart of a very dirty problem. Adultery and murder have a way of leveraging conviction to a whole different damage level. David asks God to give him a clean heart, and that puzzles me because I don’t know what Dave is really asking.

Is David asking for a new clean heart and expecting God to wave His magic wand to make it so? If so, can God even DO that? And if he CAN, why doesn’t He do it more often and with EVERYBODY? No doubt, like my pool, God can CLEARLY see the dirt in my heart. And if it is HIS job to CLEAN it, why doesn’t He do it more often?

These questions are serious ones that I have asked for decades. By now they are rhetorical because I already have learned and know their answers. God not only WON’T clean a heart alone, He CAN’T! Heart cleaning, like engine maintenance, takes cooperation between the owner and his mechanic. Cleaning and keeping it clean is a mutual and daily operation.

Are YOU clean and clear before God?  


Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” Colossians 3:23

Walking into the Grocery Store I immediately let one of the employees know I was looking for “The Man!” Well, not really in those terms. Being surprised he wasn’t up in the FRONT office where “The Man” of EVERY company usually hangs, I simply asked, “is Ryan here today?” Being told he was last seen back in the meat department area, I headed that way. I did NOT expect to see what I saw!

Wandering back in that area I didn’t see him. I saw a couple of butcher’s heads behind and above the meat counter, but no Ryan, When I asked a gal where I might find him, one butcher raised his head and I became confused! Dressed in a white apron, mask and hairnet, Ryan hollered, “Oh hi K.C.!” I guess it was the hairnet that threw me because Ryan is bald!

It was from surprise that I started with, “I didn’t know you could cut meat, pal!” He responded with a smile and said, “Oh I DON’T cut meat… I’m rolling meatballs!” Which shocked me even further since… Ryan is the store’s “General Manager!” It hit me as natural when surprise fell away and I remembered Ryan as a younger lad! Now… it made sense.

I don’t know the job requirements of a major grocery store general manager. But I’ve known Ryan since he was a little kid. I had him in church, and eventually in the Boy Scout Troop where I was a leader. He was ALWAYS polite, kind and helpful. He started his working career as a stock boy in the very store where we were standing. Now, as ‘The MAN’ager, he was rolling meatballs!???

I always tell young folks that “Doing your best,” is the Cub Scout motto. But when you get older, life will require you to “DO THE JOB!” It may be politically correct to reward people for giving it a try. But even GOD, when He gives a job, EXPECTS me to ‘GIT-R-DUN!’ I remembered enough about Ryan’s heart and work ethic that if rolling meatballs was necessary for the store’s success, He would rise to the occasion. And he had!

Bakers bake and butchers butch… but servants serve! The Master of The Universe has made it clear that He has called me, and ALL of His children, to the very same occupation He placed His Son. For above the pocket of Jesus’ apron reads the title for which His Father is most proud… “Chief Servant!” Watching Ryan serve reminded me of MY duty as well. I could almost hear God saying…. Let’s ROLL!

Are YOU “GITTIN-R-DUN for Jesus?”


This is a day you are to commemorate; for the generations to come you shall celebrate it as a festival to the LORD—a lasting ordinance.” Exodus 12:14

“Oh WOW! It’s NOW?” Going through the grocery store, I noticed the products for this year’s Passover celebration had been placed for sale at the end of the aisles so they could easily be seen. It is a marketing strategy that works, reminding people what they will want, then making it convenient for purchase. Though not Jewish, the items DID remind me of something extraordinarily important.

It was the grape juice, wine and Matzo that really caught my attention, because they reminded me of what they were intended to remind ALL of us. That Salvation only comes through a sacrifice… and that sacrifice is provided by God alone. Passover and Easter are celebrated at the exact same time for that exact same reason. I shopped… and mused!

Arriving at the checkout counter where a young lady was waiting, I read the sign behind her out loud. “Passover. Passover. PASS-OVER!” Then blurted out to her… “Hey… just what IS Passover anyway?” I saw her face contort, almost painfully, as she searched her brain for the answer. Then she said, “Ohhhh. I’m Jewish… I’m supposed to know this!” But she didn’t!

When it comes to Nuclear fusion, algebra or how to convert millimeters to inches, the world will continue whether I understand those things or not. But TRUE LIFE will not continue past this one, if I do not learn, or forget, the lesson of what Passover is all about. I was reminded that I am called to be a reminder to a world that doesn’t want to mind!

Nobody learns without being taught. And if what I am taught is NOT what is critically important, then continually brought up as a reminder, what is important to God will get replaced with human priorities. Which is almost a definition of sin! I don’t need reminders of sin. I live with myself daily!

Not wanting to belittle the gal, Katie and I suggest she read the story in Exodus to remind herself, then exited the store, wishing her a Happy Passover (if there is such a thing). We prayed for her, and as I left, I hoped to get an opportunity to speak to her again about the amazing sacrifice God offered on her behalf. Because Passover is simply too important to let pass by without understanding!



We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thessalonians 1:3

Years ago there was a popular bumper sticker that read, “Working in Florida is a Tropical Depression.” The reasoning implied that there were 2 kinds of people in this state. Workers… and those here on vacation to beat winter’s cold. We STILL call the latter ‘Snowbirds.’ Yesterday, the first of OURS flew away!

Our Church, like ANY organization in this land of sunshine, has spaces reserved for our snowbirds. They come and go with the seasons, but they are FULLY a part of us and are never really gone. It’s kind of like they just stepped out to take a really LONG nap! But we always figure they’ll be back! They’re arrival is joyous! They’re departure… not so much.

When they come in the fall we celebrate, and everything stops until everyone is greeted and hugged. Though not as fun when they leave, they’re never really GONE gone! Because we remember! Sometimes we can see the work that they did on the building or property. Other times we just miss their presence and generosity. Especially habits of bringing cookies or donuts! We miss those too! But it’s their love and smiles we miss the most.

Work, labor and endurance are the products of faith, love and hope. That is what today’s verse says. And while it may be nearly impossible to physically hold those qualities in our hands, they DO leave footprints. Footprints that leave marks on our hearts and no less real than a deer’s hoof print in the mud.

Jesus Christ came into my life and made a HUGE influence on me. So much so, that my life is no longer mine. His visitation made such an impression that I invited Him to stay and make my heart His home. And He did! Which sometimes becomes uncomfortable when He moves out my favorite chair to replace it with an anvil! He’s more of a laborer than a sitter!

We will miss the influence of our snowbirds, as one by one they fly back home. But we are encouraged and blessed by the reminder that OUR footprints are making an impression on THEIR hearts as well. It gives us reason to keep up the GOOD work and effort. Because when it comes to Jesus living in us, for both the worker AND the vacationer… this place is NOT our home!

Where do YOUR tail-feathers call home?


All day long I have held out my hands to an obstinate people, who walk in ways not good, pursuing their own imaginations.” Isaiah 65:2

“WHOA!!!!!“ is all he said! Standing in the yard under a newly trimmed tree, I was talking to the man who had just trimmed it. Being a fellow Jesus guy, our conversation had been good. Up until that point!. We talked about his family, the state of the world and how faith in Christ really does work and benefit us in such an evil age. And then…

I saw his face scrunch up with a look of horror, his eyes focused on my chest! When he said “WHOA!!!” I said “WHAT??” He backed up and pointed to a dime sized spider on my third button down. My mind IMMEDIATELY went into hyper-thinking mode as I tried to understand his reaction… AND what MINE should be!

What blurpped out of my mouth was a question, “is it poisonous?“ He wasn’t sure but didn’t think so. Which left me confused. I said, “It’s a SPIDER dude! Why the fuss?” He told me he hates spiders. But the look on his face showed that he was terrified of them as well. Brushing it off, I could almost hear the spider laughing as it rode its own web to the ground.

Now I’m no psychiatrist, but I’m thinking his reaction came from his imagining the spider on HIS shirt, since his reaction was exactly the same as if it had been. Imagination is just that powerful, and even MORE dangerous than a REAL poisonous spider. And it is something I don’t believe God is very fond of.

If I see a fancy car, a beautiful home or a gorgeous woman, there is nothing wrong in the seeing. But if I begin to imagine it MINE and begin the destructive path to lust after it for myself, I have crossed a line that has condemned men from the beginning of time. I believe that FEAR and LUST are 2 six-guns strapped to the devils sides. And he’s a dead-eye when he pulls em.

God HATES fear and lust because they take people away from HIM. But because He is a lover pursuing a people and NOT a puppet-master, He HAS to give people the choice to either follow HIM, or embrace their own lusts and fears. I’ve found that HIS blessings and faithfulness are FAR more powerful than anything I might encounter along the Worldly Way.

So…. what scares YOU or grabs YOUR attention away from God? 


Therefore, my brothers and sisters, make every effort to confirm your calling and election. For if you do these things, you will never stumble, and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 1:10-11

“Come On DOWWWWWWNNNNN,” was the mantra of the night! Repeated verbally and written all over T-shirts, hats and bags, it was the universal cry of every person at the venue. A longing that those words would accompany their name, giving them a shot at the Grand Prize! We were having fun. We were contestants. We were manipulated gamblers!

A wonderful Christian couple had gotten tickets for a LIVE showing of The TV game show, “The Price is Right!” A group of us had already WON, simply by being asked to join them for the fun and revelry. Expectation was contagious as EVERYONE put on the smiles and attitudes of WINNERS since everyone believed only the most excited and outgoing would be chosen!

Oh the fun we had, as everyone took sides with the chosen contestants. EVERYONE wanted EVERYONE to WIN!!!! And win BIG! It was us against the presenters, with the selfish hope of “please pick me!” running through every vein. If there WAS any skill involved, it was guessing the price of random products! If one didn’t know, the crowd would advise!

We ALL had a BLAST, even though NONE of our group was chosen! Being there as a team made for closer relationships and better friends. But the whole ordeal was actually nothing more than gambling, hoping to win something they didn’t have, or really even NEED!

Reflecting on the experience made me smile, because I have ALREADY WON! I was at the Game Show with fellow folks who love Jesus and are already a part of HIS Heavenly Kingdom. Jesus called each of us to Himself and offered ETERNAL and ABUNDANT LIFE! We all INDIVIDUALLY came to HIM and said “YES!” We are called the CHURCH! And we don’t gamble!

Being called requires confirmation and action. When I cooperate with His call, joining Him on the world stage, my position and work is unique and special. Walking with Him here solidifies my position THERE! And I have already WON the Trip! Now I just have to get down to His business it pleases me that there is no gambling or guessing involved! And I look forward to the time when He will say, “COME ON UP!”

Which direction are YOU headed? Down or Up?


Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise…” Ephesians 5:15

7 years ago while on vacation at ‘The Cabin’ in the mountains, my kids presented me with a very nice 4 wheeler. It had been fun and adventurous, until the brakes went out and I backed off the mountain onto the load it was carrying… ME! I brought it home and… it’s been at the shop. Going to pick it up, I discovered… I haven’t learned much!

I borrowed a trailer from my son in law and headed up the highway. Once I got it on the trailer, I needed to strap it down. Unfortunately I forgot I had unloaded the container that held my straps, leaving me with 1 old strap and 1 piece of hearty rope 4’ long! I figured that was plenty!

As I tied a first class hitch onto the ATV’s back, I wondered if it would hold in the event of trouble. Not being an engineer, I assumed it would. But to be sure, I decided to adjust my method of driving… JUST IN CASE! I drove in the right lane, and VERRRRY carefully! When I got to my destination, I unstrapped the strap and started backing off the trailer when I felt a THUMP… and just STOPPED! I had forgotten to untie the rope! BUT… it HAD held!

A friend of mine, almost 20 years my senior, just gave me a book entitled ‘Getting Old Ain’t for Wimps.’ Reading through it I realize the truth, that just about the time when you figure most things out, age introduces forgetfulness. What a hilarious challenge! Thankfully, CAREFULNESS got me to my destination without incident. It’s becoming my new friend!

I remember ‘AIR RAID’ drills in early elementary school. Back then, we actually PRACTICED going into the basement and leaning against the wall, older students hovering over younger ones, JUST IN CASE of an air attack from some foreign nation! Even back then, and just like today, I felt bad for the older ones!

I guess, things haven’t changed as much as I thought. Fear and uncertainty still hang around, dumb stuff still happens, and the world keeps moving with speculation on how long! But I have TODAY’S VERSE! And in light of my latest rope trick, I think I’m going to memorize and put it into practice more often!

How about YOU?