“We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.” 1 John 5:19
I’d been had! I didn’t think I had been… until I was. But by then, it was too late. And life was going SO well! Or so I thought. That is until I started my Annual Physical questionnaire!
Being 67 has its perks. Last year I signed up to receive what I had been paying into all of my working life… Medicare! Now, instead of an insurance company paying my medical bills, the Government of the U.S.A. receives, and pays them. Reminded of my upcoming appointment, the cell phone prompted me to a very questionable questionnaire!
It started off ok… name, address, birth date etc. But soon, it took a LONG and invasive turn. How many stories is my house? Do I use a cane? What is my financial status? When questioned about my sex and toilet habits, I had enough and tried to skip ahead. When it wouldn’t let me, I questioned my Doctor!
My Doctor, also my friend, agreed with me that these questions were none of anyone’s business. I felt bad for him when I realized he must get this protest often. He told me my beef wasn’t with him or his medical group, but with Congress! In order to get what I paid for, I now need to comply and answer the obligatory questions. Or NOT receive treatment!
It was LIKE a ‘Come to Jesus Meeting,’ but NOT in a good way. Instead of confessing my sins and failures to God to receive forgiveness, I was providing information that ultimately could, and probably WILL, be used against me! Questioning the source of the questions, I remembered today’s verse.
When well meaning Christians say ‘God is in control’ I cringe, because the Bible says otherwise! In an attempt to win converts, both God and satan provide intel and suggestions to win us to their side. Satan, having man’s evil heart as an advantage, can be FAR more convincing. Still, it is up to each individual to CHOOSE their side while BOTH sides collect information!
Being a man born in America and acquainted with Freedom, I tend to think I have the right to BE free! Which is a PERILOUS thought, since there are ONLY 2 sides are ‘God’s’ or ‘NOT God’s!’ Thinking myself a legitimate ‘third’ choice automatically places me on the ‘Not-God’s’ list! Answers to HIS questions about my heart and intentions will either SAVE or JUDGE me. I THANK GOD He is in the SAVING business!
SO what info has God collected on YOU?