“Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together.” Psalm 34:3
“It won’t open!” were the words my wife said as she entered the front door-code for the 3rd time. Looking at the door lock, I immediately knew why! The flashing lights, which are usually green, flashed blue. She didn’t know what that meant, but since household maintenance is my job, I did. The battery that powers the door lock was running low and indicated it needed replacing.
It was a few years back when I purchased the electronic lock. Not having any idea how much easier it would make my life, I’d never go back to a key locking system. Fumbling with, and trying to find the right key in the dark, is a thing of the past. Now I can even input a temporary code to allow people access to the house if needed. For now, ‘blue’ indicated I just needed some power!
Last night was our Church’s annual Christmas Decorating and Pizza party. Little did I realize that the light from my life had been flashing blue. When we all came together, everything just came together. Pairing up in groups, lights and decorations ignited joyful conversations, even drowning out the background Christmas music. Finally, with spirits aglow, we joined for our final act. Prayer!
My door lock flashes one other color besides green and blue. Red means something is wrong! Last night, as we joined for prayer, we first discussed the flashing red lights of our individual lives. A lot of sickness, death and pain was being experienced by many of our members. So they brought them out to share with the Church. Then together, we all took those flashing red lights to Jesus.
Looking back I can spiritually see how the power of Jesus Christ, also known as ‘The Door,’ took our red pains and sorrows from flashing blue to green. By the time we were done, the Spirit of our church was unquestionably flashing ‘JOY!’ Even though the individual circumstances of our lives hadn’t changed, WE had! Such is the POWER of ‘The Church!’ And it has been this way for over 2000 years!
In all my years, I have never seen Jesus fail! The flashing red lights in life never seem to end, but time again, He has proven to me that His power is ALWAYS reliable, and that we ALL have access to The Father when we KNOW the password of His Son. Which is why I do not understand people’s choices to not do the Hebrews 10:24-25 thing and COME TOGETHER! Green beats red and blue all day long!
What color is YOUR life flashing and how could a trip to His Church help?