“Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess.” Hebrews 4:14
En route to the airport to pick up a couple of our church snowbirds, their flight got delayed. I had some time on my hands. I was driving Katie’s car and it was in need of a wash. Time, space and opportunity presented itself so I pulled into the first car wash I saw, paid my money and drove onto the track. Pulled into the spinning, foaming, loud, dark waters was cool. Then I wondered WHY?
For some reason my mind took me back to having kids in the car when we went through a car wash just like this. I remembered how excited they were. Yet my same kids, when first introduced to a swimming pool, were scared out of their minds! What was the difference? Having time in the whirring spinning thing, I think I figured it out. I was “WITH” them and they had faith in ME!
The first time my kids went into a swimming pool I was there. BUT… when a child puts their head UNDER the water, they do it ALONE! Since I could not breathe for them, the fear, danger and death became very personal. In the dark car with all the sounds, I was in there too. I guess they just knew that if I put MY faith in the machine and was WITH them, they could trust too! Like Jesus!
Unfortunately, death is one of those subjects that people like to avoid. When sharing the Gospel, I’ll bring up the question of where folks think they will go when they die. Usually, they make some kind of joke about it to avoid the subject, even though death has a 100% success rate. Sadly, until folks are faced with the cold hard reality they already know, they won’t put trust in someone else.
God has designed me with choice by HIS choice. He will not force Himself on me and MAKE me receive His free gift of salvation and eternal life. He has planted enough of Himself in me that I should KNOW to run to Him and trust Him with my life. When He sent Jesus here, Jesus had to CHOOSE to come to suffer and die! And He faced death ALONE! What He does NOW is BETTER!
When death grabbed hold of Jesus in the grave, it messed with the WRONG GUY! Jesus BEAT death to death! NOW He sits beside His Father in Heaven and talks to Him about ME! “See that?” He’ll say, “I died for that one!” As I ride this life I face darkness and fear every day. But I do not need to succumb to them! Because Jesus and I are in the same car going in the same direction!
Through the stormy fears of life, are you clean, riding with and holding on to, The Savior?