“Without controversy, the mystery of godliness is great:” 1 Timothy 3:16 NHEB
“We need some new signs!” I said to Randy. But he’d been saying that TO ME for quite some time. I finally got some paint and cardboard and was about to paint when the thought hit… “you need some music!” Loving to listen to music when I work, I found my old IPod, plugged in a speaker and hit PLAY… I got NOTHIN’! I was determined to find out why by diagnosing everything.
My Ipod is old and doesn’t hold much charge… but it was charged! To guarantee I had music for the whole painting process, I connected it to a charger and plugged that into an extension cord. But it didn’t register as connected! After determining the cord was plugged into an outlet, I remembered THAT outlet was connected to a switch inside the house! Flipping the switch, ‘The Mystery’ was solved!
Understanding electricity can be both simple and complex at the same time. To use it, a simple flipping of a switch can open a world of convenience. Though I don’t understand the complexity of moving electrons, or the science behind it, it works! The same can be said of God… the verse today is proof! At Bible Study last night, lots of complex questions came out. But so did more questions.
Living in a world where my 5 senses deliver information to my brain, the processing of that information is complex. Adding Jesus to my life, the process gets MORE complex because what I SEE isn’t always what IS. His directive is, to be charged, plugged in and turned on ALL the time! When times of trial or testing come along, FAITH is supposed to wake up and do ITS job!
The music can’t play until it is plugged in properly. And it is the MUSIC that makes my work either enjoyable… or a job! I can’t see it, but I hear it. Sometimes, when a song comes on that I don’t care for, I hit ‘Next’ and change the mood. Sometimes the song brings good memories, both past and present, and I hit ‘pause’ on my work to reflect. The whole process is mysterious!
I rarely SEE the spiritual results that come from what I do as He leads me along. We’ve stood on that corner holding Gospel Signs, 2 times a week, for 2.5 years. Yet we have absolutely NO idea how much God has used us. But we know Jesus…and we know He works! I don’t have to understand HOW… I just need to get and stay… plugged in. Results come as I go!
Are YOU plugged into Jesus Christ? Are you reading and listening to His instructions, and the encouragement that comes from His Word? Are you plugged into the fellowship that comes from His Church? Are you both giving and receiving? If you’ve felt ‘powerless’ lately, are you determined to diagnose what the problem might be until you find the answer?