“Then He said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.’” Matthew 9:37-38
“Where is it?” That was the question I asked 3 different store employees, 3 separate days in a row. NO ONE had an answer! At my house, our day STARTS with coffee! And coffee, for us, included Half-n-Half! Katie likes her coffee frothy on top, and the fat in the half n half makes that possible. No Half n Half… no froth! But the store has been out of it for 4 days now! I just want to know WHY???
This morning I did what I COULD have done on day 1 but, unconcerned, I didn’t take the time. After days of the dilemma, I finally Googled the question and got an answer. YES… cows have NO control over how much milk they produce! YES… cows CANNOT go on strike to hold out for more hay! YES… cows CANNOT quit working at producing product… even if they want to. But PEOPLE can!
After researching, I discovered that the problem with the Half n Half supply isn’t with cows, it’s with PEOPLE. There are simply not enough people who want to work at collecting milk to turn it into usable products. But this problem isn’t isolated to the Dairy industry… it’s LOTS of industries. Depending on the type of business and location, workers are just too hard to find these days!
The frustration over my coffee creamer has spiritual overtones. Not believing in coincidence very often, I found myself, earlier than usual, reading The Word… where my eyes fastened upon today’s Bible verse. Apparently today’s labor problem isn’t an isolated ‘time or place’ incident. Back in Jesus day, He TOO saw employment opportunities everywhere. Today, I see an even bigger problem!
I’m just coming clean here and saying what I see. And what I see… I don’t like. Peering into the spiritual world of Jesus, I not only DON’T see people who want to work, I see people who don’t even want Jesus’ PRODUCT! And THAT is a concern I don’t really know what to do about. So I am going to do what Jesus did and pray to His Father to not only send workers, but some RESPONDERS as well!
Will you join me in praying for workers AND for a Harvest? Will you join Team Jesus and get out there for Him? Cuz if there aren’t any more takers, we oughta be praying for Him to shut this whole thing down and take us home! WhatdaYOUthink? Cuz, like Him, I’m not too happy with just a Half n Half out kinda supply and demand!