“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7
“I don’t wanna grow up, I’m a ‘Toys-R-Us’ kid,” was the song that came to mind as I watched my 15 year old grandson ride the little Wiggle Car we have for his smaller cousins. He was having fun, even though his legs and arms were folded up like a pen knife to ride it! Interestingly, he just got his learner’s permit for driving a car! I wondered if he smiled this big driving in the real world!
Actually, someone bought that Wiggle Car for ME when I got on one at my grandkids house. It looked like fun, so I thought I’d find out for myself. It was! I remembered going to my grandmother’s house as a teen and seeing no toys. ‘Pop’s’ answer to my long face was to take me golfing. Seeing it would take time to acquire the skill to enjoy Golf, I never pursued it. Serious and fun don’t mix.
Naturally, that last statement is subjective! While I’m not sure if it’s just because I’m getting old, I do seem to notice that over the years, a LOT of folks are putting more time into personal FUN than they are at seriousness. Someone remarked to me last week that at the age of 15, back in Jesus’ day, most were already married! The average marriage age today is 31! Which proves the point!
Due to the recent interest in the Jesus Revolution in the early 70’s, and the making of the movie, I’ve been led to start a Bible Study series at our Church on the Book of Revelation. Having lived as a teen in the late 60’s and early 70’s, life then was different. Or maybe not! Free Love, drugs and the Vietnam War were the headlines. Today, LGBTQ+, drugs issues and global war trump the 70’s.
The one consistent thing I see between today and back then is the underlying need to Grow Up! Growing up means making important things important. God reminds us through Scripture that there is NOTHING more important that our relationship to Him! In fact… one could say it’s a matter between Life and Death! The Bible also says that in the Later Days… Death will reign!
So what is YOUR focus on life? Are you committed to growing up in Christ or trying to sneak off for some fun? Are you more pleased to please God than you are at pleasing yourself? Do you find this little devotion encouraging, or irritating? Because… Time and God’s Word are calling you! Ya may want to get a wiggle on it!