
Without controversy, the mystery of godliness is great:” 1 Timothy 3:16 NHEB

“We need some new signs!” I said to Randy. But he’d been saying that TO ME for quite some time. I finally got some paint and cardboard and was about to paint when the thought hit… “you need some music!” Loving to listen to music when I work, I found my old IPod, plugged in a speaker and hit PLAY… I got NOTHIN’! I was determined to find out why by diagnosing everything.

My Ipod is old and doesn’t hold much charge… but it was charged! To guarantee I had music for the whole painting process, I connected it to a charger and plugged that into an extension cord. But it didn’t register as connected! After determining the cord was plugged into an outlet, I remembered THAT outlet was connected to a switch inside the house! Flipping the switch, ‘The Mystery’ was solved!

Understanding electricity can be both simple and complex at the same time. To use it, a simple flipping of a switch can open a world of convenience. Though I don’t understand the complexity of moving electrons, or the science behind it, it works! The same can be said of God… the verse today is proof! At Bible Study last night, lots of complex questions came out. But so did more questions.

Living in a world where my 5 senses deliver information to my brain, the processing of that information is complex. Adding Jesus to my life, the process gets MORE complex because what I SEE isn’t always what IS. His directive is, to be charged, plugged in and turned on ALL the time! When times of trial or testing come along, FAITH is supposed to wake up and do ITS job!

The music can’t play until it is plugged in properly. And it is the MUSIC that makes my work either enjoyable… or a job! I can’t see it, but I hear it. Sometimes, when a song comes on that I don’t care for, I hit ‘Next’ and change the mood. Sometimes the song brings good memories, both past and present, and I hit ‘pause’ on my work to reflect. The whole process is mysterious!

I rarely SEE the spiritual results that come from what I do as He leads me along. We’ve stood on that corner holding Gospel Signs, 2 times a week, for 2.5 years. Yet we have absolutely NO idea how much God has used us. But we know Jesus…and we know He works! I don’t have to understand HOW… I just need to get and stay… plugged in. Results come as I go!

Are YOU plugged into Jesus Christ? Are you reading and listening to His instructions, and the encouragement that comes from His Word? Are you plugged into the fellowship that comes from His Church? Are you both giving and receiving? If you’ve felt ‘powerless’ lately, are you determined to diagnose what the problem might be until you find the answer?


Moses summoned all Israel and said: Hear, Israel, the decrees and laws I declare in your hearing today. Learn them and be sure to follow them.” Deuteronomy 5:1

“I’ve got a problem.” Those were the words I spoke to a new Doctor as I was giving my medical history. As I spoke, she took notes and asked further questions. When she had a clear picture of my particular situation, it was HER turn to do the talking, mine to listen. That is… if I WANTED to get better! Asking my pharmacy information, she told me she had already sent a prescription!

I have had GERD since adolescence. It is a gift from my father! The condition, I explained to my doctor, is ‘bad genes!’ Before taking my blood pressure, I had already told the nurse it would be perfect! It was. THAT gift was just another genetic condition associated with my family tree. We don’t have bad hearts, diabetes, or a host of other diseases. We have GERD and Cancer! Goodie!

Over the years I have seen several specialists in the Gastrointestinal field. Knowing this disease well made for easy Doctor appointment because, I am experientially, an expert on GERD! I told her what was happening with me… she gave me the latest updates from the medical field. I didn’t know I wasn’t taking ENOUGH medicine to curb the fiery dragon living inside my gut. But there was more.

After further instruction, follow up visits and a procedure to get more information were scheduled, I left a little smarter than I had come. But I took my dragon home with me. This was NOT a drop off visit. In fact, I will die with this dragon. The best I can ever do on this Earth is to learn how to quiet it down. A condition that mirrors my spiritual life to a tee! In both cases, I am a dead man walking!

I am a human being with genes handed down to me from my parents. I didn’t have a choice in selecting any of them. Being born to sinners, I AM a sinner. At a point in my life, Dr. Jesus called me to Himself and laid out my condition very clearly. His ‘Lake of Fire’ diagnosis was shocking… His prescription is clear. I needed The Savior… He and I made a commitment. His is solid! Mine??? Eh!

The Word of God is the prescription God assigned me to keep the symptoms of sinful bad genes at bay. His Holy Spirit continues to remind me that, while my condition will stay with me until death, My FLESH will NOT follow me home to Him. Until that day, I must learn to daily take my medication and work on staying away from the things that can rouse the dragon within. I’m getting better at it!

What is YOUR genetic makeup and what fleshy things wake up YOUR dragons? Are YOU reading and following the prescription God has for you? Are you practicing spiritually healthy formulas for a healthy life and a successful relationship with your Heavenly Father? The Word is waiting for you. 


I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” Philippians 3:8

I was surprised when, the day before yesterday, Katie told me she had tomorrow off! It was going to be a Monday, a day when she usually works. I was registering surprise when I asked her, “WHY?” “Because tomorrow is Presidents Day,” she said! Upon hearing that, a smile came to my face, not because Presidents are so special to me, but because SHE is! “What are we gonna do?” I asked.

Days filled with routine, work and surprise work keep us both moving.  It seems that when there is any free time, we use it to regroup to think about what we have to do next and then begin to prepare for it! Now that I had unexpected free time WITH HER… everything stopped and the focus became US! “Why don’t we go kayaking?” She asked. When the activity began, I turned off my phone!

We have a really tough and sturdy tandem kayak. That means, like with a bike, the 2 of us can sit on 1 kayak and row together. Rowing TOGETHER is TOTALLY different than rowing separately in a single person kayak. EVERYTHING is affected. To go anywhere we need to row together in synced timing. Right.. Left… Right… Left. To make progress, the force used to row also needs to be similar.

We weren’t really going ANYWHERE, so speed had NOTHING to do with our journey. Mistakes along the way, such as hitting each other’s paddles and changing rhythm, were just part of the ride. At one point, she stopped rowing altogether, making some comment about being a kept woman as I continued to row. I’d already stopped a couple of times myself! We were going nowhere together!

My relationship with Jesus, in conjunction with my relationship with Katie, is just about that… relationship! The goal is NOT to GET somewhere. The whole point is to simply be together… rowing or nor rowing, moving or stopped, turning or straight-lining it. It was about enjoying the company of ‘The One’ I have chosen to be my favorite. Riding together with Jesus is ALWAYS time WELL spent!

Are you spending quality, planned time with Jesus? Your Spouse? If so, which one of you is in the front? Realizing that, in a tandem kayak, as opposed to a tandem bicycle, the one in the back is the one who actually STEERS, who is steering YOUR vessel. Do you sometimes take time to simply ‘enjoy the ride’ and ‘get to know Him and them better?’  


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.” Psalm 111:10

Wearing old, nasty clothing, I was gathering gooey, sappy branches I’d trimmed from the Pitch Apple plant we use as a fence. The sap cares not what it touches, it just sticks and is hard to get off. I noticed my next door neighbor was washing his truck and that someone was helping him, I applauded the friendship. We got to talking and the friend asked me, “where do YOU live!!”

I had just placed about 3 garbage cans at the curb and had 4 more to go when I started the conversation. I guess he hadn’t noticed. When I pointed to my house to answer his question, he looked at my neighbor and said, “I thought you said you lived next door to a preacher.’ Affirming I was, he said, “well you don’t look like one!” Not knowing what to say, I mentioned Jesus!

About 20 minutes later I was in my truck with Rick, the neighbor on the other side of me. I had offered to help a couple of church folks move some old appliances and I needed help to do so. On the way, I told him the story. He asked the same question that I had thought… “well what’s a preacher supposed to LOOK like?” The answer I thought of, instantly made Rick look like a saint!

Preconceived notions have a tendency to cloud over reality. For example, MOST people think angels are female, have halos, wings and play a harp. Biblically, absolutely NONE of those things is true! The same issue clouds over Believers in Christ both outside and inside the Church. Because it isn’t how someone LOOKS that makes them Christians. It’s more about seeing what they DO!

Is Jesus AWESOME to YOU? Do you follow and DO what He leads you to do? Are you a help and a voice to those around you to show them who you belong to? If it were illegal to be a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you of being one?


The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8

“IF YOU CAN READ THIS I’M NOT MAKING ANY MONEY!” The sign made me laugh, BEFORE it started me thinking. It was located in the back window of a large, flatbed tow truck that was empty. Both of us were sitting at a red light going nowhere, which gave me time to think about the pun. If a vehicle had been up on the flatbed, there would be no way I could have seen and read the sign. Funny!

The red lights around here, programmed by demons, caused us to sit there for more than a couple minutes and gave me time to think even more! If the tow truck were sitting on the side of a road near an accident awaiting a pick up, and ‘I’ was moving, I wouldn’t be able to read it then either! In each case, whether blocked or stopped, he wouldn’t be making money! But it’s not my concern!

The Tow Truck Driver uses the tow truck as a tool to make a living for himself. Maybe he has a family too! If he does, then making money is even more important. A car on the back blocking the window sign wouldn’t even be noticed. But as I said, whether someone else is making money or not really isn’t something I am required to do anything about. Wrecking my car might help… but!

As I write this I’m thinking, “how does this have ANYTHING to do with today’s Bible verse?” I ask myself this because I had written today’s Bible verse down… YESTERDAY! I don’t even remember why, but there it is! After seeing the tow truck, I can also see God’s hand and humor in it. God is ALWAYS moving and ALWAYS ahead of me, yet if I crash along the way, He is always right there too!

The Word of God has no instructions on HOW to make money, though earning a living is required as far back as the original sin! But the Word has LOTS to say about my attitude in earning it. Making money my priority or cheating people to get it are big no-no’s! What counts most to Him, is that I know, seek, rest and have Faith that He is ALWAYS on the job! Whether I’m stopped or moving!

Are YOU moving with Jesus? And if you are stopped or crashed, are you resting in His care for you?


In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.” Ephesians 6:16

“WHY?” was the question being discussed when I walked into the room. I was late due to a Doctors Appointment. The event was our Church’s JYC ministry at the local Middle School where about a dozen kids gather each week to devour junk food and learn God’s Word. One student had asked why so many bad things happen to us if God exists and loves us. MY kid was answering the question!

It’s not like the question hasn’t been asked MANY times, by EVERY person who ever walked this planet! It has, because satan makes SURE of it! Being the enemy of God, anything satan can do to create doubt about God’s love and care becomes a fiery arrow that can take out God’s followers. But God has a tool for that! It’s called the Shield of Faith and, IF USED, it is VERY effective!

It was during the lesson that several of the volunteers received a text from Galen. Galen is a former Army Ranger who goes to our church. Having 1 stump, and the other an infected leg causing him pain, he was returning with his wife from HIS Doctor’s appointment. He let us know that nothing more can be done than to remove his 2nd leg. Surgery is scheduled for April 24th.

It’s times like this where questions can become roadblocks … and magical, mystical type belief can easily disappear. But God is not a God of magic or mystery. Real fiery arrows require real defenses in order to be extinguished. Because God IS All Powerful, He provides the tools and defenses necessary for His Soldiers to stand. Just not usually the way we see them arrive in the movies!

Disney and Macy’s use the word ‘Believe’ as a kind of ‘power of positive thinking.’ That kind of faith can get one killed! The Faith God gives, and expects to see from us, is more real than food, bigger than Mt. Everest and deeper than the Pacific. It lives, acts, steps out, and remains LONG past any visitation of evil or unwelcome news. It is His Word, written down and there to learn to hold on to.

Knowing Galen and Paula as long as we have, we know they know Jesus. And not only do they KNOW Him, they WALK with Him. And while the news of yesterday may be inconvenient and painful, I already am looking forward to having Galen roll into that classroom in his wheelchair to demonstrate the Power God offers in pain and difficulty. Then… explanations will not be necessary.

What areas of difficulty are YOU facing? Are you grabbing onto the shield of Faith by knowing and standing on God’s Words?


Do everything in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:14

“Happy Valentine’s Day tuba you!” That’s what the hand written card-like paper said on the outside. It was lying beside the coffee pot where she knew I’d go to get her coffee. I LOVED it! I didn’t get her anything except the coffee this morning. In truth, and as she wrote in the card, she knows ‘I hate Valentine’s Day.’ As so should everyone! I mean, why should Love only get 1 day a year!?

I don’t know about YOU but ‘I’ LOVE love! In fact I have invested my whole life mainly into 2 people BECAUSE of my love of Love. I’m not ashamed… Jesus and Katie are the loves of my life! And in that order! Jesus actually rates our relationship together based upon how well I love my Katie! His is NOT a ‘give a card’ kind of love. He’s more of a ‘Show and Tell’ kind of God. And frequency matters.

Because of my rebellion over Valentine’s Day, Katie gets stuff… just not usually on THE DAY! I bought her a car weeks before her birthday. Her Valentine’s day gift was a concert we already went to, since I like to be AHEAD of the love game. SO does she. Yesterday she bought me a new truck! But getting the truck proved to be more of a downer, actually proving my point about love and care!

When spending a ton of money for a new vehicle, one should feel special. We didn’t. But I’m not using this to complain. Sales is a business, one I made my living at for decades. But I learned long ago that for people to FEEL special, they have to be TREATED special. My boss has that concept down in His list of rules for both marriage AND life relationships. It’s NOT an option and I’m still learning!

When it comes to Love, my Boss has a ‘definition condition,’ because love is an ACTION… NOT a feeling! That means if I say I love my wife, I’d better be SHOWING her that I do. Though sometimes she doesn’t appreciate that. I’ve been known to lose my temper when she does, for herself, what I am committed to do. Like opening doors, taking out trash or moving heavy stuff. OK, I’m nuts!

But I’m HER nut! If you are like me, you are fortunate to both BE a nut and to HAVE a nut! ANYBODY can crack a nut! It takes special action, effort, determination and heart to LOVE a nut! I am blessed beyond all blessing to have, not 1… but 2 ‘nut lover’s’ in my life.

Are YOU good at showing and telling your special people just how special they are… EVERY day? Today is a good time to show it… but tomorrow and onward proves you mean it! Happy Valentine’s Day. Even though it’s supposed to be YOUR Day to show that special someone. 


Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.” Ephesians 5:11

“RAWWWLLLL!” With the noise, I slowly woke up! It was dark! It was 5:43 am. Wondering what the sound was, I waited and heard it again, only to realize it was the neighbor’s dog! A BIG one! So I got up, grabbed my shotgun and clothes.. and proceeded into the darkness to confront that which cost me sleep and irritation. OK… I DIDN’T grab the shotgun! But I WANTED to! So ‘I’m guilty’ says Jesus!

To be honest, I’d have preferred the noise to be a break-in. Having had that happen to us in the past, It was simple and even exciting! Grab the gun, confront the evil-doer and live with an exciting story to tell at gatherings! But THIS was a bigger problem. Because the NETHERING, or problem lying underneath the surface, is a CARE-LESS, selfish neighbor in a crowded subdivision.

I’m smart enough to know tramping through the neighborhood in the dark, with a gun, can get me killed. But the rudeness of a neighbor disturbing the peace gets them nothing??? THAT angers me. And honestly, it isn’t just about me. The dog woke my wife up too and SHE was irritable. She just doesn’t show it like I do. When we talked about it, I told her there was a confrontation coming!

I realize that standing up for truth and righteousness is offensive to people who do not care for such things. But staying quiet among the ungodliness is precisely why our society talks about the evils of society, usually in the quietness of closed rooms. Knowing I am NOT going to be quiet, Katie asked me, “how can you turn a barking dog into a Jesus thing?” At that… SHE became the terrorist!

Of course ‘hers’ IS the question. And yes, I KNEW it before she asked… at least somewhere in the back of my mind! Had I not, the police would already have been in the neighborhood! So I WRESTLE with the trouble that really lies beneath… since I represent Jesus Christ! HE would handle it by confronting it or leaving! Now I have to decide what HE wants ME to do in the here and now.

Do you see problems or issues in your life that need to be confronted with the Truth of God’s Word? Are you keeping quiet? If so, why? Is it possible to inject Jesus Christ into that situation the same way HE would? If so, how would HE do it?


The battle spread out over the whole countryside, and the forest swallowed up more men that day than the sword.” 2 Samuel 8:18

“WHAMMMM!” Suddenly.. I was STOPPED DEAD with no idea why! Looking around the windshield column, I realized I had run into a tree! The tree, with only about an 8” diameter, had successfully stopped my 1 ton truck DEAD, but received only minor damage! All I could do was join the tree and laugh! At the sound, Diane came out to see, then said it wasn’t the first time that tree had won!

Going to visit Diane and Bill, the road to their house was blocked by an appliance truck. So I had to find my way around. Not sure which street was theirs, I thought I recognized Bill sitting at a picnic table. Going about 3 MPH I turned my head to verify, when that evil tree just ‘jumped out’ and hit me! Diane asked if I was going to blame her! “Nah… It’s just stuff!” I said. Then we had a good visit.

Upon leaving I found that the bumper was bent in, rubbing the tire when I turned the wheel. Grabbing and pulling HARD, I just had to laugh, as I thought about adding ‘auto-repairman’ to my resume! On the way home I thought about how often ‘unseen objects’ swallow up so much of my thoughts and time. This morning, Katie read and reminded me of this verse! Was that Coincidental?

A die-hard Calvinist might say that God caused me to run into that tree for a reason! A silly thought for me to swallow. But knowing God is sovereign, He can USE my ‘running into that tree’ for a GOOD purpose. And maybe that purpose is to remind me that ‘stuff happens.’ But that He is ALWAYS there IN THE STUFF that happens! My purpose is to SEE Him there, and to glorify His presence regardless!

Are there seemingly unforeseen obstacles blocking your path? Do you find yourself stopped on life’s highway… not moving? Can you look at the ridiculous and laugh ‘by faith’ at the fact that God CANNOT be stopped in your life with Him! If He’s using this moment to try to get your attention… WATCH OUT for the trees and be prepared to remember that NOTHING can stop HIM!!!