“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8
“AAAAhhh… my feet!” I was looking down at my metatarsals while 2 bright red splotches were staring back at me. Katie and I had gone kayaking the day before and I was prepared. Spraying sunscreen all over my exposed flesh, we rowed out onto the water, where I kicked off my Crocs! Evidence of my NOT thinking things through thoroughly, could NOT be hidden. I was burned!
Living in Florida for a decades, when it comes to springtime activity in the sun, I’ve witnessed the price of both ignorance AND stupidity. Cool breezes may give a false sense of safety, but they cannot impede the burning UV rays of Mr. Sun! Neither ‘innocent ignorance’ nor ‘arrogant stupidity’ get a pass. Sadly, the effects of both don’t begin to show until after sundown!
Oh how wonderful it would be if both ‘innocent ignorance’ and ‘arrogant stupidity’ only showed themselves at the beach! They’d produce nothing that a little calamine lotion and time couldn’t heal. But alas… they seem to pervade EVERYTHING. And nothing more catastrophic than God’s reason for humanity! We humans have quite the habit of making it all about us… while hell rages.
Being a Jesus Guy… I ponder! A LOT! I’m convinced that there are only 2 reasons why I was put here in the first place. And in reality, the 2nd one doesn’t even count! Man (I) was placed here to destroy the devil’s work in his rebellion against God! Fashioned dirt, infused by God, is the tool God chose to do so. Number 2, making me into His image and then His bride, comes AFTER #1!
The moment my feet hit the floor in the morning, every moment thereafter is infused with choice. I can choose to glorify Him and do things HIS way… or my own. With only 2 choices, the results are purchased by my own decisions. Wrong choices produced sin. And sin, like the Sun, BURNS! Deep down EVERYONE knows they need coverage! It is evident, EVERYONE has missed more than a spot!
When He didn’t have to, God sent His Son to be MORE than just an atoning ‘sonscreen’ sacrifice for my sin. He went farther and REMOVED my rebellion, offering me His abundant grace! NOW He tells me, in today’s verse, that I have EVERYTHING I NEED to Glorify HIM in EVERYTHING I do! I think I’m going to put my Sonscreen on! How about you?