“Jesus replied, ‘The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is in your midst.’” (or within you) Luke 17:20-21
We were at an Atlantic Ocean Beach hanging out with family. To some folks, a beach is a beach is a beach. But being raised near the beach, we know the difference. It’s been reported that there are about 50 words in the Eskimo language for snow. In Florida, when it comes to a beach… we just call it a beach. Even though we know there are differences.
One of the kids filled a bucket full of sand and water. When we tried to dump it out, it stuck to the bucket and wouldn’t come out without a lot of persuading! The sand is different over there. There, sand packs so tightly that they actually drive cars on the beach! One doesn’t dare do that on a gulf beach, unless one has a special vehicle or tires. It’s just different!
But sitting there looking out at the water, from where the sun rises, I noted the same ‘awe’ that I experience here where, on the water, the sun sets! There is a special spirit that resides at the beach. And even folks who don’t believe in God can sense it. ‘I’ know what it is, because I recognize the touch of my Father’s hand. Since He’s the One who made it!
It is hard to imagine not knowing God personally. In fact, I don’t even have to go to the beach to sense His presence. I can sit in a dark room, or simply close my eyes, and see Him with eyes that, many in the world, choose not to see! He is here… NOW! I don’t even need to go to see something different, because he lives inside of Me. Years ago I invited Him in.
When Jesus said today’s verse, He was standing in physical from among men. Today, I can read His words and KNOW He is right here, in MY spirit, in His Spirit. Someone who has not been born of the Spirit wouldn’t know what I was talking about! But it doesn’t allow them an excuse for unbelief. All it takes is to look around and see the handiwork of the Creator.
So as spring rolls into summer, and you find yourself looking around, why not seek the One who made it all possible and ask Him to show you Himself with Spirit eyes! Then you will never be alone and in the dark again. Don’t you see?