“Jesus replied, ‘Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.'” John 14:23
“Be sure to have your Passport with you when you approach Security!” Heading for a trip we had dreamed of for years, we left our American homeland and proceeded on through Germany, England, Ireland, Scotland and France. But in each country, we were first stopped and checked for acceptable credentials. Desire alone wouldn’t do!
I was blessed to be BORN in America, and didn’t have anything to do with that fact! I am considered a naturalized citizen with big privileges! But those privileges do not extend to other countries, other than to recognize that I am who I say I am. Other countries may let me come for a visit, but only with a passport. And yes, they check!
Passports last 10 years before they need to be renewed and updated. As long as I have mine, I can hop a plane and go! But that right comes with a duty as well. I must guard my Passport, treat it as special and not lose it! Replacement takes a lot of time and effort. So I care for my passport more than I do my wallet! It usually resides in a safe at home.
My relationship to God is SLIGHTLY similar to that with my country. I had no control on when or where I was physically born, but I DO have some control over my spiritual birth! Because God’s love is perfect, He cannot FORCE me to be part of His family. The choice to join Him comes when I deliberately obey His command to LOVE His Son!
Many years ago I was presented the opportunity to “Join” God and give Him my life. In doing so, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit came to live inside me! And like the song says… “Now I belong to Jesus, Jesus belongs to me!” There’s an old saying that goes, “the difficulty in life is the choice!” I made my choice, and now know I will never be lost, or without a home again!
Do YOU have your Heavenly Passport? Have YOU asked Jesus to come into your life, bring His Dad, and then live your life by The Spirit? Once you make that choice, yer in! Experiencing the Love and Grace of God daily is a perk I wouldn’t change for the world! I’m looking forward to one day ‘Going Home.’