
Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16

I was asked by my daughter Calah to babysit while she and Charles went for her baby doctor appointment. They were going to find out the gender of their baby this time. So it was just me and Coast! And that is when the fun began!

It has been a LONG time since I spent time playing with a 16 month old. Some may even have doubted my abilities. BUT… I had 4 kids of my own. AND… I’m kind of a kid myself. I thought, “How hard can it be?” ARRRRR… SIMPLE! How did I do it? I simply watched his eyes! Whatever “he” looked at, “I” looked at! And what he saw was what we played with! As he went from one thing to another, I recognized his genius! When his eyes fell upon one thing… I heard, “Land Ho!!!!” And we were off!

I can’t tell you what it was. I mean I WON’T tell you. I am sure my daughter will drive me nuts trying to find out. But no! I am not so sure she would like it as much as WE did. Not that there was any danger… but… well… some things are better left in mystery!

Today’s Bible verse follows a 100 megaton verse of its own. Verse 15 says,For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin.And friends…the ‘priest’ this verse is referring to… is JESUS! Can you see what HE saw?

What do YOU see when you look at God? Do you see a BOSS? A DICTATOR? A TYRANT? Is MEAN DAD your image when you face toward Him on the lost horizons of your life? If so, you ARRRRRN’T enjoying your trip.. are you? If punishing God is your vision, then you ARRRRRN’T REALLY looking for Him.. ARRRRR you?

Sinners who KNOW they are sinners are LOOKING for a Savior. It is like finding dry, hard ground after sailing stormy seas. When found, EVERYONE knows! “LAND HO!” MY Savior is a lover, a friend and a rescuer! HE has been looking for ME! HE wants to save ME. And what a refreshing thought that is.

“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”

It seems to me… O could it be… that Jesus and His Dad are actually ‘enjoying’ the process of salvation? “Arrrrrr… ye wit me matey? Have YE experienced the playful mystery of God’s love?” 


The woman said, “I know that Messiah” (called Christ) “is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.” Then Jesus declared, “I, the one speaking to you—I am He.” John 4:25

I received this photo from a friend yesterday, but didn’t know what to do with it. I was disgusted when I saw it, and quickly moved on. Having prayed the night before with our Church to ask God simply, “Please – turn the tide,” I did something I never do… I went to the beach! I wanted to see this plague for myself.

I am not a beach expert… tho I live near it. It was practically deserted as I walked the water’s edge. No dead fish, no smell, it seemed beautiful. And I was thankful. Striking up a conversation with a lady waking from the other direction, I asked HER thoughts on the Red tide. It took less than 40 seconds for her to become political! It was the President AND governor’s fault! John McCain and Obama even surfaced! Her parting words were, I don’t fly an American Flag… I fly an Earth Flag. And she ‘stormed off!’ I guess I was told!

It seems most every little thing becomes political. Words fly at us so fast it can almost become impossible to understand the REAL issues. But It seems to me that most people aren’t really interested in understanding reality. They just want ‘their way!’

The woman at the well was a castaway. Jesus went to HER! Tho she was living in adultery, it seems she had an underlying sense that SOMEONE could make sense of this hard life she was living in. “When HE (the Messiah) comes, he will explain everything to us.” And the next words cause me to spiritually fall to my knees. “I AM HE!”

There is NO need to look elsewhere if HE has entered your personal space. There is no need to fight or argue. The ONLY next step is to shut up, leave your little opinion, and LISTEN! For what HE is about to say…will CHANGE you. IF you LET HIM!

Today is voting day. I have said from the pulpit, ‘Don’t let me hear that you haven’t voted!’ And yet I am sure that despair and apathy will be the excuse for some NOT voting. Others will use the opportunity to ‘score’ their argument of priority… and if their v(o)ice outnumbers God’s Truth… well… you get the idea.

Jesus is calling to YOU. He promises that you WILL get an explanation for EVERYTHING. If not here, then there! But to receive ANY explanation of worth, you must FIRST be willing to lay aside YOUR explanations, YOUR opinions and YOUR selfish desires. For God knows that, “if you ain’t gonna listen… there ain’t NO sense talkin’!”

So, human, husband, mother, voter… what is it you REALLY want?


For I, the Lord, do not change Malachi 3:6

Reading a devotional, the word jumped out at me. I had read it many times before and just “K.C. translated” it. What that means is, reading the word in context, I had a pretty good and acceptable (to me) idea of what it meant, but I couldn’t bet my life on it! Then I felt a nudge… “look it up.” The word was ‘inexorable.’ I had thought it meant ‘indifferent!’ I was wrong.

As we stood around the flagpole of our church yesterday, I was filled with a sense of Joy. About 25 of us had gathered to to simply ask God to remove the red tide from our area. A seemingly crazed population was turning to politicians demanding something be done… as if man has the power to stop a hurricane or volcano! Two thoughts had struck me. 1. Our church members did not seem alarmed. And 2. No one seemed to simply call out to God and simply ‘ASK HIM’ to remove it! So we did!

This is not a discussion on red tide. In truth, as we polled our attendees, most were unconcerned. There are bigger issues facing our world. But it doesn’t take a lot of time to petition God for His favor, and we wanted to make THAT point to those who do not know Him. Standing in a circle, an occasional horn blew and folks shouted. We hoped it was in support toward rising the request to God. But that wasn’t our goal.

The thought hits me, ‘does what I believe and do make any difference?’ In listening to people facing life’s trials, I will often ask, ‘where do you go to church?’ OFTEN the answer is, ‘I don’t.’ ‘Inexorable’ came to mind, EVEN tho I didn’t know what it meant. “Inexorable – not able to be stopped or changed.’ And just like that… Bing! I get it.

When it comes to Jesus Christ and His Word, are YOU ‘inexorable?’ Do you ‘think’ what you believe and do makes a difference? Are you open to adjusting to HIS will and way? Or is what you THINK you know so immovable that it makes you your own god? Scary thought huh? I thought so too!

I am ‘inexorable.’ I believe in Jesus Christ and go to Him for everything. I don’t always see or do the exact thing He says, because sometimes my mortal brain is earthly bent. But I have the promise that HE never changes. He is God – I am not! So while the world lines up its sorrows and tragedies… and while men fight to prioritize ‘their’ issue to a higher level, I am reminded that what HE wants is really all I need to know.

What does Christ want? “look it up!”


Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. Romans 8:5-6

anting to wash up a few dishes I turned the hot water on… and waited! Yes – I KNOW that there are ‘point of use’ water heaters available. No – I do not own one. But as I waited for the hot water I remembered that this is the 3rd hot water heater in this house since I bought it 30 years ago. The point is NOT the water heater, but where I live!

Katie and I have each moved 21 times in our lives. We counted! As kids, our parents drug us where THEY went. But we haven’t moved from THIS house in 30 years. I guess you could say we like it here! Moving NOW would only be expensive… and honestly… selfish. What would we gain? A new view or different layout?

The Bible clearly says that where we live in our mind is based upon what we ‘desire.’ And as humans we have 1 of 2 choices. We can live according to our flesh, or our spirit. It ALSO clearly points out the results of each choice. If in my mind I live according to my FLESH… I will get death! If my mind chooses the spirit…I get a two-fer! LIFE AND PEACE! Choices like that SHOULD be EASY! But where I live is … well… it is complicated.

It would be SO easy to blame Eve and Adam (SHE ate first) for our sinful nature. But CLEARLY… when I look at the evidence of my life, I have to conclude that had it been Eve and K.C…. I more than likely would have beaten her to the fruit! I KNOW… in ME… the flesh is STRONG! So logical, easy choices, like WHERE I live… aren’t!

One of my favorite sayings is by George Moore who said, “The difficulty in life is the choice.” I was tempted to add bigger letters and flamboyant punctuation to emphasize some of the words, but THAT is NOT how HE wrote it! Just like MY choice to live in the flesh is NOT how GOD designed me. In my mind… I am a rebel!

I have lived as a Believer in Jesus Christ, BY CHOICE, for over 51 years. But I have made ‘night raids’ into the dark on many occasions. One of the benefits of getting older is more experience. And, as is suggested, bad judgment is the teacher good judgment. I have LEARNED that living with and for Jesus Christ is SO much more lively and peaceful than the other way. So I am going to stick here in the spirit! No matter the temperature of the water. Where do YOU live?


This is what the Lord says:“Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, ‘We will not walk in it.’ Jeremiah 6:16

Over the last few weeks I have had a few instances if experienced irritability caused by both sight and smell. While visiting someone near the beach, it hit me instantly. Red Tide! The smell of dead fish and the stench from the Red Tide hit my nose and I immediately remembered from years past. This sinks!

I saw headlines in local newspapers of people lining up at the beach AND at city council as they demanded something be done… as if man can do ANYTHING to prevent a natural disaster! But they were SERIOUS! My spirit said, “This stinks!”

I am not a prophet like Elijah or Jeremiah. But I know God’s Word. And I DO know the proclivity of man to ignore it… AND God. Jeremiah 6:10 says, “To whom can I speak and give warning? Who will listen to me? Their ears are closed so they cannot hear. The word of the Lord is offensive to them; they find no pleasure in it.” In looking at the direction of the angst from our population, I feel a similar concern.

America was founded on ‘The Bible’ by people who ‘believed it.’ The Bible tells us that before the fall of Adam, we were made to rule the earth. But what has happened to us? We have forgotten that GOD is the one we should be turning to when we face individual and corporate struggles. NOT City Council or politicians. I hear God calling!

Will you join with me in praying together to God, the author of Creation, to remove this stench and nasty disaster from us? Do we not have His instruction to look to Him and simple ASK? How hard is it to acknowledge that we are simply flawed humans incapable of fixing ourselves. That we need God’s help in this time of difficulty? And ASK HIM!

Tonight at Bible Study at 6:45 pm we will take some time to go out by the Flag Pole and simply PRAY and ASK GOD to “Turn the Tide!!” Will you Join us? Other times are pending.


You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You be born again.’ John 3:7

Moving about the store, I ran into an old acquaintance I hadn’t seen in a long time. Immediately the teeter-totter of conversation began as questions and answers moved back and forth. “How are you? What have you been up to? What are you doing now? How is your family?” Words flowed between us and were personal. Until they weren’t! “How about getting together… what are you doing Friday night?” THEN…It got complicated!

If you know me well you know I am married and that Friday night is ‘Date Night’ with Katie, my wife. If you try to call me then, I don’t answer my phone. If any other night would have been picked, the complication would have remained because I do not do ANYTHING without coordination with her. And WE also have Church commitments. Not so simple right?

This verse of scripture is kind of like that. If you have studied Scripture for long you probably already know that the first ‘You’ mentioned is singular. Jesus is speaking to Nicodemus personally. The second ‘you’ in the same sentence is plural… Y’all! Go ahead and re-read it and work it out. You can see where I am going.

This chapter becomes even MORE complex when you read 3:11… “Very truly ‘I’ tell ‘you,’ ‘we’ speak of what ‘we‘ know, and ‘we’ testify to what ‘we’ have seen, but still ‘you’ people do not accept ‘our’ testimony.” Who is this ‘WE’ and ‘OUR’ Jesus is talking about? If you look through the chapter the answer is simple. God the Father, Son and by proxy, the Holy Spirit. The Trinity!

So let me just simplify this a little. A Joint Committee of God, put forth a mission and a call to the masses of the World, in order to invite 1 person to Their place…forever! In summary. John 3:16! If Y’ALL ever heard of this verse, ‘YOU’ should know that the ‘WHOSOEVER’ is to be taken personally! ‘WHOSOEVER’… is YOU! And that the invitation to be ‘Born Again’ and to have Eternal life is a SINGULAR and VERY personal invitation indeed.

So… what is your R.S.V.P. reply? The Savior is setting the table and THEY are waiting!


We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away. Hebrews 2:1

Over the last several days I had been playing a game with the weather. I had some grass to cut in this VERY hot and muggy month, and each day I watched the Eastern sky as it built up great billowing clouds, signaling a downpour. I wanted to time it just right, getting to the grass JUST after the sun was blocked, but before the rain came down. The sun didn’t get blocked and it never rained! But the grass grew!

I am usually good at seeing a need and finding a solution. Lately tho, I have been stymied. I DID get the grass cut, but then saw that there was a need for a lot of trimming as well. As I jumped in to do just that, something made me stop! After 4 days of thinking and planning, I FINALLY heard ‘the voice!’ And it was very clear… “STOP what YOU are doing! And PAY ATTENTION to ME!”

Paying attention is very difficult for me. Self diagnosed with ADD, focus is the first thing thrown out the window. Especially when doing something undesirable. Lately, it has been even harder to focus and I think I know why. “I” has been getting WAY too much attention.

When I worked construction, then sales, it was easy to SEE the results of a ‘good day’ at work. Something was built or something was sold. It was a good way to keep score. But it is hard to see growth and effectiveness in my spiritual life and work. I have found that I am actually INVENTING things to do that will SHOW results of my days. Like piles of yard waste or a cut lawn. And I just sensed Jesus’ frown!

Like you I was created for MORE than just what this daily life is producing. Like you I KNOW that there is something calling to me, but I just can’t seem to gain a clear focus. But I have just heard ‘The Voice!’ So I must be getting close! He is telling me to ‘STOP’ and to PAY MORE ATTENTION to HIM!’