
“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27

Climbing down from the attic I was a sweaty, disgusting mess. Standing with a look of shock on my face, my wife took one look at me and said, “Oh.. I ‘m sooo sorry…you look AWFUL!” I grinned, then jumped into the pool!

For years now my bride has wanted an electric fireplace with the TV on the wall above it. Being a guy, I don’t see the attraction of a TV suspended 1 foot higher than it is right now. But I’m a guy! Guys, left to their own thinking, don’t think much. Several times she has seen something she THINKS she would like, but like a gal, after thinking TOO much about it, changed her mind. This time… she didn’t!

Sitting near our front door are 3 boxes that constitute an entertainment center… WITH fireplace! The FIRST thing I did was pull out the requirements for the electric needed to run the thing. And just as I suspected… it needed a separate power source. Carefully measuring ceilings and walls, then making 2 trips to Lowes, I entered the attic with 100’ of 12/2 wg wiring and tools. It’s Florida and the temperature was 92 degrees. Now you know WHY… 1. I looked awful… and 2. she felt sorry!

I love my wife. Sometimes I don’t like her so much. But this wasn’t one of those times. I was genuinely happy to get nasty because I knew what it would take to give her what she really wanted. The work was the gift. A little smile and a jump in the pool, after her display of appreciation for me, was all I needed to set the world right! I have the same relationship with God!

Loving God means loving, listening and following His Son… Jesus Christ! He is His Father’s favorite person. Loving Him opens Daddy God’s appreciation for ME as well. As I come to know Jesus more, I learn and discover, with the help of the Holy Spirit, what HE likes and wants from ME. Our relationship grows over time, and like a good marriage, we lean on each others giving us what need, and often want! But not ALWAYS!

Many times believers, including myself, become selfish. We can easily become ‘self’ centered and whine about not getting OUR needs met, or OUR way. When we drift along in that dingy, God’s love seems like an angry ocean with no land in sight! It is EASY to NOT see God when I am only looking at ME. My relationship with God requires that I first fix my eyes on His Son.

Life gets dirty, sweaty, hot and disgusting. Shock is not uncommon! But dropping our own comfort and looking to the Son is all we really need to set the world aright. Because pleasing HIM… ALWAYS brings me more joy than any comfy chair in front of a TV on the wall. Even if it has a fireplace underneath it!   Do you know Him?     Are you following?


“Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.” Luke 9:26

A church friend has a Karaoke business and having not been in a long while, my wife and I headed off to the bar! Bellying up, I ordered a Diet Coke and listened, as one by one, people came forward to sing. One particular fellow stood out, singing an old, harder ‘rock’ song by heart as he walked around the bar. Though strange, something familiar about him kept drawing my attention. He was certainly different!

My name showed up on the screen, and being an old Elvis fan I was going to embarrass myself with one of his hits. It was then my friend said, “Hey… how about singing that one you do, “’Jesus is Just Alright with Me’ by the Doobie Brothers!” I smiled, took the mic, and ‘stood out!’ After I was done, Mr. Rocker walked right up to me, in front of EVERYONE, and shook my hand. He didn’t SAY a word… just stood there. When I asked him if He knew where he was going when he died, he smiled! It was then I recognized the ‘something familiar’ about him. He was a brother in Christ!

Decades ago, being urged by the Spirit to be more vocal about my faith, I found myself embarrassed of how I might ‘stand out.’ “What will people THINK of me?” kept going around in my head. Until one day, while reading this verse, God personally delivered His message to the front door of MY heart. I was ashamed. But immediately resolved…no more!

This same story verse is found in Mark chapter 8, only worse! Jesus starts off in verse 34 with the words, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. It goes downhill from there because He pulls no punches. He then clearly said, “K.C., this life is NOT about you… but ME! Now what is YOUR next move!?” Jesus can sure be blunt!

Things in 2018 are a LOT harder than they were in the 70’s. If there is one thing that you can be SURE of today, it is this… if you want to become unpopular… bring up Jesus Christ! Why? Because strange things happen to people when you do. There is nothing like the name of ‘Jesus’ to cause folks to dig out the hammer and nails! Looking to Jesus for relief, He just smiles and says, “Told ya!”

Fellow Pilgrims, please know this for sure. When you step outside today, there WILL be opportunities to cause a stir. In fact, Jesus PROMISES those conditions. But with His hand upon you, there will be a decision to make. His Father is watching what you will do… and so is the devil. The question is…”are ya gonna sing?”


“But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as He wanted them to be.” 1 Corinthians 12:18

The Batcave is in need of a good clean-up and organization (the Batcave being my ‘office!’ ). I don’t have an Arthur! Because of recent and upcoming events, I cannot simply stack one more thing on top of another thinking, ‘I’ll do this tomorrow!’ My gaze falls, once again, to the Batrifle! An old Crosman 760 air rifle… in pieces…in an open box! Batman needs an Anti-depressant!

I may have written about this old BB Gun years ago. It is the standard pump style that has been used by kids for decades. Having owned it for 15 years, it finally broke down and I took it apart to fix it myself. That was about 10 years ago! Being rather handy, I’d pick it up, but get confused, then put the pieces back in the box. “Later!” was my thought!

Just for kicks I looked up that BB Gun online. I can get a brand new one for $30 at Walmart. $50 if I want to buy it from a Sporting Goods Store! Though I don’t understand why the difference. My point is this…I am holding onto something that simply ISN’T worth FIXING! Which makes me reflect on WHY I am staring at the box in the first place! It actually makes me cringe with shame! Here’s why!

That box, as ridiculous as it seems, represents my failure. I am being FORCED to look at it because I haven’t been taking care of more VALUABLE things. Like the order of priorities and the intentions of my life. Then it hits me! If I am holding onto something that has NO value at the expense of things that ARE valuable, am I not a hypocrite? A Fraud? A Joker? “NOW WAIT JUST A DOG-GONE MINUTE!” Is what I hear God shout back at me!

Throughout existence people have cried out to God, “why is this happening to ME?” It is a selfish cry looking for release from an overwhelming pain. At its core is a broken weapon that is simply attempting to shoot blame at God. Unchecked, it festers anger, fear and resentment toward anyone within easy reach. If the pain and the desire for remedy gets intense enough, it drives us TO God who WILL guide us back to sanity!

Being human I am a slob, a sinner and a failure in DIRE need of a SAVIOR! When I came to Him for repair, He didn’t take the pieces with intent to FIX me. He threw them onto His Son and made a way for me to become NEW…with a whole different attitude! I AM a Child Of God and I AM important to Him! Being God’s kid may have royal advantages and carry prestige in heaven. But right now, all I can hear Dad say is, “Quit whining and let’s get this place cleaned up!”

I love my Dad!


“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” So, for Christ’s sake, I will delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:9-11 (edit mine)

The ambiance in the house, being rather sour, sent me into ‘fix-it’ mode. That is what I do. So combining sour with the hour, which was dinner time, I suggested we Goldwing it to a burger joint up the road. I had some coupons! Mr. Sour, though uninvited, decided to ride shotgun!

It was hot and muggy, so the ride was not pleasant. The chain restaurant was about half full, which was good, since I had mentally added a couple stops afterward to drag out my ‘fix-it’ plan. We ordered our food and began the wait when Mr. Sour decided to join us. After a look, a stare, then an eyeball-roll, IT TOOK 45 MINUTES to get our burger! From a BURGER JOINT! The ambiance of the diner only added to the misery on our faces.

Jerry Reed, famous Country Western philosopher, said in a song, “He who expects nothin’… ain’t gonna be deceived!” Looking back at our experience, I can agree. Apparently I must have had some high expectations! So I lowered them and went to the local home supply store. While there, my wife sat in a plastic molded rocker… “Ohh this is comfortable!” Since it was $25 and we had saved $ at the diner, I said, “I’ll buy it for you!” Her response? “Nah…its ugly!”

When Mr. Sour shows up to any trick or treat party, he brings masks for everybody! I have found that it takes a LOT of work to refuse the gift! Strength brings strength. Sour brings sour. That is just the way it is. BUT GOD…!!! Jesus says that HE is to be placed in charge of EVERY situation. Since I am His, I get the privilege of placing HIS Joy above Mr. Sour’s mask. It is His high expectation that I am to forsake the world’s ‘diner mode’ for HIS Heavenly Ambiance. No tricks allowed!

I have learned that God did not invent Mr. Sour. Neither does He randomly throw him into my life. Mr. Sour is not God’s handiwork. I am! Mr. Sour does not CREATE my mood, he simply reveals it. Being God’s child requires constant readjustment to HIS strength and joy… not my own! I simply have to face it. While I may sometimes join Mr. Sour at his party… Mr. Sour is ALWAYS ugly!


When Jesus saw that he had answered wisely, he said to him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” Mark 12:34

Every Thursday morning the sound hits my ears and REMINDS me that I have forgotten… again! The garbage truck makes a distinct noise and reverberates through my house, as I frantically rush to get mine out BEFORE it passes by! I discovered it is then that a series of rather important decisions need to be made.

Garbage collection is sophisticated. There are separate containers for garbage, yard waste, paper or plastic/metal waste. There are 3 separate trucks! Each week, as I scramble to put on street clothes to try to beat them to the curb I think, “Which truck am I hearing and which container should go out first?” There is no exact correct answer, since it varies each week. Having to make so many decisions about weekly trash just seems wrong!

Of the 613 rules, regs and laws laid down in the Old Testament, it was easy to get confused over which one was THE most important. The story in Mark describes HOW difficult it was when one of the TEACHERS asked Jesus that question. His 2 part answer actually provided at least 4 containers for sorting it all out! When the teacher summarized them for verification, Jesus gave him a B+ and an “almost there,” validation. “Clear as mud,” is all I can say!

No matter WHAT else you may be thinking, “It’s NOT ABOUT YOU!” ONLY the submitted ones can even see that. Which makes dragging our own personal trash to the curb a very intense project indeed. Simply put… God first, others second, me… last!

Churches are not unlike synagogue’s of Jesus day. They are full of people TRYING to do God’s thing, but often in their own way! It is tempting to look for shortcuts. The longer I serve Him, the more I have to remind myself that there ARE none! God first, others second, me… last! EVERYTHING about ME has to go into one container or another. I do not get to keep ANY of my own trash! PERIOD!

Back in the old days when ‘I’ was a kid, we didn’t take out trash. We burned it ALL! Everyone had a burning barrel or fire pit and EVERYTHING went into it. From boxes to egg shells! And what didn’t burn got buried! Simple and easy, there was NO sorting ANYTHING out , since EVERYTHING was trash! Before Christ, God had pretty much the same policy! His hand on MY life now forces questions and decisions with a closer look at my intentions and dissensions.

In this life, ONE rule stands out above all the others… it is NOT about ME!


“whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14

I received a call yesterday stating that our church failed! I’ve heard it before, and groaned with the news, which would require work on my part for clean up and restoration. You see, our church gets our water from a well. According to the law, it must be tested regularly to make sure that no bacteria or harmful substances come out when the faucets are turned on. Seeing that our ‘well’ test showed sufficient “ick!”  Cleanup was required!

On the way out the door I grabbed some chlorine and a brush. Cleaning the tank that holds the water isn’t really hard. The bacteria doesn’t like chlorine and is killed when exposed. Opening the tank I poured a generous amount into it, and let it set. Though death was immediately visited upon the microscopic vermin, I heard nary a sound! After some time, I flushed the water system and refilled! Bye Bye Bacteria!

Don’t you wish that getting rid of the ‘ick’ in life was that easy? When hurts, habits or hang-ups arise, wouldn’t it be nice if we could simply add some juice and flush! It would be quick and painless – with nary a sound! Some folks DO try to drown their problems to get rid of them, but they use the wrong juice! Enter Jesus Christ!

Unlike life in the old times, when water had to be drawn and carried, modern plumbing and capitalism makes getting it… easy. For city water, simply open a faucet and you can get all you want… instantly. The bill comes due every month! A well system requires a little more maintenance, but with the same results. We take it for granted. But we shouldn’t!

Jesus adds a little more to the process than just getting the water itself. HE says that HIS water is different. And that drinking from it will completely destroy thirst, or the need for ANY other water… EVER!! Many folks have heard the story. Few actually take the plunge.

Water is a basic necessity of life, second only to air. Without it… we die! The water that Jesus is speaking of is LIFE. And the source of this wellspring is Himself! Interestingly enough, READING God’s Word helps us to HEED God’s Word! By drinking HIS life inside us, we find that the thirsty craving of purpose and meaning will not rise again. It is a promise from Him!

If you have never taken Jesus up on His promise, you are missing out! He came to kill the ‘ick’ of our lives and replace it with Himself. If you HAVE tasted Him and find yourself thirsty anyway, well… you’re drinking from the wrong faucet! You have been made to run on God’s Juice. Nothing else will satisfy!


“be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position.” 2 Peter 3:17

Florida has another hurricane headed our way. Normally that doesn’t get me too excited, but today I found myself looking at the maps and predictions rather seriously. Where will it hit? When? What will it’s affect be on traffic? How would I avoid it? No… I am not planning a trip or going anywhere. But I have some friends that are in the middle of it, and they are headed my way!

Florida Snowbirds are northern folk who come down for the winter. Howard is a smart one and is usually the first to get here. He has a schedule and plans WAY in advance. This time though, Howard’s plans collided with Hurricane Michael’s, and if he doesn’t make a shift in his route, the collision could be literal! Today, the questions of what, when, where and how are very important to Howard!

Chapter 3 of 2 Peter lists a great many warnings of its own and deals with the same questions ALL of us face. What, when, where and how. The subject combines ‘The’ Second coming of Christ AND ‘The’ Day of the Lord! Written almost 2000 years ago, it may not SEEM up to date… until you read it! Looking at our world, the clock appears closer to Midnight than ever before!

Weather and its predictions have come rather far over the years. Maps, experts, pressures, fronts… all provide clues of what MIGHT happen. But if you know weather forecasting, you know it is still a big guess. And a guess is NOT a prediction. Peter writes about a certain prediction and he wants us to KNOW about it. His evidence may surprise you!

2 Peter 3:1-3 is too long to put here. But it basically says that the key to understanding the world’s future end requires you knowing what the past prophets said! In other words, evil, and man’s draw to it, are predictable. What happened in the past, WILL happen again. Only worse! BE WARNED!

Howard will look and plan and plot… and since I know some things HE may not know, I may make some suggestions of what to avoid. He can determine if he wants to follow them or not. Howard is an adult! But so are YOU. And like Peter’s audience over 2000 years ago, you can either trust him and do what he suggests… or not! But he promises a WHOLE lot of peace and security if we follow his advice. But know this… YOU are now on Life’s road, the clock is ticking, and the choice of destination…. is yours! Happy Trails!


“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

The evidence, compiled over the last few days, strongly suggests that I am married to a crazy woman! As I lay on the couch, she flits here and there, doing one thing after the next. The air doesn’t even settle before it gets stirred up again by her passing. And all I can do is watch! You see, I am out of gas!

For the last few days I have had an intestinal thing that prohibits movement too far from a porcelain throne! And you know what that is like. When sickness comes, it changes the whole direction of my usual activity to zero! I WANT to get up, feel better, do things and accomplish something. But my body says, ‘No!’ Meanwhile, there she goes by again… zzzip! And a strange sensation is left in her wake. One that I haven’t really noticed much before? It is called ‘guilt!’ And I don’t like it!

Thankfully, I have never experienced a long illness. Lots of people have been hammered with debilitating diseases or circumstances that have left them immobile for weeks, months, years… or even a lifetime! This little experience of mine is teaching me something I didn’t go looking for. And it is embarrassing, humbling and yet, strangely holy!!

Society categorizes people for convenience. We are validated by what we ‘DO’ or contribute. One is either a ‘giver’ or a ‘taker.’ A ‘provider’ or a ‘user.’ And while that mentality may not always be a bad thing, it CAN have the depressing result of stamping someone’s life as ‘IN-valid.’ Which, Biblically speaking, can be an OUT-right LIE!

The scientific definition of ‘Work’ is the force required to move an object a distance…blah blah blah! Words that go along with it are toil, labor, accomplishment and activity. But in God’s economy, that definition doesn’t stick. God wants us to GIVE UP our OWN activity and yield to HIS. In HIS world, HE is the worker who gets things done. WE are to be the branch through which HE produces fruit. OUR job is to simply ‘ABIDE!’

This little bout of sickness will go away. But I pray the lesson I am getting from it does not. I am NOT ‘SOMEBODY’ because of what I DO or ACCOMPLISH! I am who I am because of who ‘HE’ is in me! And even if I am only BREATHING with Him… my life is validated by His connection to my sigh! And THAT, my friends, is not nothing!

He must increase… I must decrease!


“Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?” Galatians 4:16

Going to my mailbox, I saw the envelopes from the power company. I know what they are because electric bills are like good clock work. ALWAYS on time! Having more than 1 property, I didn’t notice there were more envelopes than usual. Since paying bills is NOT my top priority, I threw them on the pile thinking, “I’ll get to these later.” Three days later coincided with the EXACT date I opened the letters AND read the ‘disconnect notice!’ O.K…. You’re laughing! YOU’VE been there too?

APPARENTLY when I did online “Bill Pay” last month, I neglected to hit the “SEND” button. In my mind I HAD paid my bills. Reality resulted in the power company labeling me a LOSER! I had to dial the company 3 times before I could reach a human being. After I explained the… ‘yuck yuck’… mix up, the phone human verified my “loser status!” In a nice way, of course. “I’m sorry sir, there is nothing we can do” which implied ‘… until you bring us cash… RIGHT NOW!’ The lady was NOT my friend! She hears the same story every day!

Being a teacher, pastor, manager or even a parent requires telling and teaching truth. KNOWING the truth is supposed to set us free. We can trust it, bank on it and ultimately use it to better our lives. But HEARING the Truth comes without an emotional filter. When I get bad news, I get angry, upset or sad. It takes a process to get through it all before I can accept it as reality. Knowing Jesus, who IS Truth, shortens the process for me!

I go to a church that has seating room, and you don’t even have to come early to get one. Over the years the Pastor had gotten into some real hot water with folks who decided to jump FROM Truth rather than stick TO it. It has been a challenge all my life. My Dad was a Truth teller and he had a way of making enemies too. I guess it runs in the family!

One of the biggest temptations of someone responsible for ‘Telling the Truth,’ is to keep the mouth shut! Just don’t SAY anything and ‘Telling’ won’t become a problem. I tried that approach with myself and found it NEVER works. I learned that believing lies drags the problem out even longer. So truth telling, based upon God’s Word, is a must.

My power never did get disconnected. I managed to remain calm, “SURPRISE,” and asked for a manger, who then took the time to look at my history. We worked out a plan and I am happy to say I am no longer considered a LOSER! But… THAT depends upon who you ask!

So what kind of teller… or HEARER… are YOU?