
“And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18

Getting into my attic is a process much like opening a combination lock. Every step has to be done – in order. So when I had to get something from up there, I got started and followed the process from memory. Get ladder, lean it against the refrigerator, walk up 2 steps to unlatch and open hinged door, climb down, move ladder and re-position, climb up, climb down and reverse process! I was at the ‘re-position’ step when I got into trouble!

I was in a hurry when I set the ladder. Since I could see what I wanted.. right there at the edge of the attic… I knew I didn’t need to climb ALL the way up, only about 4 steps was needed. When I hit the 3rd step, the ladder started to shuffle. I stopped! Like an automatic reflex, my memory engaged as I ‘remembered’ the time I DIDN’T stop… and ended up on the floor! Accidents like that are excellent teachers. I got down, re-positioned the ladder so it was sturdy on its foundation and then proceeded.

The Bible verse today has a puzzle within itself. The name that Jesus used, ‘Peter’ sounds similar to the word ‘stone.’ If this verse is read out of order or context, it SOUNDS like Jesus is saying that ‘Peter’ is the foundation stone upon which Jesus will build His Church! Being part of ‘The Church,’ and given Peter’s unreliability toward most things reasonable, it makes me nervous that ‘open mouth insert foot’ PETER would become THE foundation for Christ’s Bride.

The Bible tells us that ‘The Church’ would be built upon Himself… He being the Chief Cornerstone and the FOUNDATION of her existence. Therefore, the verse could be read like this; “You are Peter (a little stone) but upon ME (The BIG Rock) I will build my church (see Corinthians 3:11). I love that! Christ clearly affirms that HE is the firm foundation upon which I must place my little, rocky life. And that only HE can hold me up.

I have had a LOT of accidents along the way of life. Like Peter, I can get into trouble without even trying. But I have a rather LARGE MEMORY BANK that continues to grow. It affirms and reminds me that the best thing I can do, when running through my life unbalanced, is to turn my stony life over to Jesus Christ and re-position my center upon HIM. He promises that if I do, that I WON’T fall, or that He will ultimately ‘catch me’ if I do!


“Hot indignation seizes me because of the wicked, who forsake your law.” Psalm 119:53 ESV

Setting at the red light behind a ‘snowbird,’ I was growing indignant. ‘The bird’ was paying more attention to a cell phone than to the traffic. She could have clearly gone right on red, but blocked traffic by breaking the law our cell phone use. When she pulled out… slowly, The big diesel truck from behind cut me off on the left, belching smoke while giving ‘the bird’… the bird! I experienced… ‘Hot indignation!’

Indignation is a fancy word. It means feeling or showing anger, or annoyance, at what is perceived as considered illegal, unjust, offensive or insulting. From a Christian standpoint, may I suggest that there is simply not enough of it going around these days?! Are you shocked… Literally? Then you may get my point!

EVERY human alive knows what is right and what is wrong. It is in our Conscience. God expects, at the very least, that we DO what is right and NOT DO what we know is wrong. Welcome to the 21st Century where ‘the individual’ is king and where ‘absolute Truth’ is considered offensive!

In the above scenario, I was indignant that a foreign human would willfully and illegally block traffic. I became MORE indignant as the guy behind me blocked my way because of his indigence. I am even MORE indignant now…because 20 minutes ago my computer crashed and I have to retype half of this message!

Does what breaks God’s heart break yours? Are you nauseated at your own willful and God insulting wrongs, and do you seek to do HIS will for restoration? Because if my own sin doesn’t offend me, I really have no way to accurately become indignant at societies ills. God fixes the ‘man’ before He can fix the ‘nation!’

We are living in an age ripe for the trappings of a tyrant. It could be the beginning of the end, as so many people fight for control of what societies norms should be. But before I can righteously sort out the externals, I must start with my own internals. And it starts with an inward look and an upward prayer… “Lord… show me YOUR way.” Which is EXACTLY what Psalm 119 is all about!


“You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their superiors exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.” Matthew 20:25-26

Yesterday I discovered what it must be like to be the woman of the house! Now that I have your attention!!

Last week, in lieu of a Memorial Service where there would be many visitors, I felt the urge to wax the church floor. As Pastor, that is not typically in my job description. But I am not that kind of pastor. When Jesus wants the floor waxed and He tells ME… I know He MEANS ME! So I set to work. Not for MY glory or image, but His. That was until last night!

When I walked into the Church before Bible Study last night, I was appalled! The floors were an absolute MESS, as sticky spots competed with ground in food stains. I made a comment to my wife, who reminded me that we had about 50 people eating in that room after the service on Sunday! Strangely, I had forgotten… but now it made sense. Then I thought, “BUT WHAT ABOUT MY NICE SHINY FLOOR!!!!” It was then that the Holy Spirit interrupted…. “WHO’S FLOOR?”

I picked clip art that some will find offensive. It is of an old, black, unhappy, servant woman mopping a floor. Pretty stereotypical huh? A long time ago that was the picture of reality. Age, race, attitude and position were just the norm for that particular task. As society changed, we learned to NOT make mention of ANY of those stereotypes, lest we be labeled something unacceptable in return. BUT.. it still does not settle the need of the day. If everybody is trying to raise their image, WHO is going to clean God’s floor?

The simple definition of the word ‘deacon’ is table waiter. Elders are typically placed above the deacons in ruling authority in a church. Too often, I believe, elders can forget that to become an elder, they FIRST must learn to SERVE! Any upward position from there requires an increased servants heart. Dying to self is a difficult, but necessary, daily requirement.

I deliberately picked and placed the 2nd picture for a reason. It is a picture of what Jesus wants to see in me as I serve Him and His. He demands a child-like, joyous spirit of service and sacrifice in every task He lays before me… no matter how small or mundane. It takes a lot of effort to lower myself to His elevation!

The Bible says, “To whom much is given, much is required.” I am SO glad and HONORED that He chose ME to serve HIM. If He wants me to weed His Garden, I am required, and will, do it with a smile. And I am reminded to clean HIS floor as efficiently and beauteous as if HE was coming to visit. Because, as I was just reminded…He is!


“Let no one be found among you who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead.” Deuteronomy 18:10-11

It’s Halloween. And like it or not, the day of controversy and decision making has come. I remember it like it was yesterday… waiting for darkness to fall so my brother and sister and I could go out to ‘trick or treat’ for candy. It was an uncomfortable day back then too!

I remember how I felt cheated when I looked out the window and saw Billy already hitting up the neighbors door… and the sun hadn’t even gone down yet! “How come HE gets a head start while I have to wait?” Timing seemed EVERYTHING.

I remember the smell of the plastic mask I wore, held on by one thin band of rubber that ALWAYS broke long before we got home. I remember, as I breathed into it, the smell getting worse… and my mom saying repeatedly.. “put your mask back on or they’ll know its you!” They can see YOU mom! “Just do it,” was her reply. Pretend and cover-up was the key.

I remember measuring success by comparing how much candy I got in MY bag as compared to my siblings! My sister seemed to get more cuz she was a girl! Apparently reward was not equal.

I remember sitting down and looking at MY pile of candy, then eating my favorite stuff first. Over the next couple days, as the stash got low, I STILL ended up eating what was left! Then lusting after my brother’s stuff… since he was a hoarder and stretched his out! I thought, “Why couldn’t I help him with HIS before it spoiled? Why doesn’t HE share?”

Halloween bring controversy!!! To participate or not? Do we go door to door or to a Church ‘Fall Festival’ instead? Will participation bring some demon into my life that will spiritually cause me harm? Just how bad is it?

Southern Baptist Convention President J.D. Greear said in a recent podcast that the holiday doesn’t have to be divisive. He refers to Romans 14 and differences in acts of conscience, and that we should not be divisive or judgmental if our brothers differ in opinion over non-essentials. A good work indeed!

I think you can see that I didn’t need demons poking at me to make me a mess! Being human and selfish, I seem to wear masks much of the time! Ultimately I thank God that He ‘treats’ me better than I deserve!


“I preached that they should repent and turn to God and demonstrate their repentance by their deeds.” Acts 26:20

Maintaining a level of calm that ONLY comes from years of experience, I paced around pretending to do something of importance. But inside I was freaking! My wife usually gets home from work about 4:00 pm. It was almost 5:30 pm and she wasn’t home. I hadn’t heard from her and when I tried to call, she didn’t answer! Conclusion? She was either hurt, dead or kidnapped! I started cleaning my closet!

My brain can easily be coaxed to behave like a flock of chickens on LSD! Or is that a brood??? All it takes is one little thought of paranoia, and the screen in my head starts playing the movie ‘Halloween!’ But being older and wiser, I am SUPPOSED to maintain a level of calm. Cleaning my closet helps take my mind off of the horror! ‘Oh THERE’S the hat I lost!’

At 5:42 pm my wife walked through the door. Her hair was different and she caught me staring as my temperature started to rise… “Could she be having an affair?” I thought. “Where were you?” I asked… fighting to maintain my composure! “I told you this morning, I had a hair appointment after work. Don’t you remember?” Fade to unsuspecting, fake look of manly security!

Forgetting seems to be a more common occurrence with me. As I read this morning, I discovered Paul’s own added testimony of what happened to him after he was transformed from Saul to Paul. This verse puts his calling and mission into 1 very simple sentence that I need to remember every moment of my day. ‘Repent, turn to God and DEMONSTRATE my ‘God dependence’ by my actions. Simple right? Well… kind of. Until I forget and the movie starts!

Faith is a demonstrative action that requires choice. It is NOT automatic. I must CHOOSE to believe that God has me and TRUST that He isn’t late, lost or lacking. My life either shows it or it doesn’t. Interestingly enough, both He and I KNOW if I am faking it by the evidence of my life’s deeds and by what is going on in my mind.

So… what do YOU think?


“But the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.” Psalm 67:6

FINALLY the weather has changed. In most of America, fall falls in September. Here in Florida, it slips in later October. It has been hot and muggy here. But last night, while sleeping with the windows open, we had to throw on another blanket! AHHHHH! What a wonderful change! Unfortunately, there were casualties!

My wife wanted to grow sunflowers. Buying seeds, she set about carefully putting them in potting soil and out into the sun. When it is hot outside, I sweat. That sweat seems to remind me that the plants are probably dry and in need of water. But the evenings have been cooler. Apparently no sweat meant no thought about those plants. But the sun just kept on shining! When we walked outside yesterday and saw wilted plants, “OH NO!” was all we could say.

Plants do not have a choice as to where they grow. External forces move seeds to their final resting place, where they either grow or don’t. Having no voice or choice, they cannot care for themselves, cry out for help or move to a better location. Not so with men! Sadly, men have no excuse for their wilted condition, since WHERE and HOW well they live is ALWAYS a choice.

There are 2 ways of looking at this verse. Either the rebel willfully MOVES to a sun-scorched land by choice, or he is MOVED there BECAUSE of his choice… the end is the same. Being a man AND, at times a rebel, I am smart enough to know that either way, wilting is the result of rebellion. The choice to stay there and wilt is 100% mine alone.

Having received Christ as my Savior over 50 years ago, I KNOW when I am in His will and care. I KNOW what it takes to stay there too! Bible reading, prayer, Christian community and constant evaluation keep me near the Son. When there in His care, NO weather can wilt me, as I am adequately fed and watered. Even pain and sorrows are not final.

Jesus promised me He would NEVER leave me forsaken. Therefore, and here is the lesson I got, wilting is not a sign of His displeasure, but a signal that I am not where He is! Whether or not I STAY there… is completely and 100% up to me!

Where are YOU living?


“Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.” 1 Corinthians 12:7

The Garden at the church was looking rather rough and needed a ‘spruce up’ for the weekend. Living in a tropical forest (Florida) presents many challenges, weeding and trimming being part of the deal. I was looking forward to the dirty, sweaty work mainly because I was NOT going to be working alone. Having asked a couple of my seniors to give me a hand, they readily agreed.

Our church has a Memorial Butterfly Garden. It was my dad’s idea, many years ago, to have a place for Church members to bury the cremains of loved ones passed on. A place devoid of tombstones and cemetery paraphernalia, its purpose is to be a pretty and peaceful place where remembrance and prayer are the keys for entry. God is ALWAYS there, as it is one of His favorite places to meet. Working with living loved ones always makes it a special time for me.

There was no boss or structured plan. It was enough to know that the Garden needed tending. Each of us interpreted that differently as Helga raked and Howie pulled weeds with his hands. I learned that Howie doesn’t use gloves… as well as HIS plans for when He passes on to his heavenly home. Helga and I remembered her husband Steve, and I was shocked it had already been 5 years since he passed. We miss him. I remembered MY family members who were right there as well. Just awaiting ground-breaking Rapture!

Church is not a building but a people. All of us have a mission to serve Christ here on earth as He works His mission in and through each of us… differently but together. I heard a saying years ago that I like to repeat. “No one of us, have it all together. But all of us together, have it all.” John 15:1 are words from Jesus Himself. “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.” It is the Father’s Garden and He has graciously invited US to help tend to the business of serving His son.

There is a sweet spirit that falls upon garden tenders as, together, we work toward the common good. Yesterday’s garden work gave way to love, joy, reminiscing and our future certain hope. Being together as the church, we HAD church! And it was VERY good!


“I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.” John 17:23 ESV

The alarm clock rang at the regular time. I had gone to bed a my regular time. But I felt ANYTHING but regular! Yesterday was a HARD one. You know what that is like. When nothing seems to go your way. Life is like a ballgame sometimes. The rebound bounced to the other team, I was called for a ‘Technical Foul,’ and I wasn’t even near a ball! I had to push myself to get out of bed when all I wanted to do was pull the covers over my head and go back to sleep!

My beautiful wife has an answer for MY difficulties and the battles I face. She teaches preschoolers. “Just turn that frown upside-down,” she said. When I shot her a quizzical look, she went Def-con on me and said, ”when I get tired of negativity, I choose to not even think about it sometimes!” Did I mention one of her heroes is Mr. Rogers?

One of my church members lost his wife a month ago. Yesterday I had to go tell him that his son was just killed in a car accident! Then I went to the hospital where a long time member was ‘unresponsive’ and not expected to live. Then I had a memorial service to prepare for. Then I got a complaint from someone who didn’t like a point in my sermon on Sunday! Let’s just call it ‘slow death by life!’

I had indirectly mentioned a little of what was going on in my life in a general email. After hitting ‘send’ I shut down my computer and went to go do some manual labor at the church. Manual work, and listening to ‘Elvis Gospel Songs’ on my IPOD is a sign I’m feeling mighty low. Feeling better when I got home, I checked my emails to find a response from a friend I had met in Israel. He had taken the time to write words of encouragement to me. And then a suggestion!

Apparently the Words of the Day had sparked an interesting idea into his head. So along with His Jesus words of encouragement to me, he suggested writing about a ‘Selfie’ with me and Jesus. Being a brother from another mother, we are cut from the same cloth. So I went looking through my pictures… and dog gone it! There it was. Hmmmmm! Jesus taking a selfie with me standing right behind him. And in His own home town at the WAILING wall no less! Some things need no words and this is one.

I think I am going to choose to go represent Jesus to someone out there who may need Him. After all. That’s the Gospel!


“He also who had received the one talent came forward, saying, ‘Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you scattered no seed”. Matthew 25:24 ESV

It was a busy day and the weather was hot. Needing to pick up some things at the grocery store (flowers for my wife since I made her morning not so fun) and the drug store (Jesus’ Church was running out of paper towels and they were on sale there), along with running to the bank (obvious), I wanted to get home before my wife. So I was in a rush. But Jesus didn’t care!

Coming out of the store I loaded up my truck and noticed another shopping cart right in front of the aisle. With no thought, I moved to put MY cart right along with it! At that precise second, Jesus showed up with a request! “Put the cart where it belongs… and take the other one with you as well!” And he didn’t even say “Please!” I did what I was told.

I have to admit that being in a rush and it being hot, MY instant reaction was not ‘Christ-like.’ In fact, I have to confess I found His appearance in my spirit, by HIS Holy Spirit, kind of inconvenient and just a little rude. After all, they pay people to go around and pick up the carts anyway. But by experience, I already knew THAT argument was not going to fly. So I complied. I have learned that when Jesus shows up, it is best to simply obey. It makes Him happy… then He makes me happy!!

The verse today comes straight from the Master’s own mouth. It has a terse ring tone to it, because after the servants makes the excuse for NOT tending to the Master’s business profitably, the Master says, “You wicked, lazy servant!’ replied his master. ‘You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed… throw this worthless servant into hell!” “Too harsh,” you say?

It is SOOOO very easy to forget that God owns EVERYTHING. Even ME! This life is about HIM not me! Getting caught up in the world and its ways can easily make me blind to the Master’s wishes and purposes for my life. I am a servant. Period. And if the Master wants to have a couple carts returned to their proper place, His wish should ALWAYS be my command! Me doing it is just like HIM doing it.

So yesterday Jesus showed up in a crowded, hot and busy parking lot and performed a miracle. Even though the only person that noticed… was me! I am SO grateful that He chose me to get things done in His name. And strangely, I thank Him for His intrusion into my hectic life. Our little parking lot meeting made Him, AND me, smile… so I am listening for His voice regularly for a repeat.

How about you?