
“The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. Jesus said to them, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.”” John 11:44

I have just bought, and received, possibly the last 2 pair of bluejeans I will own on this earth! I have tried other brands, and while I hate what the company stands for, I love Levis. They just fit and last. I have a pair that is over 20 years old! Doing the math, I don’t really expect to live here past 83. I don’t really WANT to either! So you might say I’m dressed for work!

My oldest son is fancy! He likes nice clothes and can afford to buy them. I get HIS ‘hand-me-downs.’ He buys those preshrunk, prewashed, pre-worn out jeans for as much as $150 a pair! Me? I’m like my dad. I clearly remember him telling me about the time he got a pair of bluejeans as a kid. “They were stiff…I didn’t wash em for a month…when I put em on, I felt like a king!” A child of the depression era, he didn’t have much. A new pair of jeans was all it took to feel like royalty!

Growing up, I’d occasionally get a pair of jeans for Christmas. And I did and felt the very same thing. Those stiff Levis, unwashed jeans just kind of ‘broke in’ around me. Over time, the knees would get thread bare and the ‘bell-bottoms’ of the ‘boot cut’ got frayed. When they were ripped too far in the knees, I’d take a pair of scissors and make ‘cut-offs.’ Over time the shorts frayed into stringy edges. Cutoffs were considered COOL… AND RARE…because you couldn’t BUY ‘em that way! You wore ‘em down!

Last night was kind of nostalgic for me. While putting on my new jeans to go teach Bible Study my eyes fell upon an old snap, pearl buttoned, cowboy shirt that used to belong to my dad. Instinctively, I reached for it. At the bottom of my closet lay a pair of ‘fancy’ cowboy boots my son had given to me. I reached down and pulled them on. Standing there in front of the special crowd of desiring learners at Church… in my new jeans, my dad’s shirt and my son’s boots, my 2 daughters sat there listening to what came out of my mouth. MOST of which I learned from my own father! You might say I was in ‘tall cotton,’ because, to me… THIS is the meaning of life!

When Jesus walked up to confront the tomb of his friend, Lazarus wasn’t feeling anything! In a spectacular display of His Lordship, Jesus used the moment to carefully point out that HE ALONE is ‘The Messiah’ and one true God. After the build up and a tear, He simply did what He STILL does. He brought Life! His final words AFTER the event are just as spectacular! “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.”

I remember a time in my life, when as a young lad, Jesus, the Master of the Universe, said those very same words at the tomb of MY heart! I received a new pair of duds that day. Today, I am reminded that they are NOT fancy robes… but WORK clothes. Stiff, tough, long lasting WORK clothes! And if you know Jesus… you know what I am talking about. So today, I am going to work… cuz when I’m filling THESE Jeans, I feel like ROYALTY!

Maybe it isn’t so outrageous that they are called Levis!


“For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10 KJV

I can’t see! Literally! When it comes to reading or working with my hands, I only see blur. Age has taken its toll and left me dependent upon eyeglasses to do even the simplest things. Running back and forth while working on a project, each time I needed to read something, I’d put my hand to my hair… for nothin’! You see… that is where I USUALLY put my glasses when I am not using them… but USUALLY they are not there. So before I can ‘git-r-dun,’ I have to seek glasses so I can see!

The Dollar Tree is a favorite store because they sell reading glasses for… $1. I buy them in two’s! Most times they are scattered all over the house, so finding one of a dozen pairs should NOT be difficult! Yet I weep at the irony! To complicate matters, each time I found a pair and put them on, I scratched my head. Again… literally! Because this pair has a broken ear piece that digs into my skull. The worst part is, every time I FIND a pair… it’s THIS pair. In a fit of angst… I called out to God… “WHY can’t I seem to lose THESE broken things?” I think I heard Him reply… “Good question!”

I HATE looking for stuff. The older I get the more I lose. I STILL have a ‘BOLO’ out on a set of keys! Pencils, drinking cup, book, sunglasses, wallet; add these to the list as well and I spend a LOT o time SEEKING instead of DOING! Which, I think, is the reason I may have heard God answer me. Because after, “Good question!” I’m pretty sure I heard Him remind me… “seeking is is what ‘I’ do!”

Inanimate objects have no voice. I think it would be awesome to be able to holler… “where are you keys?” and have them holler back… ‘on top of the table where you left me!’ Even if they added ‘dummy’ to the end of the reply, at least I’d a saved the frustration! But lost things don’t holler! Lost and broken things would holler even less.

I didn’t remember getting lost because it happened before I was born. Sin owned me from my first cry and takes up a LOT of my time. I get angry, frustrated and dumber as I seek to do MY own will, only finding that it scratches my life with more pain. But I rejoice that my Savior is ALWAYS seeking me… especially when I am lost and in pain. I rejoice even more that His OTHER job is SAVING me. Even from myself!

If He’s looking for me to save me… I think I’ll holler out by seeking HIM and praying more. His Book says it helps ME to be found… even quicker!


“Yet it was the LORD’s will to crush Him and cause Him to suffer.” Isaiah 53:10 (Berean version)

The cuckoo clock made an eerie noise as I stood in the empty room…paintbrush in hand. What used to be my daughter’s bedroom had been converted into my wife’s sewing room years ago. Having lived here for 29 years, I know I have painted it at least 3-4 times. Now… after 2 carpets, she hinted she would like a wood floor too. So here I stand!

I don’t know if I thought it funny or ironic, but as I moved a drapery hanger, it revealed the color of 2 paintings ago…which was an almost exact match the to color now on the end of my brush! The KEY word being ‘almost.’ My wife likes… no LOVES… color and change! Except when it comes to men! Which MAY be the reason I am standing here, yet one more time, preparing to do another makeover!

Please do not think for one moment that I am complaining about my wife or the task. Oh no! I was standing there sweating, sore and tired… NOT because I love, or want, to do all that work. I do it because I love and want to do something nice for my wife. Today, I learned a new word for what that is… as it applies to Jesus. It’s called Kenosis!

Kenosis, in Christian theology, is the ‘self-emptying’ of Jesus own will, becoming entirely receptive to God’s divine will. Today’s Bible verse graphically explains what His Father’s ‘will’ really was! Can I say that MY experience of ‘will’ exchange, and Jesus experience, are about as far apart as heaven and hell? LITERALLY!

Someone made the comment to my wife yesterday, saying that they weren’t sure they would like to try our church. “You people really put a lot of emphasis on Jesus!’ I smiled when she told me. Because when it comes to sin, God is like an old fuddy-duddy! We humans who are drowning in the stuff, tend to paint over sin’s true evil to make it look better than it really is. But God cannot tolerate even a tiny spec of it. The price for my sin’s eradication was the horrific suffering and death of God’s Son Jesus Christ. They BOTH WILLINGLY PAID IT!

Jesus willingly poured out His own life, for His Father, for me. He didn’t want to do it (if it is possible let this cups pass from me). But pleasing His father was more important than pleasing Himself. And He asks His followers to do the same thing… “Love one another as I have loved you!” Got it!

Yup… painting a room and laying a floor is gonna be a piece of cake! And just in time for Christmas too! HEYYYY! I might as well take advantage of the timing… right? What is YOUR kenosis?


“I rejoiced with those who said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.”’ Psalm 122:1

“Where do you want this to go?” asked one. “Where does this hang?” asked another. Then my heart went into shock as I heard someone say, pointing to me, “ask HIM, he’s in charge!” The occasion was our annual “Hanging of the Greens,” where the church gathers together for pizza and the decorating of the sanctuary for Christmas. I had picked up the tree and the pizza… but neither act qualified me to be ‘in charge!’

Decorating for Christmas can be either fun, or a drudgery… depending on the circumstances. If it is all up to 1 person, it is no fun and a chore. If it is a time to get together with the people you love who ALSO love God, it becomes a holy event where all are united in one larger purpose. In this case, the one ‘I’ counted on being ‘IN CHARGE’ was the Holy Spirit. I just provided the bait…PIZZA!

As I made my rounds talking to individuals, the sounds were ‘heart smiling’ ones. Kids were running around being kids. An older believer held one end of a strand of lights with a younger believer. I heard communication between them as they worked together to form a plan… and then execute it. ALL of us worked separately…together. With one common purpose. I knew Jesus was smiling.

After all was said and done, I DID do a ‘take charge’ thing, asking everyone to come and sit together in the glow of the Christmas lights. There, I reminded them of the story of Christmas and gave them a charge I am now giving to you. A Holy Calling for which YOU have a very important role! Yes…. YOU!

All the blessings given to us from God… Life, Peace, Joy, the eternal promise of Heaven, etc, are FREE GIFTS. We don’t DO anything to earn them. We could not, even if He required them. He came as a baby in gentleness and love, and offered Himself to us FREE. It is up to each individual to either receive the gift, or walk away from His Grace. But when we DO receive Him, He does have 1 simple request. And that is what I wanted to remind this special, pizza breathed group of decorators.

“Tell my story.” Says God. If He had asked for all my time and money and a pledge for 100% future dedication, I MAY have considered signing the contract. But He didn’t ask that. All He asks of me, and you, is to tell His story. The story of Christmas…. Of Easter… of salvation! And don’t we all love stories?

God was pleased through the foolishness of what was (spoken) to save those who believe (1 Corinthians 1:21). Sadly, too often our reaction to His request is like He just asked us for a leg! But whats He WANTS… is our lips. But is starts at the heart!

Do you love Him? Really? If so, may I ask you, this Christmas, to listen to these words from HIS heart… “Tell my story.”


“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.” Isaiah 9:2

It is the day after Thanksgiving. The commercial world calls it ‘Black Friday’ for commercial reasons, because retailers stand to make a hefty profit from Christmas shoppers! I remember walking through Walmart over a month ago… and saw CHRISTMAS TREES! It seems every year the time to start advertising holiday shopping comes earlier and earlier. Which is not really a new concept at all… Since God did it first!

About 700BC, that is before God came to earth as ‘baby Jesus,’ the land of Israel experienced Black Friday every day! Because of their disobedience, they were sent prophets warning them of the coming judgment for disobedience. Though warned for centuries, they did not listen. And the Assyrian army was preparing to roll in from the north… but NOT bearing gifts! It was a dark time indeed. But even when the world CHOSE darkness over light, God extended a promise as old as creation itself.

This morning, as I opened up my first devotional after Thanksgiving, I saw this verse. I smiled because, to me, if ANY day should be the start for Christmas preparation, the day after giving Thanks would be MY pick. It was as if God was saying… GO! NOW! And so I am.

If we look past the lights of societal progress, we have to agree that there isn’t much. The horizon looks darker still. But if we STOP, LOOK and LISTEN to God’s Word… we CAN see His Light!

From the fall of man, when God promised a ‘seed’ would come to save, the Horizon has ALWAYS held a shimmering light. Like the sun breaking through the dawn of a new day… the SON shines His light on ALL who care to look and see. Over 2700 years ago Isaiah predicted it. The coming of The Light… The SON of God. He can be the Light of your life no matter WHAT the color of the day may be… if you look to Him. SO Rejoice!!!!!   Because Christ IS coming!


“I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34

A thought woke me up in the middle of the night last night and I’d like to share it. All this talk about ‘Giving’ this Thanksgiving made me stop and think. I have not heard anyone say ANYTHING about ‘TAKING.’ So I think I will. Because after the thought hit me, and I think it was from God…I am going to resolve to be a TAKER today. And here is my plan!

I think I will take the ‘time’ to really read God’s Word, and not just give thanks to Him, but to take the time to really listen to what He has to say to me. Not just ‘eat & run.’

I think today I am going to make the ‘effort’ to show some folks how much I love them. That means I have to take time to really concentrate on how best to do that, as I ponder them and how much they mean to me. Then DO IT!

I think today I will ‘take a look’ at all my stuff. You know… ‘take stock’ of my resources and see how much ‘JUNK’ I have in my life. Then take the time to reallocate or scrap it. I KNOW I’ve got ‘stuff’ holding me back from being effective in my life. And maybe it’s time!

I think I will take ‘a break’ today and not be so busy. I am learning that ‘giving’ is best done when I take the time needed to adequately rest my body soul and spirit. I can’t give if MY tank is empty. After all, refueling is a command of my God.

And now I want to ‘take the opportunity’ to tell YOU how much I love and appreciate YOU for being a part of my life. Living and breathing on this Earth sometimes comes with implications. As we cross paths in the Name of Jesus, I can sometimes take special people like YOU for granted. And that is one ‘take’ I want to ‘take away’ today.

So THANK YOU for being YOU. And for, if nothing else, taking the time to read this far. Maybe taking the time to do that will help YOU to do some Thankstaking yourself. Which would probably be a good thing! Because I now realize that my Lord really DID take the time to tell me to do some ‘taking’ today.

Big Blessings to ya’ll…. In Him



“Lazarus was one of those reclining with him at the table.” John 12:2

He is to be envied. It was fine to be Martha and serve, but better to be Lazarus and enjoy. There are times for each purpose, and each is fitting in its season, but none of the trees of the garden yield such clusters as the vine of fellowship. To sit with Jesus, to hear His words, to mark His acts and receive His smiles was such a favor as must have made Lazarus as happy as the angels. When it has been our happy privilege to feast with our Beloved in His banqueting hall, we would not have given half a sigh for all the kingdoms of the world, if so much breath could have bought them.

He is to be imitated. It would have been a strange thing if Lazarus had not been at the table where Jesus was, for he had been dead, and Jesus had raised him. For the risen one to be absent when the Lord who gave him life was at his house would have been dreadfully ungrateful. We too were once dead, yes, and like Lazarus bound in the grave of sin. Jesus raised us, and by His life we live. Can we be content to live at a distance from Him? Do we fail to remember Him at His table, where He deigns to feast with His brethren?

This is cruel! It behooves us to repent and do as He has bidden us, for His least wish should be law to us. To have lived without constant fellowship with Jesus, who loved him so dearly, would have been disgraceful to Lazarus. Is it then excusable in us whom Jesus has loved with an everlasting love? To have been cold to Him who wept over his lifeless corpse would have shown a lack of feeling in Lazarus. What does it say of us over whom the Savior has not only wept but bled? Come, brethren, who read this portion; let us return to our heavenly Bridegroom and ask for His Spirit, that we may be on terms of closer intimacy with Him and never miss the opportunity to sit at the table with Him.


“And in Him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.” Ephesians 2:22

My wife came home from work yesterday in a sour mood. Which isn’t usual, but is usually not a problem. As a couple we tend to be opposites together in mood. When I am down, she picks me up, and vice versa. The only problem was, my mood was dour as well. When she started whining, I said… ‘here’s a quarter… find..!’ NO… I didn’t say that. But she knew. “Wanna go on a bike ride?” she asked.

We have a tandem bicycle. WIFE finds exercise stimulating… I find it work. But not wanting to remain in this mutually depressing mood, I agreed. So we saddled up and headed out on a long ride. “Hey.. did you see that?” I asked. “No,” she replied. “Wanna go back,” I asked? “NO!,” was her response. Peddle, peddle, peddle (OBVIOUSLY, we weren’t there yet!). As she huffed, she asked, “doesn’t this bike wear you out? It does me!” “NO… it just makes me sweat!” ‘Still not there,’ I thought. As we approached our inclined driveway, she punctuated the moment… “This is me NOT peddling!” But I already knew that!

In the verse today the word ‘YOU’ is plural. Had Paul been born in south Tarshish he’d a said “Ya’ll!” The verse written by ‘himself’ talks about all believers in Christ, and that we are ‘ALL’ under construction ‘together,’ becoming the dwelling in which He now lives by His Spirit! Some days are Awesome. Others are simply uphill, where peddling just doesn’t get us there. But days like that are PERFECT times for God to remind me that HE is the one doing all the steering and MOST of the peddling!

Every once in a while I see a Bible verse that gives me a glimpse, or hint, of what our future in Heaven will be like. Ephesians 2:4-7 is one that jumped out today. It is too long to write out here, but if you want, you can peddle to it and maybe get a glimpse yourself. The point is that this life is a construction project. GOD is building something VERY special and ‘WE’ are His bricks.

Sometimes in life we Believers can get down and realize that ‘we aren’t there yet.’ Reading this chapter in Ephesians today, I recognize that MAGNIFICENCE is on the way because GOD guarantees it! And my NOT peddling sometimes, is OK. In fact, sometimes that is EXACTLY what He expects from me!


“Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your Word.” Psalm 119:37

Standing outside the restaurant with my family, I was focused on my youngest grandson. He has no learned fears yet, and sees a big parking lot as a place to run. NOT a good idea… for obvious reasons. As I focused on him, my peripheral vision saw movement to my extreme right. Then I heard the ‘thunk!’ An elderly lady had fallen in the parking lot and hit her head. All 9 of us ran to her aid.

As we sought to comfort her, I looked to see what might have possibly happened. And there it was! While she was watching where she was going, she wasn’t watching where she was going! A big tree root had grown under the pavement and slightly lifted it. Focusing ahead, she did not see the un-level ground below. Such is the dilemma of peripheral vision. It sees motion… but does not focus on details.

In the picture above, it is easy to see the difference between vision and peripheral vision. If you stare at it, it looks stationary. If you look off to the side, it appears to be moving! Conclusion? Your brain CAN be tricked! Another obvious conclusion? Satan knows it!

This verse above seems to be a little tricky as well. David is talking about God’s Word and asks God to turn his eyes from worthless things. While I love the prayer, I’m not sure how much GOD does the turning. From my perspective, His Word WARNS me, and it is up to ME to learn and choose to avoid ‘worthless.’ Like a little kid sees a parking lot, I can be drawn to many things that are not good for me. As they get pointed out, by teaching or actual experience, I have to learn to walk smart!

God has a whole LOT of teaching aids at His disposal. The Bible, family, friends, the Holy Spirit, angels and double vision are just some of the ways He teaches me. But sometimes EXPERIENCE is the hardest teacher. Ask a kid what he wants to BE when he grows up, he will usually give you an answer. Ask if he is on the clear PATH to reach that goal, and you likely get a different answer!

The Bible is full of stories that prove seeing is not necessarily believing. Where we WANT to go and where we ARE, are often opposite destinations. Not wanting to be tricked, I have to clearly focus on where I am and where I am headed. I thank God that He has provided me with a LOT of warnings before, AND help after, if and when I stumble. But I can trust that He will get me safely home.