
“Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you.” Hosea 10:12

Having had only a small bowl of cereal in the morning, and having missed lunch, I wanted SOMETHING… but faced an appointment. With just a few minutes to spare, I pulled into the store to grab a snack. It was right then and there that time sped up and ‘I’ met ‘me!’ The Black Hole of indecision and desire sucked me into a battle we have all faced at one time or another… “Sweet or salty?”

Seeing the donuts, then the cookies, eyes popped… but palate countered. Looking at chips or pretzels satisfied desire, but failed on appeal. Time ticked on… would I be late over such a silly predicament? I ran the aisles again, frantic now for the ultimate palate pacifier. Then settled on a can of cashews. The halves and pieces. Whole ones were too expensive!

Humans are so finicky!!! Don’t even ask me what I WANT for my birthday or Christmas. I have NO idea! Being rich in junk falling out of closets already, why add to the chaos? But the question remains… what do “I truly want?” What will absolutely satisfy me in the ‘here and now’ AND the ‘then and later?’ I was overjoyed to be led to this verse today. Maybe you will be too.

I LOVE God’s Word. Being a fleshy guy… AND a sanctified saint, it is tough to find something that satisfies both sides. I need HELP in moving me to the ‘Light Side,’ and something tangible to keep me there! A verse like this is just the ‘DOUGH-NUT’ I need. It is both sweet AND salty to my soul and spirit.

The first line might seemed shocking at first… ‘Sow righteousness for yourselves.’ It is the Old Testament version of Jesus own New Testament command, “lay up for YOURSELVES…. TREASURE!” (Matt 6:20). He even COMMANDS me to BE SELFISH! Even if I don’t feel like doing it for HIM… He tells me to do it for MYSELF! Loving others HIS way… reaps ‘unfailing love’ for myself! He then promises that one day, this battle of wills WILL end…. when He comes… WITH PRESENTS! It is awin-win for both of us! Desire and appeal have met their match!

Leaving the store, I went to meet my friend. As we started chatting, I reached down, grabbed the can, popped the metal top PSHHHHHHH… then offered some to him. I asked, “Nuts?” He had NO idea that it was a loaded question!!!

What do YOU want?


“The Spirit told Philip, “Go to that chariot and stay near it.”‘ Acts 8:29

Having visited one of our folks who lives in an assisted living facility, I was walking down the corridor to leave. I had passed a small billiard table andthen saw a man walking toward me carrying a small, long unique case. I said,”hi.” He said, “hello.” A few steps later, the Holy Spirit said, “turn around and go play pool with him.” ………………. So I did!

I’d like to say that I responded IMMEDIATELY. That within 1 or 2 steps I turned 180 degrees and obeyed. But it didn’t happen like that. I ‘wonder-walked’ for about 20 steps, arguing with myself and the Holy Spirit, as to whether that “turn around” command REALLY came from Him. Funny thing was, at about step 20, while I was still wondering, my feet automatically did an ‘about face!’ I was committed!

Since I own a 9 foot pool table, I figured he couldn’t beat me TOO bad! Besides, he was old!!! But He DID have a custom made pool cue! With Jim Croce’s, “Don’t mess around with Jim” buzzing in my head, I was certain that WINNING wasn’t really acriteria of the Holy Spirit. As I approached Him, I saw his name embroidered on his shirt and thought… “NOOO WAY!!!!” His name was JIM! “Hi Jim,” I said, “who are you playing pool with?” Surprised I knew his name, he answered…nobody! I then understood what God had in mind.

Playing pool by yourself is kind of like riding a NO-horse, open sleigh! The seat’s nice, but the scenery never changes. Jim graciously accepted my interruption and ‘racked-em.’ I suggested 1 game… but the conversation, I made sure, ended up about Jesus. So I asked, “how about best out of three?” As me, Jim and Jesus played pool, a gal came by and said, “you’ll never beat Jim…he’s good.” After she passed, I reminded Jim that according to “BIG J” in the room, NONE of usare good. Jim smiled at the remembrance. And I know Jesus did too! Jim knew Jesus!

The end result was kind of funny. Each of us had won 1 game and Jim was set up in game3 to sink the 8 ball… then ‘SCRATCHED!’ Smiling, I got real close to Jim and said, “remember to tell EVERYONE that you just lost a game of pool… to a ‘Preacher!’ I’ll be back!” We parted brothers!

Divine appointments are not just for ‘Preachers!’ They are for EVERY member of the body of Christ. The trick to making them it to keep life aligned with the Holy Spirit and towatch carefully for them. They are incredible, ‘Holy’ moments from the Divine, as He births and gathers His family together HERE on this planet. But know this….when we get to Heaven, these precious appointments will cease. Because everyone THERE… will already know Him!

What will The Holy Spirit ask of YOU today, as He gathers His people together. Are you ready and anticipating Him?


“He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.'” Mark 16:15

The dark clouds grew thicker as the church clock on the wall ticked on. About 10 minutes before time the benediction, rain started to fall… each moment increasing intensity. As folks left, they had to make a decision. I always stand at the main exit to shake hands and say goodbye. But most folks decided to take the back exit, as it wasn’t as far of a walk to their car. That thought never even crossed the mind of my youngest grandson, Coast!

Looking right past me and out into the rain, Coast had only 1 mission…PLAY!!!! My daughter caught him by the hand and a small battle began to form. SHE wanted him to stay dry. My comment, “it’s only a little water!” did NOTHING to alleviate the tension in their tug of war. I left them to their battle of wills and prepared to leave. All was well, until I opened the door to a DOWNPOUR!! My words, “it’s only a little water!” did NOTHING to alleviate MY anxiety!

What is the difference between a young boy and a mature man? I think it’s priorities. What HE saw as adventure, I saw as an inconvenience. Mature folks can easily look upon the actions of youth and consider them silly…. or foolish. But how does OUR Heavenly Father see it?

I had been saved from the destructive storm of life by the mere words of ‘The Gospel.’ Someone dared tell me the story… and I believed! The excitement of Salvation immediately caused me to enthusiastically spread the Word to all. Sadly, I believe that now, in the mature years, I often do not EMBRACE the ‘foolishness’ of proclaiming His free gift, so enthusiastically! Can do something different!

At Christmas time, it is not hard to shout out… “Merry Christmas!” For now, the stigma of those words have been stymied and it’s O.K. But an idea has just hit me… what if?? Merry Christmas is a statement that might easily be considered a command. “HEY YOU…. HAVE A Merry Christmas!” What if I were to change my greeting to a question? What if I were to ASK, “Are you having a Merry Christmas?” Would that maybe open a door to a conversation to the Gospel?

It’s just a thought. But a good one, I think. It MAY be good enough to jar me from my dry, boring and safe maturity into an exciting adventure and opportunity for the King! But, as the storm of life blows hard against our darkened world, I shouldn’t NEED an excuse to trick me into talking about His Gift! Besides, He already GAVE ME His command a long time ago. “YOU…go into the world and tell them my story!”   Ahhhhh Adventure!!!!!

Are YOU having a Merry Christmas?


“Greetings, you who are highly favored!The Lord is with you.” Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered whatkind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid.” Luke 1:28-30

How often does your cell phone ring with the caller ID reading a number that you do not recognize? What goes through your mind when that happens? What do you do? I saw the number and decided that if it was someone I knew, they would leave a message. I heard the tone that verified they had done just that. Opening my voicemail and hitting play…. the message made me ‘greatly troubled!’ “Yea… this is Bob, getting back to you about that investment opportunity I promised you!”

I don’t know THIS Bob, never talked to a Bob about an investment opportunity and had never gotten a promise of a call. It was a momento interrumpo… an interrupted moment. AND an unsolicited one! Looking back, I wondered if this is how Mary felt when the angel slammed HER with a momento interrumpo?

Scripture says that Zechariah and the shepherds shared the same reaction as Mary, when the moment of their life was interrupted by an angel. Shock and fear was their immediate response as well! But things were not as they originally appeared. When a perfect, Holy being invades the space of an imperfect, unholy being, it is normal for the unholy to repel the advance… in FEAR. That the perfect would imply that ‘all is well’ was a shocker!

Fast forward to Christmas 2018. We KNOW the Christmas AND Easter story, and their results. The what’s, where’s, how’s, and why’s have been placed into the bed history. The news is not new. It has been rehearsed and repeated every year of our lives…Ad nauseam! Expectation is no longer the precious commodity this time of year, it is now ‘perseverance!’ Cold, dead, tired, overworked lives are in GREAT need of a momento interrumpo? But HOW can we get one?

The GREAT NEWS is that God still WANTS to amaze, mystify, shock and invade our normal, everyday lives! He has been calling and trying and reach out to give us ‘the investment opportunity He promised’ But too often His momento interrumpo is met with a ‘greatly troubled’ attitude. So how can He reach us if we DON’T want to be reached?

Today we are more blessed than the shepherds were, because we don’t need angels to talk with us. We have the Holy Spirit! ‘His’ visitation is not a ‘here then gone’ kind of thing. He comes to LIVE in our hearts and to CONSTANTLY speak with us about the Greatest gift on Earth… Jesus Christ. But now… there is a hitch.

If I WANT to experience a momento interrumpo, ‘I’ must be the one to WANT ‘The Gift!’ That means that every moment I live, I am to live EXPECTING my unholy moments will be interrupted by THE Holy Son of God. Because He doesn’t just want a moment from me. He wants it ALL! He doesn’t want to be an interruption… He wants to be my whole life’s story!


“..giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” Colossians 1:12-14

Years ago, standing in the lighting section of the store, I found myself inside the black hole of ‘figurin!’ Needing a couple 4’ lights for a florescent fixture, it SHOULD have been an easy task. Now, new information was presented to me that was causing deep consternation and confusion. A 2 pack of 4 foot florescent tubes was $6.98. But right beside them were new LED replacement lights that ‘saved money’’ and ‘last’s up to 44 years!’ A 2 pack was $26.98. Even Einstein didn’t have it so hard!

The decision should have been a no-brainer. The price was $20 MORE! How could I possibly justify spending that much? Having been a salesman most of my working life, I calculated, in my head no less, the approximate cost savings over time and divided it by years and months. Having OWNED several LED light bulbs that had been given me years ago by a yuppie minded conservationist, I remembered that they hadn’t REALLY lasted any longer than the REAL ones. I also remembered that the light from them was kind of funky! So I bought the cheaper ‘REAL’ ones instead!

Talking to a young lady yesterday about The Gospel, I was hoping to give her information that might help her see Jesus. After asking some questions, the answers I received informed me that she was not interested in finding anything. She believed that her ‘’spirit-force’ would go SOMEWHERE after death, but she didn’t know where. In truth she admitted she didn’t care to know. In shock, I knew the discussion was closed.

The Bible CLEARLY teaches that ALL humans are born knowing the existence of God (Romans 1:19) and that we are all sinful creatures living in the darkness in need of a Savior (Romans 1:32). POWERFUL information that SHOULD affect a decision. BUT! Increasingly, ‘figurin’ is not really an important character trait these days. The darkness is growing!

Now I’m not the smartest guy on the planet, but with my ‘real vs LED’ brain powers, I can see a ‘DEAL’ from 100 miles away! I was in darkness headed for eternal death when the Father sent His Son to pay, and seal the deal for, my transfer into His Kingdom of Light! He offered it to me… FREE! I made the decision and took Him up on it over 50 years ago. I have found it to be my the REAL deal of a lifetime. Forgiveness and redemption are mine… NOW! Like Paul, I AM ETERNALLY GRATEFUL!

Last week I was GIVEN an unwrapped pair of 4’ LED bulbs that had been sitting on someone’s shelf for years. The number ‘44 years’ was highlighted… and I realized WHY. Heck, if you don’t USE ‘em, they MIGHT just last forever! I pray YOU might be set free from bad ‘figurin’ and stinkin’ thinkin!’ Your REAL eternal destiny depends upon sound reasoning! The clock on your life is ticking!


“faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” James 2:17

I had just put the finishing touch on the new floor in my wife’s sewing room. It was her Christmas present this year and I was glad it was finally done! Now I could rest easy and recover from the physical exertion it took to complete. I was in the bedroom when she walked in and told me how much she appreciated me. THEN she said, “can you imagine how THIS room will look when IT is done?” What happened next was epic!

After a look of wide-eyed shock, I started to laugh. “You’re crazy,” I said, “I haven’t even recovered yet and you’re pressing to do THIS room already?” And HERE is where it got good! “Oh no,” she said… “I know how hard you worked. Besides, this bed is SO BIG and SOOOO HEAVY how would you even MOVE it?” “Well,” I replied, “I could………….” and halfway through my sentence I realized I was dealing with either Huck Finn’s distant relative or the devil herself!”

There are moment in relationships that instantly become engraved as part of a shared story. While it might be retold over and over in a crowded setting, the only 2 parties that can REALLY appreciate it are the ones who actually lived it. She admitted today that she wasn’t even being sneaky or scheming, as those words just sort of flew out of her mouth with no thought at all! Which makes my situation even MORE tragic.

I am married to a PRESUMPTUOUS, scheming and demanding partner who has me wrapped around her little finger! It’s like she really, deep down believes that her wish should be my command! And before I can get mad, God reminds me that ‘He’ has the same mindset!

1 Corinthians 13:13 says, now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” Contemplating this, I can actually interchange them with today’s verse and have it read, “LOVE, by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead!” It is a lesson of God’s expectant behavior from me toward Him. A royal decree presuming that, as His child, a prince, I am expected to ACT and BE like one!

My wife is going to have to be satisfied with the picture she has in her head of our completed bedroom. But deep inside, ‘she’ knows.. and ‘I’ know, that the image is as good as had! Because her wish IS my command… sort of! God has His own plans for me as well! But they are ALWAYS for good. He has ways to get me to bite the hook and get me where He wants. But I am not protesting too much. You see, I share His life… just like I share the house with my wife. And that’s a good thing!


“I have strayed like a lost sheep. Seek your servant, for I have not forgotten your commands.” Psalm 119:176

After taking everything OUT of the room to install the flooring, it was time to put it all back IN. Having taken the bi-fold doors OFF, it was time to put them back ON their hinges. A seemingly simple task, since the hinges had never moved. Setting the pin and picking UP on the door, I set it DOWN into place on the lower hinge. SIMPLE! Until I tried closing them. I HATE bi-fold doors!

There are rules and methods to installing bi-fold doors. I used to know them because 40 years ago, as a carpenter, I did it for a living. But that was 40 years ago. But even then, there is just something mystical about this kind of door. It seems to have a mind of it’s own and refuses to obey any standard laws or rules. And I might as well say it… bi-fold doors are just like ME!

I got UP, went OUT to the garage, got tools and shims, went back IN the room and got DOWN on the floor to work on the hinges. UP, DOWN, IN, OUT, door ON… door OFF! After a while, it finally closed… KIND of! Turning to my wife I said… “GOOD ENOUGH!” But it wasn’t PERFECT! When she asked me why not… I hollered, “cuz I just don’t CARE!” And in this simile on life, I think you understand EXACTLY what I mean. Being built to obey, love and serve God… I sometimes come off my hinges, hang crooked and do not function perfectly. But THANK GOD… ‘HE’ is the carpenter of my life!

ALL believers in Christ, stray. I KNOW what is right and wrong. I TRY to perform perfectly. But the fact is, perfection is EXHAUSTING! Sometimes I get to the point where I JUST DON’T CARE! And then HE comes to me! He is IN me and I am IN Him. Because of that fact, we can never be separated (Romans 8:1). That means that we are inseparable from one another. So when I can’t… He can. And He does!

I live to serve Him and know His ways. And while NO sin or failure will be assigned to me in Heaven because of His sacrifice for me, I live in a fleshy body that often refuses to hang perfectly. Often, I have to remind myself that HE is the carpenter and HE knows what He is doing. It is enough to simply ‘hang’ with Him and let Him do the work of adjustment. It is a LOT easier if I simply cooperate!

I serve a seeking Savior… He knows EXACTLY where ‘I’ am AND what ‘He’ is doing! HE CARES! And THAT, my friends, is ‘Good Enough!’


“The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him;… For He does not willingly bring affliction or grief to anyone.” Lamentations 3:25,33

Whether it was a post-Thanksgiving or a pre-Christmas gathering could not be proved. All I knew was that all of my favorite people in the whole world were there… my family. Grandkids were running around playing and my grown-up kids were laughing and talking. It was a sight to behold. Even though I wasn’t laughing much.

I think I know why anyone over 55 is considered a senior. I balked at it and threw the AARP mailing in the trash that birthday. But after the last 10 days, it is apparent… I am a senior! Over-exerting myself in a house project recently, my back and legs are in agony. Though I try to put on a happy face, I am throwing in the towel with the admittance to myself that I am old, tired and sore! I need rest and the application of some wisdom.

Being a curmudgeon, there are some learned lessons that I hold on to and will defend to the death. There is a major belief out there in this world that God causes bad things to happen us. That stupid line of thinking had led me down some really dark paths over the years. That is until experience taught me otherwise. Jesus Christ did not save me to beat me down. And I will get in your face if you insist my Heavenly Father is a sadist! I have my life to prove it!

Growing up is a painful experience. Colds, flu, infection, bruises, sorrow, loss, injustice, heartache and heartbreak are just a few of life’s blows. I have LEARNED that they do NOT come from God. But from just plain living on this fallen Earth. And none of us are immune. But I speak for myself when I remind me of this home remedy.

When going threw a tough spots, it helps to remind myself that Rest, Time and Trust are my best friends. There is nothing wrong with stopping for a REST… even though it means I have to say ‘no’ to some important things and to some important people. I have to give myself the TIME necessary for restoration… and I need to TRUST that God knows all about my condition and is with me every step of the way… REGARDLESS of the outcome.

I owe my family an apology if I seemed cranky or irritable this weekend. But they know me well, love me, and forgive my occasional ‘senior moments.’ Because that is what families do… whether family by blood or spirit! “I” have to learn to be kind to myself and allow rest, time and trust to work their healing touch.

Omne trinum perfectum is Latin for ‘every perfect thing is threefold.’ And just like my Triune God, these three, rest, time and trust, are a perfect remedy for difficulty. What are YOU curmudgeonly about?


“You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:13

Every year, our town has a large Christmas Parade. When my kids were growing up, they belonged to differing organizations, and therefore marched in the annual event. This year my granddaughter was part of it, so the family headed downtown… along with thousands of other people. I saw a lot of people I knew. “Hi K.C.,” they would say. “How are you?” But NO one called me ‘Billy!’

It wasn’t for a couple days that I caught that thought, but since it was different and out of the blue, I had to consider it from God. Turning the idea around in my head, It was like He was saying, “think about it!” So I did.

As earth ramps up to 8 billion people on this spinning, blue ball, I discovered that almost a billion more folks squeezed in over the last 8 years! Earth’s population has more than doubled, just in my lifetime alone! And yet… no one has EVER called me Billy! Most every human is born with 2 eyes, 2 ears, a nose and a mouth. And yet, with so few categories, there are no 2 exact matches on the earth. Even among identical twins! That means YOU and I are UNIQUE!

How do YOU look? I have been told I look ‘LIKE’ someone else… a couple times like Kevin Bacon! That you disagree simply proves the point. I don’t have his fame or money, the look is WAY off and NO one has EVER called me Kevin! Because that is NOT who I am! So just what was is God was trying to teach me? I think I got it!

My dad had a parting statement he liked to use when talking with most people… and family in particular. “You are Special,” he would say. And he meant it! He got it from this verse in the Bible and threw it around like free candy. Why? Because most people don’t typically see themselves that way and therefore, need a reminder. If you have a bad image of yourself, God begs to differ!

You are you and I am me… and each one of us were created SPECIFICALLY and eSPECIALly for Him. NO one is like anyone else on this planet. YOU cannot be replaced, erased or displaced by any other human being. You are uniquely special because THAT is how God created you. To get a grasp of that concept is not braggadocios. It is life fulfilling. He made me to be inhabited for Himself. I am fearfully and wonderfully made! And so are YOU!

Why am I here? What is my purpose? What does God want from me? These questions can ONLY be answered when asked of the one who made us. Only HE knows the answers. So why not run to Him, hop in His lap and spend a little bit of time asking! He knows you better than ANYONE…and I can promise… He will NEVER call you Billy! Unless that is your name!