“Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you.” Hosea 10:12
Having had only a small bowl of cereal in the morning, and having missed lunch, I wanted SOMETHING… but faced an appointment. With just a few minutes to spare, I pulled into the store to grab a snack. It was right then and there that time sped up and ‘I’ met ‘me!’ The Black Hole of indecision and desire sucked me into a battle we have all faced at one time or another… “Sweet or salty?”
Seeing the donuts, then the cookies, eyes popped… but palate countered. Looking at chips or pretzels satisfied desire, but failed on appeal. Time ticked on… would I be late over such a silly predicament? I ran the aisles again, frantic now for the ultimate palate pacifier. Then settled on a can of cashews. The halves and pieces. Whole ones were too expensive!
Humans are so finicky!!! Don’t even ask me what I WANT for my birthday or Christmas. I have NO idea! Being rich in junk falling out of closets already, why add to the chaos? But the question remains… what do “I truly want?” What will absolutely satisfy me in the ‘here and now’ AND the ‘then and later?’ I was overjoyed to be led to this verse today. Maybe you will be too.
I LOVE God’s Word. Being a fleshy guy… AND a sanctified saint, it is tough to find something that satisfies both sides. I need HELP in moving me to the ‘Light Side,’ and something tangible to keep me there! A verse like this is just the ‘DOUGH-NUT’ I need. It is both sweet AND salty to my soul and spirit.
The first line might seemed shocking at first… ‘Sow righteousness for yourselves.’ It is the Old Testament version of Jesus own New Testament command, “lay up for YOURSELVES…. TREASURE!” (Matt 6:20). He even COMMANDS me to BE SELFISH! Even if I don’t feel like doing it for HIM… He tells me to do it for MYSELF! Loving others HIS way… reaps ‘unfailing love’ for myself! He then promises that one day, this battle of wills WILL end…. when He comes… WITH PRESENTS! It is awin-win for both of us! Desire and appeal have met their match!
Leaving the store, I went to meet my friend. As we started chatting, I reached down, grabbed the can, popped the metal top PSHHHHHHH… then offered some to him. I asked, “Nuts?” He had NO idea that it was a loaded question!!!
What do YOU want?