“To all in Rome (Nokomis) who are loved by God and called to be his holy people: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 1:7
Fishing through my pockets to get everything out, I found a quarter, all alone, in my left front pocket. Not knowing what to do with it, I threw it in my truck beverage holder and forgot all about it. “What’s a quarter going to buy THESE days anyway?” I thought. Then I went on with my day… then several more. Not giving that $.25 another thought.
Several days later I found myself at Aldi with a long list of groceries that a single bag or box could not carry. Glancing down into my cup holder lay that silly quarter. It was almost like the Hand of God, fate and Grace merged together with a pre-designed plan. Smiling, I picked it up and put it BACK in my pocket. Then I used it to get a shopping cart.
I distinctly remember, as a kid of 8 years old, my dad handing me a quarter and asking me to walk up to the store on the main street in town and buy 5 candy bars. Since there were 5 of us in the family, he was providing a treat. I always got a Milky Way… and yes, they were the same size then as they are now. Maybe bigger! Off I went.
These days I’ve seen those same candy bars priced at $1.25 or MORE! These days, no one sends their 8 year old walking alone, downtown, to ANYWHERE… much less to a store. Times have changed, but some things haven’t. Today’s verse tells me that just like back then, I am loved by God, no matter WHERE I live, and I am called to be His.
An added bonus, which is ESPECIALLY rewarding in these days, is His free gift of Grace and Peace. I have NO need for carrying around ANY guilt from my past. It has been taken out of my life, and God’s mind, and cast away. Furthermore, PEACE has been added to my heart! I have NO need to worry about A THING! God’s got me in His Pocket!
Have YOU found the greatest gift in the universe? Are YOU walking around in God clothes? Are you feasting on the treats from His mighty storehouse of promised benefits? Are you sharing with others the opportunity that THEY TOO have been called to be God’s Kid? If you’re his.. Why not brag a little today? It’s Friday.. You deserve it!