“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. “John 14:12
I was a personal witness to a miracle today. A bona fide, absolute, guaranteed miracle of God. Have YOU ever seen one of those feeding the 5000 or the raising the dead kind of miracles like Jesus did? Well… me neither! But I tell you again! I saw a miracle today. And it didn’t surprise me one bit!
Now you might think I am crazy. And you might be right. But I tell you I have never put a whole lot of substance into the healing of Cancer, flu or the growing out of a limb! I am NOT saying I do not believe it if you have experienced it yourself. Not saying He DOESN’T do that either! I am just saying I do not put a whole lot of stock in it… being as rare as it is. You can quote me that when THAT kind of miracle takes place, the recipient need be nervous as to what comes next! God typically doesn’t do the impossible without a requirement. But the OTHER kind? Well… let’s just say it happens every day!
The occasion was a meeting with a bunch of teenage kids. About 300 of them would be a good guess. The speaker wasn’t very good. In fact, as speakers go, I’d have given him a C- for presentation, content and delivery. As he wrapped it up, he asked if anyone would like to come and receive prayer and the gift of eternal life. And right there.. about 80 kids came rushing to the front! I stood there in absolute astonishment with a SMILE on my face! But NOT in disbelief!
I didn’t just fall off the turnip truck. I know God’s hand when I see it. And I LOVE when He does that kind of cool stuff! All I could do was shake my head and praise Him. Later, I had an opportunity to talk with the speaker.. and I told him.. “you know, that really wasn’t very good!” He looked at me with a grin and said… “tell me about it! I was exhausted! But JESUS showed up, right!?” And we just laughed together. Because… Indeed He did!
If you’ve ever seen God’s miracle hand of salvation touch a life and make it whole right before your eyes, you know EXACTLY what I am talking about. You understand that the REALTY of TRUTH doesn’t exist in what is seen with the eye.. but what is seen in by the Holy Spirit.
God is STILL in the saving business. And He is making people alive for eternity even NOW! If you are waiting around for one of those other miracles, I can’t make any promises. But if you want new, eternal abundant life that sets lives free… well… all you have to do is step up, grab it and keep walking with Him. After all – He does THAT kind of thing.. EVERY DAY!