“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17
The other day I found myself in the very important roll of supervision. A couple of my grandkids were here and I noticed an extreme excess of energy flow. Being an expert, I knew that kind of energy had to be purged before it blew up into something messy. So I took them out front to run around the yard. Setting down in the grass, my eyes noticed some weeds in my grassy lawn. Being an expert child watcher, I had the ability to pick out those weeds while child caring. Some call that multi-tasking! I call it smart!
While watching and pulling, I remembered having written about this weed thing before, utilizing the metaphor of weeds to sin. Suddenly this Bible verse popped into my head, creating a path of potential wisdom I had not yet seen before. So I spiritually took a walk with Him. Apparently He thinks I can do MORE than just 2 things at once! The thought struck me… ‘Whatever you do – DO!’ DO-DO! There HAD to be a double meaning!
I distinctly remembered the last time I started pulling weeds, and that back then there were a LOT more weeds then than there were right now. At that time, I was pulling them to get rid of them in the present! I hadn’t REALLY thought about the impact weeding THEN would have on the future! I began to see what He was trying to teach me. Less weeds had produced less seeds! And apparently less seeds produced less weeds! A no brainer?? Indeed…! But I sensed that there was something more to this idea!
One way or another I was going to have my way with the weeds. Even if I didn’t pull or chemically treat them, I would run over them with my lawnmower. My life, whether I thought about it or not, had an appointment with weeds… regardless of my plan or thought about them. I was discovering that faithfully PULLING them was more effective, in the long run, than just running them over! Using the same 2 hands to pull them (in advance) was FAR more effective than using my hands to push the mower later!
If I am doing something ANYWAY, is it possible to mix faith with that event ahead of time, WITH the expectation of seeing a greater result…. on purpose? Apparently it is! My understanding of ‘Faith’ was being sharpened by The Expert! The path is opening up into a field!
Hebrews 11:1 has always been a mystical verse to me. I have swallowed the pat explanations of it being a mystical thing that I’ll never REALLY understand here. But deep down, that explanation hasn’t settled well! I am seeing that Faith is not a mystery… it is a WORK! A DOING of something in the physical… all the while EXPECTING a spiritual long term result. It is not something to ATTAIN. It is a secret weapon to be used in ordinary workings of my day to GAIN an ultimate spiritual result. This Bible verse proves it.
Today’s verse does not stand alone. It is repeated in 1 Corinthians 10:31 and Proverbs 3:16. So it must be important! The question I seem to be continually pressed to ask is.. “how can I DO.. RIGHT NOW… what I am DOING… for Him and with Him? ALL THE TIME!” Hmmmmm. THIS is going to take some serious and deliberate multitasking!