
“But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.” James 2:18

Knowing it was going to be a crazy day before it even started, I ran through the places and schedule of where and when I had to be. After a phone call had come in, my 3 appointments had just turned into 6. When the time was approaching event # 3, I noticed that my grass was NOT up to par with the neighbors. In fact… it was VERY long and stringy. The question popped into my head, “do I have enough time to fit this in?” I BELIEVED I DID… but I was wasting time.

Quickly changing into my work clothes after deciding to race the clock, I realized that I just added a #8 to the mix! I was going to need a shower! With no time to think about it, I ran through the list! I have a lawn mower AND the gas to run it. I believed that mixing 3 things together could get the job done and on time! So gas in mower and mower in hand… I pulled the starter and off I went!

Having been on a FAITH study for a while, and with plenty of time to think as I mowed, it came to my mind that cutting the crass is NOT MYSTICAL. Jesus was trying to teach me something! I KNEW and BELIEVED that the mower was in working order and KNEW and BELIEVED that with fuel and MY energy, the tool COULD and WOULD cut the lawn. But… KNOWING and BELIEVING did NOT cut the grass. “I did!”

FAITH is a VERY BIG word! But I think man, along with satan’s help, has watered it down to a fraction of its original size. Especially in the Church’s mind! Faith has turned into some mystical, cloudy idea that has no meat or teeth to it. And I believe Christ is not happy about it either! Slogans like, “have faith and everything will work out OK.” and “I have faith that ‘so and so’ will do the right thing,” are not FAITH! They are WISHES! And wishing is NOT Faith!

My grass did NOT get cut because of my faith. It got cut because I used the TOOLS of faith to CUT IT! I had to actually DO something to EXERCISE my Faith in order to get the job DONE! To this, I lay my question. Do you believe that God can save your family member or friend? Then what are YOU DOING to see to it that the saving gets done? Do YOU believe that God can stop that weak area of your life and turn it into victory for Him? Then what are YOU DOING to apply His power and promises to YOUR problem?

FAITH, as I see it, is an ACTION word. It cannot, will not and does not work if elbow grease is not applied. And just like there is a method to cutting my grass ( I do not push it around in circles with no plan) there is ALSO a method to applying God’s resources to any task at hand. If you don’t know HOW… you can easily get help. Just ASK a brother or sister who has a nice looking yard!

FAITH is WORK! FAITH gets dirty and messy! FAITH does NOT come with ease! And FAITH usually requires an occasional shower. But make no mistake… if you are sitting on your haunches and looking at a messy yard, know for sure that GOD is using that vision to get you to GET UP AND MOVE!

The clock it ticking!


“Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”’ Nehemiah 8:10

This last weekend the McCay Clan celebrated Christmas! Yes, I know it is the end of February. But due to work, other commitments and just plain life, we had not really had the opportunity to get ALL of us together in one place in December. The children hadn’t even exchanged gifts yet! So the event was organized, food was made, gifts were wrapped and we all planned to enjoy each other.

For a couple of us, the 1 hour trip turned into 2 because of traffic. Last minute calls for food and supplies were made on the fly, but the money and time spent were just a part of the package. Each time a new family arrived I knew it, even if I was at the other end of the house. The “HEY…. YOU MADE IT,” and joys of greeting sounded out loud and clear. It seemed volume equaled joy!

Toward evening, the kids gathered out front to ride bikes, scooters and little kid die cars. Someone pulled out a ramp for the bikers to jump and it was ‘game on.’ When a cheering section was formed to encourage daring feats of action, I couldn’t set still anymore. I walked over to my grandson’s bicycle and headed toward the ramp! Yes… I heard them behind me saying… “WHAT??”

It was a JOYOUS and WONDERFUL evening. Someone crashed and got bloody… but it wasn’t me. I made the jump as hoped, maybe even shocking some of the kids. But I knew that even in crashing and burning, we were making memories together. That is what families do.

The occasion for Nehemiah’s verse was a gathering of God’s people to Hear the Word of God! Yup! They had found an old Bible among the ruins of the city, and taking time off from rebuilding, they listened and celebrated hearing the Word of the God of Israel… The Father of THEIR family! His order for the day was to REJOICE! Not grieve or mourn. God had hit the ramp, stuck the landing and once more showed that when it comes to the meaning of life… He’s still ‘got it!’

God LOVES family. He is building His own and calling out to everyone to come and join in. Sometimes it takes work, planning, grief, execution, money and time… but joining His family has BOTH short and long term benefits that are out of this world! 

 So…..what is YOUR strength?


“and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” 2 Timothy 3:15

BONGGGGGG! My phone went off. Then BONGGGGGG again! Over the next several minutes the BONGGGGGGing was driving me crazy! I was in the middle of ‘GROUP Text Hades!’ Female members of my clan were planning a get together and I saw that 1 message referred to my wife and I… questioning if we were coming. I simply answered ‘yes.’ But it didn’t end there!

It was later in the afternoon when I noticed a missed call from my son’s phone. I can’t answer my phone when I am on the motorcycle. Calling him back I got his answering service… and left a message. 4 hours later, he won ‘telephone tag’ when I answered. He asked me… “hey dad, are you coming to the family thing?” My reply was… “didn’t your wife get my message? I had said ‘yes’” “No, she never got that message!” he replied. So I confirmed again. “Yes.”

This same scenario happened to me several times this week. And NOT just with texts. Emails are not getting to people ‘every time’ I send them either. The funny thing is, when folks DON’T get a message, they sometimes mix that absence with care or love! “Don’t you love us anymore?” was one comment! MY immediate reaction is to pull up my phone to see if they had inadvertently got deleted… just to CONFIRM that “I STILL CARED!” haaaaaa It’s crazy right?

In these days of technology, ‘getting the word out’ should be simple. But because of the tech noise, the culture, and the overlap, what USED to be… is no longer. 100% reliable communication is still under development between us humans. But it is NOT for God!

The Bible verse today clearly states that God has told us EVERYTHING we need to know about His plan of salvation and our growth in faith. Now if that is true, WHY do so many people seem to have NOT ‘gotten the message?’ God makes it clear that the failure is NOT the fault of the sender! But in the receiver. The saying is true, “God has said it… THAT should settle it!” But!

When we talk about FAITH, too many folks place that subject into a mystical, ghost-like state… leaving the subject fuzzy and unclear. It’s almost like believing it is there, but understanding it LATER, when we ‘see it,’ is acceptable. But to God… it is NOT! To Him, one either HAS FAITH and is WALKING IN IT… or they don’t and are not! His written Word, His Son and the Holy Spirit are the realities He has sent us to deliver His most important message to mankind since ‘fruit!’

“Did YOU get it?”


“Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.” Proverbs 21:21

It is something most of us do every day 6 days a week… except for holidays. And though I am the one to usually do it, my wife will still want to know if I did! Without thinking about it, I usually have an expectation or anticipation as I make that daily journey. A hope that something of ‘benefit to me’ will be there… in my mailbox!

When I opened the mailbox yesterday, it was full. A couple of envelopes were so big they had to be folded in half to fit in there. I wondered! After carrying my bundle into the house, I started to go through it like a lottery player with a ‘scratch off.’ But when I was done, I felt like I had just been played for a loser! Literally EVERY single piece of mail was an attempt by someone to SELL ME something! In other words…organizations had just paid MONEY to the U.S. Postal Service… to try to get mine!

Advertising is an art. Companies spend a LOT of money to discover the best return for their investment. If it costs, $1000 to make $140, you can bet they will not ever do that again! But even if $1000 brings in $1200… there WILL be an attempt to stuff my mailbox again with a more carefully considered effort. Yesterday’s trip was an example of just that.

Sadly, being in ministry, I get a lot of junk mail. Having been in sales, I don’t like wasting people’s time if I have no interest. So when I PURCHASED a product from 3 different ministry sources in the past, I was NOT expecting that I would be placed on a list and badgered for more cash! But alas, that is how it works. I was disappointed because it seems that even ministry has become big business. From the marketing information, that these folks weren’t ‘pursuing righteousness and love,’ It seemed that they were pursuing the money in my wallet!

There is an old question that helps to guide a salesman to success. “WHAT does a person want and WHY do they want it?” helps keep from wasting everyone’s time. If your product answers those 2 qualities in a prospect, you are then offering a reasonable solution to their meet THEIR need. Honest salesmen are more like trouble shooters who solve problems. Until the SALESMAN’S need for money becomes more important than the needs of the customer. Like now! I threw the whole bundle of mail in the trash! Which is what I usually do… every day! This leads ME to a question. What am “I” pursuing.

God tells me through His Word that if I pursue HIS righteousness and love, I WILL reap something bigger than what I would if I did not! I have personally discovered this bit of wisdom to be 100% true. If I FREELY make YOU an offer you cannot refuse, will you refuse it? Or live in anticipation? Here it is… “Seek God and His desires FIRST! The rest just falls into place.”

 You’re welcome! No charge!


‘”Therefore, Jeremiah, go and warn all Judah and Jerusalem. Say to them, ‘This is what the LORD says: I am planning disaster for you instead of good. So turn from your evil ways, each of you, and do what is right.'” Jeremiah 18:11

This morning I heard my wife shriek! She likes to do devotions as she stares out at the side of the house where her flower garden lies. Birds and squirrels usually frequent the habitat… but not today. Her peaceful world was interrupted when 2 big rats ran in front of the glass door. “AAAAA!”

For the last couple weeks we have been hearing the pitter-patter of little feet at the same time in the morning! We knew where the sound was coming from. Rats had found a hole into our attic and made it their home! AGAIN! Being the man of the house, I did what any normal man would do. I put off the task of climbing up, in and around there for as long as I could! ‘Could’ arrived last night as I decided TODAY was the day of e-RAT-ication!

It was dark yesterday when I put on my headlight and asked my wife if she wanted to join me. She was creeped out at the very thought! I knew the rats had left to go out slumming in the darkness, so I went up, out and around the house to see if I could find their entryway. I discovered a new hole in some fascia and patched it. This morning, with full bellies from a night of carousing, they had lost their home! Having expected this result, when she shrieked… I smiled!

Lots of folks like to claim the Bible verse of Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” I have never heard ANYONE lay claim to Today’s verse! WHAT! It isn’t CONVENIENT? Picking and choosing is a poor way to approach Scripture. It is also a poor way to live!

ALL of us have songbird-squirrel times. All of us have rat times as well. Our natural reaction to a RAT is ALWAYS repulsive. We have been programmed to see them as the dirty, disease carrying vermin that they are. Until we ALLOW them entry and get used to their co-habitation. We KNOW they have to go…but inconvenience, lack of time, desire and money have a way of putting off their exit.

The moral of this story is simple. I have things in my life that have GOT to GO! Unfortunately I have allowed them to live in me so long, I am used to their presence. Heck.. sometimes I dress them up and even PLAY with them. But a dressed up rat is still a rat! And the CHOICE as to how long it stays is still in my court!


“If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.” 1 Corinthians 12:26

It had been a while since my wife and I had gotten away together by ourselves. We were desperate to do so. Since she had Monday off I planned a trip to do something we had never done before. So after church on Sunday, we quickly grabbed what we thought we needed and headed to the Florida Everglades for an overnight stay and an air-boat ride. It seemed strange to have lived here so long and never been on an air-boat. We had visions of flying across the open grass like they show in the brochures. But that didn’t happen.

When we got to the hotel, we again discovered that theory and reality were two separate things. “we could have brought,” became a saying as we discovered there really wasn’t a lot to do down there at night. RURAL was an understatement! The air conditioner and TV didn’t work right and neither of us slept very well. But we were in ‘together.’ The next day, adrenaline started to flow as we got onto the air-boat and into the mangroves where our guide ‘opened ‘er up!’ There…theory and reality met once again!

While it was exhilarating, we never REALLY went that fast, never REALLY got out of the mangroves, and didn’t REALLY see anything we hadn’t seen before. But we REALLY laughed and joked and had a good time all the same. Because we were there, alone, TOGETHER! Which was REALLY our main goal all along!

The Church is called ‘The Bride of Christ.’ She resides, presently, on Earth. We all know, Earth is NOT how Earth was created to be. We ALL carry within our being the knowledge that things are NOT what they were meant to be. Reality and theory are common bedfellows as joy and disappointment can come from the same event. But “The Bride” has a distinct advantage. We are all in this TOGETHER!

Church is a place were blemished saints congregate to strengthen and support one another. We all KNOW we are headed for a perfect future! But for now, the realities of life can be disappointing. THAT is why it is so important that we stick together. Thorough joys and sorrow, fears and cheers, we have the ability to encourage, pray for and support each other. It is a gift that we tend to take for granted. We should not!

My wife and I share our experiences together. From now on, when someone mentions ‘The Everglades’ in our company, we will look at each other and smile! We have ‘been there and done that!’ When someone tells us they are headed that way, we might even suggest a thing or two to make THEIR trip more enjoyable. But that does NOT mean WE wasted the trip!  


“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of Him.” 1 John 5:14-15

We have a wall fountain at the entryway of our house. It has been there for probably 10 years… which means it has probably been 17, as time flies when I look backwards! Obviously for the fountain to work, there has to be an electrical pump in the water to MAKE it work. As in ALL things earthly, pumps go bad… so I have had to change it out numerous times. It is about a 20-30 minute job… USUALLY!

Even if you are not savvy (why are there 2 v’s in this word?) about things electrical, you are STILL smart enough to know that electric and water do NOT mix. The job requires special connectors and a crimping tool to do it right. I bought the pump, started the process, then could not find my crimping tool. I searched high and low for a couple days, off and on, and then ended up borrowing one. When my 36 year old electrical tester died… I went and bought new one of those too! I was ready!

The job took longer than usual because the wiring is older, and so am I. The crimping tool wasn’t what I was used to so I snapped a connector and had to start again. Making sure the waterproof connections were good, I taped… then taped again… to make sure no water would get in. It was frustrating… but I love my wife and she loves the sound of running water! She was due to be home in about 10 minutes so I filled the fountain, flipped the switch and… nothin’! I was upset!

When I work, I talk to God. Paul says to pray without ceasing… so I do. “OK Lord.. where’s my crimper?” “Tape?” “Think THIS will work, Jesus?” “Sorry I got mad… again!” “PLEASE LORD!” “Where’d I lay my glasses?” “Here we go now, Lord!” “GRRRRRR!” After all that, I discovered the pump was bad from the manufacturer! A 30 minute job became a failure after 3 days…off and on!

Stuff happens.. or sometimes it doesn’t! Teaching a series on Faith, and NOT blaming God for anything, I asked Him a fun question, “Lord… all that work, hope, praying and asking really didn’t go very well. I know that you say to ask and you shall receive… but why did I have SO much trouble?” Later, while still pondering, I faintly heard His answer…” I’m not in the pump business!” I smiled.

Long ago I had learned a lesson that is rarely taught. I had discovered the hard way that asking, then getting, was missing something critical in the middle. The verse today clarifies it.  Do the words, “according to His will” jump out? They should. Because they hold the key to the saving of a LOT of grief.

John 6 tells me that God has a ‘Job’ and a ‘Will!’ And that anything outside of either of those descriptions is extra and does NOT require His attention. While some folks like to throw out that God cares about EVERYTHING that connects to our life, I find that this train of thought is usually just an attempt at getting our own way. Which like my pump… doesn’t always work! God and I are good! 

 Our wall fountain has just become a planter!


“Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.” Romans 12:9

This morning was a typical day for my wife and me. The alarm went off, we both got up, I poured my coffee… AND hers. She went to 1 room to spend her quiet time with God… I went to the other. After a few minutes I heard her holler… “Happy Valentine’s Day!” I repeated, “Happy Valentine’s Day,” then added, “I didn’t buy you a dang thing!” She responded with, “I didn’t buy you a dang thing either!” And THAT.. was our Valentine’s Day!

I abhor, regard with horror, hate, and detest Valentine’s Day! If you know me, you know that. If you don’t… you do now! I refuse to go into the history of this day because its origin is cloudy at best. Personally, I believe it was invented by an unhappy woman in a back room of Hallmark… or the lunch room of a candy or flower shop! The advertising world has implanted into the male brain..”dude.. don’t be a loser.. buy your gal something special today!” Women have been programmed to respond to the day with.. “What’d ya get me?” And I protest!

You may think me mad… but being a male, I don’t notice that WOMEN are pressed to do ANYTHING special for their men. Real men don’t swoon over a card, flowers or candy. What real men WANT is already known. But I don’t see an increased budget in advertising for ANYTHING in that arena. So let me be the Lone Ranger, since fair is fair… “Ladies…take special care of your man today!” I may deserve a medal for that from the men… or a lynching from the ladies. SO be it!

You may wonder why I am so ridiculously opposed to the idea of this day. Well it is actually very simple. If I TRULY LOVE my wife…and if she truly loves me… should LOVE not be displayed EVERY day! If you catch my drift, you would realize that loving Valentine’s Day is a sell out! If you do, you are settling for WAY too little and YOU have been conned!

We awoke, I honored her by pouring the coffee, we said, “I love you,” to each other and then we went to worship God individually… together! And THAT my friends.. is the MEANING and SECRET of a romantic and God centered relationship… because it is impossible to correctly LOVE each other without loving GOD FIRST! First… I am not worthy of it. And second…I don’t have the capability!

Today’s verse has many versions to it… both positive and negative. We are called to LOVE unfeigned, sincerely, without dissimulation, deceit or hypocrisy. We are THEN commanded to abhor, regard with horror, hate, and detest all EVIL. Finally we are to cling, cleave, hold onto and hold fast to everything GOOD! It sounds to me that those instructions are not directed toward a single day!

If your love relationships consists of yours and mine … you have a problem. God demands that we give EVERYTHING to HIM.. and to those we cherish. There is to be no ‘I, ME or MY’ in any relationship. It is ALL OURS! That is how God shares Himself with me… and that is what He expects from me in return. I refuse to simply BUY something because Hallmark wants to make a buck! 

 Happy Day to you and yours!


“I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.” Psalm 16:8 KJV

I was behind in my honey-do list and found some time to get several things done around the house. Work for me generally includes gloves so I don’t have to spend so much time cleaning the grunge from under my fingernails. I buy the Dollar Tree gloves in multiples so I always have a pair on hand. Going to my truck, in a hurry as usual, I dug behind the seat where I usually throw my gloves when I am done with a job. I came up with 6… and they were ALL LEFT HANDED!

I’d like to say I laughed and thought it humorous. But being honest, it made me angry! How can I possibly LOSE 6 right hand gloves? Where did they go? Is there a systematic pattern I go through that causes the problem? Are sinister forces at work… deliberately upsetting my timeline and spirit… just because they can? (yes… I really gave that one a serious thought!)

David was right handed. I know because he refers to his right hand a lot. The majority of people are right handed… therefore the right hand has come to symbolize a person’s strength. Now that my mood, plan and timing had been interrupted, my attitude instantaneously switched dwarfs! I went from ‘Happy’ WITH the Lord to ‘Grumpy’ in the flesh faster than Superman can change suits! But I was MORE upset that I could so easily ‘be moved’ than I was at the loss of the gloves.

It has been said that Michael Jackson used his famous right hand glove to cover the affects of a skin disease… which may be true. I KNOW ‘I’ have a dis-ease when my flesh gets uptight at interruption. I ALSO KNOW that there is only 1 remedy! It is holding onto HIS powerful hand.

Of all the spiritual questions asked, this one is the most common… ‘how can God love me when I am such a sinner?” It is an underlying question that ALL believers experience. Feeling dirty and carrying the evidence of grunge under my nails, how can God even love me? While looking up the different versions of this Scripture, I discovered differing punctuation as well! Which leads me to believe previous saints wrestled with the same question.

Some versions use a period between ‘me’ and ‘because.’ Some use a semicolon. I have set the Lord always before me(.;) because…! I think HOW this verse is punctuated makes a difference. My spirit is not free and secure because ‘I’ have made it so. I am free and secure because HE has made me so. By turning to Him and placing my strongest hand into HIS… I can rest assured that I shall not be moved from my secure position… no matter how I feel! In other words.. I vote for the period version!

Driving home from running errands I was going past the Dollar Tree. I pulled in and bought some more gloves because… I am NOT going to let the loss of a glove.. and my mood… stop me from getting the job done. Right Lord?