“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Ecclesiastes 3:1
Something started 3 nights ago that I seem powerless to stop. I awoke at midnight hearing a sound from the other room… a blaring noise I was not used to. Getting up to investigate, I found it to be the alarm on a digital clock in my living room. Having just that day set the clock ahead 1 hour, I had SOMEHOW managed to set the alarm to go off at midnight. Finding a light to see, I hit the off button and silenced the oppressive noise. All was well… until midnight the next day!
Talking with someone yesterday about the ‘spring forward’ thing, they affirmed what everyone feels. We all hate time changes. Last night… I found that I dislike something even MORE! An alarm clock that signifies NOTHING. For the last 3 nights, I have played with the buttons and tried various combinations… to no avail. Unless I can figure out a way to permanently STOP time… I have a midnight appointment I do not wish to keep!
Recently I watched a group of students as they were told about God and Heaven. Like clockwork, the same thing happened as ALWAYS happens when Life and Death, Heaven and Hell are being explained to someone who is in the dark. All that I could see as a result of this alarm was a disinterested ‘yawn’ and a desire to hit the ‘off’ switch. As if turning off the alarm could eliminate the certainty of a coming judgment.
A serious question has come to mind. How does one wake up someone who does not want to BE UP? How do we set an alarm to warn someone who is never alarmed? How can we make an appeal of Love and Grace to someone who believes they have no need of it? I have to admit, like my ill programmed alarm clock, I have no answer except to keep trying.
As I have said many times, Jesus Himself gave us the Great Commission to ‘Go into the world and proclaim the Good News.’ He did NOT say to go and convince, badger, demand or force it upon those who do not choose to receive it. Ours is to simply ‘proclaim!’ It is up to the hearer to receive it and wake up, with Gods help… or turn us off. It is good to know that the time for judgment is not in my hands. And that His news is still Good!