“The heavens praise your wonders, LORD, your faithfulness too, in the assembly of the holy ones.” Psalm 89:5
Spring has sprung here in Florida and that means the weather is heating up. I just started noticing folks saying, “man it’s HOT out there!” So the countdown to October 15th, when it will start to cool again,begins! Going out on the front patio where Katie has flowers that take the full assault of the sun’s rays, I noticed that a few of her plants were bowing … I mean WILTING! I gave them a drink. This morning they have perked up with praise quite nicely.
I got to thinking about the differences between plants, animals and other created things. They were created by God to show off His glory… naturally! The sun doesn’t have to prepare anything special for today’s reveal. It just does what it does and VOILA! Flowers will wave their beauty without any extra effort. It is what they do. That is, unless we humans stick them in a pot and fail to care for them. But I am no flower!
Humans are unique beyond all other created things. We have been given a very special character trait that they do not experience. That is the CHOICE to rise and shine for their creator. Humans have been given the ability to reflect, or NOT reflect, God’s Glory. And each life does what it CHOOSES to do in regard to their Creator. Looking from the outside, it becomes apparent what choice each specimen has made.
In all of creation, there is NOTHING like mankind. Men and women have the ability to CHOOSE what they will do about their creator. Some choose to praise and reflect His life outwardly. Others have gone so far as to even DENY that there is a creator in the first place. But one thing is for sure. There is NOTHING in ALL of creation that God loves to hear from more than men and women who love to Glorify Him. NOTHING! Not even the Angels!
Today our family has a particular special interest and request of our Creator. He alone has the ability to grant our petition. Everything has been done that WE can do, now we sit and prayerfully praise and await His response. It is NOT the first time… and it certainly will NOT be the last. As the old patriarch of the family (that’s even funny to write) I am MOST pleased that EVERYONE of our family is committed to trusting and Glorying God… REGARDLESS of His answer!
There is NOTHING more Glorifying to God than total and joyful submission to His Will. ALL of us want the same thing… but ALL of us will accept and serve God REGARDLESS of the outcome. To arrive at THAT island of life is a HUGE blessing to both God AND our own lives. Now try THAT Mr. Potted Plant!