“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.” Psalm 32:8 NKJV
I love to people watch! What different people do, how they do it, what they wear and the mannerisms displayed while doing things is fascinating. And so it was, as we sat in the restaurant, that I watched people ordering and eating their Mexican entrees. While all the adults displayed different techniques, wore different clothing and conveyed differing expressions… EVERYONE I saw knew HOW to eat!
Mexican fast food is pretty much all the same stuff… in a different order. Meat, lettuce, cheese, tomatoes, salsa, tortilla! The order you place the items, and the particular tortilla you choose, determines whether you are eating a taco, burrito or a nacho. Additional items only serve to ‘kick it up a notch.’ But eating a nacho vs a burrito requires a different style of eating. I noted everyone had mastered the various techniques of getting the food into their mouths. Some just had more style!
I’ve learned learning to eat is a basic requirement that MUST me mastered to survive. God bless the moms who teach it with patience, because it can be a LONG process. But by the time a child is walking, talking and using the bathroom, it is pretty much a conclusion that they know how to eat as well. But for people who call themselves believers in Jesus Christ, the basics can go without being mastered, for very long time. Sometimes NEVER being mastered!
Belief or Faith is the basic building block of Salvation. We do not know or get saved based upon what we see, but by faith in the unseen! Meeting God personally at that level is generally a miraculous event generally remembered. But to grow on and learn to WALK by Faith requires practice. Unlike eating, no one physically DIES if they don’t learn how to Walk by Faith. And maybe that is the problem! Humans generally don’t DO what we don’t HAVE to!
We were created by God to do His Work and Will on this earth. Learning HOW to see and hear Him ‘instruct and deliver’ requires paying attention and practice! Maturity in the Faith cannot be reached until that lesson is learned. It starts with paying attention to HIM. To look out at the world with SPIRITUAL eyes means we must BELIEVE before we CAN see! It is much like learning to eat. Only in a different order!
I have learned that mastering seeing things, The Master see’s them, requires the DESIRE to see them in the first place. Once I focus on HIS focus, I can practice focusing WITH HIS focus. It’s a learned art that He REALLY wants us to master! Lord, here I am! PLEASE send and teach ME how to be YOUR hands, feet, heart and voice in a VERY hungry world. No matter HOW or what you order!