
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.” Psalm 32:8 NKJV

I love to people watch! What different people do, how they do it, what they wear and the mannerisms displayed while doing things is fascinating. And so it was, as we sat in the restaurant, that I watched people ordering and eating their Mexican entrees. While all the adults displayed different techniques, wore different clothing and conveyed differing expressions… EVERYONE I saw knew HOW to eat!

Mexican fast food is pretty much all the same stuff… in a different order. Meat, lettuce, cheese, tomatoes, salsa, tortilla! The order you place the items, and the particular tortilla you choose, determines whether you are eating a taco, burrito or a nacho. Additional items only serve to ‘kick it up a notch.’ But eating a nacho vs a burrito requires a different style of eating. I noted everyone had mastered the various techniques of getting the food into their mouths. Some just had more style!

I’ve learned learning to eat is a basic requirement that MUST me mastered to survive. God bless the moms who teach it with patience, because it can be a LONG process. But by the time a child is walking, talking and using the bathroom, it is pretty much a conclusion that they know how to eat as well. But for people who call themselves believers in Jesus Christ, the basics can go without being mastered, for very long time. Sometimes NEVER being mastered!

Belief or Faith is the basic building block of Salvation. We do not know or get saved based upon what we see, but by faith in the unseen! Meeting God personally at that level is generally a miraculous event generally remembered. But to grow on and learn to WALK by Faith requires practice. Unlike eating, no one physically DIES if they don’t learn how to Walk by Faith. And maybe that is the problem! Humans generally don’t DO what we don’t HAVE to!

We were created by God to do His Work and Will on this earth. Learning HOW to see and hear Him ‘instruct and deliver’ requires paying attention and practice! Maturity in the Faith cannot be reached until that lesson is learned. It starts with paying attention to HIM. To look out at the world with SPIRITUAL eyes means we must BELIEVE before we CAN see! It is much like learning to eat. Only in a different order!

I have learned that mastering seeing things, The Master see’s them, requires the DESIRE to see them in the first place. Once I focus on HIS focus, I can practice focusing WITH HIS focus. It’s a learned art that He REALLY wants us to master! Lord, here I am! PLEASE send and teach ME how to be YOUR hands, feet, heart and voice in a VERY hungry world. No matter HOW or what you order!


“The birds of the sky nest by the waters; they sing among the branches.” Psalm 104:12

Walking past the our side glass door where we have plants, trees and a bird bath, movement caught my eyes. There was a male cardinal, 2 other little birds (I don’t know what they are because I am not a bird expert) and a squirrel. The birds seemed to be taking turns in the bath.. which I thought was interesting. “Are they smart like that?” I thought. The consideration vanished when one of them took a drink… “NOPE! Definitely not!”

Looking on, the scene was peaceful and serene, causing me to just stop and watch. There was no worrying on their part. They seemed completely contented as thy chirped, rinsed and fluffed. The squirrel, never taking his eyes of the ground, could have cared less. He was digging around looking for a place to hide something which he will never again find! And all was right with the world!

It seems like a silly thing to think about or to ponder upon. That is, if it weren’t for the creator of the Universe making a big deal of it Himself. There is no way that finding this Bible verse 2 days later was an accident. The moment of sight, and the moment of remembrance were brought to me, deliberately, by the Lord of the Universe. Do I think He is trying to tell me something????

Birds were created by Jesus. Jesus even refers to them in His parable, using them as an illustration about not carrying for their own needs, since His Father supplies them without their even asking. He reminds me that I am MUCH more important to God than THEM! Take THAT lil birdie! I noted a peace and quiet inside my own spirit. As I watched God caring for them… I felt His hand upon me as a reminder that I am in His care too!

I didn’t ask for the scene. I wasn’t begging for a sign or looking for any confirmations. God simply reached in and blessed me with His presence. Lately I HAVE been diligently working on paying more attention to Him though. Which caused me to wonder… how many of these special moments have I missed because I hadn’t been paying attention!

Yes… He really WAS telling me something!  


“We are instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.” 2 Timothy 2:21

Grand-kid performances are not a rare… especially when you have a bunch of ‘em. This week we had been invited to several. Last night was a different ‘talent show’ and our dancing grand-daughter had chosen to perform. Since our schedule was open, we chose to go. Now while there is no doubt my 4th grade G-kid was a hit, I was also amazed by the singing performance of a girl in 1st grade. I closed my eyes and heard ‘Disney!’

Little kids are usually shy when they go on stage. She wasn’t. They also don’t really sound that good either. She did! They also tend to strain and forget words to songs. She made it look easy! Some folks would say, “she’s a natural!” And I’d agree! In thinking about what God has been focusing on in my life and in the church, I don’t think it was a coincidence that this Bible verse fluttered before my eyes the first thing this morning.

There was no prize or ‘First Place’ winner at the talent show. Kids were offered a chance to perform and they chose to do so. Piano players didn’t dance and actors didn’t sing. They chose to use the talent they felt most natural in displaying. ALL of them prepared and ALL were ‘special!’ Thank goodness for Cell phones! Every parent had cameras rolling… no doubt… saving forever their children’s growing up years for future remembrance. I am reminded…God has a camera too!

YOU are SPECIAL! God knows EVERYTHING about you. Where you were born, the family and times, the successes and trials, the hardships and pain! You are UNIQUE! And since there is NO ONE LIKE YOU, God, in His plan of love, has chosen YOU to be an instrument of delivery for His mission and plan for the Earth. He has given YOU talents, likes and capabilities, that when merged with YOUR story, fits ‘hand-in-glove’ into His. He asks me today… “What are your plans for a performance? I want to see!” A CHOICE has been handed to ME… and I can do with it what I want!

Sadly, some of us choose to pick up the booze instead of the guitar. To become bitter instead of better at dancing, singing or playing. With SO many people and SO many choices… the combinations for God’s outreach is impressively complex. NO talent is too small and the ONLY thing He asks of us is… “will you use your talent and heart for ME today?”

I have heard that the hardest thing to hear is God’s voice. Someone asked, “Is that God talking or just a voice in my head?” I have discovered the answer is… “Yes!” God does NOT need the supernatural to do the impossible. He created YOU! The natural voice, impulse, urge or desire to help, reach, give or serve… is HIS! All He is asking of you and me to simply.. “DANCE!”

To me, there was nothing more frustrating than when one of my kids would refuse to do something because they felt stupid or embarrassed! If they liked going to dance class, why would they be embarrassed to dance for family, church or ANY gathering of people? But we all refuse at times.

God gave me talents and he wants to use them for His best good. The choice is mine alone!

I hope you see me dancing? But please don’t judge…I’m doing it for my Father… and HE is recording!


“Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for ‘God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.’” 1 Peter 5:5

Church visitors are a source of encouragement to me. When someone visits, a bag of goodies, carefully prepared in advance, is presented along with a card requesting their information. Following up with visitors can be interesting. One of the questions on the card asks, ‘Would you like the pastor to contact you Y/N?’ Most often, the ‘N’ is circled. After a couple weeks, I call them anyway. I mean… WHY the ‘N?’

The last few conversations I had with people about church were disconcerting. One person gave a detailed list of churches they had visited in the area. Everyone of which, “turned me off!” I never understood ‘WHY’ because it was never clearly explained. A non-attender told me that churches have a superior attitude and that, “everybody thinks they are better than me.” I told them it wasn’t true in our church. Since I KNEW that Jesus had chosen me… “because I was a chief Dirtbag!” I got a laugh… but not a visit!

Inside churches across America, there is a Laodicean attitude that has people pewed in. It is the attitude of lethargic apathy. As the news in the world gets worse, droopy eyes and dropped heads indicate slumber… not prayerful concern. In The Revelation… it was predicted. Sadly, successful churches often fill the gap with entertainment and low expectation.

All of this should be alarming to any Believer because it is COMPLETELY the opposite of what we have been called to. It indicates how well satan does his job when hard working and caring family members stop working and caring. If we believe the Bible to be TRUE, our ineffectiveness comes at great expense as lost ones increase and found one’s future rewards decrease. satan has stolen our reason for being because… we let him!

A number of years ago, there was a study published that surveyed 2100 pastors throughout the United States who had been fired or quit their churches. The conductors of this study asked these pastors and their churches, “What was the reason this pastor left?” You might expect to hear that these pastors were preaching heresy or that the churches they led weren’t Bible-believing churches. But the study found that more than any other reason – 58% of the time – these pastors were forced out or left because of personality differences with the members. The pastor called ‘zig’… and the majority wanted ‘zag.’ Sadly… what the Architect and Master of ‘The Church’ wanted was rarely even considered!

I believe that church problems might be remedied if people would be willing to simply follow the Leader… and move in direction FROM which THEY had been called. We ALL know what sin is, its cost and how blessed the remedy. But we forget that no matter WHAT position we fill, it is one of humble Servant-hood! Just like Jesus.

It’s my prayer that the people of God today would be willing to step up and kneel down. To play the Game of ‘Follow the Leader’ in humility, joy and concern for the lost and the weak ones. It is NOT a new idea, but simply a call to the original.

If we would seek, pray and focus on keeping the main thing, the main thing, and filter all of our energies through His call to the Great Commission of Discipleship, our Master promises that we will find unimaginable Joy and Peace in the coming storm. But first He asks, “do you care?”


“We know that when Christ appears, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as he is. All who have this hope in Him purify themselves, just as He is pure.” 1 John 3:2b-3

Our grandson was going to be performing in a talent show and we already knew it was going to be a rush to get there. The trip takes over an hour and we needed to leave in time. We ALSO needed to take my truck, since Katie’s car needs an appointment for new tires. One problem… MY truck is MY truck, so it resembles MY personality type. NOT my hers! I had some work to do!

NO one rides in my truck but me. Running from 1 place to another, it is the perfect vehicle to simply throw and go! From cutting grass to hauling tools, to moving items from one place to another, I can almost tell what I have done over time by the remnants of what’s lying on the seat or floor! If my bride is going to fit in there, AND be JOYFUL about it, I had some cleaning to do.

I used to have a saying at my job… “Some people work… other people clean!” I was THRILLED when I saw a picture of Einsteins desk just hours after he had died. He and I shared the same thing in common with Mark Twain and Steve Jobs! Could it be that a cluttered work space really IS a sign of a genius? Regardless, my wife would NEVER fall for that line. So I cleaned, sanitized and Fabreezed my truck’s interior.

It is ABSOLUTELY true that I was COMPLETELY forgiven and cleansed from sin, ‘once and for all,’ at Calvary. While many people have a hard time with that concept, I know and rejoice at that fact. Anything less would would ultimately fail to save. But I ALSO know that ‘willful sinning because I can’ is a concept that can cause a severe breakdown of Christ’s Vessel! Translation? If Jesus resides in my life… a clean ride is a SMOOTH ride… for BOTH of us!

It doesn’t matter if a truck is clean or dirty when getting a job done, or when getting from one place to another. As long as the engine is running fine, the truck has no complaints. Nor do I! As long as it gets the job done, I find there are OTHER things that are more important for my time. But when I stop to consider my passenger, it makes a BIG difference in our relationship. Jesus and my wife BOTH deserve better!

When Katie got home early, we hurried to the truck and I opened the door for her… and SHE NOTICED!! “WOW… you cleaned your TRUCK!” It’s BEAUTIFUL!” she said. Reminding her to NEVER use that word for a man’s stuff, I was nonetheless pleased that she was pleased. Our grandson was the star of the show, we got to see family and the ride was MUCH more enjoyable. Could realizing that concept make me a genius????? Haaaa! See how easy it is to start another mess?  


“Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.” Jeremiah 17:7-8

One more time I was reminded as my wife said, “did you see the avocado tree? Its leaves are turning brown at the ends!” The answer was ‘Yes, I saw.” I had just noticed it the day before myself. In fact… I am SICK of noticing. That stupid tree is nothing but a big disappointment to the both of us. I wish we didn’t even have it!

We are growers of weeds. I have written about this so many times it is now a joke. But my wife likes plants and flowers… so she buys, or receives them from others…we plant them… they get diseases, bugs or die. If they could, they would unite and flee from our yard. In fact, I wish they would. If a plant has any value at all, and if it had a mouth, it would be SCREAMING, “NO…. DON’T PLANT ME THERE!!!!!!” If they COULD talk, they could TELL me what they needed to thrive.

Lots of people have LOTS of advice for how to grow plants. UNLIMITED advice can be found on the internet… I know, I look. But I am convinced that the majority of advice is just personal opinion. Because when applied, it either doesn’t work or it makes the situation worse. The SAME problem can be applied to ME. But in my case… I CAN talk!

There are areas in my life that produce brown tipped leaves and no fruit. I have invented, sought and tried opinionated advice from others at times, only to find that it only made MY situation WORSE. Truth be told, I have ALSO found that when I am heeding opinions, it is because I have not planted my roots near the stream of Jesus Christ. But I also have to admit… sometimes I LIKE it that way!

I have had conversations with folks lately that have opened up my eyes and made me look at myself. Richard Bach wrote, “argue for your limitations, and sure enough they’re yours!” If I take the time to really look at the fruit of my life, there are areas that SCREAM out to God, “NO…. DON’T PLANT ME THERE!!!!!!” Unfortunately then… He doesn’t!

The Bible verse today spoke VOLUMES to me. I CAN get PLANTED beside His Stream… BY Him… but only AFTER I have placed my trust and confidence IN HIM. Would you not agree that the person required to make to first move toward fruit-bearing has to be ME? OUCH! There is that Free-will thing that keeps coming up! And to change, I have to speak up AND be willing to be moved! Or I can just stay planted where I am!


“Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from Him.” Psalm 127:3

I have determined this year that Mother’s Day at our house is the first day of swimming season. Up until that time, the pool is too chilly and there have not been many reasons to get in. After church yesterday, we started getting phone calls from our kids telling us they were coming over. Before long, the pool area was flooded with people, toys and activity.

It has been a busy week and neither of us had anticipated a gathering. The house was a mess and the pool area had not been used since last fall. Soon old toys, deflated floaties and miscellaneous stuff was being used by kids as they played together in and around the cement pond! Swimming pool games like ‘Colors’ and ‘Marco Polo’ got dads into the water, as moms sat around and chatted. When night fell and the noise died, we looked around and saw the evidence that something HAD just happened here!

Mother’s Day is usually busy day, as kids gather around to honor the one who brought them into the world. It brings blessing, joy and ultimately WORK…as we meet needs, and afterward return things back to orderly and clean. But truth be told, families are almost NEVER orderly and clean. Wherever there are ‘people’ there is disorder, noise and need. It is to such a condition that God calls us to serve.

Not everybody likes the same food, drinks, games or activities. Ordering pizza for 12 is a long process of suggestion and compromise….”NO ANCHOVIES” seemed the only universal agreement. Kids play, fight, laugh and cry… and leave messes. At the end of the day, we are left with only 1 real question… “was it worth it?” Which is really no question at all.

Though I get tired at times, I am reminded that God loves PEOPLE. So much so, that no matter HOW many people happen to be together in one place, God is ALWAYS pushing for MORE! ‘Go get them and bring them in,’ He says over and over in His Word. Implied is the command to go, care, invest, give, reach, love and then do it again tomorrow. He ALWAYS calls us to be just like Him.

The more I yield my life to Him, the more God reveals to me that He is in the PEOPLE business. Praying for, or doing anything that is not an investment in people is simply a selfish waste of time. Which is TOUGH for people who like order, quiet, peace or their own way! The more we love His people, the more He will increase His reward of MORE of them to our fold. And isn’t that His point?

Lord… please send me to reach out to people who need YOU! No matter the cost!


“Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord.” Lamentations 3:40

Growing up in the family I did, shooting and guns have always been a hobby. Some people golf, play tennis or any number of things. I shoot. So it was with great anticipation that I went, with a fellow shooter, to the brand new indoor gun range in town. As soon as we entered the door, the sound and smell made me smile. This was going to be fun.

I don’t shoot that often, but enough. I have been having a problem with the site on my favorite target pistol, and have tried to adjust it myself… with no success. Since I was hitting the target with a pattern abut the size of a large coffee can at 21 feet… I didn’t see the site problem as that big of a deal. As we were about to leave, the gun shop owner asked about our experience.

When I told him HIS range was perfect, but that MY pistol site had to be off, he said, ”let me take a look at it,” I placed the pistol into his hands and he took it back to his shop where I could see him working on the issue. After a few minutes he returned it saying, “it wasn’t your site, it was your rail. I tightened it for you… no charge!” I was gratefully shocked.

I didn’t expect the rail to be a problem at all, so I had missed diagnosing the real problem myself. Furthermore, I do not expect an expert to do something for me for free. Overjoyed, I left the range the same way I came in… with a smile! Because the whole experience was enjoyable AND I had made a friend, I will return and bring friends with me.

It is a fact that the biggest problem I have in my life… is ME! I do NOT need ANY help in messing things up. I can do it all by myself. RARE is the time that I can actually, and permanently, FIX something that is a problem in my life. With MY eyes in MY head… the sites of MY life are usually focused on ME. It is when things go badly that I am forced to return to the one who KNOWS me and has MY best interests at heart. My God, being blessed by my admission that I am my own problem, can then do the detail work to set me straight. In my gratefulness, His response is like that of the range owner… “No charge! Please keep coming!”

To God, where I place my focus is ALWAYS a big deal. I don’t think I’ll wait so long to go to Him with my site-work next time.  


I read a couple things today that were too important not to pass on. The latest report from Open Doors shows that 245 million Christians around the world are being persecuted for their faith. Last year 4,136 people were murdered for being a Christian.  That’s 11 people a DAY! Sadly… In America… Jesus battles a different enemy. Please read below…

“Since we are all one body in Christ, we belong to each other, and each of us needs all the others.” Romans 12:5

YOUR BODY PARTS are getting together for a meeting. The chairperson, your hand, gripping a gavel, calls the meeting to order. In a surprise first piece of business, your big toes step to the podium and say, “We quit.”

“What are you talking about, Toes?” growls your belly.

“We’re tired of getting stepped on,” your big toes moan together.

“You are low guys on the totem pole,” injects the funny bone. Hand raps the gavel. “Order, please!”

“Order? Cheeseburger, please!” the funny bone howls. Hand motions to the ser¬geant-at-arms, who promptly twists the distracting member behind your back.

“I don’t like the sound of this, Toes,” the ears say. “How do you think you can get along without the rest of us?”

“We’ll run away,” Toes reply. “We can wriggle to wherever we want.”

“You won’t be able to see where you’re going,” observe the eyes.

“We’ll get by,” one toe insists. “We might even take some of our other toe friends with us. In fact, the feet feel the same way we do. They’ll probably hoof off with us too.”

The forehead wrinkles. Then your mouth speaks up. “Maybe you can get along without us, Toes, but we won’t make it without you. We count on you to keep us bal¬anced.”

“Because of you,” say the hands, “we can put our best feet forward.”

The toes wiggle at the outpouring of attention. “We do get a kick out of hanging out with the rest of you. Maybe we need each other more than we realized.”

“And that’s what I’ve been thinking all along,” the brain concludes.

Twentieth-century songsters Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel sang these immortal words written by Simon: “I am a rock, I am an island.” You probably have moments when that defiant strain of self-sufficiency wells to the surface. But seventeenth ¬century English poet John Donne wrote these wise words that better reflect reality:  “No man is an island, entire of itself.”

As much as you might try, you can never be completely independent. Even Jesus wanted fellowship, friendship, and prayer with his peers. Part of living sacrificially is admitting you need others and allowing others to need you.

You can’t love Jesus and be a quitter at the same time!  Adolescent teens are opting out of Church in greater numbers than ever before because parents are teaching and leading them by their example. Where do YOU stand?

Don’t be a quitter! i