“Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed–not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence–continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” Philippians 2:12
Yesterday was my birthday. So as my wife left the house for an appointment, her parting words to me were, “don’t do any work today!” My first reaction was a smile and a hearty “O.K.!” Right then and there I decided to ‘not’ write my usual “God Morning Words of the Day.” The second reaction I experienced was ‘surprise’ at my first reaction!
Years ago I started forwarding a favorite daily devotion to a few friends. After a while, I felt the urge to take the main premise of the devotion and to personalize it. The next step just kind of happened. I started writing my own devotional to folks in, and associated with, the Church family. That is how GMWOTD began… as a slow walk to a full journey. It was never intentional. Yesterday’s second reaction was a surprising conviction!
I had just read a devotional by Anne Graham Lotz, You know… Billy’s daughter? She had written that her ministry and duties grew into a huge thing that was taking her time at every turn. She admitted that she began to feel overwhelmed and tired. When she finally sat down and got honest with Jesus, He showed her that she was operating out of obligation… not love! HUH??? BILLY’S DAUGHTER???? Her message hit home!
Yesterday was my birthday. I said that. Not because I wanted to let you know… but because it woke me up. I have been going through a kind of rough patch. Something has been gnawing at me and I just have not been able to figure out what it is. That is until I read Anne’s message. One thing led to another and soon I heard Jesus voice telling me I have been leaning toward doing for RIGHT things for WRONG REASONS.
Remember the story of Mary & Martha? Martha was so busy working to feed Jesus and his crew, she started to get upset that Mary wasn’t helping. It hit a big snag when she ultimately complained about Mary’s sitting at His feet and not helping! Jesus informed her that Mary had CHOSEN the RIGHT thing! Which convicted ME!
No one, especially Jesus, asked or demanded that I write a daily devotional. Like a fun spiritual hobby that blessed me, it just kind of developed a duty with timelines, obligations and sometimes too much self effort! NONE of which was requested by Jesus. I had painted MYSELF into a corner and was ‘gnawing’ on MYSELF! This is my confession.
The verse above can easily be misinterpreted. Without verse 13, it becomes work and duty. Verse 13 says, “For it is God who works in you to will and to act on behalf of His good purpose.” My Birthday present from Jesus was simply this… “Do you LOVE ME FIRST… WITHOUT OBLIGATION?” All I can say is… “thank you for the great Birthday present Lord!!”