
“The heavens praise your wonders, LORD, your faithfulness too, in the assembly of the holy ones.” Psalm 89:5

Spring has sprung here in Florida and that means the weather is heating up. I just started noticing folks saying, “man it’s HOT out there!” So the countdown to October 15th, when it will start to cool again,begins! Going out on the front patio where Katie has flowers that take the full assault of the sun’s rays, I noticed that a few of her plants were bowing … I mean WILTING! I gave them a drink. This morning they have perked up with praise quite nicely.

I got to thinking about the differences between plants, animals and other created things. They were created by God to show off His glory… naturally! The sun doesn’t have to prepare anything special for today’s reveal. It just does what it does and VOILA! Flowers will wave their beauty without any extra effort. It is what they do. That is, unless we humans stick them in a pot and fail to care for them. But I am no flower!

Humans are unique beyond all other created things. We have been given a very special character trait that they do not experience. That is the CHOICE to rise and shine for their creator. Humans have been given the ability to reflect, or NOT reflect, God’s Glory. And each life does what it CHOOSES to do in regard to their Creator. Looking from the outside, it becomes apparent what choice each specimen has made.

In all of creation, there is NOTHING like mankind. Men and women have the ability to CHOOSE what they will do about their creator. Some choose to praise and reflect His life outwardly. Others have gone so far as to even DENY that there is a creator in the first place. But one thing is for sure. There is NOTHING in ALL of creation that God loves to hear from more than men and women who love to Glorify Him. NOTHING! Not even the Angels!

Today our family has a particular special interest and request of our Creator. He alone has the ability to grant our petition. Everything has been done that WE can do, now we sit and prayerfully praise and await His response. It is NOT the first time… and it certainly will NOT be the last. As the old patriarch of the family (that’s even funny to write) I am MOST pleased that EVERYONE of our family is committed to trusting and Glorying God… REGARDLESS of His answer!

There is NOTHING more Glorifying to God than total and joyful submission to His Will. ALL of us want the same thing… but ALL of us will accept and serve God REGARDLESS of the outcome. To arrive at THAT island of life is a HUGE blessing to both God AND our own lives. Now try THAT Mr. Potted Plant!


“In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9

Walking out into the dark garage last night, I opened the door and felt something fall onto my head… then onto my back. It wasn’t large enough to scare me, but it made me curious. When I looked on the floor I saw a rather large palmetto bug (roach to you northerners) crawling away under the refrigerator. The way it walked told me its future.

Bugs are just a way of life. Exterminators make a living by getting rid of unwanted pests. Living in Florida, and having seemingly more pests than most other areas, an extermination plan is necessary to KEEP the pesky pests out. There is a spray that I use that lasts up to 6 months. And since this wasn’t the first bug I’d seen in the last week, apparently it was time to apply it!

Being a human, I have lots of hopes, ideas and plans. Lately, since I haven’t been feeling well, I noticed a habit of becoming more critical of myself. Measuring myself against myself is not a good thing, since I am measuring MY OWN actionable achievements. But I am RE-learning that God generally sees MY WORKS as pests that have to go! He wants my HEART first… not my legs.

It has been explained to me that the spray commonly used for bugs leaves a residue that, to a bug, is like walking on razor-blades. Since bug blood does not have the ability to clot, it literally bleeds out onto the floor. Disgusting…. but effective! God has a way of establishing my life direction in a similar way when my direction is not according to HIS plan for me. It is best applied to the pathway of my life through prayer!

It may seem strange that God can, and does, use EVERYTHING. The evil that men do ultimately gets used to glorify God in His justice. When my direction, way or plan unravels in apparent failure or loss, God often uses those experiences to get my attention, forcing me to put my focus upon HIM. When I hit that razor bladed path, I have learned to cry out to Him for His hand and to WAIT upon Him. He can then direct my steps in the course that will be best for my life and ultimately bring Glory to Himself.

One of the greatest realizations I discover when I am flat on my back, kicking and screaming, is that there truly IS a loving God… and I am not Him! I rediscover HIS patience, love and Grace toward me and trust that His directions for my life will be the best path to follow.

It is not fun to be in a position where I am sick, discouraged, sad or melancholy. But like a big bug falling on my head in the dark, it CAN and SHOULD cause me to become curious. It is at those difficult, but precise times, that God is calling me to pause and cry out…”it’s time to sPRAY!”



“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2:9

Twice in the same day I heard these words, “I will call you back tomorrow,” from 2 different people. One was my son. The other was an official in the local government. The clock has done what the clock does… tick tick tick… and 36 hours have passed. Neither one did what they had said they would do. But I am ONLY upset at ONE of them. And no… it is not my son!

Having had 4 kids myself I COMPLETELY appreciate being busy with family. I had called my son while he was in the middle of a busy weekend family event. I understood that “I’ll call you tomorrow,” was simply a way of saying, “I can’t talk now.” The Government Official represents me and was going to call on an important matter that only HE can rectify. He gets paid from the coffers into which I pay taxes, so in essence… he WORKS for me. But this time… he didn’t!

There is a fancy word that God uses to describe all believers in Christ. The word ”ekklesia” is a combination of 2 words that means “called out.” The word ‘chosen’ replaces it in the NIV version of the Bible, but it does not change the meaning. If you are a ‘called out’ member of God’s Family by being ‘Born Again,’ you ARE a part of ‘The Chosen’ or the ‘Called Out’ ones!’ And yes… you may ‘carefully’ puff out your chest at the honor! But the title ”ekklesia” comes with a responsibility.

Through the years the word ”ekklesia” has come to mean ‘assembly’ or ‘church.’ In that confusion, it would be easy to associate oneself with a group of people that happen to meet at a certain address at a certain time. The problem with that definition of CHURCH is, when problems arise within her, sometimes attendees choose, or feel free, to ‘no longer participate!’ A BIG no-no from God!

Being a special possession of God requires reflecting His Light! Being ‘chosen, holy and royal’ demands that we serve HIS interests HIS way,…ALL the time! The New Testament provides LOTS of requirements for members of this elite calling. Expectations of love, service, forgiveness and dedication are just a few. Staying home is never an option, since being a PART of a body requires BEING a part of a body. The title comes with the expectation that EVERYONE who is a part will work to MAKE ‘the body’ WONDERFUL!

Too often ‘Church’ gets a bad rap because the world can never understand the HIGH calling of God. The title alone guarantees that God’s arch-enemy, satan, has painted a target on her back. If YOU are one of ‘The Called,’ you can assume that satan has his sights on you too. The ONLY way to keep from being attacked like a straggling sheep is to stick together. The key word being ‘together!’

If you are sitting home on a Sunday morning instead of going to ‘The Meeting’ of the ‘Called Out’ ones, the Bible, being God’s Word, should have you asking yourself if you really ARE one of ‘The Called!”

There is NO such a thing as a sniper for Jesus! God is calling YOU! And that makes you SPECIAL! Noblesse oblige.


For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live. Romans 8:13

Yesterday I received 2 notices I had not anticipated. Only 1 of them cost me money… though I was HAPPY to pay! The first one came as a text from an unknown phone number which simply asked, “Hey is this Kenneth?” The next one was from my insurance company reminding me that my premiums are now due. After paying almost $2000, I breathed a sigh of relief!

The only thing WORSE than NOT getting a call from my insurance agent… is NOT getting a call from my insurance agent! I don’t pay a lot of attention to the date my premiums are due, so I have an agreement with my agent that if I miss a notice, they will call me. I was grateful for the reminder because I MAY have missed the cut off date. It doesn’t bother me that the ONLY time I hear from my agent is when money is due. As for that text… and since I NEVER go by that name, ‘no…this is not him!’

The Bible is FULL of important NOTICES! Having concluded a Bible study last night on Moses with the CONDITIONS Israel had to fulfill IF they wanted to have a relationship with God, I asked if there were any such conditions on Christians? “Go search for the if’s!” I suggested. In today’s verse, there are 2. For the ‘once saved always saved’ club members, of which I am a lifetime member, ‘IF’ CAN be a scary sign. The ‘NOTICE’ implies, and expects, just that kind of emotion.

Walking with God is meant to be just that… a walk! It is a journey that starts with repentance and receiving His New Life… but continues on THROUGH the rest of my life. When lived correctly, arrival in Heaven is not a surprise but an expectation. Along the way, God, through His Word, leaves notices that help us to affirm we are on the right track… AND His notices point us in the continued right direction. A Believer will ultimately be GRATEFUL when they see a NOTICE! Even if it first points out a danger.

The Bible Notice I just read today forces me to evaluate my life. Am I living it to please my flesh or my spirit? Like the sign, “Bridge Out,” it is MEANT to stop me on purpose. It isn’t pointing out that every little detail of my life is to be perfect. It is simply a road marker verifying if I am on the right course. If most of my thoughts and actions concern my own pleasure and selfishness, then I am put on Notice that I am in BIG trouble!

I remember years ago when I received my drivers license. I was never really nervous at the wheel… UNLESS one of my parents was sitting in the passenger seat! When they were, I carefully and cautiously watched EVERY detail of what I was doing. When I signed up with ‘Team Jesus,’ He PERMANENTLY moved into that very seat. The question I have to consider is this, ‘am I bothered that He is ALWAYS there?’

Let’s ride!!!! 


“Knowing their thoughts, Jesus said, “Why do you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts? “Matthew 9:4

I finally had it yesterday! I simply could not do one more day like the previous 5. Having caught a nasty virus or bug, I was absolutely SICK of being sick! I needed to get out… to DO something. I was not at full capacity, but hanging out in a dark room had taken its toll. I needed to get out into the sunshine and at least feel like I accomplished something. So I did!

Thankfully I live in the Sunshine State. When I had felt REALLY bad, I didn’t even WANT to SEE the sun. Looking outside actually made me FEEL bad on the inside. Since my disposition was NOT bright, I preferred the darkness. This was changing… which I knew was a good sign! I got a trash can and headed to the yard to sit in the grass in the sunshine. My yard has been full of weeds, a minor matter that suddenly seemed to REALLY matter, since I usually HATE pulling weeds!

I rarely ever do work without listening to music. Depending on the mood, I will listen to country, Top 40, oldies or Elvis (yes he is a choice by himself). Yesterday, my dark mood on full display. It was a day when I REALLY needed a touch from Jesus. So I set my Ipod on ‘Favorite Christian’ and sat down in hope. I needed to spend time IN the sun…WITH The Son. Just Jesus and me! As I pulled weeds, the songs of His Truth poured into my heart and mind… leaving traces down my cheeks. Jesus was at work too when finally, the Light went on!

Depending on the situation, the heart and mind will compete for top dog. I personally believe that my mind is FAR too easily pleased. It will settle on a piece of candy just to satisfy the nag. The heart though, it seems to me, needs more evidence. But whether for good or evil, when the mind and heart become 1, big things happen. Sometimes with devastating results.

I notice when my body is sick, my mind joins in. Soon, the heart is influenced and there seems little that can be done… except to be miserable. Unless something happens to bring hope or light into the darkness, darkness remains. For me, missing the Light was enough. Joy found its way into my heart and my mind followed.

This Bible verse comes from the story of the paralytic healing. After his friends got him to Jesus through the roof, Jesus said, “Take heart son, your sins are forgiven.” A clear indication that sin and sickness are close partners. But not everyone in the crowd loved the message. After Jesus chided the discontent, He sent the man out the door, WALKING to his HOME. His body, mind and heart were all one from the ‘Son’shine!

Are you down, discontent, sick, sinful or living in the dark? Know that the Son is always ready to show you a brighter today. Even if it has to get dark first! What are you setting YOUR mind and heart on??


“Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah (Peter), for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.”

“Jesus turned and said to Peter, ‘Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.'” Matthew 16: 17 & 23

I went to bed last night with hope. I awoke, tried to breath through my nose, said a few words out loud then walked to bathroom. It wasn’t looking good! The Bible says, ‘Hope differed makes the heart sick.” And I was! This is day 6 of a nasty cold, or something, that I just can’t seem to shake. You know… and you remember… because you have been here too! My morning ritual confirmed that I am not out of the woods yet! What I WANTED and what I GOT are 2 different things!

I can think of nothing more humbling than illness. When healthy, life is good and choices are endless. Illness brings with it doubt, weakness, disappointment and a strange sense of failure. I am reminded that I am NOT that strong and that, in reality, I can fix almost NOTHING. I am a finite being, capable of being destroyed by a microscopic parasite! But… what is this HOPE thing that I cling too?

The 2 verses above we spoken to Peter by Jesus within 6 verses of each other. The first one is a blessing that God had revealed something to Peter that Peter could NEVER have received on his own. The 2nd one is a curse, received the exact same way! And Peter is confused. 1 moment dominated by God… the next… by satan. Living on the sick and dying Earth, you know that feeling too! But don’t get depressed! There is MORE to the story!

When I am not well I become introspective. I talk to God more, ask more and seek more. I thank God for family and friends who lay no more pressure on me than to ‘take it easy and get rest.’ That ‘time and God are on MY side.’ As I read and listen for God’s voice, I CAN hear that He is trying to tell me something. So I read and listen even more. The red letters AFTER Jesus says these 2 statements to Peter give me a clue as to what He wants me to see.

Matthew 16:24 says, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.“ In Peter’s case he literally DID… being hung on a cross upside down! The bold challenge of Matthew 16:25 brings the harshness of the decision to my own doorstep! Jesus goes on to say, “For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.” If Jesus is serious, then I realize He isn’t interested as much in healing my sickness as He is in seeing me DEAD! SHOCKING stuff!

There is nothing more I want than to FEEL better. But I hear God whispering to me that ’feeling better’ is overrated! He has a MUCH better life for me if I will just quit being so whiny and selfish and turn it ALL over to Him. He reminds me AGAIN that He is NOT interested in a Co-op. He wants a TOTAL INVASION! This sickness is showing me that what I’ve GOT is NOT what God wants me to HAVE! But what my Flesh WANTS… is NOT what I am going to GET! After listening to Him, that is OK with me! 


“We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.” Colossians 1:28 BSB

My granddaughter sat at the counter eating a crunchy snack. When the bag was empty, she started to play a game with the crumb, using her hands to sweep them all into a pile. “How thoughtful of her,” I thought. Then she swept the pile right onto the kitchen floor! My wife had just cleaned them 2 hours before! I was horrified and corrected her actions by admonishing her for trashing her grandmother’s recent hard work! A little guilt might help??? Or so I thought.

Later, we were at a restaurant and again, the whole scene played out like a scene from the Twilight Zone. I watched with interest as she gathered a small pile of breadcrumbs together in front of her. Without even looking my direction, she quickly swept them right onto the carpet… with ZERO remorse, I might add! In shock again, I appealed to her sympathetic side by explaining someone ELSE will now have to clean up HER mess. Even now, I am not sure if the teaching moment made a difference.

Around the world at various times I am sure there have been peasants who were executed by tyrants for lesser offenses. Lawbreakers and the inconsiderate shared the same fate. Death, banishment, hard labor, beatings and prison are penalties for infractions of any kind. While 1 or 2 of those options may have appealed to me at that moment, all I could do was shake my head with a smirk. After all, she IS my Granddaughter! I paid for her meal.

The only thing harder than ‘being good’ is to try to teach someone ELSE how to ‘be good.’ Because of SO much bad, the system seems rigged for failure. Holding up a list of rules seems to make things WORSE… not better. Enter God, the original ‘Rule Maker!’ He DEMANDED that men be PERFECT if we want to be on His team. 2/3rds through the play, everyone in the room was SHOCKED when He tore up the script!

It is an impossible task to teach people, who are already guilty of being bad, to behave. Guilt had only 1 consequence… punishment. But when God sent His Son to PAY for guilty, Teachers became Preachers of a New Gospel. And the new script? “It isn’t about what you DO… it is about who’s you ARE!

I love my granddaughter. I want everyone ELSE to love her too. With that in mind, I work to instill qualities that will help in that regard. But regardless of what anyone else thinks or believes, she IS MY GRANDDAUGHTER. My love for her makes me choose to see her… perfect! Which is exactly how God sees her! The lessons WILL continue because she is related to me! Crumbs and all!


“God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness (The Law), which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross.” Colossians 2:13-14

I received a certified letter for Ken McCay that looked official. It stated new evidence had been discovered that Mr. McCay was guilty of causing a multiple car crash on U.S. 41. Instructions for the court date and time, as well as a warning of severe penalties for failure to appear, actually made me laugh! You see, Ken McCay was my father. And he has been dead for years!

I supposed I could go dig him up from his resting place out behind the church, since I know exactly where his remains are. But I think it would be a major waste of energy. No matter the judge, jury or prosecutor, they will NEVER make the charges stick! When he died, he became FREE from the wrath of the Law! They couldn’t even dismiss the case… because there IS NO case!

Satan is a cunning, yet defeated foe! He has no power The verse above clearly states that “God forgave us ALL our sins!” It goes on to say that he then DESTROYED the very definition of sin (the Commandments) by nailing them to the Cross with Christ! Even if a reasonable charge of murder could be made against a believer, God the Father, and Judge, would respond… “What is murder!?” Not only are Christians FREE.. We are FREE INDEED!

Guilt and shame are powerful tools in the hands of our adversary. Fortunately, there is not a speck of truth to the charges. But if satan can get you to BELIEVE you are a filthy sinner deserving of punishment, then he can literally steal your joy and ability to live a victorious life. While his charges are false, they CAN be effective. A soldier who accidentally shoots himself in the foot during battle is just as useless as a dead soldier who took a fatal shot to the head.

Grace is a BIG word. MUCH bigger than we can even realize or imagine. When I go to the beach there is usually a little child who is setting near the water digging a hole in the sand. He giggles and laughs as the hole fills with water. “Look mommy, I made an ocean!” Such is the case of the believer who tries to EARN God’s forgiveness by good works motivated by guilt. The OCEAN is VASTLY larger than anything WE can even imagine or build. All we need to do is SWIM in it!

That notice for Ken McCay? I threw it in the trash with a smirk! If they want my dad, let them come get him! I have more important things to focus on.     


“The former regulation (The Mosaic law) is set aside because it was weak and useless (for the law made nothing perfect), and a better hope (Jesus’ Grace) is introduced, by which we draw near to God.” Hebrews 7:18-19

My quick run to get something from my truck was impeded when I heard the sound of the riding lawnmower in the next yard. Looking toward the sound, I saw Willy… and he saw me. As I started toward him, he stopped under a shade tree and turned off the engine. I hadn’t spoken with him in a while and it was time to catch up.

Willy cuts lawns in the neighborhood so we don’t talk very long. Quickly sifting through greetings, Jesus stuff and landing at trivial matters, we somehow got to talking about ethanol fuel and just how the corn produced alcohol additive can damage an engine. How did the government come to mandate such a ridiculous idea? A little research revealed that it was politicians, farmers and tree huggers!

In 2001 the EPA and farm lobby concocted the idea mandating ethanol. It satisfied the greed of farmers looking for a way to make more money from forced growing of corn. It gave the EPA and excuse as they pressed to clean up air pollution. Having grown up in Pittsburgh in the 50’s and 60’s, I compared the air to then and in 2001 and concluded that most people had NO idea of what air pollution really was. So for 18 years, Americans have been living with the damage ethanol can do to a weed-eater!

If I made you upset at the former paragraphs… I have your attention. Now I am going to add fuel to the fire. Since the birth of the Church, satan and controlling wackos have been messing with your Christian roots, mixing the Mosaic Law with Grace, FORCING you to gum up your life with legalistic muck. In the effort to sabotage you, they use the Old Commandments to make people feel guilty, pointing to the old system of do’s and don’t s for corrective action. But Jesus tells us to not fall for it!

Telling a legalizer that the Old Testament Law was ‘weak and useless’ is like stabbing at a sleeping, junk-yard dog. In an effort to win an argument they may get loud and vicious… but they will not have any Biblical grounds on which to stand. This verse, and others like it, prove the point.

The Old Law PROVED that I was a sinner in need of a Savior. But that is ALL it did. It had ZERO ability to save me, since it simply proved my failure. Jesus came, fulfilled the requirements of the Law and paid it’s penalty on my behalf. I am SAVED by Grace through Faith… PERIOD. It is a FREE GIFT which I may either receive or reject. It is just that simple!

Over the years I have thrown away weed-eaters and chainsaws because of damage due to Ethanol laced fuel. In the world and the church, FAR too many people have been damaged by the lie that to get to heaven you have to BE GOOD… which is impossible! Jesus came and CLEARLY threw out that old ‘ weak and useless system and now says, “to get to heaven… you simply have to BE MINE!”

What are YOU running on?