“My suffering was good for me, for it taught me to pay attention to your decrees.” Psalm 119:71 NLT
I had my day planned and hit it with excited anticipation. The first couple parts went well. Then the phone rang! The septic tank at the house, where my Daughter and family are temporarily staying, had backed up and overflowed into the bathroom!! While I might have shown sympathy and gone on with my day, that septic system actually belongs to ME! Therefore… while it was an inconvenience to THEM… the problem was still MINE!
I have talked about this before. Last year when it happened my personal plumber, who loves me very much, told me that the pipe running underground between the house and the septic system needed to be replaced. We haggled about him doing it but had never set a firm commitment. He graciously showed up, reminded me of the problem, cleaned it out AGAIN…then handed me the bill and some advice…‘Hi Ho SILVER!!! replace that pipe!” When I balked at his repeated diagnosis… he laughed at me and said, “I thought you had fixed this problem it yourself! But because I like you, I promise to come back every time you call!”
Overflow from a septic system can be related to sin in one’s heart. It can ALSO be used as a symbol of suffering, hardship, grief or any number of other things that we do not like to see in our lives. The first couple times this happened was exploratory and evaluation. After discovery, it became a reminder of something not done. In my busyness, I had subconsciously decided to ignore the problem. Apparently I hoped it might go away with a wish…or a prayer! Haaaaa! Not so!
One of my visits yesterday had ended in conversation about God and His ways. While it is true that He can miraculously heal, repair, bless and rise us above our difficulties, His NORMAL method of operation is to give us direction and courage to face our problems and tackle them head on, HIS way and in HIS strength. A method not quite as convenient to the suffering.
Right now there are about a half dozen families in our church facing physical, mental and spiritually demanding issues more serious than a backed up septic system. As I speak with them I recognize the enormity of their pain and empathize with the struggle that is still forthcoming. While I pray for a miracle, I recognize the odds are on the slower process of healing that comes when we lean on Him and go THROUGH the yuck of life. Suffering has value!
It is good for me to be reminded that God is building us (and me) up to become HIS servant warrior. In retrospect, this ain’t no vacation and God ain’t my pool boy! It’s time to get out the shovel!