
My suffering was good for me, for it taught me to pay attention to your decrees.” Psalm 119:71 NLT

I had my day planned and hit it with excited anticipation. The first couple parts went well. Then the phone rang! The septic tank at the house, where my Daughter and family are temporarily staying, had backed up and overflowed into the bathroom!! While I might have shown sympathy and gone on with my day, that septic system actually belongs to ME! Therefore… while it was an inconvenience to THEM… the problem was still MINE!

I have talked about this before. Last year when it happened my personal plumber, who loves me very much, told me that the pipe running underground between the house and the septic system needed to be replaced. We haggled about him doing it but had never set a firm commitment. He graciously showed up, reminded me of the problem, cleaned it out AGAIN…then handed me the bill and some advice…‘Hi Ho SILVER!!! replace that pipe!” When I balked at his repeated diagnosis… he laughed at me and said, “I thought you had fixed this problem it yourself! But because I like you, I promise to come back every time you call!”

Overflow from a septic system can be related to sin in one’s heart. It can ALSO be used as a symbol of suffering, hardship, grief or any number of other things that we do not like to see in our lives. The first couple times this happened was exploratory and evaluation. After discovery, it became a reminder of something not done. In my busyness, I had subconsciously decided to ignore the problem. Apparently I hoped it might go away with a wish…or a prayer! Haaaaa! Not so!

One of my visits yesterday had ended in conversation about God and His ways. While it is true that He can miraculously heal, repair, bless and rise us above our difficulties, His NORMAL method of operation is to give us direction and courage to face our problems and tackle them head on, HIS way and in HIS strength. A method not quite as convenient to the suffering.

Right now there are about a half dozen families in our church facing physical, mental and spiritually demanding issues more serious than a backed up septic system. As I speak with them I recognize the enormity of their pain and empathize with the struggle that is still forthcoming. While I pray for a miracle, I recognize the odds are on the slower process of healing that comes when we lean on Him and go THROUGH the yuck of life. Suffering has value!

It is good for me to be reminded that God is building us (and me) up to become HIS servant warrior. In retrospect, this ain’t no vacation and God ain’t my pool boy! It’s time to get out the shovel!


I will strike her children dead. Then all the churches will know that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds.” Revelation 2:23

After a week of rain we found ourselves riding the Goldwing on a remote road further south of us. We were lollygagging along when my wife placed her hand on my shoulder. Katie is never 100% relaxed when riding on the motorcycle. So I knew her hand on my shoulder was NOT a sign of affection. I responded… “Yes?” She said, “There’s a car coming up behind us that wants to pass!” Having already seen it, I simply responded, “I know.”

There HAVE times when the back seat alerted me to something I HADN’T seen… yet. Out of fear, she’s pretty ‘quick on the draw’ when ANY sort of danger pops up. I really don’t mind at all and have to admit that I DO drive a bit more carefully when she is with me. Keeping her as comfortable as possible is the ONLY way to guarantee she will ride with me in the future. So when her hand moves, I always respond.

The very first sentence of today’s verse is from the mouth of God! If it causes you shock… it is supposed to. If you are offended… too bad! Jesus is the Master and HE is warning of significant danger ahead. Failure to yield to His warning is going to be catastrophic! It comes with being a parent. If there is a chance that something I do might get my children killed, I WILL pay MORE attention than if it was just me. Pastor’s too, have ‘built in’ warning devices that are meant to ‘sound off’ when sheep begin to stray. Let me just say this…”my bells have been going off!”

Years ago there was a bumper sticker that read, “God is my co-pilot.” A later one came out, “If God is your co-pilot… change seats.” The longer I serve Him the more I see that the first one nails it! “I” am the driver of our relationship. I mean, let’s face it! If HE were driving, I wouldn’t have to be warned or informed! This verse WARNS me that what is up ahead is NOT a fender bender!

It is amazing the excuses I get from people who consistently do not show up to Church or adjust their lives according to Biblical principles. After multiple warnings, time increases awkwardness until finally, no excuse is even given! Reminders that are ignored are VERY dangerous signs. The final thoughts, “you don’t HAVE to go to Church or read the Bible to be a Christian,” lights up the dash with flashes and bells on full alert! And Jesus, who whispers behind His servant… finally goes silent!

What goes through my mind and heart is continually being evaluated by The Master. His final words should strike fear and action on the part of any true sheep. “I will repay you according to your deeds.” It is a final warning meant to elicit a real response. We are all on the VERY short trip called life. Our Master and Creator desires us to get where HE wants us to go. These dangerous days find Him SCREAMING warnings into our ears, minds and hearts. The only question left is… will we respond?


Remember the command that Moses the servant of the Lord gave you after he said, ‘The Lord your God will give you rest by giving you this land.’” Joshua 1:13

I was a bad boy yesterday! At least that’s how I felt! Coming off what I felt was a good Wednesday night church… I was spent. I awoke Thursday to a dark and dreary morning. It is rainy season here and… it’s raining! It felt like I was back up north on a cold, gray winter’s morning! I was ‘up…’ but certainly wasn’t ‘at ‘em!’ My ‘get‘ up and go’ had ‘got up and went!’ So I went back to bed, knowing full well that a lot of folks in my church HAD to get up and GO GO GO! But lo… even my own GUILT failed as a motivator!

The word ‘lethargic’ means sluggish and apathetic. Looking up the definition, one site used it in a sentence adding… ‘We are often in this state!” I don’t like this state! It makes me feel like a failure! Added to my curse was my lovely wife! She is like the ‘Energizer Bunny! ‘zing, zing, zing!’ I wanted to kill her! Which took the word ‘apathetic’ to an even DARKER corner than where I lay! I was in a place I didn’t WANT to be, but was CHOOSING to STAY THERE! Just like Gad!

The Bible verse today, when read by itself, looks like a good one. Until we read verse 12 before it. God was leading the Children of Israel to ‘The Promised Land!’ Along the way, the tribe of Gad, along with 2 others, looked around at where they were, called a meeting and proclaimed, “good enough! We wanna stay here!” Sadly, and maybe because they were in that state of mind, God couldn’t really get them to care enough to move on! So He let them live there!

The Old Testament is like a picture book. It paints bold pictures of deep truths later found in the New Testament. This particular story has many chapters. “Grow up! Don’t settle! Faith not works! Trust and obey!” are just a few. If I wasn’t lethargic I could probably make a longer list! But alas… ‘Oh Victory in Jesus,’ has succumbed to ‘Jesus I Am Resting, Resting!’

There is a very good chance that YOU are familiar with this particular devotion! But like in the definition… I don’t care! This is all about ME! The novel phrase, “any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental,” applies! I SHOULD have been singing, rejoicing and break-dancin’ for Jesus. Instead, having morphed from “war-ship’ to ‘dinghy,’ I simply floated where the waves took me! My problem NOW is this… It’s FRIDAY and it’s still raining!

It is true that I am beating myself up! But sometimes it does become necessary. Stringing a few days like this together can EASILY become a lifestyle CHOICE. Just like the one Gad and the boys made. It is unreasonable to expect NO days spent in the ‘Land of Lethargy.’ It is UNACCEPTABLE to choose to LIVE there! Therefore, guilt CAN become a very good motivator. I think that is why God gave it to us! I must remember that SETTLING for ANYTHING that God did not intend for me to have… is DANGEROUS!      I’m awake now!


For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:10

I was looking forward to the appointment scheduled with my Audiologist. The hearing devices I have are top notch! They actually have the ability to sync with my cell phone where a program lies at my fingertips to adjust my ‘ears’ to any given situation! Like the other day when I was around a pack of screaming kids. I was irritated only as long as it took to open my app! With a touch of a button I immediately tuned all that noise out! Pretty cool huh? Oh… and my ‘ears’ can do other things as well!

When I got my ‘ears’ I was told that there is a program written for the Apple iPhone that allows phone calls to be heard directly through them. Furthermore, when syncing by way of Bluetooth, I can play my favorite music right into my ‘ears’ from my iPhone. The problem is, I don’t own an iPhone! I have an Android! BUT… there is an extra gizmo I can get to make it work with my Android. Thus my excitement to see my Doctor.

There was a learning curve to the new device, but we finally had it working. I attached the enclosed lanyard and hung the new device around my neck and left for home HOPING someone would soon call me. When I got home, I took it off and showed my wife, explaining what it could do. We got to talking about HER day when it finally happened. My phone rang! But I couldn’t find my gizmo! Within 5 minutes I had laid it down… and LOST it!

I have written about this very passage before. It is one of my favorites. The ‘Lord of the Universe’ showed up, in person, among the religious elite in an attempt to clearly spell out God’s agenda. The noise from their protests forced Jesus to shout out the message in a God infused 1 liner… “the Son of Man came to seek and to save THE LOST!” He created a stir!

The word ‘lost’ here does NOT mean misplaced. It means destroyed, ruined or broken beyond repair! In looking at a picture of someone lost in a darkened woodland, there is still hope. For mankind, the situation was more like being a crushed turtle, under truck tires, on hot pavement! NO HOPE! THAT is the picture Jesus was portraying here. The extent of the word ‘LOST’ gets lost in translation!

You and I are NOT some cool ‘gizmo’ that God finds cute and wants to have around. I carry within me the DNA of the ‘Lord of the Universe!’ And He wants me BACK! He will go to ANY length necessary to seek, find and attempt a restoration rescue. But in EVERY case where His hand reaches, it stops before the hand He finds. The NEXT 6 inches, and grasp, must be made by the choice of the potentially rescued!

Jesus Christ is calling YOU… DON’T be a gizmo!


Come and hear, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me.” Psalm 66:16

Yesterday, as I was getting dressed, I grabbed a pair of shorts that I hadn’t worn is quite a while. Pulling them on I tried to button them. After sucking in my stomach I succeeded, only to feel very uncomfortable. I had to admit that there was NO way that this was going to work! Facing reality, I resolved to DO something about it and, without hesitation, I boldly ‘cut off’ the button and headed to my wife’s sewing drawer!

In 64 years I have attempted sewing on a button all of about 3 times. I felt strangely exhilarated! I was going to try something NEW! I found needle and thread and got started. Exhilaration soon slid beside frustration as 64 year old eyes, WITH reading glasses ,attempted to thread the needle. 5 minutes later.. success! Now it was time to sew!

When I was a kid my mom bought a ‘Ronco Buttoneer.’ It was a fine gadget that inserted a plastic fastener to anything needing a button. I remembered the excitement as I ran around asking, “who needs a button?” Current research revealed that the ‘Buttoneer,’ as a product, no longer exists! Feeling strangely sad, I ‘harrumphed’ and continued to sew by hand thinking, ‘what is this world coming to?’

When my wife got home, like a little kid, I told her what I had done, about the disappointment in not finding the ‘Ronco’ tool and then I showed her the shorts. Examining my work, she rolled her eyes and said, “You HAVE a ‘Buttoneer!’ It’s ME! Next time ASK…fatty!” HAAAAA she is SO cute!

There are some things best left to people who know what they are doing. Seamstresses sew, teachers teach, preachers spread the Good News… right? Not really!! This golden nugget today illustrates that EVERYONE who knows God should be a PROFESSIONAL in speaking about what God has done for THEM! If Jesus Christ has saved and now lives in YOU, it should be easy and exhilarating to share your experience with others. After all, YOU are an EXPERT in your own experience.

Telling others about what God has done for you requires no special tools and requires no expertise. It is simply an act of the will. And ANYONE can be a storyteller. All it takes is a touch from the Master’s hand and VOILA!!!… we have the ability to sing His praises. But sometimes folks allow their own comfort to cloud their own routine. How sad!

When I got back to reality, I looked inside those same shorts and read the tag… ‘Size 32!’ I haven’t worn a ‘size 32’ in 15 years! I SHOULD have simply thrown them away! Instead, I tried too hard to ‘improve’ something that doesn’t fit ME. When it comes to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ, all I need to do is simply tell MY story! After all… MY story is the one that fits ME the best!


Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” John 6:68

I hadn’t started or ridden my motorcycle in 6 weeks. It has been too hot to ride and I had been gone for much of that time. I had replaced the battery about a year ago, but still approached the 1000 lb paper weight with honest trepidation. I turned the key and… nothin! Then the difficulty started!

To get to the battery charger required moving a large portion of my garage to get to where it was stored. Because the adapter to simply ‘plug it in’ was not attached, I had to removed the seat, which required a special tool I had placed… somewhere! After 15 minutes I found something that would work, and with much effort and sweat… got busy. Putting it all back together required an extra day, as I had spent more time and energy than it should have required. I was now in hyper-frustration mode and needed to detox!

This has been a tough year! My whole family has had 1 great big, huge prayer request for over a year. ALL of us have been storming the gates of heaven, praying together, for ONE particular request. I can’t remember ever praying this hard for anything. During this time we have experienced the difficulties of trials, the pain of death and the let-downs of discouragement. Yesterday we found out that the ONE thing we have been eagerly praying for, isn’t going to happen this year…!

Jesus Christ, who is God and 1/3rd of the Trinity, knows the feeling of discouragement. He had come to proclaim the Kingdom of God and watched as the masses turn away from the offer. In disappointment, He asked one of His top followers HIS position. We have Peter’s answer in today’s verse. He was saying, ‘”Since I don’t see any other choice…..!”

I USED to get mad at God. I mean REALLY ANGRY! My father had taught me that getting verbal with God, even UGLY, was O.K., since God knew how I felt anyway! He told me that ANY communication with God was better than none! He was right! God was ALWAYS there when I ran out of steam… loving, caring, consoling. How can I stay mad at God after THAT? NOW… I just kind of feel like ol Peter, “where else am I gonna go?”

It seems that the only thing that changes over the years is the amount of time it takes to go from let-down to up-lift! This whole experience has proven again, that MY God is bigger than anything else. It is time for our clan to start praying for another year! To look FORWARD, in HIS strength. Cuz…. “where else are we gonna go?” Wink wink!


Is not my word like as a fire? says the Lord; and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?” Jeremiah 23:29

were in scouts or Sunday School as a kid, you may remember this song… “It only takes a spark, to get a fire going.” Yea… me too! I’m older now, and having built HUNDREDS of fires in my life, I can tell you that there is LITTLE truth to the song. If I had to bet on the possibility of a fire from a small spark, I’d bet it highly unlikely. Almost a MIRACLE even! Let me explain.

For several weeks during the summer, our family sits outside at night around a campfire. The REASON we have a fire is twofold. 1. Everyone likes and wants one. And 2. ‘I’ am the guy that has the job of building it. I can tell you emphatically that building a fire is a learned skill. Not everyone knows how.

Kids, especially boys, love fires. They’re always trying to get away with sticking something in, or throwing a big log on. I’m the guy that usually tells them to ‘knock it off!’ Fires are not toys! As they get older, it is not uncommon for them to ask permission to build a fire themselves. I never have a problem with the request. Because “I” know that ‘wanting’ and ‘doing’ are 2 completely different things. A couple pieces of paper, a lighter and a log… do NOT a fire make! And don’t even MENTION a simple spark! After failure, a class in fire building brings wanted attention!

Fires are work. You have to have a clean pit, air intake, paper or tinder, and increasing sizes of sticks and wood to succeed. When assembled correctly, it is not hard to light a fire with a single strike of a match. The KEY is in the BUILDING. And building a good fire takes time to learn.

Here comes the simile. God is like a Campfire! Everybody wants to hang out with Him and enjoy the warm glow of His Spirit. Sitting around a fire singing Kumbaya has marvelous appeal. But a vibrant faith is much like a fire. It takes time, skill and desire to actually build a good strong one.

There are numerous warnings in the Bible about fire. The one thing that is best remembered about fire is that it is one of God’s favored tools. That alone may make you rather unsettled. It should! Jesus said in Mark 9:49 that, “Everyone will be salted with fire!” If you suddenly have become nervous, good! Because He meant it. The statement means that all of your life’s plans, achievements, hopes and desires will be tested by the fire of God to see if what remains will be Godly. If one has lived a life of selfishness without God, nothing will be left after the flames. If one seeks to know God and His will for their lives, following His will will certainly prove lasting.

Reading God’s Word, applying it, praying, being a functioning member of His Church in service and love is not an accident. It’s an ‘on purpose.’ And you already KNOW if you are doing it. The work and heart you put into finding and doing His will give you continued confidence that when He strikes His match… you will BOTH enjoy what the flames reveal. Got it Sparky??


I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.” Ephesians 3:17-18

If ‘a picture says a thousands words,’ then THIS one has plenty of stories to tell. Up in the mountains there are old back dirt roads that seem to go on forever. One crosses another etc. etc. Along these roads there are ‘camps’ or ‘cabins’ that have been there for years. Getting to them easily can be tough. For several owners, the fastest way to get to their place is to ‘ford’ the creek. If the rains have swollen it’s banks, it can be a LONG and BUMPY ride around the mountains.

Our clan had been riding those muddy trails for over an hour, ending up at the ford. Pulling into the water about a foot deep, the 3 fathers looked and pondered. Finally one asked the inevitable question… “D’ya think we can make it?” Silence hung in the air until our most experienced dad simply took off, leaving the words in his wake, “let’s see!”

Running creeks are interesting. Especially when they are flowing fast. Even when the water is clear, you can SEE the rocks and the deep parts. But there is really NO way of determining HOW deep those parts really are… until you GET IN! In this Bible verse, Brother Paul is writing to us about the vast river of the Love of God… from the OTHER side! Like OUR experienced ‘Father Todd’… Paul dove in, went under and crossed over that river of Love… and he now taunts us ALL with…”C’mon over! The God’s love is FINE!”

I had shared this picture in church, and pointed out that it was snapped only AFTER the bold and successful trip across by another dad. HIS success gave courage and desire to another dad, who shared the experience with his young son. What APPEARED to be a hazard turned into a wonderful trip that we ALL chose to enjoy… over and over again.

Jesus Christ set out to deliver to us the message of God’s love from across the darkness of death. Arriving here on purpose, His mission was to win and rescue us ALL from the grip of the grave. He entered the tomb, came out the other side and BOLDLY called out…”Follow Me!” And Paul, the writer of Ephesians… did! Now PAUL stands on the other side WITH Christ, crying out to ALL of humanity…”Come on!!! God’s LOVE and GRACE are AMAZING!”

I don’t really know what it is that keeps people from jumping in after Jesus. His Word and Creation continually cry out loud and clear… “over here… over here!” MILLIONS of people have gone after Him and now cry out, “come on in… God IS GREAT!” But while most EVERYONE knows SOMEONE who has made the crossing, the majority can still be found holding back on the opposite side… pondering!

Friend… there is NO other way to cross but the cross…(John 14:6). Are YOU holding back?


As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Joshua 1:5b

I got bit! And RIGHT AWAY! The first morning of my vacation I woke up itching and scratching 5 insect bites! I KNOW how many because I counted them. These were no ordinary bites, because no amount of medicine would stop the itch. Going from the beach to the mountains is a drastic change. I was experiencing THIS one to the full!.

Different locations and climates carry different kinds of critter and bugs. At home, a mosquito bite is a minor irritation. So either these bites were from a swarm of hunky mosquitoes, or they were from something else. The locations of these bites were odd because they were UNDER my clothing. I did my best to ignore them and carried on with my vacation.

When some of my littlest grandchildren joined us, several cans of insect spray came out to protect them from what I had experienced. During the course of our weeks together, we battled, mosquitoes, spiders, bees, ticks and, at one point, a swarm of biting flies that apparently mistook my bug spray for shots of fly whiskey. They LOVED it! And do I have to mention the ‘look out for snakes?’

The biting incident happened a month ago. I have 2 spots that STILL occasionally itch. I am not sure if there is such a thing as phantom itching, but I scratch just the same. Which led me to think about what it is that might irritate my soul and spirit like that. In reading the story of Joshua, I discovered one… The Holy Spirit!

Have you been bitten by the Holy Spirit of God? If so, then you may have an idea of where I am headed. Have you noticed that one characteristic of God is that He never leaves you alone? Have you ever considered God to be like some irritating pest? He comes, invades my space, and when I have determined to go about doing my own thing my own way…ZING! There He is! Well ‘I’ have! And I can tell you from experience…. I can’t get away with ANYTHING!

The promise God made to Joshua He makes to US though His son, Jesus Christ. Jesus reconfirmed it to His beloved followers in Matthew 28:20, “YO, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” Yes… I changed ‘lo’ to ‘YO’ because, BRO… He means it!

I have met many people who have told me that they feared committing ‘the unforgivable sin. Haaaaa! How silly! Worrying about ‘the unpardonable sin’ is proof that you WON’T! Non believers don’t even CARE about sin! But believers in Christ have the power and presence of the loving, caring, irritating Holy Spirit that is ALWAYS present to lead, guide, encourage, teach… and sometimes… even BITE!

Now THAT’S gonna leave a permanent mark!