“In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35
I got ‘taken’ last week! It all started when a fellow homeowner told me he was going to the tax office to pay his property taxes. “We have until the end of the month to save 4%,” he said. I had COMPLETELY forgotten that this was the month of giving! When I got home and went to the mailbox, I had 4 letters. 3 from organizations asking for donations and 1 from my agent wanting payment for my flood insurance. After calling and GIVING my agent my credit card number, I drove to the tax office and GAVE them a check! Funny….I didn’t feel blessed!
I learned about giving a long time ago. My earliest lesson on the subject was to let go of what was mine, simply because it was a ‘nice’ thing to do. Giving my cookie to another was more of a demand that just left ME… cookie-less! Later, I learned the act of giving to God ‘by Faith!’ Giving because I was ‘SUPPOSED TO’ started with the same feelings… I had felt TAKEN! That is until I LEARNED the joyful blessing that comes when giving with the right motive… from the HEART!
I have to admit that this year I am feeling a little ‘humbug’ in the giving area. As the Holiday Season nears, I am finding more and more requests for opportunities to feel blessed! A LOT of requests trace back to when I had given before! It is obvious that they got, and kept, my address! Now they want MORE. It is hard to NOT feel… ’taken!’
We’ve all seen it. The wheelchair guy on the corner with the sign wanting money… while tucked in behind the trees is his bicycle… or car!! Their need is never satisfied, as begging can make for a good living! They turn me into a bitter tightwad! When Christian organizations do it, I feel even worse! MY NEED to NOT be a Scrooge seeks for an answer.
EVERYBODY has needs where a little more money can help. And being ‘taken’ is easier now than ever before. So this year I am asking God to help me out. NOT so much in the area of my wallet, but in the area of my ‘heart!’ But before I can make any progress, I need to send a message of my own!
Dear Lord, I give you my heart. Please take it and replace it with yours so it will overflow with love that only YOU can give. Help me see how YOU see, and respond as YOU would respond. Amen