
Evil will never leave the house of one who pays back evil for good.” Proverbs 17:13

This last weekend I stayed in a hotel in California. Not really knowing the best way to get a flight, car and hotel, I trusted the folks at Travelocity to help me. I assumed they are successful because they do a good job. And they did. The flight, car and hotel were awesome… for the most part. Though I had to laugh when I tried to leave the hotel parking lot.

Fine print can be dangerous. The hotel was ritzy, and as I stood in the huge foyer with mouth agape, I received my first shock? Parking my car was $36 a day if I wanted valet. If I parked around back myself, it was $28 a day! Pulling around back.. hee hee, I was required to swipe my hotel card key to raise the arm to park. When I was in a hurry to leave, I pulled up to arm… and nothing happened! I busted out laughing when I caught the significance. I had to swipe my hotel card to get OUT!

The song ‘Hotel California’ has a line the says, “You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave!” It’s a great line. But some parking lot designing fool took it too seriously. It should be OBVIOUS that to get IN.. I HAD to be legitimate! Therefore, getting out should be easy. But no…!! Frustrated by time, I had to search for my card to exit. Then I thought about hell!

Sin, evil and death are the street signs of our home. We are BORN into a realm that we cannot escape. Unfortunately, we become accustomed to the signs and think nothing of them. Until we try to leave. With no way of escape, death laughs as we search for a key that ONLY God has. It’s price costs BOTH of us… EVERYTHING!

God’s fine print is dangerous. Even lethal! To live we must die! To get we must give! To lead we must follow! To reign we must serve! The ONLY Way of escape is the ‘Jesus Card.’ Sadly, so few desire ‘His Way’ that it seems the devil himself is shocked when show him mine! The ONLY way to leave is ‘His Way.’ And His way can be rather strange!

Signs of Jesus People are there… to those who look. Giving instead of taking. Not repaying evil with evil. Loving those who hate. And sharing that Good News of escape with those who aren’t really looking! The arm of life is down, and the REAL question is, ‘do YOU have what it takes to truly leave?’


Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6

This last weekend, Katie and I took on an anxious assignment. Our nephew was getting married in Los Angeles, California and we were excited to go. There was a set date, place and time we were supposed to BE… IF we wanted to witness and enjoy this special event. About a month ago I started planning. A week ago, we started getting ready. Looking back, our entire trip was centered around 3 worldly devices. A calendar, a clock and a GPS.

Katie and I do not have vocations that permit dropping everything to just GO! Preparations and plans MUST be made for substitutes so that in our absence, what WE do can continue while we are gone. That mindset requires thinking ahead and then planning for our own absence. It is actually harder to plan to GO than it is if we just stayed! In reading this verse today, I have to admit it was IMPOSSIBLE to live WITHOUT anxiety while looking at the clock and GPS. Or is it?

My friend Bob had been in the hospital for about a week, and had been told that there was nothing they could do for him. I wanted to get up to see him before I went to LA Last Saturday, so at 8pm Friday, the night before, I went to see Bob. When I walked in… he was out. I could tell he was anxious. He could not talk or focus on me, but moved as though trying to get comfortable. I read the Word and prayed, but it did not help. When the nurse came in, I asked if she could give him something make him more comfortable. Then I left.

While at the airport, I received news that Bob had passed away Saturday Morning. Bob was finally home and AT REST! The thought made me smile, though I confess, I was a little jealous. Our talks of what Heaven would be like was no longer conjecture to Bob. He was LIVING where anxiousness has no home! His Faith was now SIGHT! Me? I had a date, place and time where I had to be. Or did I?

I could tell you the frustration as Katie used the GPS to navigate while I drove in LA Traffic! She sometimes gave the wrong directions and I sometimes steered us the wrong way. We DID make it to everything we needed to. But I realize now that, had we NOT made it, the wedding would STILL have gone ahead. Had we missed the plane, it would STILL have flown. Had we not planned for substitutes, the school and the church would still have gone on. So what is the lesson? I believe maybe God is trying to tell me that I am to give HIM MY REQUESTS! NOT HIS ASSIGNMENTS!      OUCH!


Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.” Psalm 116:15

Though it has been said many times, I do not know how easy it is to steal candy from a baby. It’s a dumb saying because little tiny babies shouldn’t have candy in the first place! But stealing cookies from a dying old man….?? Yup! VERY easy! In fact, I did it just yesterday!

My friend Bob is 85 years old. Bob is in the hospital because of a bad heart. I happened to be there when the Doctor came in and broke the news that there was nothing they could do for him. As he listened, the glaze over his eyes told me he wasn’t readily processing the information. A REALLY big question came into my mind…‘how does anyone?’

Yesterday I went again to visit my friend. Setting on his table was a package of unopened ‘Nutter Butter’ cookies… one of my favorites. As we talked, the nurse came in to check his blood sugar. When finished, she rolled her eyes and said, “not good… 260!” When I asked she said, “it’s supposed to be under 200!” I immediately picked up the cookies and put them into my pocket saying, “well you certainly don’t need THESE!” HIS immediate response was, “you can have ‘em.” BOTH of us were guilty of being ridiculous!

Bob is spry and witty. To look at and talk to him, you’d never know he is terminal. But he was in no condition to fight me over the cookies. I didn’t NEED his permission because I already HAD them. But since his condition is terminal, what would it matter if he DID eat them? WHY did I feel the impulse to take them from him? Strange things happen at the bedside of the dying. Having already committed theft, I went for broke and asked Bob, “So what’s the first thing you’re going to say to Him?” His answer was….“Huh? It was about to get real!

I had just read this Psalm to Bob and pointed out that God is watching and joyfully anticipating his earthly death and arrival in Glory. THAT is what this Psalm says to me. And if that is a correct interpretation, I wanted to know what Bob’s first words would be to the ‘Master of the Universe.’ He hadn’t thought about it before, so I suggested he might want to start! Then I asked him what he was anticipating the most? Bob hadn’t given much thought to that either. So I started telling him Bible facts about Heaven. The more we talked, the bigger he smiled!

Why do we humans say dumb things like, “well at least I woke up on the right side of the grass today?” In light of being in heaven, could there be any more ridiculous statement? Why do we fret and worry about earth things so much when the reality of Heaven makes earth look like a cesspool? And why don’t we believers spend more time thinking about ‘there’ than ‘here?’ After all, God has already stolen us from the grip of eternal death and He HAS us, no matter WHAT news comes our way?

What WILL I say to the Master when I see Him?


Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17

There are several beautiful, majestic ‘Live Oak’ trees at our church. These trees seem to defy gravity as their long, thick limbs can grow over 30 feet and directly parallel to the ground. Even though one limb could literally CRUSH my truck if one fell on it, I still park under its cool shade in the summer. Every once in a while their limbs get so large that their branches rub the tops of vehicles or the even church roof. It is then that they need to be trimmed.

Several years ago I purchased a pole saw to be able to reach tall limbs. The construction is literally a 10” electric chainsaw that attaches to a long pole that can extend out to about 186 feet! Well, at least it FEELS that way! The further out it extends, the heavier it gets. I have discovered there is a direct proportion between the saw’s weight and my age. Trimming them last Friday, I felt 104!

When I pulled into my driveway, I made a mental note to take the pole saw out of my truck so that no one would be tempted to STEAL it. Being hot and sweaty, I decided to first get something to drink and jump in the pool. When I went back out to get it, I noticed the saw was GONE! I had been ROBBED!!!! In an instant my humanity erupted as I felt anger toward the person who stole it AND at myself for not securing it immediately upon arriving home! All I could think of was how foolish I had been!

It took time, but as I cooled down, I replayed my steps over and over in my mind. Try as I may, I could not actually REMEMBER placing the saw into the truck in the first place! Then it hit me, “is it possible…?” When I drove back to the church, the saw lay right where I had left it, under the shade of that beautiful tree!

In the shadow of today’s verse, you’re probably smart enough to know where this is going. If you are thinking that powerful tree, in its beauty and strength, is parallel to God… and that old weak and failing ‘me’ represents my tiny life here on earth, you’d be right. Except for one thing. I am NOT the ONLY one who forgets things! God does too!

God deliberately paid a visit here and hung on a tree, securing my life under the strength and shade of His powerful Grace. If that wasn’t enough, He DELIBERATELY FORGOT about my weak and failing past. I am assured that no attempt by the devil to remind God about my past will work either. I AM a NEW creation in Christ, no matter WHAT I THINK or HOW I FEEL! THAT makes me smile! I think I’ll park right here and rest in HIS work instead of mine!


They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Acts 2:42

I have a perpetual and irritating conundrum with weeds! So yesterday I decided to DO something about them instead of just pushing the problem to the back of my brain. Denial is not just a river in Egypt, and as mature believers, ‘weed’ NEVER choose to simply dismiss any REAL problem… right? Yet… here I was.

As I gathered the recommended materials for solving my own problem, I could almost hear the weeds screaming for mercy! With ‘Weed & Feed’ in my lawn spreader, I cranked up the dial setting 2 numbers past the recommended (if 5 is good, 7 is better, right?) and started pushing! With music playing in my ears and a smile on my face, I figured my lawn would be green and weed free by nightfall! I could almost sense the real grass crying out…”our hero!” But vanity quickly brought me back down to earth and I realized it doesn’t take much to become a legend in my own mind!

There are a few of my professional lawn friends out there who will read this and roll their eyes. I had consulted a few of them and was even told what to do… “HIRE SOMEONE!” The problem is the COST! Living with my weed problem is less painful than paying the price to eradicate them. But now, all I HAVE are weeds!

The definition of a weed is a plant growing where it is not wanted. Simple right? Yet even that definition is subjective, as some of us would prefer green weeds over brown grass any day! So I looked up some of the characteristics of weeds and here is what I discovered:

• Plants that produce an abundant of seed
• Plants that have an extensive root system that spread above or below the ground
• Plants that grow quickly
• Plants that can cause bodily harm to other plants, humans or animals

It is interesting to note that ‘weeds’ are ‘plants’ first BEFORE they are determined to be weeds. Which makes me think about Christians! How does one DEFINE a Christian. My dad used to say that, because it is so hard to tell, “a Christian is anyone who CLAIMS to be one.” But over time and like weeds, THAT definition doesn’t work either.

The verse today literally puts a ‘smack down’ on false Christianity. There are 5 characteristics, that make up a true disciple of Jesus Christ. By now you have gone to the verse and discovered only 4. But you might want to look again! I would NOT have such a big weed problem if I was truly ‘devoted’ to being weed free! In fact, I don’t really have a WEED problem at all now, do I?


No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is Himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made Him known.” John 1:18

Arriving home from church and pulling into the driveway, I was was overcome with guilt because of lawnlessness! Walking into the house I shut the door with the final thought, “but it’s Sunday… a day to rest!” The excuse seemed to do the trick, until I saw the weather forecast calling for several days of rain. When the clouds started rolling in, conviction turned to motivation and got me up and out to cut my grass before the rain came. Before too long, I I was Willified!

Willie is pretty much the neighborhood lawn guy, and maintaining the yards on both sides of me. Over the years Willie has become my friend. I’ll often hear him outside on his mower, stop what I am doing and take him a cold drink so he can take a break and WE can talk about out mutual favorite subject… Jesus! Even though Willie is an expert in lawn care, he has NEVER criticized my lawn. He doesn’t have to. Being between 2 Willie maintained lawns is conviction enough! Which was WHY I was cutting my grass on Sunday! My yard was not even CLOSE to Willie standards!

I read that If God were to sit for a portrait, the painting on the canvas would be of Jesus. The Bible verse today tells me as much. Because of sin and failure, there was NO way I could measure up to God’s standards. So when I could not reach His level, He came down to MINE by sending His Son. Now, Jesus’ purpose and goal is to make me a perfect replica of Himself… to turn me into a Child of God, remade in His image.

Godliness (God-like-ness) is an inside job. It is not just an outward appearance. Liquid is defined as a substance that takes the shape of its container. But liquid can STILL be foul! God is interested in my heart condition as well as my outward appearance. I have to admit that, having Jesus Christ INSIDE me and other believers living AROUND me, there are times I become convicted of UNgodliness. Which is the FINAL step before my cooperation in allowing Jesus to work on ME.

The idea that I can KNOW God and that I can be transformed to LOOK like Him is not foreign. All religions make that claim. But there is ONLY ONE method where the process of Godlikeness can be completed. And it begins with the Person of Jesus Christ! And even Willie won’t find fault with that!   

Got Godliness?


After last Wednesday’s Bible Study at church, there was some confusion and questions about where we’re are going with what we were studying.  This devotional I received today sums it up perfectly and better than I could right now.  This is not me… this is Jesus call to His church on how we are to live. Enjoy!

After his resurrection, Jesus sends us all out to do what he did: “As the Father has sent me, so I send you” (John 20:21 NRSV). And he gives us his authority to do it: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go” (Matt. 28:18-19). Why else would he have given us his authority if we weren’t supposed to use it?

The attitude of so many Christians today is anything but fierce. We’re passive, acquiescent. We’re acting as if the battle is over, as if the wolf and the lamb are now fast friends. Good grief—we’re beating swords into plowshares as the armies of the Evil One descend upon us. We’ve bought the lie of the Religious Spirit, which says, “You don’t need to fight the Enemy. Let Jesus do that.” It’s nonsense. It’s unbiblical. It’s like a private in Vietnam saying, “My commander will do all the fighting for me; I don’t even need to fire my weapon.” We are commanded to “resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). We are told, “Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him” (1 Peter 5:8-9); “Fight the good fight” (1 Tim. 1:18); “Rescue those being led away to death” (Prov. 24:11).

Seriously, just this morning a man said to me, “We don’t need to fight the Enemy. Jesus has won.” Yes, Jesus has won the victory over Satan and his kingdom. However, the battle is not over. Look at 1 Corinthians 15:24-25: “Then the end will come, when he [Jesus] hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet.” After he has destroyed the rest of the Enemy’s works. Until then, he must reign by bringing his enemies under his feet. Jesus is still at war, and he calls us to join him.

Taken from: 

Ransomed Heart Daily Reading <dailyreadings@ransomedheart.com>


No one calls on your name or strives to lay hold of you; for you have hidden your face from us and have given us over to our sins.” Isaiah 64:7

It was time for my normal checkup with my doctor and I had a few questions for him. I always look forward to seeing him because I am blessed to have a doctor who is also my friend. That means I can trust him to be honest with me. Soon, I was in his office and bantering with the nurses. I love that place and hardly noticed when they took my credit card for prepayment!! I did NOT expect what happened next!

I heard his voice before I saw his face. Unlike a dog that cowers and shakes at the vet’s office (could they be smarter than me?), I was jovial and was glad to see my friend. As we talked I asked him my questions. “My wife says I get lethargic too often, would B12 shots help?” His reply was direct. “Do you want what I think or the medical facts?” I soon learned that I am just plain old and lazy and that there is no magic shot for that! I told him that I guessed there was no need anyway, since I take multi-vitamins everyday. His next words shocked me!

My doctor friend told me, with a smile, that I was killing myself! He could see I was shocked and doubtful so he got up, went to his cupboard and pulled out several articles to prove his opinion with fact. Taking multivitamins, especially after 65, kills you sooner! I said, “Well it’s a good thing I’m only 64, you just saved my life!” He smirked cuz.. that’s what he does! For my last question, I lifted my shirt! “What’s this!???” He immediately responded, “WHOOOAH!”

I became nervous when he looked at the sore on my back and said.. “don’t touch it” and reached for some rubber gloves. My brain quickly put 2+2 together and I said… “Don’t you DARE tell me I have shingles!” He said… “you have shingles!” Friends don’t lie to each other! When I reminded him that HE had given me the shingles vaccine, he said, “That’s why it is so small!” GREAT! I guess there’s no warranty on vaccines!

I am honored to have been called by God to represent Him to people. I love Him very, very much and want to share facts, AND my opinion, to anyone who wants to listen. It is a fact that God loves us and wants a close relationship with us. It is also a fact that sin is the disease that prevents relationship from happening. It is my experienced opinion AND Biblical fact that when anyone ‘strives to lay hold of God,’ He will come in love and bring His promises with Him. But WE are the ones that must ask Doctor God for His help… first. No ask or seek? No get or find!

The time for putting trust in my friend the doctor came quickly. What would I do? Well I’ll tell ya! I drove home, walked into the house, went straight to the cupboard and threw those dang killer vitamins into the trash! THAT is called exercising my faith! Now…What will YOU do with God’s words? Remember… to see His face you must first must choose hear His voice!


“But while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went away.” Matthew 13:25

They used to call a person who tends plants a husbandman. The job entailed the care for the GOOD plants, and removal of the BAD ones… weeds! Looking out the back of the house along the fence, there was a war going on which now required a husbandman. Since I am the husband… that would be me!

YEARS ago my bride saw a viney plant, with yellow flowers, covering a portion of someone’s yard. Since we had a small unsightly part of yard, she plucked a piece and planted it. BIG mistake. 20 years later, that vine grows over the back fence and even throughout my grass. Last year, while wanting to attract butterflies, she discovered and planted a passion vine. Not only does it smell great, it attracts butterflies AND produces great tasting fruit. But now, these 2 vines are at warring for fence dominance! Their collision silently called for a simple husband….man. An inter’seeder’ if you will. I stepped forward.

I say ‘simple’ because in this case, I didn’t have to be very smart about plants. Which is a good thing, since I’m not. Even ‘I’ could EASILY tell the difference between the two competing weeds. The job? Rip out the bad and secure the good. Simple, right? Yes… but! When temperature collided with humidity and it felt like 107 degrees, the easy task turned into hard WORK! Which made me think about Grampa Adam and his TERRIBLE decision. After all, this is all HIS fault!!

God had placed Adam in the garden to ‘rule and reign.’ With 1 caveat… “Don’t eat ‘that’ fruit!” Adam did and got what he deserved. But THAT is not the story! The story is about GOD… not Adam! God had intended man to do a job, which forced GOD to become the Husbandman. He had created man to co-rule and reign with Him, and BY GOD THAT was what was going to happen…even if it killed Him! Flash forward!

The Church and mankind today are a bunch of simpletons who have forgotten God’s original plan. Hence, non-believers don’t care and believers don’t care enough. God even sent His Son on a deadly rescue mission to get us back on the track of working His garden! Yet it seems, all we want to do is go back home and get some rest! And the weeds continue to grow!

God is PASSIONATE about us, friend. And NOT for the purpose of saving us for Heaven where we’ll get a harp and wings! He created us to rule and reign WITH HIM. Not just THERE… but HERE as well! There is a WAR going on and we have a job to do. But how many of us really know what that role is? And… how many of us really WANT to know?