
In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ Acts 20:35

I got ‘taken’ last week! It all started when a fellow homeowner told me he was going to the tax office to pay his property taxes. “We have until the end of the month to save 4%,” he said. I had COMPLETELY forgotten that this was the month of giving! When I got home and went to the mailbox, I had 4 letters. 3 from organizations asking for donations and 1 from my agent wanting payment for my flood insurance. After calling and GIVING my agent my credit card number, I drove to the tax office and GAVE them a check! Funny….I didn’t feel blessed!

I learned about giving a long time ago. My earliest lesson on the subject was to let go of what was mine, simply because it was a ‘nice’ thing to do. Giving my cookie to another was more of a demand that just left ME… cookie-less! Later, I learned the act of giving to God ‘by Faith!’ Giving because I was ‘SUPPOSED TO’ started with the same feelings… I had felt TAKEN! That is until I LEARNED the joyful blessing that comes when giving with the right motive… from the HEART!

I have to admit that this year I am feeling a little ‘humbug’ in the giving area. As the Holiday Season nears, I am finding more and more requests for opportunities to feel blessed! A LOT of requests trace back to when I had given before! It is obvious that they got, and kept, my address! Now they want MORE. It is hard to NOT feel… ’taken!’

We’ve all seen it. The wheelchair guy on the corner with the sign wanting money… while tucked in behind the trees is his bicycle… or car!! Their need is never satisfied, as begging can make for a good living! They turn me into a bitter tightwad! When Christian organizations do it, I feel even worse! MY NEED to NOT be a Scrooge seeks for an answer.

EVERYBODY has needs where a little more money can help. And being ‘taken’ is easier now than ever before. So this year I am asking God to help me out. NOT so much in the area of my wallet, but in the area of my ‘heart!’ But before I can make any progress, I need to send a message of my own!

Dear Lord, I give you my heart. Please take it and replace it with yours so it will overflow with love that only YOU can give. Help me see how YOU see, and respond as YOU would respond. Amen


All my longings lie open before you, Lord; my sighing is not hidden from you.” Psalm 38:9

Watching the Steelers-Browns football game last night, my desire for 1 team to win was overpowered by a desire for a snack. Right there, on a critical 3rd and 10 play, I got up and walked to the kitchen! Opening the door to the refrigerator, then to the pantry, nothing really appealed to me. I settled on a piece of cheese and walked back into the room. “Hmmm,” I thought… “apparently they didn’t make it!” Then I thought, “Ohhh… good cheese!”

This morning, as I was online, an ad popped up that showed a fat guy holding his belly and the caption, “Worried about fatty liver?” I couldn’t hold back a belly laugh until a zing went through my brain, “well… I WASN’T!” Budweiser used the same ad technique for trying to sell more Bud Light. Ye Old knights are pulling a huge barrel labeled ‘corn syrup’ to deliver it elsewhere. The message? “Worried about artificial sweeteners in your beer?” Even though I don’t drink beer, I got a zing!

The subliminal message scam has been around since the Garden of Eden, where satan turned that beautiful fruit into a ‘desire’ for something else. And man has been fighting mixed messages ever since. Sadly, the ONLY difference between a ‘saved’ man and a ‘not saved’ one is their ultimate destination. We ALL have desires and we ALL fail at keeping the ‘zing’ of false advertising at bay.

This verse is in the middle of a Psalm where David is absolutely feeling AWFUL because of sin. Faced with the guilty repercussions of succumbing to the ‘zing,’ he is now faced with the problem of how to get RID of the dirty feeling and come clean. What makes David “a man after God’s own heart” is that David does the abnormal. He actually RUNS TO the God he deliberately offended… and unloads.

I am not a quarterback of a major football team who carries the weight of a victory on his shoulders. I am not an ‘ad man’ tasked with the responsibility of selling more beer or liver pills. What ‘I am’ is a born again man living in a fleshy body where warring desires seeking fulfillment are the norm… NOT the exception.

I thank God that my situation is not perilous. I have God’s Word to give me direction and God’s Holy Spirit to lead and guide. And even when I go ‘off road,’ I have God’s guarantee that He KNOWS my desires and will ALWAYS be here… to get me there! His ad? Jesus Christ is ultimately GUARANTEED more powerful and permanent than any ‘zing’ from anywhere else! Thank GOD I already invested in His program!

“Are YOU worried about eternity?”


But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, ‘Lord, save me!’” Matthew 14:30

Running into a friend yesterday I asked about his wife. He told me she was a little down today. They had just received a new couch, but the company had reneged on removing the old one! For her, 2 couches in the room was an issue. Discussing some options he asked, “What are you doing now?” And THAT was the exact question that got me!

I THOUGHT he was talking in general terms but HE was being specific. Now meant NOW! I IMMEDIATELY found myself following him home. Having never been to his house before, seeing he lived in a 2 story only confirmed that this couch must be pretty small. After all, 2 old guys and a big couch could NEVER happen. Until it did!

When I SAW the couch I started to laugh. “You’ve got to be KIDDING ME!” A tall counter, 2 – 90 degree turns and a high railing going down the steps were probably the REASONS the couch was still there. When I doubted, my friend pulled a Tim Allen.. “Arrr Arrr Arrrrh! We can DO IT!” Which seemed a reasonable motivator! So we did!

I wish I had it filmed. It was a laborious, slow, hilarious process. But I’ll leave that between the 2 of us, just like Peter and his walking on water! You see, Pete ALMOST got away with an embarrassing moment, until 1 of the 4 Gospel writers spilled the beans! And while the majority of commentators give credit to Peter for his attempt at water walking, I personally think he was being an idiot!

In the storm, ALL the disciples were afraid. Jesus used the same ‘God words’ spoken often in the Bible. “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” THAT was Jesus command. Apparently it wasn’t enough for Peter. “IF” is a VERY big word, and it landed Pete in VERY deep water. I often wonder if Jesus shook His head, or if He let Pete suck in some water before He grabbed and rescued him. You know… just to teach Pete a lesson about failing confidently!

Please note that at NO time did Jesus ASK Peter out onto the water! It wasn’t expected! Loud mouthed Pete did that to himself. Jesus never gave Pete an, “Atta boy,” for stepping out. Nor did He chide the other disciples for NOT following their pal. I am convinced that this is an embarrassing story, NOT about failed faith, but about attempting something you have NO business doing!

Peter is NOT Jesus. And neither am I. Lots of folks use the Peter story to show that faith can do the miraculous, JUST LIKE PETER! But Peter moments usually end badly! Don’t get me wrong. Jesus STILL does the miraculous. We just don’t typically see the REAL ones that way! And it shows in our day to day actions and attitudes.

When the Church was born Jesus gave it ONE command. “GO INTO THE WORLD, TELL THE GOOD NEWS AND MAKE DISCIPLES!” I’m like Pete and SO many other followers when it hits me…”How boring?” Where’s the flair and fantastic in THAT?” Then begin to DO what I was NEVER COMMANDED TO DO IN THE FIRST PLACE!

There is NO greater miracle than seeing a soul saved from Hell. Jesus PROVED that miracles CANNOT guarantee those results. I believe Peter learned his lesson because, later at Pentecost, loud mouthed Peter preached a sermon on the ‘saving grace’ of Jesus Christ and 3000+ people were saved from hell’s storm! Not a bad day for ol Pete! So…What are YOU doing now?


Jesus told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.” Mark 16:15

In retrospect, this could be considered silly. But there I was, getting up from a perfectly comfortable chair, getting dressed, and preparing to go OUT into the world! I do it everyday! Having places to go, things to do and people to see, off I went. When, and wherever I GO, my mind goes with me. If I’m not filling it with radio, I’m chewing on whatever is already in there… like a cow chews its cud. So walking up to the store counter I wasn’t really paying attention to the lady speaking to me. “HUH?” I said. “How are you today?” she repeated. And I froze!

I had a list and conversation was not on it! Not prepared to ENGAGE with anyone, I had to come up with something quick! “Blessed,” came out of my mouth, and then, for a lack of brainpower, I countered with, “and how are YOUUUUU?” as a diversionary tactic! She did NOT respond as expected and said, “I guess I’m blessed because my husband is blessed… and I live with him…so!” And just like that… I was focused!

I am certain she was not expecting to have THIS conversation. Sadly, neither was I. Usually I LOOK for openings like that! But this one had caught me like a sucker punch in the stomach. When I took the time and noticed, pain surrounded her eyes. When I asked her why she felt that way, she lowered her eyes and said, “I’m not a very good person.” I realized in an instant that THIS was a Divine Appointment!

Yes…I shared the Gospel with her! I only had about 2 minutes, but got it done, handed her a ‘Good News Band’ from my wrist, and explained how to look up the verses concerning Eternal, Abundant Life and how to get it. I left in a MUCH better mood than when I came in. I smiled at the thought that while I had been ‘chewing cud,’ Jesus had been WORKING! I was honored that He wanted me to join Him.

I got to thinking that as far as jobs go, Christians are more like a ‘UPS truck’ than a ‘Septic Removal Truck.’ The Good News is a package to be delivered. NOT a clean out service. When I tell the ‘Good News‘ that JESUS can change and give NEW life, I have done what He has asked of me in this verse and HE does all the cleaning. I am simply to DELIVER the PACKAGE!

I left with a different attitude and prepared my mind… and got a TWO-FER! In my next conversation, I paid attention. When a subtle hint came up, I heard it and made another delivery. If you asked me how my day was… I’d HAVE to say I was Blessed! And all I did was ‘Go!’

Looking back, I can honestly say that ‘going’ is NOT an option. But going PREPARED is better!


“Simon, Simon, look out! Satan has asked to sift you like wheat.” Luke 22:10 HCSB

My cell phone is usually within hearing distance. It is close, easy to use and obedient. Whatever I want to find, or whomever I wish to communicate with, can be done in an instant! Yesterday, the second I had the urge, I picked it up and dialed. ‘Ring, ring, ring, ring voicemail!’ I left a message, then did something rather strange. I immediately dialed someone else… and got the same result! Then my mood changed!

With easy access to phones and caller ID it is easy to know who is calling before I even answer the phone. The thought hit…”are they DELIBERATELY IGNORING ME?” Then “What did I DO? Are they mad at me?” When no return call came, even hours later, that nagging feeling persisted! We ALL experience it.

I remember when phones sat on end tables and had NO answering machines. While they were a convenience, they were not the primary means of communication. I even remember when I used to wait for the mailman to come. I can STILL remember the sound of his footprints on the porch, the groan of the mailbox as he lifted its lid and then thinking, “Is there anything for ME?”

This scripture is a letter TO Jesus… FROM His archenemy, satan! Though it is in the form of a request, it is actually a demand. Why? Because satan OWNS Peter! Peter is a sinner deserving of hell! And because Christ has not yet died to pay for Peter’s redemption, Jesus HAS to grant satan his request. Out of love for Pete… Jesus warns him what is coming!

As it happens sometimes, this verse in MY Bible is not completely correct! Why? Because the word ‘YOU’ is NOT singular, but plural! Jesus is saying, ‘Satan has asked to sift ‘ALL OF YOU’ as wheat!’ It should frighten me a little that… ‘YOU’ also means ‘ME!’ In hindsight, we KNOW what happened to Peter and the disciples and…it wasn’t good! Jesus ‘next words’ are CRITICAL to remember. “But I have PRAYED for you!”

Though I have been a Bible student for years, I have been sucked into the modern world where INSTANT is normal and patience is for hospitals! When I don’t get an answer IMMEDIATELY, I tend toward anxiousness. But thank God I HAVE the Bible. Because His WORD is a letter to ME telling ME that… ‘sifting is on the way!’ And, for now, I must go back to the OLD days when the ‘last letter’ in the mail box held THE words I needed to hold onto… “K.C., I am praying for you!” signed “Jesus!”


For this is what the high and exalted One says— He who lives forever, Whose name is Holy: ‘I live in a high and holy place, but also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.'” Isaiah 57:15

I lost my religion again this weekend. NOT my Christianity… but my religion. You know the difference, right? Religion is a set of rules. Christ)ianity is a relationship. And the funny thing is, He was right there with me when I did… and even watched me do it! He ALWAYS is! Here’s the story.

I write about stuff I do on a day-to-day basis. Some days are better than others. I have been cutting back the hedges on the side of my yard and it is taking DAYS to do the job. YEARS ago, my wife picked these things because they provide a natural fence from the neighbor. Little did I know that they can grow to 25’ tall! Now that they are 12’ tall, I GOTTA cut ‘em back! Being no spring chicken, I find I am upset with the process… AND my wife!

Yesterday I found myself covered in sweat, yet again, as the temperature of my soul reached the temperature of my body. When that happens, old Pittsburgh words erupt out of me like lava from a volcano! I was frustrated, tired, sore and discouraged. Jesus just watched with NO judgment, correction or advice! He didn’t HELP me EITHER! That is until this morning!

As I sat trying to reach Him in the quiet of the morning, I was a little restless. My normal routine was disrupted by my wandering mind. Rather than force my usual way of reading, I let go and picked something else up to read. That led me to something else, which led me to this verse. And then… “OOOOOO THERE you are!”

I plant ‘Steeler-like’ hedges, then complain and cuss when I have to cut them back! I buy stuff, then complain about the cost! I put my glasses, wallet and keys down, then LOSE it when I can’t FIND them! I drive down the road upset that everybody else is there too! I ASKED her to marry me, yet get upset that she wanted these &%#@ hedges! If you look back at that whole paragraph… you see the problem with ME is ‘I’.

Isaiah is a book about the people of Israel. Interestingly, when I looked at this chapter, I saw that God wasn’t talking to the GROUP! He was talking to INDIVIDUALS. YOU and ME included! His message is clear. When I am down, broken and contrite, ‘The Master of the Universe’ comes to live WITH ME… to REVIVE me!

Did you buy stuff you can’t afford? Did you decide to have kids and find yourself frustrated at what they now cost in time and $? Did you skip education and settle for working labor? Did you buy a house that is eating you alive? Did you choose the relationship that is now killing you? Are YOU coming unglued because of your own choices? GOOD! Welcome to contrite! Now please turn around and bow…God has been watching and waiting for this very moment!


I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong—that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” Romans 1:11-12

My Clusia Rosea hedge needs tamed! And I mean more like a crew-cut than a trim! We planted these things years ago and had NO idea how big they can get. Trimming them yearly, they STILL have expanded to over 10’ tall and 7’ wide. I was not looking forward to the month long process of hand trimming and filling at least 40 garbage cans! Then my son-in-law pulled up!

While I have a lot of STUFF… Todd has a lot more COOLER stuff! In his truck he had a gas powered pole saw that extended to about 87 feet! OK… maybe 18’ And even cooler than THAT is, he offered to LEND it to me! So yesterday… I fired her up! Talk about an experience! As clouds parted and golden sunlight created a holy glow, I SWEAR I could hear angels….sing!

What USED to take me HOURS to cut, I literally cut in minutes! My eyes were wide in amazement as I NEVER have experienced a single tool to SOOO exceed my expectations. I filled up 10 cans in about 1 ½ hours! There is only ONE thing that could have made the experience better… if Todd would have been WITH me to do it! THAT THING IS HEAVY!!! Now (transition time!) think CHURCH!

The Bible tells us that Jesus is ‘now’ in heaven ‘making intercession’ for us to his Father (Hebrews 7:25). Does that surprise you? Maybe even MORE shocking is the absolute truth that WE live in a world and environment where HE HAS TOO! Face it… it’s tough down here. I don’t know of ANYONE who isn’t going through SOMETHING! And aren’t those moments of bliss few and far between? Friends, I need a personal touch!

It is AWESOME to know that Jesus is interceding for me on a regular basis. But honestly, I walk by FAITH. Which means I don’t actually see WHAT or HOW He is doing it! And when I hear someone say, “I’ll pray for you,” that doesn’t really make me giddy! “O.K. thanks,” is my usual reply. But when I am at church, when the doors open up, and one by one my sheepy brothers and sisters walk in. I DO get a joy that is REAL. ‘The TEAM’ is HERE!

Paul knew and wrote about it! Spiritual gifts presented through real people makes us STRONG in the face of a hostile world. There is NOTHING like the encouragement of a touch or listening ear, from someone who lives by faith, to set things in proper order. Each member brings something essential to the life of us all. Even if I wasn’t the pastor… I wouldn’t miss church for the world!! LITERALLY!

What cool tool will YOU be willing to share with your sheepy family?


Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.” 1 Peter 1:13

It started 2 nights ago with a sore throat. There I was, minding my own business and enjoying life, when I suddenly felt the tingle. YOU know what I am talking about all too well. From past experience my mind went auto-pilot as I reached for the Vitamin C and some tea. But my mind was not satisfied with that! Is started to meander on a hike!!! And THAT is where the trouble started!

If you have any years under your belt you KNOW that the start of a sore throat can lead your mind into the unknown. Immediately I thought, “Oh NO!!! Did I talk too much? Is this a cold? Allergy? FLU? THROAT CANCER? AHHHHHHHHH I’m DYINGGGGGGG!” Then just like that… it snapped back with, “knock it off ya wimp and suck it up! You’ll be fine!” I climbed under the covers and whimpered… ‘o.k.’ But that didn’t stop my wandering mind!

By the time my wife got home yesterday I was not hitting on all cylinders. My nose cooperated with my mind and started to run… my body rebelled and shut down at the competition. One look and she KNEW I wasn’t feeling my best. I’ll never forget her tender words to me, “Have you been pickin’ yer nose again?” Such compassion! Adding to my already paled look my mind added…”See! It’s all YOUR fault!” Wonderful!

I wasn’t sick enough to stay home, so I went to church and avoided touching on people. Asking for prayer requests, there were some SERIOUS issues facing individuals of the flock. It never even occurred to me to ask for a prayer in light of THEIR circumstance. Beside, I already KNEW that MY relief would have to be an ‘inside job.’

Evil, sickness, sorrow and pain are part of this world. It will STAY a part of it until Christ returns and restores all things. This verse today was good for me to read because it firmly plants my spirit on TOP of ‘The Rock’ and kicks my mind off of it! It isn’t positive thinking or hocus pocus either! It is keeping the ‘main thing’ the ‘main thing!’ THIS life is a war zone. Ultimate peace and health are not available in ANY store down here. So I am command to focus and shop where it IS found.

I’m feeling pretty giddy now! O.K., it might be a Sudafed high!! But I CAN tell you that the reminder is GOOD medicine. There is NOTHING like a good kick in the pants to remind me that I hadn’t done what I was SUPPOSED to! This world may deliver an unwanted visitor to my doorstep. But I do NOT have to let it STAY! The thought of Eternity and what HE will bring is the ticket for my mind to take a different kind of hike! Sniff!! Touching, eh?


I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

Being a ‘hands-on’ kinda guy, I do most of my own work. I take care of my own yard, maintain my own house and fix my own stuff. While I don’t do much automotive, I do drive a truck. In the back of my truck I have a crate of miscellaneous tools and at least 15 old work gloves. But strange as it may sound, and as often as I have tried, I have VERY bad luck FINDING a pair!

One of the greatest inventions for me is the $1 pair of work gloves at the Dollar Tree. Though they come in different colors, color doesn’t help. When I go to grab a pair, I can almost guarantee I will pull out either 2 left or 2 right gloves… every time! And every time… time is what gets wasted as I search and match. Too often I end up with opposite colors in differing conditions…1 REALLY used red glove and 1 like new black one! By now you realize I do NOT have a have GLOVE problem! I have a ME problem!

When it comes to being a Christian, I confess that I get it wrong…a lot. I have this tendency to want to help Jesus out by trying to imitate Him. I read about His life and then go for the work gloves, attempting to work alongside Him to advance His kingdom. Even as I write that, I can sense Jesus rolling His eyes in my direction. After all these years I STILL tend to start every day looking for a pair of gloves… instead of HIM!!

‘Do your best,’ is an old Cub Scout motto for little kids. It has NO place in adulthood OR in Christianity. TRYING to be a ‘Good Christian’ is an oxymoron that is impossible to achieve. It is not about ME working FOR HIM! It is allowing HIM to work THROUGH ME! The evidence of my choice is in the FRUIT! Either I have it.. or I don’t!

Gloves don’t meet, talk, plan or connive. They’re either ‘available’ or not. The Master and Owner of the gloves chooses them, slips them on HIS hands and does all the work. It is up to the glove to simply YIELD. Without the Master’s hand, a glove can’t even lift itself, much less a load! So… why do I keep trying?

I have several adversaries that work against me. The world, my own flesh and the devil CONTINUE to mix me up with words and feelings that seem VERY real! “Dirty glove, bad glove, mismatched glove, wrong color glove!” I take it too personal! This verse tells me that I BELONG to Jesus and He isn’t INTERESTED in my condition. He just wants me to be available! By now you realize that Jesus doesn’t have a glove problem either. He has ME problem. And you know that’s ‘right!’