“Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on Him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.” John 6:27
As I sit here, my body is at war with my soul. My SOUL is satisfied. My BODY is in rebellion! The place where the 2 converge is a war zone. The battleground, while being fought in the present, is REALLY about the FUTURE! Soul and body are positioning for advantage in the NEXT skirmish. It takes the Spirit to place the flag of the winner! Which will it be?
A few months back my lovely wife started thinking again. What THAT means is, she wasn’t satisfied with things as they were any longer. She wanted a change! She is both a female AND an artist at heart. The combination means that everything visual is temporary! The landscaping we had done about 14 years ago is now passe! So it’s out with the old and in with the new! Which creates WORK!
At my age my BODY resists hard physical labor. But my SOUL knows that’s mostly an excuse to simply be lazy. When ‘cheap’ and ‘macho’ finally met, I made some calls and grabbed my shovel. For the last couple days WE have been shoveling and moving over 5 tons of stone! I say ‘WE’ because I have a wife that isn’t afraid to put her muscles where he mouth is either! This morning, we could hardly wake up or get out of bed! Hence.. the war!
The Body wants ease. The Soul wants pleased. And as the war for supremacy goes on, I am grateful that I have been born again and have ‘The Spirit’ to referee! I love my wife more than I hate sore muscles. Jesus DEMANDS that. So I work. And last night, as we moved toward the end of the project, I finally SAW what SHE had seen in her mind. And I LOVED it! Being a man who hates sweat, it takes motivation to move me. Her name is wife.
The Bible verse today has a very important word that I underlined. The example of my landscaping hopefully shows that it isn’t about money or sweat. It’s about something bigger. God Gave His son a BIG mission He was unable to carry off by Himself. So God helped Him. After Jesus ‘’worked’ to please His Father, a BIGGER plan for life was handed to me as well. Which causes a battle within me that needs to have be resolved! What shall I DO?
If I work for temporal things to please myself, I find that I will never be truly satisfied. It takes something BIGGER than myself to bring my soul real peace and satisfaction. Enter ‘’The Motivator…’ Jesus. I have found that when I follow HIS plan for my life, His promise to GIVE me all the simple stuff I thought was so important, really happens! THEN His Spirit opens me up to a life of joy and peace I would never been able to see before when operating on my own. AND I LIKE IT!