
“As for you, see that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. If it does, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father.” 1 John 2:24

The instruction to “hold still” was given by a person holding a fly swatter. The goal was to swat and kill any black fly that was perched on the bare flesh of someone else… just prior to biting them! Sure! The strike from the fly swatter would sting… but NOT as bad as the bite from one of those nasty black flies. When I was the target, I held REAL still!

Some years, when we go to ‘the cabin,’ the flies are not there. Other times, they’re everywhere! Their bite not only hurts, it leaves a stinging mark that can itch for days! So naturally, a swat from a caring relative was welcome! But cooperation was also critical, Any movement prior to ‘the swat’ would warn the fly in time to ‘get away!’

Swatting flies is one way to prevent getting stung, but there are others. If flies are outside, I could choose to just stay inside! But then I’d miss the mountain experience! Insect repellents generally keep the flies from biting, as they don’t like biting stinky, repellent flesh. But they still land! I don’t like to wait to see if I missed a spot!

Today’s Bible verse is a very serious ‘Hold Still’ command by Jesus. Being born again, and therefore a child of God, is no guarantee that I will not be stung by the world, the flesh or the devil. If anything, being ‘His’ makes me an even tastier target by God’s enemies! As usual, God’s repellent is His Word. But ONLY if I APPLY and REMAIN in it!

Seeing a red, swollen, stinging bite on a family member, when we went to the creek, only proved that they’d been outside, did not use repellent, or did not have a fly swatter present. But sometimes, those nasty flies found a way to get INSIDE the cabin. UGH! It was a constant and never ending battle. Just like being a Believer in this world.

This life is a war. And until Jesus returns, it will not get better. My enemies never tire and they always outnumber me. The Word tells me that it is MY responsibility to read and apply His Word continually. AND to make sure that I avoid areas of temptation, thought and weakness, that could easily get me bit! Are YOU “remaining in Him?”

‘Hold Still’ is God’s WORD for today!   Read up!


Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Jesus – Matthew 11:28-30

Getting back from vacation is kind of a rough thing. Especially when I’ve been to a different time zone! Now technically, Pennsylvania is in the exact same time zone as Florida. But what I did with the time I had was COMPLETELY different than what I am doing, now that I’m home. Going away to rest, I came home exhausted!

When I’m away on vacation I do different things that I do at home. In many ways, I physically worked harder on vacation! Being released from a burden of external responsibility, the only thing I needed to concern myself with was my very tiny world. Not having internet or cell service, I didn’t even learn things that had happened.

Back home, life just kind of hits back in it’s reality. ‘Normal’ brings with it a daily watch over things and people that need cared for.  Last night, we did something we haven’t done, even while on vacation. We slept for 12 hours! I guess we were tired and needed the rest! Jesus comes to me KNOWING I’m tired, and makes me an offer.

I have to face the facts. I need serviced. We ALL do. I don’t know a person that isn’t usually weary and burdened with cares of this life. And if I find I’m not, all I have to do is just give it a little time. Time has a way of burdening me with trials, tribulations and feelings that are so overwhelming, I just can’t seem to lift them. Jesus goes radical!

He didn’t say He would HELP me. That is NOT His offer. He said he would TAKE my burden and actually give me HIS EASIER one! But I have to be willing to swap and leave MINE in His hands. And then ACCEPT and LIVE in HIS Rest! That’s the deal. So today… Im burden swapping with Jesus! Are and will YOU?


There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.” Ecc 3:1

Ahhhh! If every day were to bring a word with it, “Ahhhh” would be the word for today. After much planning and anticipation, it is good to say that we accomplished exactly what we wanted… and needed. Cramming in over 2 weeks in the UK, then another few at our mountain cabin, seeing new places… and relaxing from last year’s work… has been done!

This year marked the 50th anniversary of my father’s purchase of a closed church in the mountains of Pennsylvania. Those mountains have seen me grow, marry, have kids, and now grand-kids. We’ve made new friends… and visited old ones. Stepping out to take a break to renew perspective is Biblical! It’s included in ‘everything’ in today’s verse!

Ecclesiastes 3 is a perfect reflection on life… from God’s point of view. Since God became my life well over 60 years ago, I’ve threaded my way through nearly every one of the scenarios God had old Solomon write in that list of 8 verses. One thing that I don’t see on the list is ‘a time to go… and a time to return!’ Last night… we returned home!

Getting home after dark we couldn’t see much. This morning, as we both took time to stare out the windows, we saw plants that are taller. There seem to be more flowers than before we left. While we were gone, friends and family looked after our stuff. Now that we are home, we will carry on. That is… until it’s REALLY time to go Home.

Wherever I go, there I am. And wherever I am, Jesus is there as well. I can honestly say I carry ‘Home’ with me everywhere I go! Because for me, ‘Home’ is more heart than location. As I rode around and looked over mountains and valleys, the beauty I saw became more of a calling than a place to see. As I live, I look even MORE forward to ‘Home.’

I yearn for the days when TV and news will no longer invade my space. I look for The Day when Jesus and I will spend time together doing what He intended from the beginning… being together with His WHOLE FAMILY of loved ones. The older I get, the more I yearn for that Home.  What about YOU?   Are YOU looking forward to YOUR Heavenly Home and family?  Think about that!


I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” Jesus John 8:12

People love to watch fireworks. Last night, as we sat inside watching fireworks displays on the TV from around the country, I could hear the booming sounds of local fireworks being shot off outside around our neighborhood. From the sounds, some of them were pretty good too! But I didn’t bother going outside. The TV Fireworks were OK by me.

As a young boy I was naturally drawn to the fizz, flash and bang of fireworks. While they were ‘illegal’ in our state, some folks had a way of turning up with some, even going out of state to get them. My parents knew they were out there, and cautioned me against ever playing with them. “You’ll get burned or put your eye out for sure!”

Those words, like the Old Testament Law, only made me want to give firecrackers a try. “Don’t” was just too much of an enticing motivator! One day, I managed to talk a friend into giving me a couple. My anticipation was high, but being no dummy, I wasn’t about to light them off around the house. I waited until I was out in the woods… alone!

When I lit the fuse, the experience was NOT what I had expected. For some reason, there was almost no delay and it exploded immediately. The warning of my parents took on a new kind of ‘real life’ experience! With burned fingers, I suddenly learned the hard way… ’leave fireworks to experts.’ Today’s Bible verse comes with a like warning.

Jesus clearly tells us that we are ALL living in Darkness. Most folks don’t really believe that. But it is true. Jesus also goes on to say that if I follow HIM, I will never walk in darkness again! Obviously there must be some kind of ‘boom’ to transfer from walking in darkness to walking in Light! And there is. When I took Jesus’ offer. Light Boomed!

The biggest difference I can easily see today, now that I see and have Him, is that I KNOW when I am in the light, or when I am leaning toward the darkness! It is no secret anymore. Knowing Jesus lights up my life and keeps darkness… where it belongs. Have you taken Jesus up on His offer of life and light? You won’t be disappointed!


“Jesus replied, ‘Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.'” John 14:23

“Be sure to have your Passport with you when you approach Security!” Heading for a trip we had dreamed of for years, we left our American homeland and proceeded on through Germany, England, Ireland, Scotland and France. But in each country, we were first stopped and checked for acceptable credentials. Desire alone wouldn’t do!

I was blessed to be BORN in America, and didn’t have anything to do with that fact! I am considered a naturalized citizen with big privileges! But those privileges do not extend to other countries, other than to recognize that I am who I say I am. Other countries may let me come for a visit, but only with a passport. And yes, they check!

Passports last 10 years before they need to be renewed and updated. As long as I have mine, I can hop a plane and go! But that right comes with a duty as well. I must guard my Passport, treat it as special and not lose it! Replacement takes a lot of time and effort. So I care for my passport more than I do my wallet! It usually resides in a safe at home.

My relationship to God is SLIGHTLY similar to that with my country. I had no control on when or where I was physically born, but I DO have some control over my spiritual birth! Because God’s love is perfect, He cannot FORCE me to be part of His family. The choice to join Him comes when I deliberately obey His command to LOVE His Son!

Many years ago I was presented the opportunity to “Join” God and give Him my life. In doing so, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit came to live inside me! And like the song says… “Now I belong to Jesus, Jesus belongs to me!” There’s an old saying that goes, “the difficulty in life is the choice!” I made my choice, and now know I will never be lost, or without a home again!

Do YOU have your Heavenly Passport? Have YOU asked Jesus to come into your life, bring His Dad, and then live your life by The Spirit? Once you make that choice, yer in! Experiencing the Love and Grace of God daily is a perk I wouldn’t change for the world! I’m looking forward to one day ‘Going Home.’


For while we are in this tent, we groan and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed instead with our heavenly dwelling, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. Now the one who has fashioned us for this very purpose is God, who has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.” 2 Corinthians 5:4-5

Preparation is key! “Being Prepared,” as the old BSA motto used to say, is key to anything in life. Thinking ahead about what could possibly happen and what I might need in the event of any event, is important. “Failing to plan is planning to fail,” is another quote I remember regularly. Whether storms or travel… preparation is key!

For the last month we’ve been planning. It’s our annual vacation time and making sure everything is taken care of BEFORE we go anywhere has been foremost in our minds. Our vocations demand that we make sure the sheep we tend are fed and kept well. Going somewhere we’ve never been hints at making sure EVERY detail is covered.

I found it fascinating this morning that when I opened my Bible, it fell on this Scripture. Admittedly I have been groaning a lot lately. I’ve had to promise Katie I would leave the grump at home! Which will not take ANY work at all on my FINAL trip home to Heaven. God is going to SEE to it that the old man in me will never be seen again… EVER!

The picture seems to defy reality. My mortal body will be literally swallowed up… with LIFE! Leaving behind any trace of fleshy, icky, mortal me! The verse says that THIS IS GOD’S WILL for me. It is WHY He made me the way He did! To become something immortal… looking like His Son. Talk about a TRIP! WOW! It’s hard to imagine

For now, I keep my eyes on Him and the walk He calls me to walk, knowing that one day the trip will end in a complete transformation of ME. “Oh How Marvelous,” says the Hymn. Are YOU looking forward to the trip that will end ALL of your ills, sufferings and troubles? Have you booked it ahead with Jesus and do you have the Spirit as a deposit?


“‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two, but one flesh.” Mark 10:7-8

Everybody has them. Anniversaries that is. A time to remember a date that gets marked every year. It could be as simple as a Birthday, a graduation or meeting date, or a wedding. Today… Is my 47th anniversary with Katie. And what a time it has been!

We only knew each other for 2.5 days when we got engaged. We were married within 2 months! Now.. 47 years! And no… not ALL were perfect. But combined into the package of 47 of them, our years together HAVE been perfect. God has been the center of our relationship from day one. Even when we occasionally wandered off to do our own thing. As time went by., wandering lessons learned kept us from doing it very often.

We both celebrate a special anniversary together each and every morning! We sit in the same room and each spend time with Jesus and His Word. HE and THAT is what makes our relationship so rich. It is no secret! Jesus Works! And having been at this Jesus thing for most of my life… I can say without any uncertainty… if you don’t Have Him… GET HIM! And celebrate Him Every and ALL Day!

Do YOU invest your time DAILY with God’s Word and Jesus? Is He FIRST in YOUR life?  


Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2:3-5

My wife and I were at the plant store at HER request. Me? I don’t care about plants. She had an idea of decorating the side of our house with pots full of plants. I don’t care about decorating, either! But while there, she tried to explain what she was looking for. She said, “I have in mind what I want… I just haven’t found it yet.” We kept looking.

After finding the color that she wanted, I noted the pricing. Plastic pots cost as much as 75% less than Terra Cotta pots. And I DO care about spending money! Standing between 2 aisles of pots, plastic on the left, Terra Cotta on the right, she looked at me and asked, “wha-da-ya-think?” I replied… “Oh.. I don’t know… wha-da-YOU-think?”

To be fair I had already inched my way over to the plastic side, hoping it might sway her to the cheaper pot. But honestly, I really don’t care about plants and pots. Not caring (and Jesus) intended I shouldn’t have an opinion there that matters. A ‘pregnant pause’ settled between us, as she looked me in the eyes and said, “I like the Terra Cotta!”

Admittedly, my uncaring heart let out a silent Mr Scrooge “Bah-humbug!” But what came out of my mouth was, “well, OK then!” To be sure, God and fate had a hand in the words that came from my mouth. I love God and my wife. My entire life is invested in both of them… and in that order. Love, being an action, had moved my lips!

This month we will have been married for 47 years. Every year of marriage has a theme. Once it was sapphires… another time… groceries! It just so happens that when we looked for the 47th year themed gift, it turned out to be “Plants!” I thought… ‘HA HAAA! Talk about BLESSED! Why… I don’t even have to GO shopping!’ Men hate shopping!

As a Believer in Christ, I KNOW what He wants because I read His Word out of His Book… every day! He put aside HIS life for ME. Now, He wants me to value others’ lives above my own. And who better to do that with than my lovely bride! Another website said the 47th year is books. But honestly, I don’t care about books! I already have His!

Do YOU place YOURself… second?


Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, For it is God who works in you to will and to act on behalf of His good purpose.” Philippians 2:12-13

Yesterday, my bride and I took on a project that, initially started, seemed rather simple… shovel and wheelbarrow shell into a predefined area. having the tools, it was certainly doable and not that hard at all. A few hours later, fatigue set in and we remembered our age. Later, when soreness set in, we still felt good about accomplishing our goal.

Last night we had at Pizza Party at Bible Study at the church. After eating, we gathered together for ANOTHER kind of work… the Spiritual kind. As we read the Word in Ephesians and broke down each and every sentence, it became apparent, even to me, that we are FAR more blessed and special, because of Jesus, than we thought!

There is just something spectacular and amazing about reading the Word of God. Greater than magic, when I take the time to read, break down, question and meditate upon it, God comes and sits right with me and points out the valuable information that applies to my life and our relationship. It’s work, but the value is ALWAYS worth the cost.

God has done the work of my salvation for me. It cost HIM a LOT. When it was done, He sat down and poured out His Spirit and Mission onto mankind to keep it going. One day, He will call a halt to the process and take us home to be with Him. Till then, ‘working out my salvation’ means reading and putting into practice what He says.

Are YOU putting the work and effort into knowing God, wanting what He wants for YOUR life? The only way to do it is to open your Bible and get started! Go ahead! Even if it hurts, God PROMISES it will be a rewarding experience! After all… you have the tools.